Summer fun for children in the fresh air in the second junior group “Visiting the Sun”

Safety rules during outdoor games in summer

When children run erratically around the playground, it is easy to fall and get injured. To prevent this from happening, the teacher must take care of the safety of the children:

  • Do not play games on a court where the sun is very hot. Children should be in the shade. If there are no such playgrounds, then let the children out when it is not hot - in the morning and late afternoon.
  • Before your walk, inspect the area for dangerous objects - glass, sharp sticks, stumps and debris.
  • Before starting a new game or activity, explain the rules in detail, even if the children have played the game before.
  • Do not leave children unattended. Make sure they do the exercises correctly.
  • Consider the age, physical characteristics and limitations of each child. If a boy gets tired quickly, do not force him to run along with everyone else.

Use the rules described, they are relevant for all exercises.

Sports leisure “Fun relay races” in the younger group

Sports leisure
Fun relay races in
the junior group “Zvezdochki”
12/7/2018 interesting, dynamic sports leisure

«Fun relay races»

with teacher Rezvikh I. V and physical education instructor I. I. Matveeva.

Goal: to increase interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle.

— Activate children’s motor activity, develop speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, spatial orientation;

— Instill a love of sports and physical education;

— Develop endurance and attention in games and relay races ;

- Create a joyful emotional mood.

Materials: 2 hoops, a ball, cubes and bags, 2 horses, snowballs, a soft bear toy.

Guys, in order to be healthy, what should you do and what should you do? (Children's answers)


Healthy lifestyle

And more beautiful every day!

We are full of optimism

Reveal the truth to everyone:

Healthy lifestyle

The exercises are carried out by physical development instructor I. I. Matveeva.

of relay games with children :

We play fair and together.

We play for fun.

If you win, be happy; if you lose, don’t be upset.

Relay races:

1. Relay : “Hit the hoop”

(The hoop lies on the floor
(ground, and the child must throw the bag and hit it)
2. Relay race : “Bicycle race on a horse”

(Each participant takes a horse, holds it between his legs and runs to a landmark).

3. Relay race : “Snowball in a spoon”
(The participant takes a spoon with a snowball and runs to the cube and back)

4. Relay : “Pass the ball to someone else”

5. Relay : “Get through the hoop”

6. Relay race . “Whose team will take its place faster”


There are 4 large hoops on the floor (2 for the Strongmen

, 2 for the
At the teacher’s signal, “Sunny”
everyone runs around the hall,
everyone runs and stands in hoops.

Well done to our teams,

- Goodbye, guys. Until next time.

Sports leisure “Fun starts with the ball” in the senior group Goal: To attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment. Objectives: Wellness: to help strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Physical education leisure in the preparatory group “Fun garden competitions” Purpose: To summarize children’s ideas about the autumn harvest. Objectives: To instill interest in competitions, sports games, and coordinate their actions.

Open viewing of sports entertainment in the senior and preparatory groups “Fun Relay Races” Purpose: Strengthening the health of children through physical exercise. Objectives: Wellness: • maintain and strengthen physical and mental health.

Sports leisure in the junior group “Visiting Baba Yaga” Goals: strengthening children’s health, improving physical qualities Educational objectives: 1. using a fairy-tale character, introduce.

Sports leisure in the junior group “How a cat and his friends saved a cockerel” Goal: to create a favorable emotional environment for children; improve health; consolidate the physical education skills acquired during the year;.

Sports leisure “Fun starts” in the middle group Goal: Strengthening the health of children in joint team games. Objectives: To cultivate courage, attention, endurance in children.

Sports leisure in the second junior group “Walk through the autumn forest” Goal: to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle through physical education; promote children's acquisition of motor skills and abilities;

Sports festival with parents “Fun Starts” in the middle group Goal: To develop children’s interest in sports. Objectives: 1. Continue to improve the motor skills of children. 2. Teach.


Why is it better to select outdoor games according to age?

When planning lessons, it is important to take into account the age characteristics of children. As children age, their interests and their level of physical and emotional development change. Children of the younger group are characterized by the following features:

  • Poor concentration. Therefore, games should be as simple and short as possible.
  • Low level of body control. Therefore, the teacher must monitor the safety of the children and insure them while performing tasks.
  • Strength is quickly depleted. To replenish them, you need to take short breaks between exercises.

Understanding these age-specific characteristics will help you prepare the most appropriate activity.

Summer holidays, leisure, entertainment, game programs for children 3-4 years old.

The manual presents scenarios for matinees, entertainment, holidays and theme evenings in preschool educational institutions.

The proposed material is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the training and education program in preschool institutions. It contains the following sections: folklore, musical and poetic staged matinees, activities to ensure the health and safety of children, education of cultural and hygienic skills, familiarization with the kindergarten, the rules of conduct for children and adults there.

Intended for educators and music directors of kindergartens, it may be useful for primary school teachers and organizers of leisure activities for younger preschoolers.

Summer holidays and entertainment for children of primary preschool age

Three-dimensional applique made of colored paper for children of the junior group “A boat is sailing on the waves.” Master class with step-by-step photos Step-by-step master class with photos for educators and children of the second junior group. Description: this master class will be useful for educators and parents of children over 3 years old. In the summer, in order to captivate children, especially in rainy weather, when walking is difficult, you can make a bright boat with your children, which will bring joy to the children. Author: Victoria Evgenievna Novoselka, teacher.

Scenario of summer entertainment “Visiting the Sun” for younger preschoolers and their parents. Author: Tatarintseva Lyudmila Nikolaevna, music director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution National School of Krasnoarmeyskoye Secondary School "Ogonyok" Goal: organizing leisure activities for preschoolers in the summer. Objectives: - to develop children's attention, creativity, logical thinking, and the ability to act on command; - stimulate children to engage in joint musical and playful activities and emotional responsiveness; - stimulate development

Outdoor games during the summer recreational period in preschool educational institutionsThinkers of Ancient Greece once about *** Motor activity is a natural need of preschool children. Hypodynamia is a child’s insufficient motor activity, which inevitably leads to a deterioration in the development of motor function and a decrease in the child’s physical performance. Therefore, special attention is required to create the prerequisites.

Scenario of a summer holiday for children of primary preschool age “MAGIC UMBRELLA OF SUMMER” Purpose: To evoke an emotional response in children, to create a joyful mood. Objectives: - to form in children an idea of ​​summer as a time of year, - to consolidate knowledge about flowers. - develop coordination of movements, dexterity, - cultivate interest in games, cohesion. Progress of the holiday: (Children enter the hall to the music and sit down) HOST: Let's begin, let's begin! We invite everyone to the holiday! All girls and boys.

Holiday “Hello, Sunny Summer” in kindergarten for younger preschoolers 3-4 years old Pedagogical tasks: 1. Show children what troubles wild animals get into because of people who pollute the environment; 2. In a playful way, consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature; 3. Teach children to help animals in trouble; 4. Give children the pleasure of communicating with their favorite fairy-tale animals. Characters: Rook, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Hedgehog, Beetle, Squirrel, Aibolit, presenter, children. Contents of the fragment.

Presentation on the topic: Summer for preschool children SUMMER, HELLO! Why is there so much light? Why is it warm around? Because this is summer For the whole summer has come to us! I. Maznin Good summer! The golden rays of the sun generously pour onto the earth. The river runs off into the distance like a blue ribbon. Warm, sunny rays break through the fluffy, thick caps of trees. Flowers - purple, yellow, blue - scattered about the clearings and edges. Here are daisies, and cornflowers, field birch, forget-me-nots, and dandelions, meadow.

Quest game for younger preschoolers in preschool educational institutions “Find the treasure” Prepared by: teacher Marina Evgenievna Moiseenko. Description: Treasure hunting is one of children's favorite games, which promotes team unity. The game continues until, step by step, the participants reach the treasure. The tasks are intended for children of primary preschool age. Goal: physical and psychological relaxation of children, obtaining positive emotions. Objectives: 1. To develop in children the ability to navigate the area.

Plasticineography “Summer has come” for children of the 2nd junior group. Step-by-step instructions with photos Author: Anastasia Karpova, pupil of the 2nd junior group. Teacher: Marina Nikolaevna Gordienko, teacher of the 2nd junior group. Objectives: 1. Clarify children’s understanding of the signs of the summer period. 2. Develop modeling skills, use the technique of “rolling out the sausage” and rolling it into a roller, flattening it. 3. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. 4. Cultivate a sense of beauty. This master class m.

Scenario for summer entertainment in the junior group “Magic Flower-Cornflower”. Author: Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the MBDOU “Kindergarten “Golden Fish” of the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district. This event will be useful for educators, music directors, when conducting summer leisure and entertainment with children of primary preschool age. Goal: creating a favorable emotional state in children. Objectives: - to form in children an idea of ​​summer as a time of year.

Summer leisure scenario “We are looking for the sun” for the younger group of a kindergarten. Author: Marina Viktorovna Vitskova, teacher at the MBDOU “Golden Fish Kindergarten”, Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district. This event will be useful for educators, music directors, when conducting summer leisure and entertainment with young children. Goal: to evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the holidays, to give children pleasure, and to enrich them with new impressions. Objectives: Develop your.

Entertainment “Visiting the Sun” in kindergarten for children 3-4 years old. The methodological development is intended for preschool teachers working with children of primary preschool age (3-4 years). I offer fun and easy-to-organize entertainment with the participation of fairy-tale characters. Goal: to bring joy, create a “sunny mood”. Objectives: Enrich children's vocabulary; develop imagination, desire and ability to participate in entertainment; teach discipline, cultivate friendships.

Plasticineography for younger preschoolers. Step-by-step instructions with photos Master - class on working with plasticine (plasticineography). "Polyanka" Author: Alexandra Kolchanova, 3 years old, junior group, MADOU “TsRR - kindergarten “Solnyshko”, Yarkovsky municipal district”, Yarkovo village. Head: Gulnara Ruslanovna Kurmanova, teacher, MADOU "CRR - kindergarten "Solnyshko" of the Yarkovsky municipal district", village of Yarkovo. Purpose of the master class: interior decoration, making gifts. Purpose: acquaintance.

Holiday “Oh, what our summer is.” Scenario. Second junior group This event will be useful for educators and music directors when holding summer holidays with children of primary preschool age. Goal: to bring joy to children and guests of the holiday. Objectives: Developmental: develop children's creative activity; Educational: cultivate a polite, friendly attitude towards each other; Educational: expand children's knowledge about the world around them. Takes place in the kindergarten area. Ve.

Leisure - entertainment in the summer "Let's save our nature" for children 3-4 years old and parents. Goal: Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschoolers, development of environmental consciousness, thinking, formation of a responsible attitude towards the environment. Objectives: 1. Increasing motor activity and motivational readiness for knowledge and exploration of nature. 2. Development of positive moral qualities that encourage children to comply with norms of behavior in nature and in society. 3. Formation of knowledge.

Applications for younger preschoolers “The hedgehog was walking through the forest, Nick was looking for berries.” Description: this work will be useful to teachers of younger groups in preschool educational institutions, parents and grandmothers. Goal: to develop children's creative abilities. Objectives: develop fine motor skills, teach how to do work using available tools, reinforce the main colors of the spectrum, cultivate a desire to help game characters. Equipment: pictures with an unfinished plot, plasticine, sunflower seeds, circles and rectangles from wood.

Sports entertainment for children 2-3 years old “Rock Chicken”.

Continue to teach them to walk after each other, to run without bumping into each other. Practice rolling the ball to each other and performing movements in accordance with the text. Evoke positive emotions in children when performing familiar movements in accordance with the text.

A selection of outdoor games for little ones

To plan your activity, use a selection of outdoor games that are great for toddlers. Alternate them to keep children's attention.

Hen and chicks

Goal: to develop motor activity, listening and hearing skills.

The teacher plays the role of a chicken, and the children play the role of chickens. Before the game starts, the teacher fences off the area for the “chicken coop”. To do this, he pulls a rope between two supports at a height of 55 cm. Then he scatters several toys in secluded places on the site.

The game begins with the “chickens” entering the “chicken coop” and the “hen” going to the playground in search of food. She walks slowly within the area. After a couple of minutes she says “Ko-ko-ko.” At this signal, the children crawl under the rope, run up to the teacher and together look for food (toys). When the teacher says “It’s time to go home,” the children run back to the “chicken coop.”

The exercise is repeated until the children find all the toys. If children cannot cope, the teacher can help.

Long throw

Goal: to develop accuracy and coordination of movements.

The teacher divides the kids into 3-4 teams. Then he draws a circle with a diameter of 1 meter and a line three meters from the circle. Gives each team 4 bags filled with sand. All children cross the line.

At the “Start” command, children take turns throwing the bags into the circle: 2 times with their right hand and 2 times with their left. Then they pick them up and pass them to the next player on their team. The team that completes the task the fastest and has the most shots inside the circle wins. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interfere with each other and counts how many bags from each team fall into the circle.


Goal: to develop coordination of movements.

The teacher conventionally designates the two banks of the river by drawing them on the ground or with chalk on the asphalt. The distance between the banks is 5-7 meters. He places album sheets or pieces of plywood that look like bricks between them. Then he divides the children into teams and gives them the task: to cross from one bank to the other using “bricks”.

The teacher gives a signal, and the kids take turns starting to cross. He makes sure that there is no more than one person from the team at the crossing at the same time, and that the kids only step on the “bricks.” If someone steps on the “water”, he is removed from the race and begins to go through it again. The first team to cross to the other side wins.

Summer entertainment in the second junior group “Summer has come to visit us”!

Summer entertainment in the second junior group “Summer has come to visit us”!


- continue to form ideas about summer - Develop dexterity and activity in outdoor games.
green blanket, baskets, mushrooms, berries, sun, rays, soap bubbles, music.
Preliminary work:
Preliminary conversation about summer (topic: what are the colors of summer)

Individual work with a child playing the role of the sun. Making mushrooms and berries with children (applique).

Progress of entertainment:


: Hello guys.
The forest is full of songs and screams, Strawberries are splashing with juice, Children are splashing in the river, Bees are dancing on a flower... What is this time called? Guess what, kids... (SUMMER) Children
: Summer!
: Correct!
What is summer? What can we tell you about him? Children:
It's the sun, warmth, green trees, butterflies flying, etc.
: Guys, do you know that summer is the time to pick berries and mushrooms.
: Yes!
: Let's pick berries and mushrooms too!
: Let's go!
Game "Collect berries and mushrooms."
(Mushrooms and berries are laid out on the blanket. Children are divided into 2 teams and they take turns collecting mushrooms and berries in a basket). (The game is repeated 2-3 times)
: Well done guys!
You did a good job harvesting! Educator
: Guys, now we will play with you another game about summer!
Game “Add a word”
Summer, summer has come to us!
It became dry and……. (warm). Summer comes to us in the spring, And in winter it wanders somewhere. If only it were the other way around - So that summer is all round...... (year)! The sun is above the roof, The shadow breathes coolness, There are flowers on the grass, On the bushes..... (leaves). Educator
: Children, why is it so warm here in the summer?
: Because the sun is warm!
: Correct!
(The sun comes out). Sunshine (performed by a child)
I am the radiant sun, the cheerful sparkling one.
: Guys, let's sing a song to the sun.
Song about “Sun”
In the morning the sun rises Higher, higher, higher.
At night the sun will set lower, lower, lower. Okay, okay, the sun is laughing. And under the sun, everyone, everyone lives a happy life. Host: Let's play a game with the sun. Game "Give the sun some rays."
(Children are given templates of sun rays and they must collect the sun).
: Well done!
What a wonderful sun you have! Educator
: Sunny, what do you have in your basket? (the child takes soap bubbles from the basket and hands them to the teacher).

Oh, these are soap bubbles. Outdoor game "Soap Bubbles"

- Guys, we're going to turn into bubbles. Let's say the magic words: One-two-three, We are all soap bubbles. — Bubbles love to fly. At the signal: “Let’s fly,” you will run. — Bubbles have houses. These are hoops. At the signal: “It’s time to go home!” you will try to take a place in the house. Anyone who doesn’t have enough space drops out of our game and turns back into a child.

: We had a fun holiday.


: Yes!!!


: Guys, who visited us today?

Children: sun


: What object was in the sun’s basket?

Children: soap bubbles.


: Did you guys enjoy playing with bubbles?

Children: yes Teacher

: Well, this is where our walk into the summer ends, it’s time for you and me to join the group.

Summer sports festival (junior group 2)

Larisa Grigorievna Sizonenko
Summer sports festival (junior group 2)

1. Develop the correct skills to perform basic movements.

2. Promote mastery of standards of direction, tempo, tension.

3. Develop agility, speed, endurance, strength.

4. Form health-saving and health-enhancing motor behavior.

5. Foster a desire to participate in organized forms of physical education work together with other children.

1. Learning games and rules for games.

2. Making attributes for games.

3. Selection of musical works.

4. Sports uniform.

Summary of a sports festival in the 2nd junior group.

Oksana Glazkova
Synopsis of a sports festival in the 2nd junior group.

Sports festival in the 2nd junior group

Contribute to the improvement of motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities, the need to engage in physical education and sports , and contribute to the formation of joyful emotions. Foster a love of sports .

Equipment: ribbons, skittles, balls, cubes, hare and bear toys, audio recording.

Scenario of a sports festival in the second junior group “Health Day”

Marina Kirsanova
Scenario of a sports festival in the second junior group “Health Day”

Scenario of a sports festival in the second junior group

«Health Day»


Goal: to develop in children the need for a healthy lifestyle .

1. Involve in regular physical education and sports .

2.Develop physical qualities: endurance, agility, speed, spatial orientation.

3. Create a cheerful and joyful mood in children.

— posters, balloons, sports slogans for the design of the site;

— a costume for Kaprizka, 6 balls, 2 hoops, a rope, a flag (for giving a signal, one pair of slippers, 2 Panama hats, 4 three-dimensional figures, 2 sticks, chairs for children.

Venue: kindergarten playground.

— cheerful music for relay races and competitions;

- dance “we kick top top top”


Preliminary work: physical education classes, holding similar relay races, conversations about healthy lifestyle and sports , learning poetry and dances.

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