Calendar planning in the middle group on the theme of the week “Health Week”

"Health week in the middle group"

Author: Belousova Elena Anatolyevna


Monday – “Where is health hidden? Our assistant doctors" 04/01/2019


instilling in children a conscious attitude towards their bodies

Ι half % Morning exercises “Merry Cooks” Purpose: Preparation for vigorous activity, improvement of health.

% Conversation: “What is health, how to preserve and increase it”, “What is posture.” Goal: to cultivate in children an interest in their own body, a conscious attitude towards their own health.

% D. and: “Parts of the body” Goal: enrich the vocabulary, continue familiarization with the parts of the body, call and name them. “Vegetable garden on the window” Goal: to create conditions for caring for plants

% Duty in a corner of nature. Goal: fostering a caring attitude towards nature, developing the ability to care for indoor plants (watering, loosening, wiping leaves)
(Dima, Danil)

% “Healthy” Finger game “Orange”, “We are chopping cabbage”. Goal: to develop fine motor skills of children’s fingers.

% Gymnastics for the eyes “Cheerful Dwarf”

Goal: to teach children to concentrate their gaze on distant objects; develop observation and vigilance.

Independent activity Board and printed games: lotto, dominoes, fold the picture, seasons, puzzles, mosaics, geometrics, lacing. Goal: development of thinking and memory, constructive abilities.
GCD % The child and the world around him. “Aibolit visiting children” Goal: to continue to educate children in understanding the values ​​of health, the need to be healthy, to lead a healthy lifestyle, to explain that in the spring the body needs food with vitamins, of which there are many in fruits and vegetables (S.N. Nikolaeva p. 60. Methods of environmental education in kindergarten).

% Musical lesson (according to the music director’s plan)

% Physical education in the air. Goal: Development of motor activity.

Outdoor games:

"Bird in the nest."
Goal :
teach to jump on two legs when given a signal; develop dexterity, attentiveness, coordination of movements. "Frogs" “Balloon” Objectives: to learn to perform movements in accordance with the text; perform jumps, pushing off with both legs at the same time, jump off softly; be able to take a free place on a log.

Walk % Observation of icicles. Goals: develop horizons, introduce natural phenomena, cultivate interest in spring observations

% Collective cleaning of the area from remaining snow and debris. Goal: to teach cleanliness and order in the area

% Outdoor games “Who is the most accurate?”, “Catch up”. Goal: to develop independence in organizing outdoor games, accuracy, dexterity, and the ability to follow the rules. Independent games with external materials: Shovels, balls, skittles.

ΙΙ half % Tempering procedures: Gymnastics after sleep “Funny Artists” Purpose: preparation for vigorous activity.

% The plot-role-playing game “Hospital” - to give children an idea of ​​the activities of different doctors (ENT, therapist, surgeon, to form emotional and cognitive communication of children with each other and with adults, to cultivate interest in medical professions, the desire to take care of their health.

% Reading thin. literature:”, reading K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”, looking at illustrations in books

% Preliminary in music

Playing music, moving to the beat of the music. Invite the children to dance together, repeating the movements of the teacher “Zvorobik”

% Minute of safety: situational conversation with children on life safety “Dangerous objects”. Goal: to teach children to see that any object can carry a good and bad beginning.

Independent activity S/r game “At the doctor’s appointment”

Goal: to continue to form ideas about the medical profession.

Individual work Games to develop fine motor skills "
Working with parents Folder “Take care of your health. We follow the daily routine."

Consultation “Drinking water and child health.”

Tuesday – “Cleanliness is the key to health” 04/02/2019


Bring to the awareness of children the need and importance of maintaining hygiene procedures, maintaining cleanliness of the body, products, and premises.

Ι half % Morning exercises “Merry Cooks” Purpose: Preparation for vigorous activity, improvement of health.

% Conversation: “Cleanliness is the key to health” Goal: to form in students an idea of ​​the importance of observing the rules of personal hygiene for health; develop thinking, memory, attention; foster a culture of personal hygiene.

% Game for attention: “Tops and Roots.” Goal: To ensure the development of children to classify vegetables according to the principle of edibility of the root and stem; develop attention, memory, develop interest in games. To promote the formation of children's ideas about the benefits and harms of food for the body.

% Printed board game “Collect the picture” Goals:

consolidate knowledge of color, shape, and the ability to assemble a whole from parts using a model; activate the dictionary.

Independent activity Board games-laces for the development of fine motor skills.

P.S. practice finding geometric shapes, develop attention, train counting to 5; develop speed, the ability to act on a signal. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking. Foster independence, curiosity, accuracy, encourage children's initiative.

Enrich and activate the vocabulary: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, geometric shapes, circle, oval, square, triangle, rectangle, yellow, blue, red.

Demonstration materials: pictures with 5 objects depicted on them; paper flowers, board, crayons.

Razdat. materials: cards with numbers from 1

up to 5, strips of paper depicting rows of geometric shapes and colors, colored pencils (for each child)

Method.techniques:Org.moment, game/exercise. “what geometric figure does this or that object look like”, game/exercise. “What geometric shapes does the drawing consist of?”, game/exercise “Color in the required object”, relay races, summing up.

Walk % Wind Observation Targets: —

continue to reinforce ideas about weather changes; - to form concepts about the wind and its properties; - learn to determine the direction of the wind.

% P./i “Faster than the wind”, “Who is taller?” Goals: develop running speed; Learning to jump is easy.

% Individual work: “The fastest.” Goal: to practice running, performing tasks to improve the ability to navigate in space (changing directions while running), and jumping (jumping on two legs).

% Development of movements. Goal: to strengthen the ability to jump on one leg (right and left)

ΙΙ half % Tempering procedures: Gymnastics after sleep “Funny Artists” Purpose: preparation for vigorous activity.

% S/r game «

Healthy food store” Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge about healthy foods; develop volitional interaction, dialogical speech.

Ball game “My funny ringing ball” Purpose: To strengthen children’s ability to hit the ball on the floor.

% Preliminary work on fine art. Review of the lecture book, “lessons from Moidodyr”. Purpose: to clarify the pupils’ understanding of the formation of the group of groups, the algorithm for performing various hygiene procedures.

% Construction of the “Pool” Goal: continue to consolidate the ability to use previously acquired knowledge in your work; independently organize your activities; independently set goal-result parameters; consolidate knowledge about the purpose of the pool; develop interest in constructive activities; to cultivate awareness of the importance of sport in a person’s life.

% Minute of safety.

Independent activity Games in the music corner, fun games: “Potatoes”, “Paints”. Goal: emotional mood.
Individual work Development of mathematical concepts. Didactic game: “Wonderful bag.” Goal: development of tactile qualities; the ability to guess an object (cube, ball, cylinder).
Working with parents Consultations, conversations, recommendations for parents:

Consultation: “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children.”

Wednesday – “Vitamin Day” 04/03/2019


Help children understand that human health depends on proper nutrition, explain that food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

Ι half % Morning exercises “Cheerful cooks” Purpose: Preparation for vigorous activity, improvement of health.

% Conversation: “Vitamins in human life.” Goal: to develop students’ knowledge about the role of vitamins in human life; about what vitamins we can get from what foods.

% Didactic games: “Find out by description”, “Place healthy foods on plates”, “Edible - inedible”, “Fold the picture” (fruits). Goal: To consolidate the names of vegetables and fruits, the ability to recognize them by touch and by description, to exercise the ability to differentiate vegetables and fruits. To form primary knowledge about edible and inedible foods.

Independent activity Independent work on modeling “Vegetables on a plate”
GCD “Profession-cook” Goal: to introduce children to the profession of a cook, his work activities, to develop the general concept of “profession”

Edited by Kozina “lexical topics” p.106

Walk % Observation of the sun and its effect on plants and people. Objectives: to clarify children’s knowledge about the influence of the sun on the life of plants, animals, and people; develop observation and curiosity; talk about the effect of the sun on human health; develop an active vocabulary.

% P\game “Grey Bunny”. goal: to develop physical activity while walking.

% Individual work on movement development: jumping from heights. Goal: develop the ability to jump from heights.

ΙΙ half % Tempering procedures: Gymnastics after sleep “Funny Artists” Purpose: preparation for vigorous activity.

% Story/role-playing games: “Vegetable shop”, “Let’s treat the doll to compote.” Goal: To consolidate the names of vegetables and fruits, to cultivate a culture of behavior in public places. Develop the ability to sit correctly at the table and use cutlery.

% Reading fiction: “What is good and what is bad.” V. Mayakovsky. Goal: to teach children to listen carefully to the text.

% Leisure evening: “Doctor Vitaminkin.” Goal: to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

% Experimental activity “Magic rose hips - I will save my health, I will help myself” - brewing rose hips.

% Minute of safety.

Independent activity Printed board games “Collect the picture.” Goal: to learn how to make a whole from parts.
Individual work Word games: “Nature and us.” Goal: to systematize knowledge about the role of nature in human life.
Working with parents % Screen “How to teach a child to eat vegetables and fruits.”

% Consultation “Funny vegetables. Or about what to do with a child at home.”

Thursday “Being friends with physical education means being healthy!” 04/04/2019


Forming an understanding of the need to take care of your health, protect it, learn to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Ι half % Morning exercises “Merry cooks”. Goal: Preparation for active work, recovery.

% Situational conversation “Why do you need exercise.” Goal: to continue to involve pupils in regular physical education; develop creativity in coming up with exercises for morning exercises; cultivate a competitive spirit.

% Sensory development “What is round.” Goal: The ability to find round objects - a ball, the shape determines the action - a round one can roll.

% Folklore (the nursery rhyme “Water, water”) Purpose: To remember the nursery rhyme, accompany the reading with hand movements.

Independent activity Plot-role-playing game “Shop” (department “Sporting Goods”) Objective: To strengthen children’s ability to perform game actions in accordance with the plot of the game.
GCD % Drawing (according to the art director’s plan)

% Musical (according to the music director’s plan)

% Physical education (hall) “Fun starts” (according to the plan of the physical education instructor) Goal: create a positive emotional mood, increase the motor activity of students; develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance; bring joy from joint activities; develop an interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle

Walk % Conversation “What we breathe.” Objectives: to introduce the concept of “fresh air”, “oxygen”; talk about the factors that purify and pollute the air, about the importance of clean air for human health.

% P/i “The fastest”, “Who is taller?”. Target :

practice running, performing tasks to improve the ability to navigate in space (changing directions while running), and jumping (jumping on two legs).

ΙΙ half % Gymnastics after sleep “Funny Artists” Purpose: preparation for vigorous activity.

% Ball game «

What sports do you know? Goal: To consolidate students’ knowledge about sports; develop dexterity when catching the ball; activate the dictionary.

% Manual labor Album “Sport, sport, sport.” Pasting pictures of different sports on album pages. Goal: to clarify students’ understanding of why people engage in physical education and sports; develop speech.

% Theatrical game (A. Barto “Girly Girl”) Purpose: education of cultural and hygienic skills.

% Minute of safety. D/i “Helpful-harmful”. Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about environmental factors affecting health

Independent activity % Plot-role-playing game “Builders” (plot “Stadium”) Goal: to continue to consolidate the ability to use previously acquired knowledge in one’s work; independently organize your activities; independently set goal-result parameters; consolidate knowledge about the purpose of stadiums; develop interest in constructive activities; to raise awareness of the importance of sport in a person’s life
Individual work % Familiarization with the surroundings. D/I “What items do you need to be clean?” Goal: formation of a group of people.

Friday “To a fairy tale for health!” 04/05/2019


Forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle for pupils through fairy tales.

Ι half % Morning exercises “Cheerful cooks” Purpose: Preparation for vigorous activity, improvement of health.

% Final conversation on the topic of the week: “How to preserve your health.” Goals: to systematize and consolidate the children’s knowledge acquired during the week.

% Nature corner “Visiting Cipollino”. We look at the onion planted in the box. Task: Pay attention to how the onion has grown (green and large onion feathers), its amazing aroma, beneficial properties (before lunch, cut off a few onion feathers, chop them into the broth).

% Physical education Goal: To induce in children a joyful mood and the ability to coordinate movements with the text.

Independent activity %Iso. Coloring illustrations for the fairy tale “Moidodyr” with pencils. Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to paint without going beyond the outline of the object.
GCD % Application “Tree of Health” (team work) Goal: To continue to develop children’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Select pictures depicting items necessary to maintain health. Carefully glue the pictures onto the tree silhouette
Walk % Observation of poplar buds. Target :

continue to get acquainted with the trees on the site; form the idea that a bud is a house for a leaf.

% Outdoor games: “Run and jump”, “Who can run the fastest along the path.” Goal: to achieve good jumping technique when taking off, to practice running in a given direction.

% Independent games of children with external material.

ΙΙ half % Gymnastics after sleep “Funny Artists” Purpose: preparation for vigorous activity.

% Role-playing game “Hospital” (plot “Traumatic Center”). Goal: To teach children to use their knowledge about traumatic situations in the game. To remember what happened to the animals in the fairy tale “Aibolit” and how the doctor treated them.

% Household and household work “Little Helpers” Goal: Continue to teach children how to maintain order in the group room. Cultivate hard work. Introduce the proverb “Cleanliness is the key to health.”

% Experimental activity “Parsley’s treats: snow and icicles.” Experiment 1 - Melting ice and snow. Experiment 2 - Filtration of melted and boiled water.

% Construction games (building a garage for an ambulance). Goal: Continue to teach children how to build structures with ceilings and relate the size of the toy to the structure.

% Minute of safety. Conversation “Every subject has its place.” Goal: discuss with children why it is very important that household items used by a person, tools, are stored in specially designated places. Consider problematic situations that may arise if this rule is violated.

Independent activity % Independent motor activity. Goal: to develop pupils’ physical skills, speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance; cultivate interest in joint gaming activities
Individual work % Game-exercise “Pump” Goal: development of correct diaphragmatic breathing.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Educational - brain-ring game program “We want to be healthy” (preparatory group B “Stars”) Objectives: Teach children to take care of their health, form healthy lifestyle habits. Develop motor skills, intellectual abilities, analytical thinking. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of man, the purpose of the skeleton, joints, the location of the main human organs (brain, heart, lungs, stomach), their purpose and functioning. Leading. Our brain-ring gathered friends: Parents and their children, Friendly guests from all over the world. Are you too lazy to give smiles? So smile every day! Healthy laughter is good for you and saves you from illness. We ask participants to take their seats. The “Knowledgeable” and “Clever” teams with their captains are invited. Let us introduce you to our esteemed jury. Among the jury members there is also Dr. Neboleyka, who wants to see how well the children know their bodies and know how to take care of their health. We start the game by greeting the teams. 1. We are a team - “Knowledgeables”. 2.We are “Smart Guys”, friends. We send greetings to our rivals, There is no way we can lose. And from the bottom of our hearts we wish that we will fight with you, to know the correct answer. We won't give up that easily. Leading. 1st game of “Animation”. — Which organ is called a “perpetual motion machine”? (heart) -Which organ is the most important in the respiratory system? (lungs) - What kind of big “kitchen” is inside us? (stomach) - What helps our body not to look like melted ice cream? (bones). Dear players, now we will ask riddles about human organs. You need to solve riddles, find the desired picture in the envelopes, place the organ on the easel on the image of a person, write a short story about each organ - what it is for and how it works. Puzzles. 1. He is the most important - as a commander. He gives orders, We carry them out immediately. (BRAIN) 2. Everyone lives inside a large kitchen. He doesn’t get tired of working during the day. Gives us strength when he chews something useful. (STOMACH) 3.Two balls are hidden nearby. When they are healthy, we can breathe easily. (LUNGS) “So that the lungs don’t hurt.” Team captains, in front of you are envelopes with the appropriate inscription. The players’ task is to voice each card from the envelope, starting with the words “so that your lungs don’t hurt.” 4. It knocks day and night, as if it was wound up. It will be bad if suddenly this knocking stops. (HEART) What object can you listen to the heartbeat? (phonendoscope). 2nd game. What helps us move. You did a very good job. But the man has not yet come to life, he cannot move. Why do you think? (it has no bones) Questions about the skeleton skeleton. 1.What parts does our skeleton consist of? 2.What connects the bones to each other? 3.Which bones protect our main organs? 4.What is nutrition for our bones? Now the man has come to life and he needs to move. 3rd game. Musical pause. Rhythmic gymnastics. 4th game. Proverbs about health; word to parents. You need to say the proverb and explain it to the children. You guys, listen to your parents. 1. If you don’t forget about the porridge, you will be healthy. 2. A little of the good stuff, not enough of the sweet stuff. 5th game “Exactly right.” Guys, the proverbs were about proper nutrition, which brings only benefits to our body. Do you agree? Let's test your knowledge about proper nutrition. If I talk about healthy things, answer “absolutely true.” And if you talk about something that is harmful to health, you remain silent. - If you want to be slim, you must love sweets. Eat candy, chew toffee, become built like a cypress. -To eat properly, you will remember the advice: Eat fruits, porridge with butter, Fish, honey and vinaigrette. -Don’t forget to have a snack before lunch. Eat a lot to load up your stomach more. - Our love ate buns and became terribly fat. He wants to come visit us, but he can’t crawl through the door. Leading. 6th game “Who can cook soup and compote faster” - relay race. Equipment. 2 hoops, 2 pots, 2 ladle, dummies of vegetables and fruits. Each player takes the necessary ingredients (vegetables) from a set of dummies and transfers them to the pan. The last player takes a ladle, runs up to the pan and stirs the vegetables. The first team to complete the task wins. Surprise moment. Neboleyka thanks the guys. And now, guys, guess my riddle: We all want to be healthy, and for this we need a set of useful... vitamins. That's right, everyone needs vitamins. And in this box I brought you vitamins. (GIVES A TREAT). -If you want to be healthy, eat right, eat more vitamins and don’t know about diseases! Leading. This concludes our brain ring, we would like to thank the participants. The floor is given to the distinguished jury. Educator: Zinchenko O.S.

Educational and game program “What we are made of”

(preparatory group B “Stars”) Teacher Zinchenko O.S.

1st half of the day. 2nd half of the day.
MondaySocial and moral education.
Communication “Daily routine”.
Goal: to form an idea of ​​the correct adherence to the daily routine and its health benefits (Avdeeva N.N. Safety p. 106)

— Examination of illustrations “Human Organs” (didactic material “Human World”): to give an idea of ​​the location of human organs, to develop curiosity.

— Psycho-gymnastics “Water Games” (p/p p. 217)

Lesson 1. Valueology.
“How body parts move”

introduce children to the purpose of muscles, bones, joints, their role in the human structure, and the possibilities of movement of various parts of the body (N.N. Avdeeva Safety, p. 93).

Lesson 2. The world of art. Modeling. "Human"


consolidate children’s ability to depict a human figure in sculpting; learn to depict a person in motion.

Lesson 3.

Physical development.

- Walk.

Exercises to strengthen posture “River, shore, sail” (M.Yu. Kartushina, p. 191).

— Physical education and health activities:

Back massage (M.Yu.Kartushina, p. 55). Awakening gymnastics “Walk in the forest” (see appendix “Folder on health activities”).

Role-playing game "Polyclinic".

Goal: to develop the ability to creatively reproduce the plot of the game; consolidate knowledge about the activities of medical personnel; to cultivate respect for the medical profession (N.V. Krasnoshchekova, p. 150).


A set of general developmental exercises (Kartushina M.Yu. p. 15)

Tuesday — Educational conversation “Our perpetual motion machine”


introduce children to the purpose and work of the heart (N.N. Avdeeva, p. 86).


on the development of the emotional sphere “In the forest” (p/p p. 224).

Classes according to plan.

- Walk.

Exercises to strengthen and develop the heart “Ball”, “Swing”, “Frightened Horses” (Kartushina M. Yu. p. 316)

Physical education and health work:

chest massage (“Folder on health activities”): learn how to do massage, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

Walking barefoot on massage mats: clarify children's knowledge about the beneficial effects of foot massage on the general condition of the body.

Game – experimentation “Count your pulse”.


learn to find the pulse, determine the effect of physical activity on the heart rate (Ivanova A.I. p. 102).

Relaxation “We have a good rest”

: Give the idea that a little rest is beneficial for the healthy functioning of the heart.

- Lesson according to plan.

- Walk.

Exercises to develop movement (Kartushina M.Yu. p. 144)

Wednesday — Educational conversation “How we breathe”


introduce children to the respiratory organs, their location and functioning (N.N. Avdeeva, p. 90, M.Yu. Kartushina, p. 241)

— Psychomuscular training with focusing on breathing “On the Seashore”

(plan/program, p. 218).

Classes according to plan.

- Walk.

Exercises to develop breathing

(M.Yu. Kartushina, p. 42)

— Physical education and health work:

chest massage (“Folder on health activities”): learn how to do massage, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs. Awakening gymnastics (see appendix “Folder on health work”).

— Familiarization with fiction. Making riddles about food, determining their health benefits (Avdeeva N.N. p. 105, Kartushina M.Yu. p. 274)

Individual work on speech development:

compiling a short story on the topic “What we are made of” based on a model of the human structure (“Human World”). Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the functioning of the heart and lungs, to develop coherent speech when composing a descriptive story.


Gymnastics to calm breathing (Kartushina M. Yu. p. 27)

Thursday — Word game “Exactly true”

(Kartushina M, Yu., p. 306): teach children to consciously approach their diet

Looking at illustrations about the structure of the digestive system:

develop curiosity, give an idea of ​​the location of the organs of the digestive system (“Human World”).

Lesson 1

. Speech development (according to plan)

Lesson 2. Natural world. “Why does a person need a stomach?”

(Voronkevich O.A. p. 190)


form an idea of ​​the digestive organs; reveal the functions and importance of the stomach for the body; cultivate a careful attitude towards your health.


Individual work on the development of movement: a set of developmental exercises “Vegetable Argument” (Kartushina M.Yu, p. 145): develop motor activity, consolidate knowledge about foods that are beneficial to the body.

— Physical education and health work:

abdominal massage (“Health Work Folder”): consolidate the skill of self-massage, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Awakening gymnastics (see appendix “Folder on health work”).

Experimental activity. "How We Breathe"

(Kartushina M, Yu. p. 241).


use an example to demonstrate the importance of the work of the lungs, show what is released when exhaling; introduce children to a phonendoscope and teach them to listen to the lungs with it.


P/i “Who can cook the soup faster” (Kartushina M.Yu. p. 146): develop dexterity, speed of movement; consolidate knowledge about useful products.

Friday — Social and moral education. Communication “How to strengthen your bones and muscles


consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the human structure, methods of strengthening bones and muscles; develop analytical thinking and the ability to draw conclusions.

— Classes according to plan.


General developmental exercises to strengthen and heal the body (Kartushina M.Yu. p. 180).

— Physical education and health work:

Awakening gymnastics “Walk in the forest” (see appendix “Folder on health activities”). Walking barefoot on massage mats.

Cognitive and gaming activity “Brain Ring”

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Calendar planning on the topic: “We want to be healthy” in the senior group


What can you say about the skin?

Check yourself:

the skin is smooth, soft, and stretches easily.

Pay attention

— there are small folds on the skin.


What are folds in the skin for?

Experience I. _

To answer this question, do the following experiment:

a) place your left hand on the table, palm down; The folds on the top of the fingers are clearly visible. With your right hand, grab the folds of skin on any finger of your left hand. Try to bend your finger. It doesn't work. Release the folds and bend your finger. It bends freely;

b) lower your arm down and pay attention to the elbow on the outside of your arm. Bend and straighten your arm at the elbow several times.


, what happens to folds.


now the meaning of skin folds!

Check yourself:

folds in the skin are needed so as not to interfere with the movement of fingers, arms, legs and other parts of the body.

Experience II .

Examine the skin through a magnifying glass. A magnifying glass is a device whose main part is a magnifying glass. It magnifies all objects viewed through it.


What do we see through a magnifying glass?

Through a magnifying glass, small holes-pores and small hairs are visible on the skin. Oil is released onto the surface of the skin through the pores. Run your finger across your forehead. Then place your finger on the small glass. What did you see on the glass? That's right, a greasy stain.

check yourself

: This is the oil that has been released through the pores onto the skin of the forehead.
Fat lubricates the skin, makes it soft, and prevents it from drying out. Sometimes certain areas of the skin dry out. More often than others, the skin on the back of the hand dries out. This happens when a person washes his hands, doesn’t dry them enough with a towel, and goes outside. The wind dries the skin quickly, becomes very stretched and begins to peel. Sometimes cracks may appear on it, from which blood oozes. The person is in severe pain. Microbes can penetrate deep into the skin through cracks and cause various diseases (show picture.)
Therefore, after washing, be sure to dry both your hands and face. Don't go outside with wet hands and face.


What should you do if your skin is dry in some area?

That's right, you need to lubricate it with cream at night, preferably a special one for children. In addition to fat, sweat is released through the pores.


What is it like? In what cases is sweat released?

Sweat is a product of the release of harmful substances and salts from the body. Sweat and oil remain on the surface of the skin. Dust sticks to them. This is how the body becomes covered with dirt. Microbes settle on dirty skin.


What happens to microbes on clean skin?

That’s right, germs die on clean skin. “Simple water and soap make germs lose their strength.” Therefore, be sure to keep your skin clean. At least once a week, you should wash your entire body with a washcloth and warm water and soap. In this case, the most hygienic is a shower, since it constantly washes the body with streams of clean water. In addition, a shower strengthens the body. After a shower, dry yourself well with a dry towel.

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