“Planning educational activities with preschool children”

Report on the topic: “Planning the educational process”

Report on the topic:

“Planning the educational process”

Planning the educational process in a preschool institution is one of the main functions of managing the process of implementing the basic educational program; planning reflects various forms of organizing the activities of adults and children.

Planning is the definition of a system of activities that provides for the order, sequence and timing of their implementation. This system of measures is aimed at achieving a set goal, clearly and specifically formulated with an indication of the final result that can be measured, compared, and evaluated.

The planning of the educational process includes the following sections:

  • The calendar-thematic plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) of the educational process in groups is an advance determination of the order, sequence of implementation of the educational program, indicating the necessary conditions, means used, forms and methods of work. Goals and objectives of calendar and thematic planning:
  • Ensuring the implementation of the educational program in preschool educational institutions in each age group.
  • Implementation of educational influence on children systematically and consistently.
  • Achieving positive results in the upbringing, education and development of children.
  • Implementation of the main educational program taking into account the focus of the groups. The plan should:

— Comply with the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child.

The main idea of ​​developmental education is that children’s knowledge is divided into three types. One of them is something that children have no idea about. The second type is knowledge that children already have. And the last part is in between. This is the “zone of proximal development.” In other words, it is the discrepancy between what a child can do and what he can achieve. The main principle on which developmental education is based is an individual approach. Teachers are strongly discouraged from comparing and dividing children. Each child is a unique personality that requires a special approach

— Meet the criteria of completeness and sufficiency. (set goals and objectives are solved only using necessary and sufficient material);

— Combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (compliance with the basic provisions of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy and has the possibility of implementation in mass practice of preschool education);

— Ensure the unity of educational, training and developmental goals, as well as the objectives of the education process for preschool children (in the process of implementation of which such knowledge, abilities and skills are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children);

- Be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas. (Integrated learning helps to form a holistic picture of the world in children, makes it possible to realize creative abilities. In the classroom, the potential of the pupils themselves is developed, encouraging them to active knowledge of the surrounding reality, comprehension and finding cause-and-effect relationships, development of logic, thinking, communication abilities. The form of the classes is non-standard, interesting. The use of various types of activities during the lesson allows maintaining the attention of students at a high level, which allows us to talk about sufficient effectiveness classes. The essence of the integrated approach is the combination of knowledge from different fields on an equal basis, complementing each other)

— Be based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process. (The principle is reflected in methodological approaches to organizing the life activities of a child. This approach implies the widespread use of various forms of work with children, both in the joint activities of adults and children, and in the independent activities of children and uses the leading activity of a preschooler - play as the basis for organizing the life of a children’s community)

— To provide for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education. (Forms of conducting educational activities during the day:

Outdoor games with rules (including folk ones), game exercises, motor breaks, sports runs, competitions and holidays, physical education minutes;

Wellness and hardening procedures, health-saving activities, thematic conversations and stories, computer presentations, creative and research projects, exercises to master cultural and hygienic skills; game situations to develop a safety culture, conversations, stories, walks along an ecological trail; Game situations, games with rules, creative role-playing, theatrical, constructive;

Experiences and experiments, duty, collecting, modeling, Conversations, speech situations, composing tales, retellings, guessing riddles, learning nursery rhymes, poems, songs, situational conversations;

Listening to the performance of musical works, musical-rhythmic movements, musical games and improvisations,

fine art exhibitions, children's creativity workshops, etc. This is daily work that is carried out throughout the entire time children are in kindergarten (in the morning and evening hours, during walks), regardless of the season, event, calendar of holidays and memorable dates. In addition, the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process determines the need to solve educational problems related to the implementation of the topic in educational activities at critical moments)

— To assume the construction of the educational process in various types of children's activities (game, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction, constructive-model, labor, self-service, visual, musical, motor, as well as age-appropriate forms of working with children, i.e. based on gaming activities)

Requirements for creating a calendar plan:

— The plan is written in printed form; if the plan is handwritten, then it must be written carefully, in a clear handwriting.

— A title page must be drawn up indicating the group, the full names of both teachers of the group, and the start and end dates of the plan.

— The plan is drawn up in accordance with the approved planning model in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the structure of the basic general education program.

— The last page of the calendar plan notebook is not filled out by teachers. It is intended for the records of the senior teacher.

— When planning a variety of children’s activities, the form of children’s activities is indicated (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard) — pictures

A goal is a deeply thought-out way of organizing children’s activities in their final form. Setting a goal means predetermining, planning, deciding what and how will be done in class. And at the same time, very clearly imagine the entire course of the work ahead in class and the level at which the material should be learned: a) level of presentation: b) level of knowledge; c) level of skills and abilities: d) level of creativity.

Diagnosis of goals. The teacher should set only the goal that he is confident of achieving. After all, clear setting of goals and their achievement creates a situation of success and joy in the lesson, without which communication can turn into hard, tedious work. And it should be noted that one of the features of modern pedagogical technologies is, first of all, the diagnosis of goals. those. Every teacher, when setting a goal, must be sure that it will be achieved. If there is no confidence, then the goal should be lowered by a notch. The teacher should take it not by the amount of time spent, but by a clearly defined goal and its achievement.

— When planning, the use of observation cards, finger gymnastics, articulation, invigorating gymnastics, etc., compiled by the group’s teachers is encouraged.

The basis for planning the pedagogical process is built on the basis of an approximate basic general education program for preschool education, which is implemented by the preschool educational institution

Calendar plans are drawn up in accordance with the group’s daily routine, calendar-thematic planning, and a cyclogram of joint organized activities during routine moments.

The calendar plan is drawn up a week in advance (with the exception of individual work with children).

Individual work with children is planned taking into account the diagnostic results and the results of organized educational activities.

  • Regime moments
  • Planning gymnastics
  • Activities and cultural practices according to educational fields
  • Joint activities of adults and children aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.
  • Direct educational activities.
  • Organization of a subject-spatial development environment to support children's initiative (independent activity corners)
  • Supporting the child's individuality
  • Working with parents.

When planning educational work, I cover all educational areas:

  • Social and communicative development;
  • Cognitive development;
  • Speech development;
  • Artistic and aesthetic;
  • Physical development.

Solving this problem, I included in the planning at the NGO “Poznanie” work with children on patriotic education and local history.

Conditions that I observed when planning:

  • Objective assessment of the level of your work at the time of planning;
  • Identification of planning goals and objectives for a certain period of work, correlating them with the approximate general educational program of preschool education, according to which the educational process is organized, the age composition of the group of children and the priority direction of the educational process of the preschool educational institution;
  • A clear presentation of the work results to be achieved by the end of the planning period;
  • Choosing the optimal ways, means, methods to help achieve your goals, and therefore obtain the planned result.

According to the new Standards, the developing subject-spatial environment in a group room should be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

The richness of the environment must correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.

Fulfilling the requirements for equipping the group, I created conditions for implementing various types of activities with children:

Game center;

Sports corner;

Experimentation Center;

Center for Artistic Creativity;

Nature Center;

Design Center.

Approaches to organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions have also changed.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”: education is a single purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, value systems, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purpose of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and professional development of a person, satisfying his educational needs and interests.

The purpose of preschool education is to create conditions for the maximum development of the child’s individual age-related potential.

Individualization of education is based on supporting children in the development of their potential, stimulating children’s desire to independently set goals and achieve them in the process of learning.

My focus is on ensuring the child's active participation in the learning process. All children, including typically developing children, have individual characteristics that I must identify and take into account to ensure that learning and development are optimized. Individual characteristics that I must identify and respond to when working with children: family cultural environment, age, level of development, gender, learning style, abilities (needs/strengths), character and temperament, interests, and self-awareness. Being able to recognize differences in children's behavior and their personal strengths allows me to better understand and accept each child; and knowledge of various methods of individualizing learning allows you to find an approach that will reduce stress and maximize the positive effect of interaction. By carefully observing children and identifying their interests and strengths, I help children solve their problems in ways that suit their individual learning styles.

Preschool age is associated with the child’s need for friendly attention and respect from an adult, in cooperation with him.

When organizing the life and activities of children, from the point of view of ensuring their comfort, I must take into account the various needs of the child: recognition (primarily by the children's community), communication, cognition, movement, manifestation of activity and independence. This, in turn, requires me to exclude the educational principle of organizing the educational process of a child’s life, to introduce a ban on school-type lessons, because a preschooler is a person who plays, and learning enters his life through the gates of children’s play. In addition, a preschooler is a why, a preschooler is a doer. Therefore, for me today the main values ​​of raising a child are encouraging children’s play, children’s research and creative activity, and children’s questions.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, educational activities are directly implemented by me through the organization of various types of children's activities (play, motor, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, etc.) or their integration using various forms and methods of work, the choice of which is carried out by me independently depending on age children, the level of mastery of the general education program of preschool education and solving specific educational problems.

Types of activities that I include in working with children in the 2nd junior group: gaming, including role-playing games, games with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers), cognitive-research (studies of objects in the surrounding world and experimenting with them), as well as the perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work (indoors and outdoors), construction from various materials, including construction sets, modules, paper, natural and other materials, visual arts (drawing, modeling, application), motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of activity of the child.

The development pattern of any type of activity is as follows: first it is carried out in joint activities with an adult, then in joint activities with peers and becomes an amateur activity.

Based on the children's interests and play, I offer them activities that stimulate their cognitive activity.

By providing children with direct contact with people, materials, and real-life experiences, I stimulate the child's intellectual development.

The interior of the group is organized in such a way that children are provided with a fairly wide selection of materials.

In a child-centred environment, children:

• make a choice;

• play actively;

• use materials that can be used for more than one purpose;

• everyone works together and takes care of each other;

• are responsible for their actions.

There must be mutual respect between me and the children. Respect is a necessary element in the community that the kindergarten group is.

Working with parents.

The task of the kindergarten at this stage is to “turn” its face to the family, provide it with pedagogical assistance, and attract the family to its side in terms of common approaches to raising a child. It is necessary that the kindergarten and the family become open to each other and help reveal the child’s abilities and capabilities. When interacting between the work of two structures, it is necessary to take into account a differentiated approach to each family, take into account the social status and microclimate of the family, as well as parental needs and the degree of interest of parents in raising their children.

My goal as an educator is to create a unified space for the development of the child in the family and preschool educational institutions, to make parents participants in a full-fledged educational process. Achieving high quality in development, fully satisfying the interests of parents and children, and creating this unified space is possible through systematic interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

My task is to “turn” to the family, provide them with pedagogical assistance, and bring the family to my side in terms of common approaches to raising a child. It is necessary that the kindergarten and the family become open to each other and help reveal the child’s abilities and capabilities.

The introduction of new federal state requirements allows me to organize joint activities of the kindergarten and family and more effectively use traditional and non-traditional forms of work.

Main tasks of working with parents:

  • establish partnerships with the family of each student;
  • join efforts for the development and education of children;
  • create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support;
  • activate and enrich the educational skills of parents;
  • support their confidence in their own teaching capabilities

An individual approach is necessary not only when working with children, but also when working with parents. When communicating with my parents, I must feel the situation, the mood of my mother or father. This is where the teacher’s human and pedagogical ability to reassure the parent, sympathize and think together about how to help the child in a given situation comes in handy.

Options for test tasks for the qualification test of a preschool teacher

Specification and options for test tasks for the qualification test of a preschool teacher

Test specification for the preschool teacher qualification exam 2

Preschool teacher test questions (option 1) 7

Preschool teacher test questions (option 2) 12

Answers 18

Test specification for the preschool teacher qualification exam

  1. Appointment of the test.

The test allows you to establish the level of knowledge of the teacher of a preschool educational institution of current laws, other regulatory legal acts in the field of education, psychological and pedagogical foundations and methods of teaching and upbringing, the basics of computer literacy, modern pedagogical technologies in accordance with the requirements of the qualification characteristics of teaching positions.

2. Documents defining the content of the test.

The content of the section is determined by the requirements for the qualification characteristics of a teacher, established by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers.”

3. Approaches to selecting test content. The content of the test is determined by the requirements for the level of knowledge (“Must know”) of the qualification characteristics for the position of educator, concerning regulations and laws that the employee must apply when performing job duties, methods of teaching the subject, psychological and pedagogical foundations of training and education, the basics of computer literacy . 4. Structure and content of the test. The test consists of 5 sections and includes 30 tasks indicating the correct answer from several proposed ones. The distribution of tasks in accordance with the content of the sections is presented in Table 1. Table 1

Test sectionSection ContentsNumber of jobs
Knowledge of laws and regulationsRegulatory legal acts regulating educational activities3
Priority directions for the development of the educational system1
Labor legislation1
Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of teaching methodsMethods and forms of monitoring (health, development and education of preschool children)2
Organization of free time for pupils2
Promoting foundations of competence3
Methods of raising and teaching preschool children. Organization of interaction with other teaching staff, parents (persons replacing them) 3
Knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of education and upbringingFundamentals of preschool pedagogy5
Basics of Psychology3
Fundamentals of sociology, ecology, economics and management of educational systems2
Knowledge of basic computer literacyPurpose and operation of a PC1
Organization of the personal information space of the teacher (teacher)1
Techniques for preparing didactic materials and documents using office technologies1
Internet services and technologies1
Digital educational resources in teaching activities1

5. System for grading assignments. All tasks are checked automatically (answers are compared with the standard). Completion of each task is worth 1 point. The total maximum score for completing all test tasks is 30 points. The minimum score for completing the tasks in this section is. 20. 6. Section execution time. Up to 2 hours are allotted to complete this section. 7. Test plan. The test plan by section is presented in APPENDIX 1. APPENDIX 1

Checkable Content ElementsRequirements for the tested level of trainingNumber of jobsMaximum score
1Regulatory legal acts regulating educational activitiesKnow and understand the main provisions of the Law on Education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, SanPINs33
2Priority directions for the development of the educational systemKnow and understand the priority directions for the development of the preschool education system, educational development programs at various levels11
3Labor legislationKnow and understand labor laws11
4 Methods and forms of monitoringKnow the methods of studying the personality of children, their inclinations, interests, health, level of manifestation of competencies. Know the specifics of monitoring (monitoring) the health, development and education of preschool children 22
5 Organization of free time for pupilsKnow approaches to modeling a subject-developmental environment in a preschool group22
6 Promoting the development of the foundations of competencies of preschool childrenKnow and understand the essence of the competency-based approach in the educational process22
7 Methods of raising and teaching preschool childrenKnow and understand the essence of the main directions of raising and teaching children in different types of activities22
8 Organization of interaction with other teaching staff, parents (persons replacing them) of studentsKnow the methods and techniques of establishing contacts with parents (their surrogates). Know the methods and forms of working with other teaching staff 22
9Fundamentals of preschool pedagogyKnow the principles, means, methods and techniques, forms of organizing the education and training of preschool children55
10Basics of PsychologyKnow the basics of child and social psychology, individual and age characteristics of children. Know the principles, means, methods and techniques, forms of organizing correctional work. 44
11Fundamentals of sociology, ecology, economics and management of educational systemsKnow the basics of sociology, ecology, economics and management of educational systems11
12Purpose and operation of a PCKnow the purpose and principles of operation of a PC, information input-output devices, local computer networks and the possibility of their use in the educational process11
13Organization of the teacher’s personal information space Know the techniques for organizing personal information spaces, the operating system interface, techniques for performing file operations, organizing the information environment as a file system, basic techniques for input/output of information, including installing and uninstalling applications11
14Techniques for preparing didactic materials and documents using office technologies Know the techniques for preparing teaching materials and working documents using office technologies11
15Internet services and technologies Know basic services and techniques for working on the Internet for their use in educational activities11
16Digital educational resources in teaching activitiesKnow the main Federal educational portals, digital educational resources on the subject11

Test questions for a preschool teacher (option 1)
1. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” the state ensures the right to preschool education by creating a preschool education system, which is a combination of:

  1. educational programs; networks of preschool institutions implementing preschool education programs; education authorities;
  2. networks of preschool institutions;
  3. federal state standard and a network of preschool institutions.

2. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child has the right to freely express his or her opinion. This right includes:

  1. the ability to answer formulated questions;
  2. freedom to seek, receive and communicate information through the means of the child’s choice;
  3. the opportunity to disagree with an adult’s demand and challenge his decision.

3. According to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards, the days of highest performance include:

  1. Monday and Thursday;
  2. Wednesday and Thursday;
  3. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday.

4. According to the federal program for the development of education, priority areas in the field of preschool education are


  1. ensuring the constitutional right to preschool education and its quality;
  2. ensuring that the child attends kindergarten at the place of residence;
  3. expansion of the network of correctional educational institutions.

5. A regulatory document, which must necessarily contain provisions on the rights and responsibilities of a teacher, is:

  1. internal labor regulations;
  2. charter of the institution;
  3. job description.

6. Observation of children is:

  1. analysis of the collected facts, understanding the essence of what is happening;
  2. the process of gathering facts about a child's behavior and learning;
  3. a way to obtain information directly from the child.

7. According to federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, the mandatory requirement for building a monitoring system is:

  1. a combination of low formalized and highly formalized methods, ensuring objectivity and accuracy of the observed data;
  2. monitoring children's behavior;
  3. carrying out different types of testing.

8. Subject development environment is:

  1. equipment of premises and materials for organized activities with children;
  2. the kindergarten building and all its premises, as well as structures surrounding the kindergarten;
  3. an organized living space that can ensure the development and self-development of a child.

9. Environment modeling is:

  1. availability of diagrams, models, layouts;
  2. creation of special conditions that stimulate children to a certain type of activity;
  3. entering the maximum number of games, toys, equipment, benefits.

10. The main goal of the competency-based approach in preschool education is:

  1. targeted transfer to adults of a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities;
  2. the child’s acquisition and manifestation of experience of independent action;
  3. formation of activity skills.

11. The leading condition for the development of competence is:

  1. adult control of the child’s actions;
  2. giving the child the right to choose and providing support from adults;
  3. special trainings that provide skills for correct action.

12. Which educational areas correspond to the federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education


  1. physical, aesthetic, mental education, speech development, etc.;
  2. Physical Culture; safety; socialization; communication; cognition; labor, etc.;
  3. environmental, patriotic, labor education, etc.

What types of activities are leading in preschool age:

  1. play activities;
  2. educational activities;
  3. subject activity.

14. In the educational process, parents (persons replacing them) of pupils act as:

  1. controllers of the educational process;
  2. assistants in organizing the educational process;
  3. participants in the educational process.

15. Pedagogical interaction between kindergarten employees is based on:

  1. partnerships and cooperation;
  2. mutual training of each other;
  3. competitiveness.

16. Principles of education and training of preschool children:

  1. developmental education, integration of educational areas, etc.;
  2. age orientation;
  3. meeting the needs of parents.

The specificity of the organization of the educational process in a preschool institution is that the training and education of preschoolers is carried out:

  1. in class, not in class;
  2. in regime moments;
  3. in joint and independent activities.

18. Planning of the educational process is based on:

  1. program requirements and content of methodological recommendations;
  2. interests of children and tasks of their development;
  3. solely out of the interests of the students.

Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school implies:

  1. orientation to the requirements of the school;
  2. fostering a positive attitude towards school;
  3. ensuring continuity in the development of the child’s abilities and capabilities.

The main goal of modern preschool education is:

  1. preparation for school;
  2. formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in children;
  3. formation of integrative qualities.

21. The leading type of thinking in children of senior preschool age:

  1. visually effective;
  2. verbal-logical;
  3. visually figurative.

Indicate the main factors in the development of preschool children:

  1. education and training, child activity;
  2. environment and heredity;
  3. all of the above.

23. The main methods of correction include:

  1. general pedagogical;
  2. special;
  3. all of the above.

Determine the period of early childhood by the leading type of activity:

  1. direct emotional communication;
  2. object-manipulative activity;
  3. role-playing game.

25. Indicate a research method that is not a survey sociological method:

  1. survey;
  2. experiment;
  3. sociometric survey.

26. Provide the most complete list of the main elements of a personal computer:

  1. processor, RAM, input/output devices
  2. processor, monitor
  3. hard drive, monitor, printer
  4. processor, mouse, monitor, scanner

27. Text typed in a text editor is stored as:

  1. catalog
  2. file
  3. shortcut
  4. pages

28. Select lists of office applications:

(several answer options)

  1. Windows, Linux
  2. Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  3. Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress
  4. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw

29. Internet services do not include:

  1. Email
  2. Standard Microsoft Windows Applications
  3. FTP file transfer
  4. Usenet newsgroups

30. Select the address of the Federal portal “Russian Education” from the list:

  1. https://window.edu.ru/
  2. https://www.rusedu.ru/
  3. https://www.school.edu.ru/
  4. https://www.edu.ru/

Test questions for a preschool teacher (option 2)
1. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” the state ensures the right to preschool education by creating:

  1. networks of preschool institutions implementing preschool education programs and municipal education authorities;
  2. networks of preschool institutions;
  3. federal state standard of preschool education

2. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a preschool child has rights. These rights include:

  1. independence in decision-making on life support issues;
  2. free expression of one's opinion;
  3. the opportunity to challenge the decisions of adults regarding the organization of meals, regime, and rules of behavior in public places.

3. According to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards in the “living corner” of the group:

  1. there may be plants and small animals from among representatives of local flora and fauna;
  2. the “living corner” should be in a separate room;
  3. There may be safe plants and animals that the children themselves can care for.

4. According to the Federal state requirements for the basic general education program of preschool education, specially organized educational activities

  1. excluded from the educational process;
  2. is ensured during joint activities of adults with children, independent activities of children, including play throughout the day;
  3. carried out exclusively in the form of a game.

5. A standard regulation on a preschool educational institution is a legal document regulating:

  1. activities of state and municipal preschool educational institutions of all types;
  2. type, type and category of preschool educational institution;
  3. the nature of the relationship between the preschool educational institution and parties and public associations.

6. The results of preschool education at “leaving kindergarten” are formulated in the Federal state requirements for the basic general education program of preschool education as:

  1. a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities corresponding to the educational program implemented in the preschool educational institution;
  2. indicators of a child’s readiness for school;
  3. integrative indicators of child development.

7. According to the Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, performance monitoring is carried out for:

  1. determining the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that the child has mastered during the implementation of the general education program;
  2. assessing the dynamics of children's achievements;
  3. determining a child's readiness for school.

8. Joint activities between adults and children are

  1. solving educational problems formulated by the teacher in accordance with the general education program in an informal setting;
  2. uniting the interests of children and adults and solving educational problems in the form of cooperation;
  3. additional work to correct knowledge, skills and abilities that children have not acquired in other types of activities.

9. Play activities of preschoolers are

  1. freely chosen, non-coercive activity, characterized by activity, improvisation, spontaneity, often without a specific goal or result;
  2. activities organized by educators to impart social skills to children;
  3. carefree pastime associated with pleasure at the expense of learning.

10. Educational results depend on

  1. the quality of conditions in the preschool educational institution and the general education program implemented in the preschool educational institution;
  2. individual capabilities of children, characteristics of family upbringing, quality of educational services in preschool educational institutions and in the system of additional education;
  3. the number of educational services the child uses.

11. The competency-based approach in preschool education is

  1. purposeful transfer by adults of a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for mastering culturally established methods of activity;
  2. facilitating the child’s acquisition, manifestation and reflection of the experience of independent action;
  3. formation of activity skills.

12. Independent activity of preschool children

  1. regulated by the regime and educational objectives of the preschool institution;
  2. carried out outside of training activities;
  3. initiated and carried out by children in accordance with their interests and needs.

13. The leading condition for the formation and manifestation of key competencies is:

  1. giving the child the right to choose and providing support from adults;
  2. adult control of the child’s actions;
  3. special trainings aimed at developing the skills of correct action.

14. The subject development environment of the preschool educational institution is


  1. toys, objects, teaching materials for organizing play and learning activities;
  2. an organized living space that can ensure the development and self-development of the child;
  3. groups and premises of preschool educational institutions, filled with modern, age-appropriate aids and toys.

15. In the educational process, parents (legal representatives) of students act as:

  1. customers of educational services;
  2. “resource” for organizing the educational process;
  3. equal subjects of educational activities.

16. Collection of facts for analysis and assessment of the current situation and prospects for the child’s development is:

  1. continuous targeted monitoring of children;
  2. periodic testing;
  3. invitation of CPMS specialists.

17. Interaction between adults and children is based on:

  1. recognition and respect for the rights of the child, acceptance of his individual characteristics, interests and needs, cooperation, developmental communication;
  2. targeted training in norms and rules of behavior;
  3. permissiveness and connivance.

Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school implies:

  1. knowledge and use by preschool teachers of the Federal Standard for Primary School;
  2. consistency of the content of general education programs;
  3. ensuring continuity in the development of abilities and realization of the child’s potential.

19. Planning of the educational process is being built

  1. by subject area;
  2. based on a comprehensive thematic approach to the content of educational areas;
  3. solely in the interests of students and their parents.

The main goal of modern preschool education is:

  1. transferring to children a system of knowledge, skills and abilities enshrined in culture;
  2. ensuring school readiness;
  3. development of the child’s personality in accordance with the potential individual capabilities and objectives of the general education program of the preschool educational institution.

21. Formation of the foundations of life safety involves:

  1. familiarizing preschoolers with potentially dangerous situations and methods of behavior in them;
  2. training of behavior models in purposefully created life- and health-threatening situations;
  3. reading and telling stories about dangerous situations.

When discussing a child’s behavior, it is advisable to analyze and evaluate

  1. the influence of parents' personality on the child's behavior;
  2. actions and actions of the child in a specific situation;
  3. the child’s achievements and actions in comparison with other children.

23. Corrective and developmental work should be aimed at:

  1. ensuring the child’s timely completion of the general education program of the preschool educational institution;
  2. providing assistance and support in developing the strengths of the child’s personality, correcting deficiencies;
  3. eradication of developmental deficiencies.

Eliminate activities that are not key in early childhood:

  1. situational business communication;
  2. subject-manipulative research activities;
  3. director's game.

25. To ensure independent physical activity during the day, it is necessary

  1. visiting the swimming pool;
  2. staying in the fresh air;
  3. availability of sufficient quantity and free access of equipment for outdoor games and sports.

Information input devices are (select more than one answer):

  1. scanner
  2. Printer
  3. monitor
  4. keyboard

In a text editor, copying becomes possible after:

  1. placing the cursor at a specific location
  2. highlighting a piece of text
  3. saving the file
  4. file printout

Searching for information on the Internet using keywords involves:

  1. entering a word (phrase) into the search bar
  2. entering a word (phrase) into the address bar
  3. following a hyperlink from the first loaded page

Where information about an educational institution should be posted (according to the Education Law):

  1. on the administration computer in an educational institution
  2. on the official website of the educational institution on the Internet
  3. in email messages from an educational institution

Select from the list the address of the methodological journal for kindergarten teachers “Preschool Education”:

  1. https://mon.gov.ru
  2. https://www.rcde.nov.ru/
  3. https://sdo-journal.ru/
  4. https://dob.1september.ru/


Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
Question Hole no. Question Hole no. Question Hole no. Question Hole no.
1 1
2 2
3 2
1 2
3 1
2 3
1 2
3 2
2 1
2 2
2 2
2 3
1 1
3 2
1 3
1 1
3 1
2 3
3 2
3 3
2 1
3 2
3 2
2 2
2 3
1 1,4
2 2
2, 3 1
2 2
4 4


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