Organization of correctional and developmental work in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Organization of correctional and developmental work in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Emelyanova N.V. - teacher speech therapist,

Turk A.V. - teacher speech therapist

MBDOU TsRR – d/sno. 70 Firefly"

Organization of correctional and developmental work in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

We live in an era of change. Global changes are currently taking place in the preschool education system. First of all, they are related to the fact that in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the preschool education system has become the first educational level of the Russian education system, which guarantees the unity of the educational space, provides uniform conditions and quality of education, continuity of basic educational programs of preschool and primary general education.

New changes in the preschool education system have resulted in the adoption of the federal educational standard for preschool education (FSES DO), which determines what the program of a preschool educational institution should be and what conditions are needed for its implementation. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the teaching staff of each preschool educational institution creates its own model of the pedagogical process, choosing the main educational program, partial programs, technologies, forms, methods and techniques of working with preschoolers.

The model of correctional and developmental activities in preschool educational institutions is an integral system. The goal is to organize the educational activities of a preschool educational institution as a system that includes diagnostic, preventive and correctional and developmental aspects that ensure a high, reliable level of speech and mental development of a preschooler. The work of a kindergarten is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the importance of which lies in the speech therapy of the educational process and various types of children’s activities. Creating a holistic correctional and developmental system for children with developmental disabilities is a complex task that requires the involvement of various specialists. To carry out qualified correction of violations, a program mechanism for children with disabilities must be launched. This means that the main general educational program of preschool education of a preschool educational institution, developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, should include all the specific features of the education and development of children with disabilities: varying the timing of learning materials, a system of correctional work, special approaches, methods and techniques aimed at mastering OOP, special conditions for implementation. And also provide for adaptation of the general education program to the perception of the education system by children with disabilities. children with disabilities. In a kindergarten, correctional work will be effective only if it is carried out in a complex that includes pedagogical and psychological correction, as well as medical support for students.

The purpose
of correctional work
in groups for children with special health needs is to ensure the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of various categories of children with disabilities and to assist children of this category in mastering the general education program.

The correctional work program should be aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children with disabilities and assisting children in this category in mastering the basic educational program.

The correctional work program contains


  • list, content and plan for the implementation of individually oriented correctional measures that ensure the satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities, their integration into preschool educational institutions and their mastery of the basic educational program;
  • a system of comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the educational process, including a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children in order to identify their special educational needs, monitoring the dynamics of children’s development, their success in mastering the program, adjusting corrective measures;
  • description of special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, the use of an adapted educational program and methods of teaching and upbringing, conducting individual and group correctional classes;
  • a mechanism for interaction in the development and implementation of correctional measures with a speech therapist and preschool education specialists who must ensure the unity of correctional and developmental work in the preschool educational institution;
  • planned results of correctional work.

The correctional work program at preschool educational institutions contains several areas: diagnostic, correctional and developmental, advisory, information and educational.

Diagnostic direction includes:

  • timely identification of children in need of special assistance;
  • early diagnosis of developmental disorders and analysis of the causes of adaptation difficulties;
  • comprehensive collection of information about the child based on diagnostic information: study of the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal characteristics, socialization of the developmental situation and conditions of family education, adaptive capabilities of the level of socialization, systematic comprehensive monitoring of specialists over the level and dynamics of development, analysis of the success of correctional and developmental work.

The correctional and developmental direction includes:

  • selection of correctional programs, methods, methods and techniques that are optimal for the development of a child with disabilities in accordance with his special educational needs: organization and conduct by specialists of individual and group correctional and developmental classes necessary to overcome developmental disorders and learning difficulties;
  • correction and development of higher mental functions, development of the emotional-volitional and personal spheres of the child and psychocorrection of his behavior, social protection of the child in the event of unfavorable living conditions under traumatic circumstances.

The information and educational direction includes:

  • various forms of educational activities (lectures, conversations, printed material), conducting thematic presentations for teachers and parents to explain the individual typological characteristics of various categories of children with disabilities. In this direction, information and training tools and techniques are widely used that help improve speech therapy literacy of both teachers and parents.

Advisory work includes:

  • development of joint, substantiated recommendations on the main areas of work with children with disabilities, common for all participants in the educational process;
  • consultation by specialists of teachers on the choice of individually oriented methods and techniques for working with children with disabilities;
  • consulting assistance to the family in matters of choosing an upbringing strategy and methods of corrective education for a child with disabilities.

In groups of combined orientation with OHP, when building a system of correctional work, the joint activities of specialists are planned in such a way that teachers build their work with the child on the basis of general pedagogical principles, not in isolation, but complementing and deepening the influence of each. A unified complex of joint correctional and pedagogical work, outlined by specialists, is aimed at the formation and development of motor and speech areas. The content of classes, organization and methodological techniques are determined by the goals of correctional education, taking into account specific ideas and speech experience accumulated by children in the process of working as a speech therapist in the sections of the program. The system of correctional and developmental activities provides for individual, frontal forms of work, as well as independent activity of a child with special needs in a specially organized spatial-speech environment .

All specialists work under the guidance of a teacher-speech therapist, who is the organizer and coordinator of all correctional and developmental work, draws up, together with colleagues, a block integrated calendar and thematic plan, organizes diaphragmatic-speech breathing, corrects sound pronunciation, automates them, differentiates them, introduces them into independent speech contributes to the speech therapy of routine moments and directly organized educational activities, the practical acquisition by children of the skills of word formation and inflection, which helps the child’s personal growth, the formation of confident behavior, a sense of dignity, adaptation in the society of peers, adults, and in the future – successful learning at school.

Forms and methods of working with children with disabilities in kindergarten

Forms and methods of working with children with disabilities in kindergarten

Forms and methods of work in kindergarten with children with disabilities


Today, children with disabilities do not have to study in special institutions; on the contrary, they can receive a better education and better adapt to life in a regular educational institution. Regardless of social status, race, physical and mental abilities, inclusive education provides every child with the opportunity to satisfy his developmental needs and equal rights to receive an education adequate to his level of development.

Our children's

The kindergarten is visited by children with various psychological characteristics.
Starting to work with children with disabilities
, I was faced with the problem of organizing the educational process for them, choosing
forms and methods of working
with this category of pupils.
Since at the current stage of implementation of the educational program the priority is personal-oriented education, when working with children
must rely on the individual characteristics of the child. The need for an individual approach to children is recognized by everyone, but implementing it in practice is not an easy task. The task of an individual approach is to most fully identify the ways of development and capabilities of the child.

As a rule, children with disabilities have difficulties in communication, behavior, learning, and emotional development. In addition to problems of social interaction and communication, children with disabilities have difficulties in adequately perceiving the world. Their idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world is impaired. A child may perceive the world as a disparate, chaotic collection of elements. As a result, he cannot figure out his place in life and be a full-fledged member of society. As a consequence, the nature of interaction with the environment becomes destructive.

Psychological correction is one of the important links in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation of children. The main task of correctional work

— creating conditions for the comprehensive development of a child with disabilities in order to enrich his social experience and harmonious inclusion in a group of peers.
The main methods
of corrective action that I use in my
work are

1. Play therapy

Play is a child’s favorite pastime and leading activity from a very early age. It allows the child to get an idea of ​​the world around him. With its help, they are formed

such important mental functions as thinking, imagination, fantasy.
Play therapy is also designed to help the child overcome developmental difficulties, eliminate behavioral problems, and figure out what is really bothering the baby. The result of the therapy is an increase in the child’s self-esteem, communication skills develop, and the level of anxiety and fear decreases. I conduct the play therapy process in the sensory room, or, if we are talking about group therapy, in the music room together with the music director. Different games are used, to improve psychological well-being the following games are used: “Blind Man’s Bluff”
“Obstacle Course”
, etc., games that help in correcting aggression:
“Calling vegetables, fruits, berries”
“Angry” - good cats”,
etc., games aimed at relieving stress, relaxing:
“Rag Doll”
“Pump and Ball”
“Colored Palms”
and others.

2. Psycho-gymnastics.

This is a course of special classes (studies, exercises, games aimed at the development and correction of various aspects of the child’s psyche. Psycho-gymnastics is adjacent to psychological, pedagogical and psychotherapeutic methods

, whose common goal is to maintain mental health and prevent emotional disorders.

The most effective are psycho-gymnastics exercises, which include further elements of art therapy at the end of the session.

— Game “Blots”

(blowing from a straw,
, these exercises help weaken the imagination of overly disinhibited children and develop imagination.

— Free and thematic drawing (the child’s choice of color is important in this exercise)

To create a comfortable environment, children are allowed to draw while lying on the floor. For educational purposes, for friendly emotional communication, the production of joint works
on a large piece of paper is used. Drawing regulates behavior, children become calmer.

3. Fairytale therapy, puppet therapy.

The Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin said: “A fairy tale is a dream that a nation has had.”

This is one of the most effective
children “Fairy tale - for personal development”
is a psychological term that means the development of emotional, volitional, moral, intellectual spheres
by working with a fairy tale
Fairytale therapy promotes the formation
of mental processes, helps children overcome fears and develop imagination.

I diversified my work

— development of attention: “Find the differences”

“Help the fairy tale hero go through the labyrinth”
“Where the fairy tale heroes hid”,

- memory development: “Who is behind whom”

(memorizing the sequence of fairy tale characters,
“Retell the passage”,

— development of thinking: “Assemble a turret for Masha”

“Sort out fairy tales into pictures”
, etc.,

-development of fine motor skills: “Collect beads for Alyonushka”

“Dress the Teddy Bear”
, etc. ,

— development of gross motor skills: “Show the movement of each character”

“Dance like a bunny, like a bear, like a fox”

Methods and techniques of work

The interactions with fairy tales are varied, and this is wonderful:
by working
with just one of the fairy tales, the child learns a lot - the process of socialization and individual growth.

3. Corrective work in the sensory room


Sensory stimulation is very important for children suffering from cerebral palsy and early childhood autism

, Down syndrome.
Relaxation and meditation in this room is not only about getting rid of emotional negativity and strengthening the nervous system - it is about preserving and increasing mental and physical health. Depending on the purpose of exercising in the pool, you can achieve the effect of relaxation (relaxation)
or, conversely, increase motor and emotional activity. When plunging into a dry pool and moving around in it, children take a pose that corresponds to the state of their muscle tone. At the same time, constant contact of the entire surface of the body with the balls allows you to better feel it, creates a soft massage effect, providing deep muscle relaxation.

Based on the results of the work carried out, I was convinced

that the interaction of a teacher-psychologist with
with disabilities is considered as a comprehensive technology of psychological support and assistance to the child, parents and teachers in solving problems of development, training, education, socialization on the part of the teacher-psychologist.
The effectiveness and usefulness of classes with children
with disabilities depends on the chosen
forms and methods of work
; the correctional
leads to psychological and social rehabilitation, and helps to increase the self-esteem of children.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

“System of correctional and developmental assistance to children in compensatory groups”
  • Senior teacher at the Zolotaya Rybka - Stromilova N.S.
  • Teacher - speech therapist at the Zolotaya Rybka - Kamelina N.V.

At this time, there is a rethinking and thoughtfulness of the content of correctional work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education (FSES DO), which take into account the educational needs and characteristics of children with disabilities.

One of the priority activities of our kindergarten are:

  • ensuring equal starting opportunities for further education of children at school
  • carrying out correctional and developmental work with children, taking into account the needs of kindergarten students and their parents (legal representatives)

Correctional and developmental work is a system of special pedagogical measures aimed at overcoming or reducing deficiencies in the physical or psychological development of children.

The system of correctional and developmental work in our Institution is built taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their needs for the provision of correctional assistance by specialized specialists, and the requests of parents (legal representatives) of pupils.

The content of correctional and developmental work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at creating a system of comprehensive assistance to children in mastering the basic educational program, the necessary correction of deficiencies in the development of children's speech, their social adaptation and comprehensive preparation of students for school.

The system of correctional work in preschool educational institutions consists of:

  • Medical care - examination by specialists from a children's hospital (neurologist, otolaryngologist, orthodontist, surgeon, etc.), medication, preventive and physiotherapeutic treatment, massage.
  • Correctional psychological work carried out by a teacher-psychologist.
  • Correctional speech therapy work carried out by a speech therapist teacher.
  • Corrective and developmental work, which includes interrelated areas. These directions reflect its main content:

Diagnostic work ensures the timely identification of children with speech disorders, carrying out a comprehensive examination of them and preparing recommendations (creating an individual development route) for providing correctional assistance in a kindergarten.

Correctional and developmental work provides timely specialized assistance in mastering the content of education and speech correction in preschool settings.

Consulting work ensures continuity of psychological support for children and their families on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for education, training, correction, development and socialization of pupils;

Information and educational work is aimed at explanatory activities on issues related to the characteristics of the educational process for this category of children with all participants in the educational process - students, their parents, teaching staff.

The success of joint correctional and pedagogical work with children with speech impairments largely depends on the properly organized interaction of the speech therapist, educators, music director, physical education instructor, educational psychologist, and medical workers. Each of them, solving their own problems defined by educational programs and individual educational routes of pupils, must take part in the formation and consolidation of correct speech skills in children, the development of the sensorimotor sphere, higher mental processes and health promotion.

An important and integral part of the work to eliminate speech disorders in children is close interaction with parents, since the best results are observed where parents act in concert with the speech therapist, following the instructions they are given. We build work with families on the basis of partnerships, a dialogue of mutual trust and understanding; this, of course, contributes to the development of the preschooler’s personality and is the most important condition for successful correctional work to correct speech deficiencies. A speech therapist teacher plays a special role in improving pedagogical culture and educating parents. We plan and coordinate joint work, determine together with other specialists (educational psychologist, educators, music director).

Interaction with teachers:

In our preschool institution, the speech therapist and teachers have developed and tested such forms of interaction between participants in the correctional and developmental process.

  • The teacher fulfills the tasks of the speech therapist in the evening.
  • The use of self-massage complexes by teachers during physical education sessions.
  • Mutual visits to classes.
  • Making files for different sections of correctional work.
  • Meetings of the “Speech Therapy Lounge”.
  • Planning and conducting final events after completing the lexical topic.

We consider the organization and conduct of monthly “Speech Therapy Lounge” classes to be an important point in the issue of interaction between a speech therapist and group teachers. At the beginning of the school year, I familiarize teachers with the results of the examination and conduct a joint discussion of ways to implement the assigned tasks for the rehabilitation of children with speech disorders. When determining the content of the work, the long-term plan is discussed, the most rational methods for carrying out speech correction for each child are clarified.

The topic of “Speech Therapy Living Rooms” covers all aspects of interaction between speech therapists and educators. Here we discuss new literature, interesting methodological findings, and together we test new manuals or forms of work. As part of the “Speech Therapy Lounge”, various speech games were tested; speech therapy self-massage of articulatory muscles, articulatory gymnastics

Interaction with the music director:

As they say: “If it’s difficult for you to speak, music will always help!”

In correctional work with children suffering from various speech defects, a positive role is played by joint classes of a speech therapist and a music director, which are a combination of a system of movements, musical background and vocabulary content. Indeed, in addition to correctional goals, an increase in efficiency in the development of non-speech and speech functions is achieved. To achieve these goals, logarithmics is included in the classes.

During such classes, speech development occurs through the synthesis of words, movement and music. Movement helps to comprehend the word. Word and music organize and regulate the motor sphere of children, which activates their cognitive activity, emotional sphere, and helps adapt to environmental conditions.

Joint correctional classes, on the one hand, eliminate impaired speech functions, and on the other, develop the child’s functional systems: breathing, vocal function, articulatory apparatus, voluntary attention in general, processes of memorization and reproduction of speech and motor material.

Interaction with an educational psychologist:

The mechanism for implementing correctional and developmental work is based on the interaction of preschool specialists who provide systematic support for children with disabilities and social partnership.

The coordinating role in the implementation of the work belongs to the speech therapist and educational psychologist. Based on the results of the initial diagnostic examination, a set of measures is being developed aimed at normalizing all aspects of speech, developing motor skills and all mental processes. Working together with other specialists (music director, physical education instructor, teacher) allows you to actively influence the child with specific professional means. Thus, an integrated approach involves a combination of correctional pedagogical and health-improving work, when, along with speech therapy, the education of the child’s personality and the improvement of the child’s body as a whole are carried out. Taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of each child with speech impairments, preschool education specialists outline and implement a unified set of joint correctional and pedagogical work.

The current stage of development of the system of early assistance for children with disabilities in a preschool educational institution is characterized by increased requirements for the organization and implementation of the correctional educational process. In this regard, the introduction of new pedagogical technologies in the field of management of a preschool educational institution is of utmost importance. The control function is an integral part of management activities. The results obtained during control are the basis for making management decisions.

In the management activities of the Institution that has compensatory groups for children with severe speech impairments, control methods are used: observation with subsequent analysis of the results, conversation, questioning, timing (measurement of the pedagogical process over time), study of documentation (calendar and thematic plans, individual correctional developmental routes for children, work programs, observation diaries of children’s socialization, children’s work, etc.).

Based on the fact that the main functions and types of control are the same for any preschool educational institution, our attention was focused on the development of control algorithms in the following areas:

  1. Equipment for the group and speech therapy room.
  2. Maintaining mandatory documentation by teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions.
  3. Correctional work with children:
  • frontal

- individual.

4. Monitoring of individual achievements of students

5. Work of a teacher - speech therapist with educators / specialists.

6. Work with parents in the area of ​​correctional activities.

This academic year, control will be aimed at:

  • evaluation of the result obtained;
  • taking measures to correct significant deviations from the plan for organizing the educational process or adjusting the plan itself.

To ensure the implementation of the action plan aimed at organizing the correctional educational process, we use various control cards; we developed some of the cards ourselves, based on the functional responsibilities of teachers of compensatory groups and specialists of preschool educational institutions.

Monitoring the work of a teacher-speech therapist is carried out in the following areas:

Organizational block: preparation of the documentation necessary for work (cyclogram, logs of individual lessons, long-term work plan for the year, speech cards, IOMs, notebooks for interaction with teachers and other specialists).

Correction block: (frontal and subgroup correctional and developmental classes, individual classes for correcting sound pronunciations).

Diagnostic block: (primary and intermediate diagnostics of children’s speech development, diagnostics of children in the preparatory group at the end of the school year, examination of children at the request of educators and parents, consultations for educators and preschool specialists based on the results of examination of children’s speech, visits to educators’ classes).

Work with parents: advisory and educational activities (individual consultations and conversations based on the results of a speech therapy examination, open events for parents, design of visual information, practical exercises)

Cabinet equipment: (methodological literature, card index on lexical topics and for practicing sounds, didactic games and manuals, computer games and exercises, replenishment and updating of the classroom).

Monitoring the work of the compensatory group teacher is carried out in 2 areas of work:

  1. correctional and developmental direction
  2. educational direction

Based on the tasks of the first direction of work of the teacher in the compensatory group under the constant supervision of the head, senior teacher and teacher-speech therapist, the following:

  • Improving articulatory, fine and gross motor skills of pupils
  • Consolidating the pronunciation of sounds given by a speech therapist
  • Targeted activation of practiced vocabulary
  • Exercises in the correct use of formed grammatical categories
  • Development of attention, memory, thinking in games and exercises
  • Formation of reading and writing skills
  • Timely and systematic implementation of the recommendations of the teacher-speech therapist
  • Conducting five-minute speech therapy sessions
  • Individual work with students

We also organize control over the work of a teacher-psychologist in correctional and developmental areas in blocks:

Organizational block: preparation of the documentation necessary for work (cyclogram, journals of correctional, developmental and preventive work with pupils, journal of work with parents, journal of diagnostic examination, long-term work plan for the year, IOMs, notebooks of interaction with teachers and other specialists).

Correctional block: (frontal and subgroup correctional and developmental classes, individual classes according to indications)

Diagnostic block: (primary and intermediate diagnostics of the psycho-emotional climate, diagnostics of children’s readiness to study at school, examination of children upon request and with the consent of parents, consultations for educators and specialists of preschool educational institutions based on the results of examination of children, attendance and support of teachers’ classes).

Work with parents: advisory and educational activities (individual consultations and conversations based on the results of the examination, open events for parents, design of visual information, practical exercises)

Cabinet equipment: (methodological literature and diagnostic materials, teaching aids and equipment, replenishment and updating of the cabinet).

Control over the organization of correctional and developmental activities by the music director is organized in the following areas:
Content of correctional work

Forms of correctional work
Development of fine motor skills Playing children's musical instruments. Dance moves. Theater using bibabo dolls.

Finger games.

Development of facial expressions Developing expressiveness in singing and dancing
Development of speech breathing Use of musical wind instruments.


Breathing exercises in dance.

Voice development Choral singing. Movements with speech to music. Using character roles.
Development of phonemic hearing The use of chants.

Choral and individual singing.

Musical and rhythmic movements.

Articulation development Learning and singing songs.

Singing songs with onomatopoeia

Development of grammatical structure of speech Learning song lyrics.

Dramatization. Musical performances, dramatizations. Puppet show.

Dictionary development Replenishment of the dictionary with musical terminology. Enrichment of vocabulary during classes.
Development of dialogic speech Dramatization. Puppet show

Musical performances.

Development of monologue speech Learning lyrics
Development of communication skills Participation of children in musical performances.

Control over the organization of correctional and developmental activities of the physical development instructor is organized in the following areas:

• Corrective – physical education work in the classroom

• Correctional – physical education work in joint activities

• Individual work with students

The organization of the following forms of work with children in the compensatory group is assessed:

• Breathing correction

• Development of fine motor skills of the hands and strengthening of facial muscles

• Corrective exercises (to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, to develop balance, to form correct posture)

• Game exercises (independent games or in combination with various rhythmic, logorhythmic, musical-rhythmic complexes)

• Massage, self-massage

In the control process, we use methods such as studying the documentation of the teacher and specialist, observation, conversations, questioning, studying best pedagogical experience, diagnostic methods, i.e. methods that allow you to obtain the necessary objective information.

The main tasks of regulating the progress of organizing correctional and developmental work are:

  • creating conditions that ensure the implementation of correctional and developmental programs as an integral system;
  • ensuring a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team of children from the compensatory group;
  • creating the necessary prerequisites for the development of the internal activity of a teacher organizing a system of correctional and developmental work with children.

The peculiarity of control in the context of correctional and developmental work is its evaluative function - its focus on the personality of the teacher. If this is a young teacher, then it affects his professional development; if this is an experienced teacher - on strengthening or weakening his professional position and authority in the preschool educational institution.

In order for the prevention and correction of speech disorders in children to be sufficiently effective, it is necessary to organize a comprehensive interaction of all specialists in a preschool institution, starting with an early speech therapy examination of children. Based on the results of this survey, children are sent to the city PMPK and based on the results of the commission meeting, the children are enrolled in a compensatory group.

Recently, the number of children with speech problems has increased sharply. Therefore, it is important to identify dysfunctional speech development and overcome it as early as possible. Early age is unique and important for all subsequent mental, physical, speech and emotional development of the child. Early warning, diagnosis and correction of speech disorders - these are the urgent tasks we have set for ourselves this academic year.

The main areas of correctional and speech therapy work with young children with delayed speech development are:

- normalization of muscle tone and motor skills of the articulatory apparatus, development of tactile sensations, facial expressions, development of rhythmic breathing and movements of the child, stimulation of babbling, babbling words, translation of words from passive to active vocabulary, inducing a positive emotional attitude towards classes, development of visual, auditory differentiation, memory , attention, thinking.

Working with young children allows us to identify children with developmental disabilities as early as possible in the future, and to reduce the gap between the time of detection of primary disorders and the beginning of speech therapy.

Thus, the system of work on complex comprehensive influence, starting from an early age, on children with severe speech impairments in our kindergarten creates conditions for the successful graduation of children from the preparatory speech therapy group with 100% clear speech.

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