Physical education leisure in the senior group: “Fun Starts”

Summary of physical education leisure in the senior group. Traveling through health stations

Synopsis of educational educational activities for physical education with children of senior preschool age "Journey to health stations"
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of educational educational activities for physical education "Journey to health stations" with children of senior preschool age. This material will be useful to preschool teachers, physical education instructors, and additional education teachers. The presented methodological development is aimed at accumulating the experience of a healthy lifestyle in children. Goal: Formation in children of the foundations of self-understanding of what is useful and what is harmful to their health. Objectives: - Continue to teach consciously about your health. -Clarify the importance of nutrition for the value of health. -Correctly understand the meaning of proverbs about health. -Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination of children. -To form children’s understanding of the dependence of health on physical activity, nutrition, and cultural hygienic skills. -To instill in children a desire to take care of their health and to lead a healthy lifestyle. -Give an idea of ​​the components of the body and its anatomical structure. Progress of the lesson We love it when guests come to us. Look how many there are today. Every day we say “Good morning” and “Hello” to each other, thereby wishing us a good mood. Let's say these magical morning words to our guests (...) Today we have gathered with you to talk about health. What word is the word “Health” similar to, correctly the word hello, when people say hello, they wish each other health. So we wished good mood and health to our guests. What kind of person can be called healthy? (...). That’s right, who feels good, doesn’t get sick, plays sports, follows a daily routine, and eats right. Today I want to invite you to go on a trip to health stations, and we will travel on a magic train. To get into it we need to continue the proverb. - In a healthy body... (healthy mind) -Where is health……. (there is beauty) -Temper your body…….(usefully for business) -Sun, air and water….(our best friends) -Cleanliness…….(the guarantee of health) -Onion……..(from seven ailments) -Appetite runs away from the sick….(and towards the healthy) -Start your life not on Monday……(but with morning exercises) -Health is more valuable….(wealth) And so our journey begins (the phonogram “Steam Locomotive Bug” sounds) Introductory Part: • Walking in a column one at a time with hand movements; • Jumping forward; • Side canter.

— We didn’t notice how we ended up at the first station, it’s called

— Guys, what vitamins do you know?
That's right, these are vitamins A, B, C, D, there are a lot of them in various foods, especially where do you think? (in vegetables, fruits, berries), and not only for example: Vitamin A
- found in carrots, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley - it is important for our vision.
Vitamin “B”
- found in meat, milk, bread, chicken - it strengthens our heart muscle.
vitamin “C”
, as you said in vegetables and fruits, cabbage, onions, oranges, lemons, currants - it saves us from colds.
Vitamin “D”
– found in fish oil and cheese – is important for strengthening bones.
And so you learned what vitamins are included in food and what role they play in our body. Look at the health pyramid, here we see all the foods that are important for a growing body………. This is how important nutritious nutrition is for our health. “After all, we need nutritious food for health.” And now I offer you the game “Healthy - not healthy” - when we hear a healthy food product, we squat, when we don’t really clap Healthy:
“Cabbage”, “Orange”, “Apple”, “Strawberry”, “Milk” Cottage cheese”, “Carrot”, “Lemon”, “Bread”.
Not healthy:
“Chips”, “Chewing gum”, “Unwashed vegetables”, “Fly agaric”, “Candy found on the street”, “Spoiled food”, “Coca-Cola”, “Big fat piece of cake”, “Fatty meat” . Well, now you and I remembered which foods are healthy and which are not, we moved around merrily and didn’t notice how we found ourselves at the next station.

Station "Movement Life"

— Children, what do you think this proverb means: “If you want to be healthy, run If you want to be strong, run If you want to be beautiful, run” Children’s answers:…….. — That’s right, a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle cannot be healthy.
His muscles and heart are not exercising. They don't breathe fresh air; it gets too much sunlight. Low mobility weakens health, and we all know that movement, especially in the fresh air, makes us strong, agile, and hardened. Well, let's play sports. Let's try everything together? Keep your backs straight, breathe only through your nose and, of course, smile. We’ll take dumbbells now and start pumping up the muscles. After all, strength improves human health. Main part: Rhythmic gymnastics complex “Bambariki” - Look how much strength has become in your muscles. - Has it been added? You can immediately see the powerhouse running like fire through your veins, but it seems to me that you are a little tired, and we need to do what? (breathing) Exercise to restore breathing:

“Without breath there is no life. Without breath the light fades. Birds and flowers breathe. He and I and you breathe.” - Let’s find out if this is true? - Try to take a deep breath and hold your breath. How did you feel? - Why couldn’t they stay without air for a long time? - Right! Every cell of your body has rebelled! - Please give us air, otherwise we will die. — Tell me, please, why do we do breathing exercises during class? - Let's fulfill them. Exercises for developing breathing according to A. Strelnikova:

1. “Palms” - I.P.O.S. arms bent at the elbows, palms turned out, making grasping movements with the palms. 2. “Look to the left - look to the right” - I.P.O.S. slightly turn your head to the right - inhale without stopping in the middle - exhale, immediately turn to the left. 3. “Kitty” - I.P.O.S. arms are half bent at the elbows, relaxed hands are in front at waist level. — turn the upper part of the body to the right at the end point of squatting slightly and at the same time making grasping movements and inhaling. 4. “pendulum” - I.P.O.S. When bending back, the arms clasp the shoulders - inhale; when bending forward - exhale. It's time for us to continue our journey. We take our places. "The phonogram sounds"

Next station “Hygiene”

“Wash yourself with soap!
Do not be lazy! Don't slip out, don't get angry! Why did you fall again? I’ll wash you from the beginning!” — What rules of personal hygiene do we follow at home and in kindergarten (Answers: wash our face, brush our teeth) — Why do we need it? (to be clean, to look good, to feel pleasant, and to have healthy skin, to be hardened, to wash away germs) - That's right, because germs can take away our health. They are everywhere, in the air, in the water, on the earth, on our body. Not all microbes are harmful, many are beneficial. For example, with the help of lactic acid bacteria, you can make kefir, and harmful pathogenic microbes entering the human body, multiply and secrete poison, and various diseases arise from them. — How do microbes get into the body? (children’s answers: if you sneeze, if you don’t wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, if you don’t wash vegetables and fruits). — What is the carrier of infections? What helps fight it? — And now I want to offer you a game: “How to protect yourself from germs”

Cards: Carriers of infection:
“Dirty child”, “money”, “sick person”, “animals”, “door handle”, “telephone”, “mosquito”, “toilet”.
Helps fight germs:
“Toothbrush”, “clean towel”, “fresh air”, “flowers”, “clean fruit”, “soap”, “water”, “garlic”. - We must learn that in order not to get sick, we must not eat or drink on the street, always wash our hands with soap, eat only washed fruits and vegetables, when you sneeze and cough, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

Station "Valeology"

— You know what the word “Valeology” means—it’s the science of human health, what parts our spine consists of, what role the heart plays in our lives, why we need the stomach.
You already know something from me, so now we’re going to play a game called “Be Attentive.” 1. Show me the part... of the spine? 2. Where is the heart? stomach? 3. What do we hear? Do we see? Are we breathing? Are we eating? - Guys, what kind of person can be called healthy? - Now smile, for our guests to each other. After all, a smile is a good mood, and is also the key to health. By smiling, we give each other health and joy. I’ll tell you a secret; vitamin tea, which we will drink from a samovar today, will also help you maintain a good mood and health. Musical and choreographic composition “Pykh – samovar”.

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