Plan of educational and research activities in the preparatory group
Plan of cognitive and research activities in the preparatory group Inna Mordik Plan of cognitive and research activities in the preparatory group
Project activities as a means of introducing preschoolers to fiction.
Project activities as a means of introducing preschoolers to fiction. Modern education is on a new
sensory room
Psychological relief zone in a kindergarten group; methodological development (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group)
Corner of psychological relief “Fairy Room”. Goal: maintaining the psychological health of children in a preschool institution.
Features of physical education for children in preschool educational institutions
The issue of protecting and strengthening the physical condition of children is considered one of the most important practically
Master class for children and parents of the second junior group “Training fingers - developing speech”
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Application in the early age group “Decorate
Good deeds
Short-term project “Our good deeds” in the general developmental group “Bell” (Senior, preparatory group) secondary preschool kindergarten “Polyushko” MBOU secondary school in the village of Kamyshki
Material (senior group) on the topic: Screen “Our good deeds.” We want to share how we
Social and personal development of children in a preschool setting
Social and personal development of children in a preschool environment Bibliographic description: Mangazeeva, T. N. Social and personal development
Project on the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children “Autumn can be different: golden, yellow, red” Zhukova Oksana Mikhailovna
Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children. — presentation Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers “What is missing in
How to draw the planet Mars with a pencil. The planet Mars
Hubble telescope image Despite many scientific discoveries, the red planet remains very interesting
How to write a creative project - example and rules - For students
Consultation for teachers “How to prepare and formalize a project in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”
Defining the stages of the project and executing the project What the stages look like in general
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