How to draw a bird with pencil and paints - detailed and step-by-step master classes for children and beginning artists
Representatives of the bird world are found in nature in amazing diversity, they symbolize the sky, freedom, life
About the work of the “Health” family club in kindergarten
About the work of the “Health” family club in kindergarten (From work experience) Having analyzed the questionnaire data,
hormonal gymnastics for all diseases
Gymnastics complex for waking up after a nap in the senior group
Gymnastics of folk healer Olga Orlova Famous healer Olga Lvovna Kalpashvini (Orlova), practicing hormonal gymnastics
Man application: design tips and ready-made examples
Appliquéing a person is a very exciting and creative job. Its advantage is the variety of used
Rowan branch drawing for children step by step
Summary of a lesson in the middle group on drawing on the topic “Rowan”
In a vase Rowan branch (the drawing for children can be in the form of a still life) in a vase
How to conduct a drawing lesson in a middle group on the topic “Simple and golden testicles”
Pedagogical advice on organizing drawing classes in the middle group Children of middle preschool age
Card index of theatrical games and exercises in the middle group
GCD summary for theatrical activities in the middle group “Playing theatre.” GCD summary for
Summary of educational activities on drawing “Squirrel” in the senior group
How to draw a big squirrel on the entire sheet. Drawing a squirrel step by step in the preparatory group
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Visiting a squirrel” using
We draw Russian folk costume with children. Fine art lesson “Russian folk festive costume”
NOD "Russian folk sundress" Summary of an open lesson on artistic creativity using technology
Drawing lesson on the theme “Bus” in the senior group
Planning drawing classes on the topic “Transport” In the senior group, standard long-term planning provides
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