Russian folk riddles about dishes and utensils (household items)

Riddles for children about objects and houses with answers

If a river comes running through a pipe into your house and rules it - What will we call it? (Water pipes)

And it shines and glitters, It doesn’t flatter anyone, But it will tell anyone the truth - It will show him everything as it is. (Mirror)

Without a driver, without wheels, But he brought me home. (Elevator)

Rubber Akulinka Went for a walk on the back. And while she was walking, her back became pink. (Washcloth)

Bone back, Stiff bristles, Makes friends with mint paste, Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

A white pillar stands on the roof and grows higher and higher. So he grew to the skies - and disappeared. (Smoke)

She gnaws quickly, chews finely, and does not swallow herself. (Saw)

One hundred and one brothers, all in one row, belted with one sash. (Fence)

The houses stand in two rows - Ten, twenty, a hundred in a row, And they look at each other with square eyes. (Street)

He goes into the forest and looks home; goes home - looks into the forest. (Axe in belt)

They hit the boy on the cap so that he lives in a piece of wood. (Nail)

They hit Yermilka as hard as they can on the back of the head, but he doesn’t cry, he just hides his leg. (Nail)

Born in the forest, but runs the house. (Broom)

There are a hundred fires in a small barn. (Matches)

In Moscow he speaks, but here we can hear him. (Radio)

In Linen Country A steamboat floats along the Sheet River, back and forth, And behind it is such a smooth surface - Not a wrinkle can be seen. (Iron)

The pear is hanging, you can’t eat it. (Lamp)

He climbed onto the table from under the bench, looked around on the stand, wagged his flexible tail, and licked the folds from his tie. (Iron)

They stand on the street all day, smiling at passers-by. Their service begins when it is already dark. (Lights on the street)

All day long they wiggle their mustaches and tell you to recognize the time. (Watch)

I serve in the locker room, I hold my coat hanging. (Hanger)

The head burns with fire, the body melts and burns. I want to be useful: There is no lamp - I’ll shine it. (Candle)

He gives his hand to everyone who comes and everyone who leaves. (Door knob)

Dresses the whole world, she herself is naked. (Needle)

He sews everything in the world, he doesn’t put on what he sews. (Needle)

Where the tail rests, there will be a hole later. (Awl)

It looks like a hedgehog, but does not ask for food. It will run through your clothes - And your clothes will become cleaner. (Clothes brush)

Day and night this miracle guard stands on the roof: He will see everything, hear everything, share everything with me! (Antenna)

My friend is holding on to my ear, With one stitch her eyelid runs after me. (Needle and thread)

Two brothers stand at the edges of the door, but do not dare enter the hut. (Shoals)

Two brothers went into the water to swim. (Buckets)

Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)

Two rings, two ends, studs in the middle. (Scissors) 35 Two handles, teeth all over the belly. (Saw)

Two slender sisters in the hands of a craftswoman. We spent the whole day diving into the loops... And here it is - a scarf for Petenka. (Knitting needles)

The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it. During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he will light up with a bright flame. (Lamp)

They filled her mouth with meat, And she chews it, Chews, chews and does not swallow - She puts it on a plate. (Meat grinder)

If the day frowns, if it rains, He will go out into the street and fly over me. (Umbrella)

Two sisters, one after another, run circle after circle: The short one - only once, The one that is taller - every hour. (Arrows)

There is a portrait in the room that looks like you in everything. Laugh - and in response He will laugh too. (Mirror)

Every day at seven in the morning I shout: “It’s time to get up!” (Alarm)

During the day the pillow sleeps on it, and at night Andryushka sleeps on it. (Bed)

There is a back, but it never lies. Has four legs, but doesn't walk. He always stands, but tells everyone to sit. (Chair)

Two friends live, looking in two circles. (Glasses and eyes)

Varvara climbed higher than the barn, didn’t eat, didn’t drink, kept looking at the sky. (Antenna)

He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything. (Comb)

The toothy saw went into the dense forest. She walked around the entire forest and didn’t cut anything down. (Comb)

To distant villages, cities Who walks on the wires? (Electricity)

They sealed it with glue firmly and sent it to me urgently. I won’t regret it: I’ll get it and put it up in no time. (Letter)

Look under the window - there is an accordion stretched out there! But the accordion doesn’t play - It warms our apartment. (Battery)

A cloud is made of iron, and a handle is made of a cloud. This cloud went around the garden bed in order. (Watering can)

They read books, but do not know how to read and write. There are no eyes, but they help to see. (Glasses)

Screams without a tongue, sings without a throat, brings joy and sorrow, but the heart does not feel. (Bell) Who comes to our house through the wires? At night, when it is dark, it lights up the house. (Electricity)

I’ll sit under your arm and tell you what to do: Either I’ll let you go for a walk, or I’ll put you to bed. (Thermometer)

The steamer goes by, now back, now forward, and behind it there is such a smooth surface - not a wrinkle can be seen. (Iron)

A piece of paper is brought to our apartment in the morning. On one such sheet there is a lot of different news. (Newspaper)

Who can't call me? I look like a hedgehog. I protect your dress from dust and stains. (Clothes brush)

Who comes, who leaves - everyone leads her by the hand. (Door)

Little Erofeyka wore a short belt, hopped and hopped across the floor, and sat down in the corner. (Broom)

Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew)

Ask me how I work, I spin around my axis. (Wheel)

Many neighbors live nearby but never see each other. (Window)

On one finger the bucket is upside down. (Thimble)

Hammer knock-knock - sticks out on the wall of a branch. Knock again and you won't be able to see. (Nail)

We walk at night, we walk during the day, But we won't go anywhere. We strike regularly every hour, And you, friends, don’t hit us! (Watch)

The fingers hold the blanket on the rope. (Clothespins)

There is a plate hanging on the wall, and an arrow moves along the plate. This arrow tells us the weather ahead of time. (Barometer)

The boys will bend me over and it will rain on the garden bed. (Watering can)

Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus? Look at anyone: Clothes are worn on top. He has it inside. (Chiffonier)

Our dough ended up in a hot place. It hit, it didn’t disappear, it became a golden brown bun. (Bake)

No legs, but I walk, no mouth, but I’ll tell you when to sleep, when to get up. (Bake)

It may melt, but not the ice. It's not a lantern, but it gives light. (Candle)

The gardener with the long nose lives. Wherever your nose shakes, water will flow. (Watering can)

They ran an amazing cord to the ceiling. We screwed the bottle on and the light came on. (Lamp)

It will lie unnoticed all day in your pocket. If you come home without it, you won’t get into the house. (Key)

If you fold it, it’s a wedge, and if you unfold it, it’s a damn thing. (Umbrella)

The way watermelons are big, the way apples are small. They can't talk, but they can determine their weight. (Weights)

I have tons of friends, I can’t count them myself, Because whoever passes by will shake my hand. (Door)

He walks and walks, but does not enter the house. (Door)

It hangs in a prominent place, swallowing news all year round. (Mailbox)

A little black dog lies curled up. Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house. (Lock)

Although he is small in stature, he is accustomed to respect: In front of him are oaks and maples, And birches bow to him. (Axe)

He walks and wanders along the carpets, leading his nose to the corners. Where he passed, there was no dust, Dust and rubbish were his lunch. (Vacuum cleaner)

Four brothers are chasing each other and will not catch up. (Table)

I dug the ground and wasn’t tired at all. And whoever dug with me is tired. (Shovel)

I’ll let you into anyone’s house. If you knock, I’m glad to hear the knock. But I won’t forgive one thing - If you don’t give me your hand. (Door)

I saw my portrait, I walked away - there was no portrait. (Mirror)

He doesn’t have a language, but whoever visits will learn a lot. (Newspaper)

No hands, but they beat. (Watch)

Bone back, stiff bristles, makes friends with mint paste, serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

No ears, but hears, no hands, but writes. (Record player)

Dwarves live in a wooden house. They are such good-natured people - they hand out lights to everyone. (Matches)

Day and night this miracle guard stands on the roof: He will see everything, hear everything, share everything with me! (Antenna)

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