“The best nannies of Russia”: results of the first All-Russian competition

Scenario for a big concert

Celebration “My Fair Nanny!”

Dear Colleagues! I want to tell you about one wonderful holiday that took place in December 2006 at MDOU No. 59 “Child Development Center - Cinderella Kindergarten ” in Norilsk . We called this event “My Fair Nanny!” , dedicated to people of the junior educator profession. It was with this kind and affectionate word “nanny” that we, kindergarten teachers, allowed ourselves to call our younger teachers on this day, these wonderful workers, assistant teachers from A to Z.

The work of a junior teacher is almost invisible to parents. Many mothers and fathers do not see these kind and affectionate eyes that meet their children every day, do not hear how their children share their secrets with these wise women, do not know how, in a motherly way, nannies teach the children wisdom and order - the ability to cover on the table, make beds, monitor appearance and much more. Throughout the day, the junior teacher is close to the children, lives the entire group life, and knows about all the little things of a child’s life. Well, any parents who know about all this, who do not doubt the enormous role of junior educators in the lives of their children, are certainly very grateful to nannies for their work for the benefit of preschool children.

In order to raise the prestige of the profession, in confirmation of the need and need for junior educators, as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of preschool education in Norilsk, the event “My Fair Nanny!”

Throughout the day, junior teachers were the main inhabitants of the country "Cinderella". Preschool children, due to their age capabilities, helped the nannies in everything. Teachers, together with children and parents, prepared “Nanny’s Corners” in groups with stories about their younger teachers, photographs, and kind words addressed to nannies.

A competition was held between the junior teachers for the most interesting and beautiful labeling. The nannies were happy to show off their talents and did their best! You have never seen such outlandish saucepans in your life - with deer, daisies, squirrels, fish! As expected, based on the results of the competition, the winners were announced and, of course, gifts were presented! The award ceremony took place at a matinee, which was prepared by preschool children, under the guidance of music directors, for their favorite nannies. How nice it was for the children and parents invited to the celebration to see their junior teacher as a winner!

The day ended with a solemn big concert for junior teachers with their participation. The teachers gave their assistants songs, romances, poems, and the nannies in return, being creative people, sang, danced, and acted as models! The holiday turned out to be soulful, lyrical and, at the same time, cheerful and invigorating. The junior teachers themselves, all the kindergarten staff, and the guests of the concert received great pleasure and a lot of impressions!

I suggest that everyone who is interested, who might want to organize such a holiday for younger teachers in their kindergarten, read the script for the big concert “My Fair Nanny!” Ivanenko Ksenia Vasilievna

teacher of MDOU No. 59 "CRR - Kindergarten "Cinderella" in Norilsk

The presenter opens the concert:

Good evening, dear friends and guests of our holiday! Good evening, we tell you according to tradition.

We are glad to see you again in our hall - this meeting is not accidental. After all, in the coming New Year, the entire city public will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Norilsk preschool education. And on the eve of this anniversary, today we honor our beloved junior teachers!

This day is not marked with a red number. The lilacs are not blooming outside the windows, And today is a holiday in our garden: “Good mood,” junior kindergarten teachers enter the hall.

Presenter: Hello our dear nannies!

And although officially your position sounds like a junior teacher, but, if you allow, it is with this kind and gentle word nanny that we will call you today.

There are many different professions in the world.

The work of a miner can be measured in tons of coal mined, a steel worker - in the amount of steel smelted, a doctor - in the number of patients cured.

How to measure the work of a junior teacher?...

It cannot be measured, because your work is immeasurable and priceless!

For you, our dears, this wonderful song will be performed by the “Magic Voices” choir (the choir includes kindergarten teachers).

Song "Dear Nannies!"


Yes, God grant you all good luck, prosperity in the family. And at work - respect and just happiness on earth!

Please accept this soulful song by composer Alexander Morozov “Rechenka” performed by our choir “Magic Voices”.


And now, dear guests, you have a unique opportunity to meet each of the representatives of this respectable profession - junior teacher!

Having worked for many years in a kindergarten, having a wealth of experience behind them, these women received the proud status of “Experienced and wise” junior kindergarten teachers.

So we present:

Further, according to the scenario, the presenter introduces each junior teacher included in the “Experienced and Wise” nomination. The presenter says all the best about the representatives of this profession:

— she knows how to be invisible when the kids are busy with their own business and irreplaceable when they need help and support;

- you know how to be interesting to children all the time, and you know how to accept them as they are;

- you know how to see the uniqueness of each child, you realize that his life and his soul are in your hands;

- you know how to take care of these souls and do everything to make the kids in kindergarten feel cozy and comfortable,

- you rejoice at how preschool children grow;

— out of habit, kids call you mom;

- you feel the affection and trust of the children.

And at the same time, you are not only wonderful workers, but also talented, gifted, creative people!

The elders perform ditties.


Our dear nannies! We wish you joy always. Please accept congratulations from us. We wish you well with all our hearts. And so that you don’t have sadness, And so that your children don’t upset you. And so that you are in a great mood - Please accept this song as congratulations.

Song "It's Snowing"


Dear guests, as you have noticed, our kindergarten is a small country in which people of different characters and nationalities live and work together.

We present to you the “Golden Mean” of a team of junior educators.

Next, he introduces each participant in the “Golden Mean” nomination - it’s you, our glorious workers, who give your selfless love to the children.

Please accept as a gift a gypsy romance performed by the music director.


And we also know about you that you know how to have fun yourself and light up others with joyful enthusiasm.

Junior teachers present the “Medley” dance.


This is what she is - our golden mean - a storehouse of talent.

It certainly isn't easy being a junior teacher! After all, there is so much to do in a day: wash the floors, wipe the dust, keep tools in order, dress and undress the children, feed them:

In general, our nannies are real Cinderellas!

And we will now be convinced of this!

A brand is being held - a kindergarten game (junior teachers and guests) “Both beans and peas”.

At the end of the game, the presenter sums up:

You have proven that any business can be achieved in your capable hands, you confirm the hardworking name of our kindergarten.

Please accept this ancient romance as a gift.


We will thank you for your affection, kindness, and care. I wish I could collect all the flowers in the world and give them to you, dear ones. We wish you health, happiness, more joy, goodness, so that everything in life is wonderful, so that the years do not age you.


We are all very pleased that young people, full of enthusiasm and fire, a desire to work and take care of the little Norilsk residents, are joining the team.

We present to you “Youth Of Course, Nanny:”

While the junior teachers are preparing to show the fashion collection, the presenter continues:


Nanny! How much in this word: Wasn’t the poet writing about you? We are very happy to congratulate you. After all, the holiday has come only for you. To you, dear workers of the garden, Helpers from A to Z! Without you there is no purity, no harmony. And you and I are one family. Thank you for your kindness, for your work, for your help, for your care. After all, every preschooler knows about your difficult work. You have time to wash, clean and tidy up. How are you doing? - We will never cease to be surprised! And if necessary, you also read books to the children, tell them about this and that, and play games with them. You are a teacher - a proud name, of course, you were given according to your merits, although you are called junior - you are our best friends.

We offer you, dear guests, a fashion show “Modern Nanny!”

Junior teachers demonstrate accessories of workwear.


We sincerely wish happiness to all our family nannies. For the young - harmony in love, Longevity - for the elderly. So, may luck and success await you in all your worries, And may you work eagerly, and may you also walk - without interference!

The floor is given to one of the oldest workers in our kindergarten.

One of the junior teachers, who has been working at the preschool educational institution for a long time, is speaking.


On this wonderful evening, for you, our dear colleagues, beloved nannies, wonderful women, we have prepared memorable souvenirs.

To present gifts, the floor is given to the head of the kindergarten.

Gifts and flowers are presented by the head of the kindergarten and the bosses.


Well, that's it for the festive evening! And according to good tradition, we invite everyone: you, dear guests, and you, our dear nannies, and those who work hand in hand with you, to perform the anthem of our kindergarten.

The anthem “Cinderella Kindergarten” is performed.

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All-Russian pedagogical competition “Modern educator”

Organizer: All-Russian pedagogical publication “Teacher's Magazine”, Moscow.

For whom: preschool teachers.

What you need to do: write a competition paper on one or more topics from the following:

1. Methodological and practical articles on conducting classes in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

2. Effective means, forms and innovative methods of working with children with disabilities.

3. Development of didactic materials, visual aids, work with interactive whiteboards, panels, etc.

4. Technologies, methods, techniques and ideas that you implement in the classroom.

More details: official website.

Prizes: diplomas of participants and winners (I, II, III degree), publication of the best materials on the publication’s website.

When: Applications are open and will close until September 30, 2022.

All-Russian competition “Parents’ meeting: a modern approach to organization”

Organizer: Pedagogical Academy of Modern Education

For whom: educators with their pupils of educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, orphanages), pupils of educational institutions of additional education.

What you need to do: create a file in the format of a text presentation, video, audio, photo. Creating crafts is acceptable. It is submitted to the competition in the form of a photo.

These materials should reflect a modern approach to organizing parent meetings.

The competition entry must be attached to the registration form on the website.

More details: official website.

When: 2021/2022 academic year. Applications are open and will close until August 2022.

All-Russian Pedagogical Competition “Environmental Education”

Organizer: electronic media “Academy of Pedagogy”

For whom: teaching staff of any educational institutions (preschool educational institutions; secondary general education institutions; institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education; correctional educational institutions; institutions of additional education for children).

What needs to be done: develop and submit for the competition works dedicated to environmental and environmental education and training. You can work individually or as part of a group of authors of no more than three people.

More details: official website.

Prizes: diplomas for winners and participants.

When: Applications can be submitted until January 28, 2022.

All-Russian competition "Educator's Portfolio"

Organizer: Pedagogical Academy of Modern Education

For whom: educators, teaching staff and heads of educational organizations implementing educational programs for preschool education.

What you need to do: format your portfolio as a pdf file or text document and attach it to the completed registration form on the website.

More details: official website.

Prizes: award documents; the best materials submitted for the competition may be published in the media and in the competition collection.

When: 2021/2022 academic year. Applications are open and will close until August 2022.

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