REPORT Topic “Age-related characteristics of cognitive development of children”

Neoplasms of early age

The development of active cognitive activity in children of early and early preschool age is marked by the following changes occurring in the structure of the child’s personality.

  1. Formation and development of self-awareness . The child begins to gradually separate himself from the world around him. He develops such qualities as independence, curiosity, and interest in the world around him. He is interested in everything that happens around him and what surrounds him in particular.
  2. Basic trust in the world around you . It develops in the process of the child’s interaction with people around him and the acquisition of his first positive experience.
  3. Determination . The child learns to direct his activities and structure them to achieve his own goals. Children form an understanding of what specific actions need to be performed to obtain a particular result and make their first attempts to follow one or another instruction. Purposefulness gives the child the opportunity to understand the meaning of cognitive activity and complete what he starts. By the beginning of preschool age, this quality must be formed.
  4. Creative activity . Gaining experience in interacting with the world around him, the child begins to gradually transform it, manipulating and experimenting with its content. Therefore, it is important to encourage his participation in creative activities in any form.

Features of development of young children

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