Finger games for children - an effective and accessible method of development

Children's finger games

Finger games are exercises designed to train the fingers. Warming up and training your arms is useful not only in childhood. For example, in some professions, activating fine finger movements is extremely important. And in preschool age, when the body is in an active stage of development, every child will benefit from exercises that help develop flexibility and mobility of the fingers.

Finger games have long been proven as a method for developing fine motor skills. They have an obvious advantage over other means.

The development of motor skills is facilitated by manipulation of small details - laying out mosaic pictures, designing, stringing beads on a thread or skewer, cutting out paper and cardboard, lacing, etc.

But mainly three fingers are involved in such actions, and the ring and little fingers are passive. Special hand games are great because they use all the fingers.

There are types of finger games suitable for preschool age:

  • Movement and touch with fingers that imitate natural movements taken from the surrounding nature.
  • Performing certain movements on command in a given rhythm.
  • Games using improvised objects (string, pencil, pebbles).

A variety of exercises contributes to the harmonious development of the hands. It is the integrated approach that provides a complete combination of motor skills: compression, stretching, muscle relaxation.

Many finger games are accompanied by poetry or a fairy-tale metaphor, which increases children's interest in such activities. Rhythmic songs are easy to remember and encourage children to play games.


Scientists have found that correct speech

The child is completely dependent on the development of fine
motor skills.
The fingertips contain a huge number of nerve endings that send signals to the brain. Therefore, the more accurately and coordinatedly the hands perform movements, the better speech abilities and other skills are formed.

The main tasks of finger games for children


From 6 months - 2 years.

  1. Brain activation

    the main centers responsible for the ability to speak.

  2. Such gymnastics
    stimulates the baby to imitate adults.
    From an early age,
    a child learns to understand others.
  3. The child gains the ability to follow an object.
  4. An understanding of the rhythm of movements develops.

From 3 – 5 years.

  1. Learning to concentrate.
  2. Memory development.
  3. Activation of the thought process.
  4. Relieving physical and emotional stress.

From 5-6 years.

  1. Formation of creative abilities.
  2. Hand exercises are necessary for the ability to write during school learning.
  3. Improving motor coordination skills.
  4. Development of imagination and the ability to think outside the box.

On a note!
Only by the age of is a child able to learn to perform hand movements like an adult.
With the help of finger games, the baby learns to quickly switch attention, which promotes mental development. It is important to carry out the exercises in stages, and also to select activities in accordance with the age of the baby.

The influence of finger games on children's development

Games in which hands are the main tools and characters gradually transform fingers from clumsy to obedient. Due to this, fine motor movements become more and more skillful.

Finger games have a direct impact on the development of the hands, and also indirectly activate the work of the brain in children and affect the formation of speech functions.

The main goals of finger games for preschoolers:

  • Prepare your hand for writing
  • To prevent the possible manifestation of writer's cramp during increased writing load when entering school
  • Stimulate speech development
  • Develop voluntary movements

You should not be lenient about finger games, considering them too simple to have a significant impact on the development of the child. These are really simple but effective exercises. Especially if all fingers are used in the game, and the movements are performed energetically.

The importance of finger games for the development of speech in preschoolers

Physiological scientists have long proven the influence of hand motor skills on speech development. First, the movements of the child’s fingers develop, and after this, the articulation of syllables appears. In the psychological literature, there are tables of correspondence between the level of fine movements of children's fingers and the degree of speech development.

If the development of finger movements corresponds to the age norm, then the child’s speech has already reached standard levels. Another dependence is also observed - if the motor skills of the baby’s hands are insufficiently flexible and variable, his speech development is delayed.

Therefore, attention should be paid to the development of children's fingers from the first year of life. It’s not for nothing that our wise ancestors came up with nursery rhymes and used children’s hands in such simple games as “Magpie-Crow”.

Active finger training is never too early. The sooner you start paying attention to developing your hand, the more benefits such activities will bring to your baby. The techniques can be different, the main thing is that all fingers are involved in the action.

A large selection of finger games and exercises was compiled by psychophysiologist M.S. Ruzina. This author’s workshop contains games that are applicable at all stages of preschool age. We will provide some exercises in this article.

Methodological development on the topic “Finger gymnastics”

Methodological development “Finger gymnastics”

«The child's mind is

at his fingertips."
Sukhomlinsky Purpose:

finger games) in direct educational and gaming activities Tasks:

  • development of general and fine motor skills: coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands;
  • relieving muscle tension, forming correct posture;
  • development of stage skills and speech activity: development of facial expressions, pantomime, gestures, gaming skills and creative independence.

Targeted focus of the experience:

The developed pedagogical technology, based on the use of finger games that influence the formation of children's speech, may be of interest to practical workers: additional education teachers, educators working with children in preschool educational institutions, speech therapists.


Thanks to finger games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Finger games form good relationships between an adult and a child.

Terms of sale:

During the classes, various finger games and exercises are used, and performances are staged. I use theatrical techniques in speech development classes.

With the participation of parents, I created finger theater toys (“Teremok”, “Turnip”, etc.) for independent play activities, I encourage children to play with glove theater dolls. Finger games are a fun, exciting and useful activity. Such games are intended for children 5-6 years old, which allow them to relieve accumulated fatigue; they are also recommended for middle-aged children. ANNEX 1


It is known that there is a close connection between the speech and general motor systems of humans.
The same close connection is established between the hand and the speech center of the brain. The methodology and meaning of these games is that the nerve endings of the hands affect the child’s brain and brain activity is activated. For school learning, it is very important that the child has well-developed fine motor skills. Finger games are good helpers for preparing a child’s hand for writing and developing coordination. And in order for speech to develop at the same time, you can use small rhymes, counting rhymes, and songs for such games. The main part, which consistently reveals the content of the material.
Having analyzed my work with children 5-6 years old, I was faced with insufficient speech development in young children; insufficient vocabulary; poor dialogical speech.

First of all, I began my work by studying the pedagogical conditions for holding finger games as a means of developing the speech of young children and the methodological literature of T.A. Tkachenko “Developing fine motor skills”, E. Kosina “Finger gymnastics L.P. Savina “Finger gymnastics”, A.E. Belaya, V.I. Miryasova “Playing with fingers and developing speech”, Yu. Sokolova “Games with fingers”. I regularly study new methodological literature and use computer technology in my work.

I realized that work on developing fine motor skills should be carried out regularly, only then can the greatest effect be achieved. I began to create an age-appropriate subject-development environment using a variety of materials:

-paper and knitted caps for fingers (heroes of various fairy tales).

- beads and buttons of different sizes;

- a variety of small toys;

- rubber toys of different densities.

Methodological recommendations for conducting finger games.

  1. Before the game, the children and I discuss its content, immediately practicing the necessary gestures, finger combinations, and movements.
  2. Before starting the exercises, children warm up their palms with light strokes until they feel pleasantly warm.
  3. All exercises are performed at a slow pace, from 3 to 5 times, first with the right hand, then with the left, and then with both hands together.
  4. When performing exercises with children, you must demonstrate your own passion for the game.
  5. When performing exercises, it is necessary to involve, if possible, all fingers of the hand.
  6. It is necessary to ensure the correct placement of the hand and precise switching from one movement to another.
  7. When playing the game repeatedly, children often begin to pronounce the text partially (especially the beginning and ending of phrases). Gradually, the text is learned by heart, children pronounce it in its entirety, correlating the words with the movement.

The table below allows you to clearly plan your work with children with disabilities in teaching finger games.


from 7 years old

Children recite poems and nursery rhymes with their hands with frequent changes of figures. Combine the fingers of one hand alternately (1 – 2, 1 – 3, 1 – 4, 1 – 5). Then with the other hand, both hands parallel.

They make animal figures from fingers using additional materials (ball, handkerchief, pencil, etc.)

Pay attention to the quality of the figure composition,

coordination of movements of individual fingers and the entire hand, ability to hold an object (theater puppet)

list of finger games:

1,2,3,4,5, the worms went for a walk….

A crow walked past the market...

We chop and chop cabbage, we chop and chop cabbage... This finger went into the forest, this finger found a mushroom...

We shared an orange. There are many of us, but he is alone...


The index finger of the left hand closes with the thumb of the right hand, the index finger of the right hand with the thumb of the left hand. The lower pair of fingers opens, then closes over the upper one. Then the same movements, paired with the thumb, are performed in turn by the remaining fingers.


The hands are clasped together, the thumbs spin around each other, faster and faster, without touching the palm.


Two players interlock with three or two fingers; everyone tries to outdo their opponent.


The closed thumb and middle finger of the right hand is a large ring, the closed little finger and thumb of the left hand are a small ring. The fingers of both hands simultaneously begin to move, alternately closing with the thumbs so that a small ring is formed on the right hand, and a large one on the left hand.

"Ear - nose"

Take the tip of your nose with your left hand, and the opposite ear with your right hand, then simultaneously lower your hands and change their position.
Symmetrical drawings” -
draw mirror-symmetrical drawings in the air with both hands (it’s better to start with a round object: an apple, a watermelon, etc. The main thing is that the child looks at his hand while “drawing”).
“Horizontal eight” -
draw the number eight in the air in the horizontal plane three times - first with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands.
“Let’s warm our hands” -
movements as when rubbing hands.
“Hammer” -
use the phalanges of the fingers of the right hand clenched into a fist to “hammer” nails
. “Geese are nibbling the grass” -
the fingers of the right hand are nibbling the hand of the left.
Theater in hand.
Allows you to increase overall tone, develop attention and memory, relieve psycho-emotional stress. “Butterfly”
clench your fingers into a fist and alternately straighten the little finger, ring and middle fingers, and connect the thumb and index into a ring.
Make quick movements with straightened fingers (“finger fluttering”). “Fairy Tale” -
children are invited to act out a fairy tale in which each finger is a character.
“Octopuses” -
the right hand, carefully and one by one moving its tentacles-fingers, travels along the seabed. An octopus is moving towards him - his left hand. They saw each other, froze, and then began to explore the seabed together.


Point the ends of your fingers forward, press your hands with your palms towards each other, slightly opening them.
While reciting the poem, show how the boat rocks on the waves, and then, with smooth hand movements, show the waves themselves. Then, according to the text of the verse, show the seagull, crossing your arms, bringing your palms together with the backs of your hands and waving your fingers clenched together. With straightened palms with fingers pressed to each other, depict fish. Use smooth movements of your palms to show how fish swim in the water. I'm sailing on a white boat on waves with pearl foam. I am a brave captain, I am not afraid of a hurricane. White seagulls are circling, They are also not afraid of the wind. Only the cry of a bird scares a flock of golden fish. And, having traveled to wonderful countries, Having looked at the oceans, Traveler-hero, I will return home to my mother. “HOUSE”
When pronouncing this poem, accompany it with hand movements.
Let the child imitate your actions. Under the mushroom there is a hut-house,
(join your palms with a hut)
A cheerful gnome lives there. We will knock quietly,
(knock the fist of one hand on the palm of the other hand)
We will ring the bell.
(palms of both hands facing down, fingers crossed; the middle finger of the right hand is lowered down and sways slightly).
A gnome will open the door for us and invite us into the hut-house.
The house has a plank floor (put your palms down, press your edges against each other)
and on it is an oak table.
(the left hand is clenched into a fist, the palm of the right hand is placed on top of the fist)
Next to it is a chair with a high back.
(direct your left palm vertically upward, place the fist of your right hand at its bottom with your thumb towards you)
On the table is a plate with a fork.
(the palm of the left hand lies on the table and is directed upward, representing a plate, the right hand represents a fork: the palm is directed downward, four fingers are straightened and slightly spread apart, and the thumb is pressed to the palm)
And there are pancakes in a mountain - a treat for the guys.
The first drops fell,
(lightly tap two fingers of each hand on the table)
The spiders were frightened.
(the inner side of the palm is lowered down; bend the fingers slightly and, moving them, show how the spiders scatter)
The rain began to pound harder,
(knock on the table with all fingers of both hands)
The birds disappeared among the branches.
(cross your arms, place your palms together with the backs of your hands; wave your fingers clenched together).
The rain poured down like buckets,
(knock on the table harder with all the fingers of both hands)
The kids ran away.
(the index and middle fingers of both hands run across the table, depicting little men; the remaining fingers are pressed to the palm).
Lightning flashes in the sky,
(draw lightning in the air with your finger)
Thunder breaks the whole sky.
(drum with your fists and then clap your hands)
And then out of the cloud the sun
(raise both hands up with open fingers)
will look at us through the window again! "LAMB"
The palms of both hands are lowered down.
Elbows are spread in different directions. The index fingers and little fingers of both hands are bent into a ring and protrude forward, depicting the horns of a lamb. The remaining fingers are pressed to the palms. Butting with horns, lightly hitting the bent index fingers and little finger of one hand with the index finger and little finger of the other hand. Early in the morning two sheep wanted to butt heads. Sticking out their horns, they started a fight. For a long time they butted heads, everyone clung to each other. But by lunchtime, suddenly tired, they separated, raising their horns. “MY FAMILY”
Raise your hand with your palm facing you and, in accordance with the text of the verse, bend your fingers in a certain sequence, starting with the ring finger, then the little finger, index finger, middle and thumb.
I know that I have a friendly family at home: This is my mother, This is me, This is my grandmother, This is my dad, This is my grandfather.
And we have no discord. “CAT AND MOUSE”
Look, the cat softly unclenches its claws.
(clench the fingers of both hands into a fist and place them on the table, palms down; then slowly unclench your fists, spreading your fingers to the sides, showing how a cat releases its claws; when performing movements, the hands are lifted off the table, then the fist or palm is placed on the table again)
And squeezes them lightly - She scares the mouse so much.
The cat walks quietly, (the palms of both hands lie on the table; the elbows are spread in different directions; the cat (right hand) sneaks: all the fingers of the right hand slowly walk forward on the table. The mouse (left hand) runs away: the fingers of the other hand quickly move back ).
You can't hear the floorboards creak, Only the mouse doesn't yawn, It instantly runs away from the cat.
Regular finger games and exercises have begun to help maintain good tone in children. Efficiency

Finger games helped to achieve activity and expressiveness of the hands when clenching and unclenching, and then when performing more complex imitative rhythmic movements. During the lessons, children learned to depict what is described in the poem and coordinate the rhythm of movements with the rhythm of the poem.

By the end of the school year, children could name the main means of speech correction (gymnastics for the tongue and fingers, tongue twisters, reading poetry, doing homework); showed any exercise from the articulatory gymnastics complex; recited poems expressively; conveyed the image of the hero with characteristic movements; behaved confidently in front of the audience. The use of finger games in the classroom increased the level of speech development of children

Physical education sessions were conducted using the “Tell poetry with your hands” method. The movements were accompanied by the pronunciation of poems and nursery rhymes that corresponded to the lexical topic of the lesson and contained automated sounds. Pronouncing poetry simultaneously with movements makes children's speech more rhythmic, loud, clear and emotional.

Seeing the children's interest in finger games in the classroom, I found it possible to prepare performances with the children... and study poetry.

Performances based on the fairy tales “Lyubochka and her assistant” and “Turnip” were staged. Based on the results of the performances, the children performed at the Mothers' Day.

We became the winner of the regional reading competition.

A collection of finger games used in classes has been collected. A seminar was held for additional education teachers.


So, to summarize, we can state the following. It is known that there is a close connection between the speech and general motor systems of humans. The same close connection is established between the hand and the speech center of the brain. Finger games and exercises are a unique means for developing fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. Learning texts using “finger” gymnastics stimulates the development of speech, spatial, visual-effective thinking, voluntary and involuntary attention, auditory and visual perception, speed of reaction and emotional expressiveness, and the ability to concentrate. In addition, finger games expand children's horizons and vocabulary, provide initial mathematical concepts and environmental knowledge, enrich children's knowledge about their own body, create a positive emotional state, and develop self-confidence.


Experience with children aged 5-6 years has confirmed that the level of speech development of children depends on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers.

List of used literature

1. Anishchenkova E.S. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschool children. - M. AST: Astrel, 2007.-61p.

2. Artyomova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. - M., 1991. - 127 p.

3. Borodich A.N. Methods of speech development for preschool children. - M.: Professional Education, 1981. - 255 p.

4. Doronova T.N. We play in the theater. - M., 2005.-136p.

5. Ovchinnikova T.S. Articulation and finger gymnastics in classes in kindergarten. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008.-64p.

6. Svetlova I. Developing fine motor skills and hand coordination. M.: Publishing house EKSMO-Press, 2001.-104 p.

7. Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. - M.: VLADOS, 1994.-344 p.

8. Cherenkova E.F. Original finger games. – M.: LLC “ID RIPOL classic”, LLC Publishing House “DOM.XXI century”, 2007.-186 p.

Finger games for children 5 years old

Ladder. It’s easy to build a manual ladder, but you can speed up the pace, which trains the child’s voluntary movements and attention.

Instructions. Open hands “look” at each other.

Bring your thumbs together so that you place the nail of your left finger on the pad of the finger of your right hand.

Touch this connection with the index finger of your right hand and repeat with the index finger of your left hand. So the tips of all the fingers take their place in the ladder in turn, ending it with the little finger of the left hand.

Lock. Any adult or older child will show the child how to interlace his fingers so that his hands form a lock. And all further manipulations are interesting to accompany with poetry:

There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

Pulled... Twisted...

They knocked. And they opened it!

Obviously, you need to pull so that your hands remain clasped. You also need to twist it with your brushes, without moving your fingers apart. Then tap with the heels of your palm, continuing to hold your fingers in the lock. Children love to perform these actions in a group, gradually speeding up the pace as they repeat.

Fan. Invite the children to fan themselves. But the hands will serve as a fan.

Instructions. Raise your arms in front of you with palms open. The palms are tense, and the thumbs look to the sides. The fingers on both hands, starting with the index, bend and stretch towards the palm. The movements are performed in a chain, finishing with the little fingers.

After the child has mastered the skill, show another way to “work” the fan. Now start the movement with your little fingers, and let your index fingers reach your palms last.


Finger exercises are diverse, so experts usually classify them according to the features of their implementation:

  • Manipulation. Develop imagination. Each baby's finger serves as a specific association or image. For example, the game "Finger". To do this, take the baby’s hand and, one by one, bend your fingers into a fist. At the same time, we come up with a meaning for each phalanx (little finger - small, ring finger - weak, middle finger - long, index finger - strong, big finger - fat). At the end we add that we have a strong fist.
  • Poetic form a . Hand activity, accompanied by poetry, promotes the development of creativity, memory, and attention.

Don't miss: Craft ideas from plastic bottles

Game "Home":

  1. Place your palms over your head to imitate a roof.

(I want to build a house)

2. Then make a circle with both hands.

(So ​​that there is a window in it)

3. Place your palms vertically.

(So ​​that the house has a door)

4. Raise one hand. We spread our fingers on it in different directions.

(Nearby so that the pine tree grows)

5. Next, we connect the handles into a lock.

(So ​​that there is a fence around)

(The dog guarded the gate).

  • Working with objects. For such games, objects located in the house are selected. Great fit:
  1. Cereals (peas, semolina, millet, buckwheat and others). With their help, you can draw patterns with your fingers on a flat surface, sort small ones into one container and larger ones into another, make various postcards using glue, etc.
  2. Beads. Large beads can be strung on a string to create crafts.
  3. Drawing. Choose pencils with clear edges. They will additionally massage the baby's fingers.
  4. Paper. The baby is offered to crush and tear the material.

  • Plot.

    With their help, the baby makes various shapes using only his fingers (cars, birds, people, etc.).
  • Counting tables.
  • Massage.
  • Games to strengthen your hands.
  • Thematic. topic
    is selected for the lesson (seasons, weather conditions, fairy tales). The baby imitates what he heard with his fingers.
  • With musical accompaniment (songs with hand movements). This type of game is most often used in kindergarten.
  • Kinesiological. Such games involve the simultaneous interaction of two hands. For example, draw a circle in the air with your left hand and a square with your right, or vice versa.

Each of these types helps the child develop physically and emotionally. Specialists who own a whole card index

tasks, use all types of exercises with children
of the younger and older groups

Rules and technique for performing exercises

When performing finger gymnastics with children, you should adhere to specific rules:

  1. Include all types of exercises in gymnastics and practice all exercises sequentially, starting with the first group.
  2. Game manipulations should gradually become more complex.
  3. To start the game, the desire of the child himself is necessary.
  4. You cannot use gymnastics if you yourself are tired and your child is not feeling well.
  5. Tiring a child while playing is unacceptable.

As in any activity, there is a certain sequence of stages in conducting finger gymnastics for the older group of kindergarten:

  1. First, the teacher simply demonstrates the game to the child.
  2. Next, the teacher shows the child playing on the fingers.
  3. The teacher and the child perform the movements together, while the adult himself pronounces the accompanying text.
  4. The child carries out actions independently with the necessary help from the teacher who speaks the words.

The method of performing finger gymnastics at this age also has its own specifics:

  • immediately before gymnastics, you need to carry out preparatory work with the child: discuss the topic and content, practice the required gestures and finger compositions;
  • It is imperative to carry out warming manipulations, for example, lightly stroking the hands until the child feels warm;
  • exercises are performed at a leisurely pace, from 3 to 5 times, first with each hand separately, and then with both hands simultaneously;
  • When performing exercises, you must use all fingers;
  • It is important to monitor the correct execution of movements during the game;
  • the exercises performed should bring the child pleasant sensations and joy, and not cause discomfort;
  • instructions and corrections during the performance of gymnastics should be given in a calm, friendly tone, briefly, clearly and clearly;
  • If necessary, assistance should be provided to individual children.

Finger gymnastics in older preschool age

Intensive development of oral speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach their maturity. V. M. Bekhterev always pointed out the relationship between the development of manual motor skills and speech.

At each age, fine motor skills of the hands have characteristic features, and E. M. Mastyukova described them as follows:

  1. At 1-2 years old, a child can hold up to two objects in one hand, make certain drawings with a pencil, turn cardboard pages of children's books, place cubes in the form of a tower, one on one, and fold a pyramid.
  2. At 2-3 years of age, a child is already able to open a box and empty its contents, play with materials such as sand and clay, draw patterns with his fingers, string beads, and build more complex figures from cubes. The child also holds the pencil more confidently with his fingers.
  3. From 3 to 5 years old, a child already draws with crayons, is able to fold paper, makes crafts from plasticine, identifies objects in a bag tactilely, and can lace his own shoes.

However, the development of motor functions does not stop at 5 years old, it continues until 6-7 years of age, or even does not stop at all, because even adults can improve their fine motor skills with the help of embroidery, bead weaving and other things.

We can conclude that finger gymnastics can be done with a child from one year of age, but the most suitable age for this is senior preschool.

Finger gymnastics in kindergarten - a card index of games with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the year

Time spendingGame themeTargetJunior preschoolers (2-4 years old)Senior preschoolers (5-7 years old)
I period (October, November, December)Animals, insects and birdsDevelop mobility and flexibility of hand joints, enrich passive and active vocabulary
  • “Kitty” - imitate the paws of an animal with the palms of your hands.
  • “Bird” - imitate the flapping of wings with their hands.
  • “Hedgehog” - clench your fists tightly.
  • “Bunny” - in statics and dynamics. The index and middle fingers are straightened, the rest are gathered into a fist.
  • “The bee stings” - the index finger makes rotational movements along an imaginary axis.
II period (January, February, March)The coming of winterIntroduce children to the winter holidays, teach how to tense and relax their hands through hand exercises for children
  • “Flashlights” - all five fingers are alternately clenched into a fist and unclenched.
  • “New Year’s toys” - kids alternately clap their hands and bang their fists.
  • “Building a snowman” - place one fist on top of the other.
  • “Skier” - the index and middle fingers “walk along the surface”, imitating walking. You can make it more difficult by giving the children 2 ice cream sticks, on which they must stand with their fingers like skis.
  • “Snowballs” - kids make imaginary snowballs and throw them at each other.
III period (April, May, June)Family, friendship, clothesExpanding children's horizons, developing imagination, improving abilities in mathematics and their native language“Family” - clench your fist tightly and gradually straighten one finger at a time. “Table” - the straightened palm of the second hand is placed horizontally on the clenched fist. “Meeting of friends” - the palms of both hands slowly touch each other.
  • “Glasses” - made with the middle and index fingers.
  • “Rings” - alternately connect the thumb with the rest, forming rings.
  • “Writing a letter” - take an imaginary pen in your hand and move it through the air, imitating writing a letter.
  • “Helicopter” - clench all fingers except the thumb into a fist. Direct it upward and make rotational movements, simulating a helicopter.

Cognitive abilities of preschoolers

In addition to the exercises presented above, the card index can contain tasks on topics of kindergarten, human activity or the objective world around the child.

Important! You can do finger gymnastics at home - on video resources you can see a huge number of examples of performing the exercises. The main thing to remember is that each game should be accompanied by a thematic fairy tale or a short poem. In addition to the exercises presented above, the card index may contain assignments on topics in kindergarten, human activity, or the objective world around the child.

Subgroup lesson

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