Long-term planning “Kindergarten” in the senior group

Long-term planning “Kindergarten” in the senior group


Long-term planning “Kindergarten” in the senior group



Morning Conversation: “How nice it is in our garden”

: Expand and generalize children’s ideas about the social significance
of the kindergarten , about its employees, about the rights and responsibilities of children.
Etude “Golden Droplets”
(emotions of pleasure and joy)
Memorization Kindergarten

S. Pitirimov Cultivate interest in literary texts, maintain an emotional response to the work

D/I “The Beginning of Wisdom”

: teach children to analyze and memorize proverbs about friendship, study, books.

P.I. “Wider the circle”

- evoke positive emotions

Indus work in mathematics: consolidate the idea of ​​the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months. Develop a sense of time.

Duty in a corner of nature - loosening the soil in flower pots: to develop the ability to carry out work assignments, to consolidate the concept of the need for this work

Culture of behavior - Conversation “Be kind”
(polite words in the life of a future schoolchild)
Goal: to teach children to self-control their behavior.

Lessons Examination by program sections

Mini-tour of the kindergarten “Our kindergarten , our group

: consolidate children’s knowledge about buildings
(outside, color, number of floors and entrances)
names and purposes of rooms in the kindergarten ( group rooms , music room, offices of the manager, nurses, etc.) and in the group (locker room, bedroom, etc.)

Physical training

Observations in nature

D I “Find objects of similar color”

- exercise the child in matching objects by color and generalizing them based on color.

Game-survey “Ecological interview”

(inspection of a site in order to detect good and bad actions of people with natural objects): consolidate the rules of behavior in nature

P. I. “Wolf in the Moat”

: develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal.
Practice running long jumps. P/I “Occupy a house”
- Exercise children in the ability to hit the ball against the wall, catch it with both hands.

C\r game-situation “A Day in Kindergarten

- teach to strive to reflect the relationships and actions of adults in the plot, to master the ability to correctly name oneself in a game role, to name one’s game actions.

Ind work in physics: “Be the most dexterous!”

: develop agility, endurance.

Labor in nature: collecting flower seeds for sowing next year.

2nd half Day Self-care: exercise “I do everything myself”

.Help increase children’s independence, form and consolidate healthy habits, take care of their appearance, eliminate problems in clothing and hairstyle

Reading excerpts from the work: S. Mikhalkov “Feast of Disobedience”

-Teach children to analyze their actions and the actions of their friends. Activate the desire to perform noble deeds and enjoy the results

Walk Conversation: “My friends in kindergarten

: consolidate the concept of
learn to understand the meaning of the words “acquaintances”
; teach to value friendship and cherish it; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance; instill love and respect for all living things.

Indus work on the social world - to consolidate the rules of behavior in the village

Etude “Meeting a Friend”
(emotion of joy)
P I “Recognize your friends by their voice”

Progress of the game: children run around the hall from the driver with his eyes blindfolded. The caught one raises his voice. The driver must recognize him by his voice.

D/I “Where is whose silhouette?”

.: develop attention and logical thinking.
D/I “I’ll start, and you continue”
: teach children to complete poetic passages from familiar fairy tales, develop memory

Construction from a large construction set: Kindergarten is my home Create simple buildings, give them a name, use the buildings in further play, rejoice in achieving your goals

C\r game-situation “A Day in Kindergarten

- teach to strive to reflect the relationships and actions of adults in the plot, to master the ability to correctly name oneself in a game role, to name one’s game actions.

Working with parents: “What awaits us in September?”
(Information about working with children for a month)



Morning Conversation “Who takes care of us in kindergarten

-tell about the work of the teacher" (Form ideas about
kindergarten , the labor processes of each of them, the tools of their work; cultivate cognitive interest in the work of adults.)
Finger gymnastics "How are you living?"

“Remember and repeat”
(memory training, speech activation D/i
“Who is doing what?”
: expand children’s ideas about people’s activities

Indus work on the social world: repeat the names and patronymics of kindergarten .

P I “Find your match”
(with ribbons)
- to form in children the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

Table behavior culture: continue to teach children how to behave correctly at the table while eating (sit up straight, don’t sway in the chair, don’t rush and don’t talk with your mouth full); cultivate cultural behavior at the table, neatness.

Canteen duty: (formation of the ability to work in pairs, foster diligence.)

Lessons Examination by program sections

Counting sounds. Solving problems with ingenuity. Exercise children in counting sounds, in the ability to find a number greater or less than one, practice in composing and solving problems on addition and subtraction; solving problems using ingenuity)


BJD walk: “Safety while walking”

: to provide knowledge about the rules of behavior on the territory
of the kindergarten : when meeting with various pets, to promote the development of caution.
D.I.: “Remember and repeat”
(memory training, speech activation)

S/R game "Hospital"

- learn to provide first aid for injuries

Physical complex. Exercise in running in a column one at a time, in the ability to switch from running to walking; in maintaining balance and correct posture when walking on elevated support.

P.I.: “Physical education-hurray!”

(Exercise children in running races)
“Hit the target” (Practise throwing bags)
P/i “Catch a Pair”
: develop running speed, the ability to quickly find a pair

Individual physical education work - long-distance throwing

Labor in nature: collecting dry twigs on the site.

Independent activity with physical education equipment, exercises and games with them - learn to agree on interaction with comrades. Explain safe ways to handle equipment.

Day 2 Self-care: exercise “I do everything myself”

.Help increase children’s independence, form and consolidate healthy habits, take care of their appearance, eliminate problems in clothing and hairstyle

Watching the cartoon “What is good and what is bad?”

Conversation “My actions”

(form actions and behavior to be kind; teach to distinguish between good and bad actions).

Walk D I “Bouquet of Good Deeds”

. The children are given silhouettes of flowers; on the core, the child can draw a good deed that he can do for his family, loved ones, and others, then attach his flower to the base of the bouquet

Ind work on R R – repovt Kindergarten

S. Pitirimov

S/R game “Family Kindergarten

: expand and consolidate children’s understanding of the content of the labor actions of
kindergarten , cultivate friendly relationships during the game
Construction: “ABC”
(from counting sticks)
Develop fine motor skills and imagination

Board games: checkers, dominoes: learn to independently organize games of this type, prepare a place for the game, follow the rules. Form logical thinking, ability to analyze and compare.

P/I “Trap in a circle”

develop attention dexterity

Recommendations for parents: tell your child about the rules of behavior in kindergarten . Teach your child how to politely address adults.




Morning Conversation kindergarten is so good - you won’t find a better kindergarten”

: clarify children's knowledge about
kindergarten . (A large beautiful building with many cozy groups , two halls, a spacious kitchen. D/s resembles a big family where everyone takes care of each other.) Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in d/s. Finger gymnastics “How are you living?”
Stick, stop” : continue to teach to listen to the sound of words; practice independently naming words and clearly pronouncing the sounds in them.

P/i "Hot ball"

- to form in children the need for physical activity and physical improvement. Ind work on the social world: repeat the names and patronymics of
kindergarten .
Work in a corner of nature: caring for a houseplant spathiphyllum: loosening, irrigation, wiping leaves, watering.

Culture of behavior “The magic of kind words”

(: to form a culture of behavior, moral qualities: responsiveness, goodwill; train in the ability to give kindness to others in words and deeds).


Survey by program sections

Creative Storytelling: When I'm an Adult... To form an interest in professions, a desire to learn more about them, to attract children’s attention to people in new professions. Continue to teach how to write creative stories, develop memory and imagination. To foster cognitive interests in children and respect for working people.

Physical training

Walk Observing the work activities of adults, their attitude towards work (assistant teacher, teacher)

(What is he doing? What tools does he use in his work? How can you help? Cultivate respect for his work). D I “Who needs what for work?”
- consolidate the names of professions and tools

Physical complex: Exercise in uniform running while maintaining a distance; develop coordination of movements in jumping while reaching an object; repeat the exercises with the ball and climbing under the cord without touching it. P I “I’m an athlete!”

“The signal sounds!”
- develop agility, speed, attention, the ability to act on a signal.

Individual work on movement development: Improving running technique (lightness, speed)

.Goal: to develop coordination of movements.

Work assignments: collect takeaway material (show a desire to help adults, be interested in an adult’s thoughts about their work).

Role-playing games at the request of children. Games with external material Independent activities during a walk

2nd half day Self-care: exercise “I do everything myself”

.Help increase children’s independence, form and consolidate healthy habits, take care of their appearance, eliminate problems in clothing and hairstyle

Reading the story by V. Dragunsky Childhood Friend

.Conversation: “What does the word
- education of morality and mutual assistance.

Walk Finger gymnastics Girls and boys are friends in our

. develop coordination of speech with movement, work on fine motor skills.

Mathematical games "Tangram"

"Columbus Egg"
To develop logical thinking and attention. Construction games using the Lego
, the desktop wooden constructor
kindergarten .

S/r game "Toy Factory"

-development of flexible role-playing behavior during the development of game plots.

D.I.: “I will find words everywhere”
(to train children in the ability to find words in a given place)
Ind work on speech development - compiling a coherent story based on the picture P.I.:
“Freeze” (to develop attention)

Invite parents to read with their children and discuss recommended works of modern and foreign literature; enriching the “reading experience”





Morning Conversation “What do you like about kindergarten

: develop a sense of love and pride for your
group , instill in children a caring attitude towards objects.
D. And “Who needs what in kindergarten

(to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly, speak at a normal pace, without interrupting the adult speaking).

P.I.: “Wider the circle”

. Raise your emotional mood

Ind. work on r r – repeat learned poem Kindergarten

Work in the corner of a book (developing the ability to work in pairs)

Culture of behavior “Our good deeds”

: develop in children a good attitude towards the entire world around them. Teach children to analyze their actions and the actions of their friends. Intensify the desire to perform noble deeds and enjoy the results.


Survey by program sections

Musical 9 00

Walk Observing the work activities of adults, their attitude towards work (janitor, assistant teacher, teacher)

. (What does a janitor do? What tools does he use in his work? How can you help a janitor? Cultivate respect for his work).

D/I “Who needs what for work?”

-fix the names of professions, tools

P/i "Mirror"

: teach children to repeat movements after the leader, develop attention

Physical complex 1.: H. o. in a column one at a time, moving forward by jumping on both legs, x. Oh. "snake"

between the trees

P I "Game break"

"I am a sportsman!"
“The signal sounds!”
- develop agility, speed, attention, the ability to act on a signal.

Individual work on movement development: practice throwing and catching the ball S./r. game "Builders"

— consolidate the ability to build bridges and gates.
Labor activityHelping children of the younger group in cleaning the territory : develop diligence, the desire to help kids.
Independent games with external material

2nd floor Self-care: exercise “I do everything myself”

. Help increase children's independence, form and consolidate healthy habits, take care of their appearance, eliminate problems in clothing and hairstyle

Handmade “Lace bookmark for a book”

: Introduce children to a new technique of applicative design of household products - slotted decor. Learn to cut out geometric and floral elements on a strip of paper folded in half.

Walk S. /r. and "Library"

- development of flexible role behavior when developing game plots in individual and joint activities with peers

Conversation “Ethical and unethical actions”

: propose to consider various situations, determine how to act in each of them.
To develop cultural behavior skills in kindergarten .
Game "Chamomile of Politeness"

A kind, polite word is written on each flower petal.
a petal, the children read it themselves or, together with the teacher, come up with a situation where this word can be used, or read a poem about it.

Indus/work on mathematics: orientation in space (forward-backward, right-left)


Development of fine motor skills: “Let's make numbers from counting sticks”

“Dictations by cells”
“Wire men”
N/A games-Loto “Associations”

, Lotto
“Numbers and Letters”
“Who Owns What”
introduce a new game, consolidate the ability to play by the rules, develop logical thinking

Folders “The ABC of Kindness”

Consultation “The role of books in the moral education of children”



Morning Conversation: “What needs to be done to make our kindergarten even better ?” maintain a creative attitude towards the surrounding world and the desire to participate in feasible work, cultivate interest and respect for the work of employees of d/s D/i “Gde”

-use of prepositions

D And “Whoever comes up, let him take it!”

— teach children to talk about an object, highlighting its most characteristic features: color.
form, quality and its purpose; according to the description, find an object in a group or on an area ; develop attention, memory, thinking and speech. P.I.: “Make a figure”
(consolidating children’s skills to perform actions on a signal from an adult, freeze in some position: sit down, raise their arms to the sides, up

HBT-Teach children to independently maintain order in the group room (put away building materials, toys; help the nanny)

Ind work on the social world: fix your home address with your children.

Culture of behavior “On the rules of behavior in a group . Form the habit of behaving in accordance with the norms of behavior

Lessons Examination by program sections

Drawing: “My favorite kindergarten

.Z: to develop the ability to convey a storyline in a drawing, to consolidate the ability to use various materials when drawing (wax crayons, colored pencils, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of the teacher.

Walk BZD “We’re going for a walk”

(Where can you play, where should you ride a bicycle, scooter? Why can’t you play on the road, construction site? What will happen) D\game: “It happens or not”
A route through the territory of the d/s with overcoming obstacles. (Various types of walking, running along the main path and paths of the sections. Climbing over buried tires, sandbox fences. Climbing vines. P I “I’m an athlete!”

“The signal sounds!”
- develop agility, speed, attention, the ability to act on a signal.

S R I “Physical education lesson”

— teach children the correct interaction between teacher and student.

Independent games with hoops and rolling pins - encourage children to create conditions for inventing new games

Indus physical education work - balance exercises, throwing, throwing, catching, crawling, climbing.

Labor assignments: putting in order remote equipment: Update and clarify children’s ideas about relevant labor operations, develop the necessary skills and abilities. Encourage the desire to be useful

2nd half. Labor: “Let’s arrange our group - To make it interesting.”

Developing children's interest in various types of activities in
a kindergarten group , showing initiative in arranging different corners in the group , and the ability to coordinate initiatives and interests.
Theatrical performance of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”

(formation of kindness and responsiveness in preschoolers)

Walk Conversation “The world is not without good people”

(teach children to draw conclusions by analyzing the actions of heroes; cultivate caring, attentiveness to loved ones, create a motive to be kind. Listening to Leopold the Cat’s song
“If you are kind.”
“What’s ahead”
: develop phonemic hearing, indicating the first sound in in the word SRI
: expanding children’s ideas about adults, children and their relationships, developing flexible role behavior when developing game plots in individual and joint activities with peers.

Ind. slave. on the social world - Fix the parts of the day and the sequence of days of the week and train children in running. Creation - exhibitions of drawings “Good Dwarf”
(learn to express emotional feelings through drawing)
P/i “Hot Ball”

“Find your match” (with ribbons)
- to form in children the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

Consultation “How to raise a kind child?”

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