Health Day in 1st junior group “Country of Health”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Leisure time in the first junior group “Health Day”


  • To form children’s initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
  • Develop cultural and hygienic habits.
  • Practice basic movements
  • Develop fine motor skills.


  • Two dolls, a ribbed path, a wonderful bag, a comb, a mouse, a towel, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a crib, an arch, a phonogram

Progress of the lesson:

Q. We really love it when guests come to us. Look how many there are today.

Every morning we say to each other: “Good morning” so that we have a good whole day.

Let's say these magic words and write to the guests.

Now let's all stand in a circle:

(exercise in progress)

Little eyes, little eyes, are you awake? Ears, ears, are you awake? Hands, hands, are you awake? Legs, legs, are you awake?

And they also promised to come to visit us today with dolls. Katya doll and Marina doll.

The doll children are waiting and waiting. Why don't the dolls work? We ourselves will go to them, What happened and find out.

(children walk along the massage path).

Here are our legs walking straight towards Katya along the path. And the path is not easy - It’s so beautiful!

Music "Lullaby" .

-What kind of music is that? Our Katya is still sleeping. What should we do? How can I wake Katya up?

Maybe we'll drown? (stomp).

Maybe we should clap? (clap).

Let us say the magic words to the doll: “Good morning”

(The doll wakes up.)

Doll Katya: Good morning, children! I want to come visit you, but I don’t know how to get there. Hands don't want to get up.

It's better to continue sleeping.

Q. Guys, what do we do every morning to make it easier to get up, and so that the whole day

to be cheerful and healthy?

Children: Exercise.

Q: You, Katyusha, don’t lie down, make friends with your exercises.

(children do exercises)

Q: Do you remember everything, Katyusha? Please ask quickly. We always welcome guests.

Q: Now let’s go visit the doll Tanya. She lives far away, but I have

magic gate. We will crawl through this gate and immediately find ourselves at Tanya’s doll.

(children crawl on all fours under the arc and end up at the doll’s house)

Q: What is this strange picture? Oh, and dirty Tanya! Dirt on your cheeks and forehead! Dirt on the neck, on the nose.

It's a shame to be like this!

Go wash your face!

The doll whispers.

Q: Guys, Tanya is very ashamed. She doesn't know what to do to be pure

and beautiful. But you and I know and now we’ll tell Tanya.

the “Magic Bag” will help us with this

(children guess by touch and name hygiene items: mosh, comb, toothbrush,


Finger game. “What do children need to wash themselves clean?”

(children answer questions and bend their fingers)

- What do children need to wash themselves clean? We need some water.

- What washes the dirt off your hands? Soap helps children!

- So that your teeth don’t hurt. May they always shine. Helps.. ‚Toothbrush.

-We washed ourselves cleanly. What did the kids get up to? A towel.

- So that your hair doesn’t get tangled, so that it always obeys us, so that you can be beautiful

hairstyle, helps us.. ‚comb.

The doll thanks the children.

B: Come on, wash your face quickly. And come visit us.

(addressing the children)

We visited all the dolls and taught them everything. Soon they will come to visit us and say: “

Hello, we are here!

And we will go by train to the group and wait for them there.

The children leave to the soundtrack.

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Lesson notes for the first junior group “Health Day”

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten in Kedrovy"




Educator: Gribanova M.N.

Kedrovy village 2022

Lesson notes for the first junior group

"Health Day"

Goal: To form an idea of ​​health, to highlight the rules of cultural and hygienic behavior.


Strengthen children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Consolidate acquired knowledge about the importance of vitamins, the names of vegetables and fruits, hygiene skills;

continue to improve children’s speech and ability to answer questions;

Develop jumping ability, dexterity in a playful way, improve coordination of movements;

4. Teach children the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher.

Material: Aibolit costume, fake vegetables and fruits, multimedia equipment.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher tells the children that Doctor Aibolit came to the kindergarten to check the children’s health, and will now come to them. There is a knock on the door, and Doctor Aibolit (a teacher in disguise) comes in.


- Hello, children, I came to look at you - and ask if you are healthy? How do you take care of your health? What do you do to avoid getting sick?

Children's answers.


— Health is exercise, rosy cheeks, it’s when we are strong, dexterous, brave and cheerful, it’s when we are friends with vitamins.


- Right.
( Children
) Today we talked a lot about health, about how important it is to eat well and eat vitamins. You know, guys, in order to be healthy, you need to not only eat well, but also walk, because while walking we harden ourselves, it’s especially useful to harden ourselves in the summer.

You definitely need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon -

Before every meal

After sleep and before bed!

What if you have a child who doesn’t really know how to wash himself?


: — I’m sure that we don’t have such children, dear Aibolit.


- Guys, do you know how to wash your hands properly? Then let's test your knowledge. If you name the correct sequence of hand washing, then pictures will appear on the magic screen, and we will see how to wash your hands correctly.


- Well done boys! So, to be healthy, we must take care of our body, brush our teeth, and wash our face.


: - Yes, indeed, all children know how to wash themselves properly. Well, we can only praise them for this.


Well done. But in order to continue our conversation further, we must recharge ourselves with vigor and energy. A little exercise will help us with this. You are ready? Then stand in a circle.

The guys stood up, smiled,

Health Day in preschool educational institutions materials (junior group) on the topic

A holiday dedicated to World Health Day.

For children of senior and preparatory groups.

Part I.

The Queen of Health greets the children at the playground.

Queen: Hello, guys! Do you know who I am? (children's answers) I am the Queen of Health! Do you know what day it is today?

Children: Yes! (children's answer)

Queen: That's right. Today is health day! What do you need to be healthy?

Children: (children’s answers: toughen up, play sports, exercise, etc.)

Queen: That's right, the day begins with exercise. And now you and I will also do some fun exercises!

All the children do exercises to the music.

Queen: Well, we’ve done our exercises, and now it’s time for everyone to refresh themselves.

And later we will meet with you.

The queen disappears while charging.

Part II.

Host: And so, we continue our holiday. Where is our Health Queen? Let's call her! One, two, three - Queen of Health come out!

Children: One, two, three - Queen of Health come out! (repeat several times)

“Sore throat” with “microbes” comes out to the music.

Angina: Why are you shouting? Whom will you covenant? Do you want health? Do you want to be strong, strong, healthy, clean? You won't succeed. I am now your Queen. And these are my faithful assistants - microbes!

Host: No, you don’t look like our Health Queen. Look at you!

Angina: What is it? (examines himself) Everything is fine! Everyone loves me very much. Because of me, everyone sits at home, gets sick, coughs, sneezes.

Host: who is this next to you?

Angina: And these are my faithful friends - microbes! Every dirty person in the world loves them!

Children - “Microbes” from the preparatory group - come out to the middle of the site.

1 Microbe:

Where there is dirt, germs live. Small ones - you can't see them. There are a lot of us microbes, it is impossible to count.

2 Microbe:

Smaller than mosquitoes and midges, many, many thousands of times. The darkness of invisible animals We prefer to live in you.

3 Microbe:

If you eat or touch your mouth with dirty hands, your stomach will certainly ache from germs.

Host: Guys, in my opinion, this is not our Queen of Health! Children, who is this? Because of it we get sick, cough, sneeze. Did you recognize her?

Children: (list diseases familiar to them)

Host: Yes, it's Angina!

Angina: Look, how smart they were, they recognized me!

Host: Admit it, where is our Queen of Health?

Angina: And we hid it! And in general, if I sneeze on you, you’ll immediately get sick!

Host: No, we won’t get sick! Guys, tell me, what should I do to avoid getting sick?

Children: Have vitamins, onions, garlic, play sports!

Host: Let's show “Sore throat” that we are not afraid of her, that we are strong, dexterous, brave!


(a small ball is rolled forward with the hoop backwards to a landmark and back)

Angina: Just think how clever they were! My microbes are also clever!

Children - “Microbes” from the preparatory group - come out to the middle of the site.

Angina: Now let's see how savvy you are!

“Sore throat” and “Microbes” ask riddles for children about hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

If you hit anyone, he gets angry and cries. And if you hit this one, he jumps for joy! Now higher, now lower, Now low, now jump. Who is he, guess? Rubber... (Ball)

I decided to become a strongman, I hurried to the strongman: - Tell me about this, How did you become a strongman? He smiled back: “Very simple.” For many years, every day, getting out of bed, I lift... (Dumbbells)

Green meadow, A hundred benches around, People running briskly from gate to gate. At the gate of these fishermen's nets. (Stadium)

There are two stripes in the snow, Two foxes were surprised. One came closer: Someone was running here... (Skis)

Who will catch up with me on the ice? We are running a race. And it’s not horses that carry me, but shiny ones... (Skates)

I don't look like a horse, although I have a saddle. There are knitting needles. I must admit, they are not suitable for knitting. Not an alarm clock, not a tram, But I can make calls, you know! (Bike)

The relay is not easy. I'm waiting for the command to dash. (Start)

White trough nailed to the floor. (Bath)

It slips away like something alive, but I won’t let it go. It foams with white foam, I’m not too lazy to wash my hands! (Soap)

Bone back, Stiff bristles, Makes friends with mint paste, Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

The path says - Two embroidered ends: Wash yourself a little, Wash the ink off your face! “Otherwise you’ll get me dirty in half a day!” (Towel)

Angina: (addresses “Microbes”) Somehow I don’t like these kids. Some of them are too smart, they know everything!

Host: Sore throat, how are your Microbes doing with attention? Angina: Yes, they are the most attentive microbes in the world. As soon as a child tries to eat a lot of ice cream, or drink juice from the refrigerator, they will notice and immediately run to tell me, and I’m right there!

Host: Now we’ll check how attentive they are, your servants.

Game "Gawkers"

First, let's learn a couple of movements - 2 claps, turning around.

The players walk in a circle, holding hands, at a signal (whistle, clap) they stop and make 2 claps, turn around themselves and continue moving. The one who fails stands in the middle of the circle.

Host: So as not to stand still, I suggest you play! Can you guess the sore throat of our children now? Let's disguise ourselves, guys, so that neither the sore throat nor the germs recognize us?

A joint game is played with all groups.


Music is playing. Children wander around randomly. The music stops and they “freeze.” Is the presenter commanding the children? "Trees!" - children depict some kind of tree. The presenter’s commands can be: “Bunny”, “Bunny”, etc.

Presenter: (addressing “Sore throat”) You see how dexterous, strong, and friendly our guys are. And also the most resilient. Now we will show it to you.

"Obstacle Course"

To the music, children line up in two columns, forming two teams. . Jump over the bench, crawl under the arc, throw 3 balls into the hoop, run back

Angina: You won’t take us that easily. We are still the strongest!

Host: We’ll check now. Let's have a tug-of-war competition. If we win, you will give us the Queen of Health and you will never come to us again!

Tug of war.

Participants line up one after another, holding the rope. The team that pulls the rope to their side wins.

Angina: Guard! I'm dying! Fine. Okay, I'll give you your Queen, take it!

"Sore throat" and "Microbes" run around the corner, and the Queen of Health appears in their place.

Queen: Thank you guys for freeing me. How brave, dexterous, and friendly you all are. It's time for me to go to my kingdom. I wish you all to always be strong, not to get sick, to follow the rules of hygiene, and then you and I will be true friends. Goodbye!

The Queen says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Presenter: we will finish our holiday with a fun run.

Senior and preparatory groups take turns jogging around the stadium. Then all the children go to their areas.

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