Joint child-parent project “Legomaster”

Children and parents project “All works are good, choose according to your taste!”

  • November 14, 2012

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative – 2012”

Nomination “Working with parents” (in preschool educational institutions)

At first glance, it seems that the social world of a preschooler is small. This is his family, adults and peers whom he meets in kindergarten. However, the people around him enter into various relationships - family, friendship, professional and labor, etc.

Therefore, already at preschool age, it is necessary for children to form an idea of ​​​​the diversity of human relationships, to acquaint them with the rules and norms of life in society, with the society of their immediate environment.

To solve these problems, much attention is paid to cooperation with the family. Parents are involved in participating in the life of the group and kindergarten. We build our work in the sequence “Educator – Child – Parent”, which helps to establish partnerships with the child’s family, as well as join efforts for the development and upbringing of children and provide mutual assistance in solving problems that arise.

Project activity is a unique means of ensuring cooperation between children and adults, a way of implementing a person-oriented approach to education.

The peculiarity of the child-parent project is that children, parents, and teachers take part in the project. Joint collection of materials, production of attributes, games, competitions, presentations reveal the creative abilities of children, involve parents in the educational process, which naturally affects the results.

Presented child-parent project “All works are good, choose according to your taste!” aimed at developing cognitive and creative abilities. This long-term project will help the child learn about the variety of professions, their content, that all work is interesting, accessible, and that any work is important and honorable.

Teaching children to play means teaching children to live. And our modern children, those for whom play is a vital necessity and a condition for development, stop playing. The games children play have become sad and aggressive.

Having analyzed gaming activities and solving the annual task, I set a goal for myself - to involve parents in enriching the gaming base and, through joint efforts, help children “penetrate” the world of adults. Introducing a child to the world of adults is one of the complex and significant problems in modern life. I try to introduce children to this world through familiarization with the work of adults, through mastering work skills and operations. Due to age characteristics, a preschool child, while playing, penetrates into the world of adults, learns about their life, activities and is surprised by the results obtained.

For a long time I have been paying great attention to the joint activities of children and adults. And to solve this problem, she involved parents in the design of role-playing games within the framework of the project “All works are good, choose to taste!”, Understanding that project activities are a unique means of ensuring cooperation between children and adults, a way of implementing a personality-oriented approach to education.

Thanks to the interest of children and parents, their understanding, responsiveness, activity and creative abilities, the gaming environment in the group has expanded enormously.

The implementation of this project helped unite the team of parents, made it possible for them to realize the need and importance of play for a child in preschool age, the subject development base of the group was replenished, thanks to which children begin to focus on the world of adults and strive to recreate it in the game. Of particular importance is the joint activity of children and adults, during which the needs of preschool children in communicating with adults are met.

Partnership in joint activities helps the child to correctly and adequately participate in the development and testing of various games and activities.

Appendix 1: Multimedia presentation of the project.

Appendix 2: Schemes.


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Author: Natalia Viktorovna Grigorieva, teacher of the highest qualification category, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 8”, Revda village, Lovozero district, Murmansk region.

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