Rules of conduct for children in kindergarten: top 30

“Professionals work in the kindergarten; they will teach him everything. We pay money, after all!” - this is how many parents argue, and then they are surprised that all the mothers and fathers of the group are up in arms against their child. The baby is uncontrollable, he bites and is rude, takes away toys and food, and the question arises about his mental state. But the reason may be less terrible and more banal: the child simply was not taught how to behave in a group. You can and should rely on educators, but you shouldn’t make a mistake yourself. It is important to instill good manners in your child from the first years of life and learn etiquette together. Then you won’t have to blush in front of kindergarten workers or other parents. To teach your child quickly, refer to this simple list of rules that apply in all kindergartens in Russia.

Communication with adults

Rules of behavior for children in kindergarten begin with the norms of proper communication. The child is afraid of new adults and is embarrassed, so it’s worth explaining to him how to behave with his uncles and aunts so that everything is fine:

  1. All employees must be called by their first name or patronymic or addressed as “You”. Make sure that your child learns the teacher’s first and last name. Addressing the form disciplines him. To do this, do not deviate from the rules and repeat the full name yourself, and not an abbreviation or nickname.
  2. When meeting, you need to say hello and, if necessary, ask permission. If you need to go out, find out something, complain about something, it is important to first clarify whether this can be done. Before you leave, you need to ask permission and say goodbye. These basic rules will help maintain the child’s safety and raise his social rating in the eyes of educators.
  3. You cannot interrupt an adult or raise your voice at him. The child must learn discipline, otherwise there will definitely be problems at school.
  4. If a child is hit, bitten, offended, or witnesses the escape (kidnapping, fainting, seizure) of another child, he must immediately complain to the teacher, but calmly and quietly state all the facts, without shouting or insulting the offenders.
  5. You cannot touch adults, much less beat them. It is important to maintain a boundary between yourself and the teacher.

It is important to learn that the teacher must be obeyed, because the child cannot yet be responsible for himself and his actions. He must follow orders and not react aggressively to criticism. If the child feels that the teacher treated him unfairly, he should tell his parents about the situation, they will sort it out. But you can’t take revenge yourself and become hysterical. You must remain calm in public places.

How to show cartoons in a group so as not to harm children and avoid scandals with parents

Marina Stepanova , head of the laboratory of complex problems of hygiene of children and adolescents, National Medical Research Center for Children's Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

On a rainy day in the summer, teachers are guilty of turning on cartoons to keep the children occupied. Parents are unhappy and start scandals. From the article you will learn how often you can show cartoons in kindergarten. Seven rules will help you organize viewing in such a way as not to harm the health of children and avoid scandals with parents.

Today technology makes it possible to show cartoons in kindergarten. Many parents are convinced that this is not necessary; children often watch cartoons at home. According to the National Research Medical Center for Children's Health, 94 percent of preschoolers are active television viewers. 20 percent of children watch TV for more than an hour a day; this percentage is higher on weekends. There are no legal prohibitions on showing cartoons in kindergartens. Moreover, sessions can be beneficial if organized correctly. In the article you will find a checklist for educators on how to organize a viewing, and eye exercises that need to be done after each viewing.

What percentage of junior and senior preschoolers watch TV more than one hour a day

Show cartoons to children only from the age of three

Doctors and psychologists say that children can watch cartoons no earlier than three years old. Until this age, the baby has purely sensory perception. He will watch whatever you show him: color, movement, picture attract him to the screen. Until the age of three, a child does not yet understand the difference between imaginary and real. If parents have already formed the habit of watching TV shows or cartoons in a young child, then the development of the cortical parts of the brain is blocked in such a young TV addict, neural connections do not develop in a timely manner, and addiction occurs.

Cartoons replace communication with peers and inhibit speech development. Excessive strain on the eyes can lead to vision problems. See below what consequences excessive viewing of cartoons causes and how a properly organized session affects a child’s health.

Choose quality cartoons

Most adults trust age labels when choosing a safe or even healthy cartoon for a child. But the “0” marking, which appears on most cartoons, is illiterate, because viewing video programs is not recommended for children under three years of age.

When choosing a cartoon, formulate a goal - why you want to show it to children. A cartoon should expand a child’s horizons, immerse him in a new reality, and provide new knowledge. The quality of a cartoon is determined by its clarity for a child, the dynamics of events, the plot and character of the characters, the duration of the cartoon, the depiction, and the musical accompaniment.

Clarity and dynamics

For a child to empathize with the characters, the cartoon must be understandable. While watching, the child tries to understand the cause-and-effect relationships of events on the screen and the behavior patterns of the characters. Therefore, the speed with which actions change on the screen must be adequate to the perception of a small viewer. For example, in the cartoon “Tom and Jerry” the dynamics fascinate children; they cannot take their eyes off the flickering stream of impressions, continuous movement, but do not understand the meaning of what is happening on the screen.


Characters can be cunning, treacherous, but not aggressive. Along with them there should be cute, kind, restless heroes, like the children themselves. Characters can evoke not only positive, but also negative emotions, and at the same time they should teach friendship, mutual assistance and the right actions. Such works include most Soviet cartoons: “The Scarlet Flower”, “Gena the Crocodile”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Baby and Carlson”, “The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “Cinderella”. They are aesthetic, without overt didactics. Do not show cartoons that show fights, scenes of violence, or monster heroes.


For children 3–4 years old, choose short cartoons no more than 20 minutes with a complete story: “Mitten”, “The Engine from Romashkovo”, “Moidodyr”, “A Kitten Named Woof”, “Turnip”, “How a Donkey Searched for Happiness”, “ Little Raccoon". For children 5–6 years old, the duration of the cartoon should be no more than an hour.


It’s good when classical musical works become the basis for cartoons: “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”, “The Seasons”, “Peter and the Wolf”. Classical music helps to understand and experience the events of the film: sadness and joy, frightening and surprising. It suggests the character’s character: serious, funny, gentle, menacing. Children enjoy remembering and reproducing songs from the cartoons “The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, “Umka”, “Song of Summer”, “Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena”, “Antoshka”, “Chunga Changa”.


Most modern cartoons are drawn by artists on a computer, and not as before - with a pencil and brush, carefully drawing each element. These are the conditions of the video market: the cartoon must be released quickly. But the quality of the work suffers from this. At first glance it is imperceptible, but the overall impression is smoothed out, the cartoon has a weaker impact on the viewer. And children are more susceptible than adults. There is no need to cultivate their aesthetic taste on low-quality cartoons.

Include a cartoon in your lesson

Sessions must be partially or fully integrated into classes. For example, after reading a fairy tale, invite children to watch its film adaptation, and then discuss what they saw on the screen. Children love to identify themselves with one of the characters, most often with the one whose experiences are closest to them. It is important for kids to pretend to experience emotions that they have not yet encountered in real life. There is no need to fit a film screening and discussion into one lesson. Distribute these stages over the first and second half of the day, especially if weather conditions prevent the walk.


Don't show your children cartoons that use slang.

Dedicate several lessons to how cartoons are created. Show examples of different approaches directors use. During a music lesson, learn your favorite song from the cartoon. During art classes, offer to draw or sculpt a character you like. The cartoon also serves as a help in speech development classes: after watching, ask the children to retell the content, remember the names of animals, plants, and household items.

Do not show the cartoon every day for more than 15 minutes

Cartoons cannot be shown every day. The duration of viewing should be limited. How many minutes a day can children watch cartoons without harm to their health, see the figure. And it is better to divide this time into two stages: show cartoons in the first and second half of the day - 10 and 15 minutes each for younger and older preschoolers, respectively. Children cannot have sessions more than twice a day.


Accommodation - adaptation, adaptation of an organ or the whole organism to changes in external conditions

Viewing should not be included in every activity. The visual analyzer is just being formed in preschool age, especially intensively in the first 5 years of a child’s life. In many preschoolers, congenital farsighted refraction predominates over normal. In most cases, this occurs up to 6 years of age. By the age of 4–5 years, children's color vision continues to improve. This means that it is during preschool age that a child’s eye is most vulnerable. The main reason for visual impairment is physiological eye fatigue and impaired accommodation, which is caused by a large visual load.

You cannot replace daytime sleep with watching cartoons - this is especially true for older preschoolers, many of whom already stop sleeping during the day and ask for something to watch quietly. Cartoons should not be substituted for walks, unless the weather prevents this. Considering the stimulating nature of most cartoons and children's impressionability, you should not show them before bed.

How many minutes a day can children watch cartoons without harm to their health?

Children 3–4 years old Children 5–7 years old
No more than minutes No more than minutes

Use the correct size TV and seat children correctly

Watching cartoons on laptops or tablets for the whole group is not acceptable. This technique can only be used for individual lessons or for groups of no more than three people.

To watch cartoons, you need a TV with a diagonal screen size of at least 59 cm. The screen should be at a height of 1–1.3 m from the floor level. Children should be seated at a distance no closer than 2–3 m and no further than 5–5.5 m from the screen. Place chairs in 4–5 rows per group. The distance between rows of chairs should be 0.5–0.6 m. Seat children taking into account their height. Do not allow anyone to sit on the carpet while watching.


You can use interactive whiteboards to show cartoons if the image quality on them is the same as on TV

If bright sunlight penetrates into a group or other room where you have organized a viewing, you need to curtain the windows to prevent screen flare. When showing in the evening, turn on the light - for example, a table lamp, but so that it does not hit the audience's eyes. If the doctor has prescribed glasses for your child to watch cartoons, you need to put them on the baby.

The image on the screen should be clear, without flickering. A poor-quality image spoils a child’s vision and causes fatigue more quickly and can cause headaches. High volume also causes similar symptoms.

Watch a cartoon with your children

When organizing a viewing, the teacher should not sit on the sidelines and mind his own business. Children actively react to the cartoon while watching it. Keep them inspired and give them the opportunity to share their experiences. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of preschoolers to the actions of the characters, and then discuss them together. The teacher's sincere interest in what is happening on the screen will help to get closer to the children. Remember that children then transfer cartoon stories into their games; when choosing toys, they prefer familiar and favorite characters.

Checklist for the teacher

After watching, do exercises with your children to strengthen their eyesight.

Visual gymnastics will help preserve and strengthen children’s vision after watching a cartoon. To make it attractive, do exercises in a playful way and change it from time to time. You will find an example of visual gymnastics at the end of the article.

Along with great pleasure and emotional charge, watching cartoons represents a great intellectual load for children. Often, impressionable children become nervous and excited after watching emotional stories. Therefore, alternate demonstrations with active motor activities.

Exercise for the eyes

© Material from the Education Reference System. More details:

Lesnykh N.V.

Communication with children

This is the most important point of the rules of conduct for children in kindergarten. If your baby does not behave as expected, you may have serious problems. Many parents react very violently to the slightest offense inflicted on their child. They can seriously spoil not only your mood. So teach your child caution, tolerance and common sense when interacting with children:

  1. You cannot beat, insult, or touch other children, even if they allow themselves to do so. In response to beatings and curses, you need to complain to your parents and teachers, and no longer communicate with the aggressor. It is better not to approach cruel children at all.
  2. You cannot boast about your financial situation and humiliate other children with hints about their poverty. The child himself has not yet earned anything, and in this sense all children are equal.
  3. You can’t spoil other people’s things and allow them to break your own. If other children break a toy, it is important to complain to parents and teachers in order to avoid a conflict.
  4. You cannot take other people's things for yourself, either secretly or openly. If you really want a toy, you need to ask your mother for it, and not take it from others. You cannot even accept a toy as a gift, as this may cause indignation among parents who bought this item for their child and do not intend to lose it.
  5. You cannot interrupt, shut up, or discuss other children behind their backs. A polite person will always listen to others and will not impose his opinion if they do not want to listen to him. It is also important not to occupy the airwaves with your person. Many children talk a lot and do not allow a word to get in, and therefore very soon they are left without listeners and worry, not understanding why this happened.

Any conflict situations are resolved by the teacher; he is an arbiter and judge.
Don’t be shy about complaining, because timely intervention will prevent a fight. If a child does something that is forbidden, imitating bad examples, this should also be reported to the teacher. Only he can call the parents and notify them about the problem that has arisen.

Parents themselves must set a good example. There is no need to sort things out with children who have done wrong. This is not your job, you have no right to scold and shame them. You can express your indignation in a calm manner to the teacher and parent if the problem is serious. But there is no need to throw a tantrum, especially in front of children. Fights and other antics will only worsen the situation and force you to look for another kindergarten. But you are neighbors, why should you quarrel?

Table etiquette

During meals, the upbringing of a child is most evident. Cultured children eat carefully, do not criticize food, do not spit, or disturb others. Therefore, it is very important to leave all table games at home. Yes, and there they are inappropriate, to be honest.

  1. You should not talk with your mouth full, play with food or bite too large pieces (this is very dangerous). You could choke or stain your neighbor, furniture, and yourself.
  2. You cannot put your elbows on the table, swing on a chair, or swing your arms and legs during a meal. All games are after meals.
  3. Drinks should be drunk in small sips, main courses should be eaten with a fork, and soup with a spoon. This is obvious to you, but often the child makes mistakes even in such trifles.
  4. After eating, wipe your lips and hands with a napkin. After eating, you need to go to the toilet and rinse your mouth so that all food particles are removed.
  5. You can't talk bad about food and offend chefs. After eating, you need to thank and put away the dishes.

If a child doesn’t like the food, he should tell his parent about it after class, and not shout at the whole Ivanovskaya.
If he cannot eat at all, you need to tell the teacher that he cannot eat, otherwise he will feel bad. In such cases, the employee will not force him to eat food. In some children's institutions, children set the table themselves. In this case, you need to explain to the child that he cannot run, dance, or be distracted when he is carrying a plate. Otherwise, injury cannot be avoided, and all the contents will fall out onto the floor.

Scheme for monitoring child behavior


Child's full name

Date of completion Filled out by: parent, psychologist, teacher

Nature of the violation What exactly was this behavior disorder manifested in?
Aggressiveness physical Breaks toys, tears up books, pushes peers, hits adults as he passes, bites, spits
Hidden Pinches others, says hurtful words when an adult doesn’t hear
Verbal Swears, says offensive words, says obscene words
As a threat Swings but doesn't hit, scares others
In facial expressions Purses his lips, turns red, turns pale, clenches his fists
As a reaction to the restriction Resists when trying to deter aggressive actions, the obstacle stimulates aggressive action
Self-directed Bites himself, pinches himself, asks himself to hit again
hot temper In physical actions Unexpectedly for everyone, he throws toys, can tear up the manual, spit
In speech May unexpectedly respond rudely or say an obscene word
negativism In physical actions Does everything the opposite, has difficulty joining a group game
And failures Refuses even interesting activities
verbal He often says the words “I don’t want or I won’t”, no
demonstrativeness In movements Turns his back, exaggerates movements during class
How to focus on your own state and behavior Strives to draw attention to himself at the expense of organizing classes; doing something the opposite, observing the reactions of others
Touchiness (emotional instability) How to react to an obstacle Gets offended when losing a game
In facial expressions Displeased facial expression, crying
Reaction to evaluation of others Reacts painfully to comments, painfully reacts to a raised tone of voice.
conflict Active or reactive He himself provokes conflict, responds conflictingly to the conflicting actions of others
Due to egocentrism Does not take into account the desires and interests of peers
Like lack of experience Joint activities, relationships
Due to difficulty switching Not inferior to toys
Emotional withdrawal Like centrifugal tendencies When all the children are together, they seek privacy
And emotional absorption in the activity Enters the room and immediately goes to the toys: busy with his own business and does not notice those around him
And features of speech behavior Does not use speech as a means of communication; when he speaks, the speech is not addressed to the interlocutor
Like pseudo-deafness Does not fulfill the request, although he hears and understands the content of the requirements, does not respond to the transition from normal speech to whispered speech
And features of eye contact Avoids looking the interlocutor in the face.
Goofiness Reaction to a remark Reacts with laughter to an adult's remark; praise or blame does not cause a significant change in behavior
In physical actions and facial expressions Fooling around, imitating movements
indecisiveness In social relationships with others Avoids the situation of oral questioning in class, does not answer, although he knows the answer, refuses leading roles in games.
Manifests in speech Uses words: “I don’t know”, “maybe”, “it’s hard to say”, the child does not answer the question, although he knows the answer
In physical actions Afraid to jump from a hill
Reaction to novelty In a situation of novelty, the child exhibits inhibitory reactions; in a new situation, behavior is less variable than in a familiar situation.
Starhi Specific Fear of a vacuum cleaner, a dog, the dark, gusts of wind
Reaction to novelty Afraid to enter a new room
Social Fear of new people in a new situation, fear of public speaking, fear of being alone
anxiety In facial expressions Wandering, distant gaze
In speech In speech
In movements In movements
In relationships with others Sleeps with parents, strives to be closer to adults
stiffness In movements Motor restricted
In speech Stutters in speech
Reaction to novelty Reaction to novelty
lethargy In cognitive activity Doesn't know what to do
In visual perception Idlely looking around
In speech Speaks too quietly
Reaction time The pace of actions is slow, when performing actions on a signal there is a delay
Self-centeredness How to treat yourself Believes that all the toys, all the candies are for him
In relationships Believes that all the toys, all the candies are for him
In speech Often uses the pronoun "I"
Avoidance of mental effort In conditions of free activity Doesn't watch cartoons
In organized classes Quickly gets tired of age-appropriate mental tasks (comparing, generalizing, following a pattern)
Attention deficit Concentration Looking around during class
In the content and assistance to the child You have to repeat the task verbally several times; you need to combine the word with a demonstration of the method of action
In speech Conditions for completing the task, etc.
Motor disinhibition Features of action planning Hastily plans his own actions
Excessive pace and number of actions The pace of actions is accelerated, the number of actions is excessive (many unnecessary movements), it acts before the signal
Duration of control of hyperactivity Gets up during the first half of class when other children are still sitting
Duration of mastery of the state Quickly aroused and slow to calm down
Speech disinhibition Speech volume Speaks too loudly, cannot speak with normal voice strength
Speech rate The pace of speech is accelerated, speech is excited
In social relationships Talks over words in class despite an adult’s comments
Failure to understand complex verbal instructions Confused or misses the sequence of actions following verbal instructions
Failure to understand complex verbal instructions Focuses on a clear example of an adult’s behavior or actions, rather than on an explanation of the task
Getting stuck In movements Draws repeating elements
In relationships Intrusive when communicating, attracts attention to himself, repeats the same request
In speech Repeats the same phrase over and over again
On feelings and emotions Gets stuck on resentment
Switching difficulties Difficulty shifting, etc.
Performance (mental) Gets tired quickly from a task that requires mental activity, gets tired when reading a book, gets tired during the first part of an organized lesson
Performance (physical) Gets tired quickly while walking, gets tired from physical activity, loses performance in the first third of an organized lesson, loses performance in the first third of an organized lesson, requires varying the complexity of a task that does not require mental effort, performance fluctuates throughout the day, alternating increased and decreased performance


FULL NAME. observer

FULL NAME. observed

Date _________________ Start time ____________________ End time __________________________


Fragment of the situation Emotional reactions Verbal reactions Nonverbal reactions Behavioral reactions Comments


Protocol for monitoring a child during the theatrical activity “Circus”

Name, age:

Vitya, 5 years old (middle group)

Purpose of observation:

will reveal the child’s ability to speak in front of an unfamiliar audience.

Facial expressions Actions Speech
Eyes down to the floor Hands in fists speaks quietly
He sat on a chair and watched the actions of other children.
Turned away, not following the actions on stage
Smiling Keeps an eye on the children Silent
Tugging at the belt on his suit
Got up Memorized speech according to plan
Looks down when he speaks Speaks quickly
Doesn't pay attention to children
Watches the teacher
All the children sing, but he doesn’t
Smiling Dancing Says something to a neighbor


According to the stated goal, I can conclude that the child was a little shy and perhaps felt insecure; this may be evidenced by the fact that the child did not look into the audience and often stood behind all the children or somewhere to the side during the performance.

But despite the possible embarrassment, the child, although not loudly, pronounced his text well, all the words were understandable, Vitya did not stutter.

According to the teacher, Vitya himself took the initiative to participate in the production.
They had never noticed anything like this about the boy before. Monitoring young children
In general, recommendations for monitoring a preschool child can be formulated as follows:

Ø Before you begin direct observation of the child, it is necessary to establish contact with the teachers and the assistant teacher of the group. During the internship, the psychologist becomes part (albeit independent) of the adult group.

Ø Relationships with adults should be built on a business basis, but at the same time be emotionally warm. It is better to coordinate your actions in advance with the actions of the teacher, thereby preventing misunderstandings and various kinds of misunderstandings, but it is not at all necessary to communicate the true purpose of the study (what will be the subject and who will be the object of observation).

Ø Focusing on mutual understanding in relations with educators, it is necessary to maintain one’s own independence and autonomy. The psychologist’s task does not include identification with educators. Support and understanding of educators and their assistants are needed in order to organically “fit” into the natural setting of the group and thereby minimize the impact of their presence on the observed process.

Ø During observation, the psychologist’s task is to maintain a neutral position, without in any way influencing the events taking place with his actions and words. The intervention of a psychologist is possible only when there is a threat to the health and life of children.

Ø It is possible that on the first day of observation the children will have numerous questions for the psychologist about what he is doing, as well as requests or offers to play with them. You should not give your children lengthy and confusing explanations to such questions; rather, briefly but firmly answer that you are currently working and therefore cannot play. If you promise your child to play with him at another time, indicate the exact place and time of the game (for example, “In the evening on a walk”) and be sure to fulfill your promise, otherwise the next observation may be disrupted by the child you deceived.

Ø As a rule, if the psychologist managed to take the position of a neutral observer in the group the first time, the entire subsequent series of his observations will take place in a good working environment, and the children’s attention to him will be minimal. It is necessary to note one more important point; it can be described as “conservatism of the observer” - conservatism of clothing (it is better to avoid bright clothes and bright makeup during observations), constancy of behavior and manners, as well as constancy of the workplace.

Ø Workplace. It is worth determining the observation location in advance and coordinating your action with the teachers. You need to choose a place where you can clearly see and hear all the events taking place, but at the same time attract a minimum of attention to your person. It is better to fix the workplace with special attributes (table, chair), thereby defining your “working” position.

Ø Regardless of when and where the observation is carried out, the general requirements

remain as follows:

1) the entire observed process is recorded (the use of technical means for recording is possible, but their use imposes a number of special requirements);

2) the observation record must indicate the exact time, observation conditions and participants in the observed process;

3) observing one child and recording all his actions, statements and other manifestations, the observer also records the actions, statements and manifestations of other children and adults with whom the observed child is in interaction. It is important to prevent the one-sidedness of recording factors: it is necessary to record not only the result of the interaction, but also the reasons that caused it;

4) try to be precise in determining the observed facts - do not simplify or complicate what you see (be objective in your recording). Record all children’s statements verbatim, without changes, indicate intonation, pauses, tempo and other features of speech. Reflect emotional manifestations truthfully.

Ø When conducting a series of observations of one child, it is better to organize observations under different conditions:

· during the work of one and the other teacher, possibly in the absence of both (for example, at a music or physical education lesson);

· during various routine moments (during meals, during classes, while walking, in free activities, etc.).

Ø There is no need to rush to draw conclusions based on 1-2 observations. It is necessary to take into account the influence of many factors and try to avoid situational distortions in the child’s perception.

When observing, it is necessary to record and take into account the following aspects in the child’s actions and activities:

1. attitude

child to others (children, adults);

2. manifestations of general motor activity


3. manifestations of the affective sphere


4. Features of hand movements and reactions



of speech


the presence of
spontaneous statements


of performing actions

8. positions

a child in joint activities with someone;

9. self-esteem


The best way to generalize the results of observations would be to harmonize them with data from other psychodiagnostic studies.

Example of an observation diary

It should be noted that the observation diary below is an example of participant observation. Participant observation is a type of observation in which the researcher has the opportunity to directly interact with the child being studied. This type of observation has its positive and negative sides, the consideration of which is not part of our task. We invite you to independently evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this type. Considering that both the included and neutral forms of observation are possible for studying young children, we, nevertheless, insist on a neutral one, in which the interaction of the researcher with the observed child is excluded.


The observation was carried out in the nursery group of a city kindergarten. Dasha's age at the beginning of observation was 3 years and 6 months.


I learned from the manager that I would need to supervise Dasha. Nadezhda Vasilyevna, immediately after we met, suggested that I monitor this girl and explained her decision to me by saying that Dasha attends kindergarten more often than anyone else and rarely gets sick. I really didn’t like the fact that they made a choice for me, so all the desire to monitor Dasha disappeared. And Dasha and I met in the following way.

After our conversation with the head, I went to the nursery group and just entered the locker room when I suddenly saw in front of me a very beautiful little girl with big brown eyes. Her look made me forget about everything in the world. I remember that at that moment I had only one thought in my head: “Is it really Dasha in front of me?” To my great regret, the charming girl with brown eyes was called Karina, and the teacher introduced me to Dasha. During my visit, she was dressing Dasha for a walk and, as soon as she learned about the purpose of my visit to them, she told Dasha: “This aunt will be watching you. You agree?" Dasha nodded her head affirmatively, and I was upset because I didn’t like Dasha at all.

Immersed in my worries about this, I did not notice what was happening around me, and was very surprised when I saw Dasha in front of me with small boots in her hands. She looked at me for a long time with her sky-blue eyes, and then quietly said: “Put on my boots.” At that moment, something happened in my soul. I immediately came to my senses, and I felt very ashamed that just recently I did not want to watch this cute child who is now holding me by the neck and stretching out my little leg so that I could put the same little boot on it. . Dasha’s request dramatically changed my attitude towards Dasha herself, and at the same time brought back the disappeared desire to observe.

Thus, quite satisfied with each other, Dasha and I went for a walk. At the site, Dasha and other children were playing on the veranda. She behaved very aggressively towards those children who did not comply with her demands. For example, if Dasha wanted to drive the car, she would forcefully take it away from the boys. If Dasha wanted to play with a doll, she snatched it from the girls and, not paying attention to the crying and screaming of the children offended by her, continued to do as she pleased. By her behavior she made me assume that she was the leader in her group. This hypothesis can be illustrated by the following incident: Dasha gathered several girls and boys around her, shoveled snow into a bucket and fed it to everyone present, without taking into account their wishes. Dasha herself did not eat snow.

When everyone returned to the group, I helped the teacher undress the children, and at that time I stopped watching Dasha. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Dasha was not among the girls, and there was one more boy. Later, I realized that I mistook Dasha for a boy, because I imagined her in a dress and with ponytails, but in reality Dasha was in a T-shirt and shorts, and even with a short haircut.

It turned out that my image of Dasha did not coincide with her real appearance, and as a result, I could not even recognize the child whom I had been watching for almost an hour. This situation led me to think that many disappointments in people, misunderstandings and, perhaps, even conflicts are associated with the fact that we create some ideal image of the Other, set the framework for his portrait in the form of various attitudes, and then try to force the real one into them a living person, causing him to suffer and suffer. This situation is especially difficult for children who try their best to live up to the ideal image created by their parents or avoid such attitudes, thereby creating a tense environment in the family.

A comment

In general, we can say that on the first day of observations, a fairly large amount of information about Dasha was obtained.

It turned out that she is the oldest in the group. Perhaps that is why Dasha is perceived as a leader in the group. Not only girls, but also some boys obey her.

In addition, already on the first day of observation it was discovered that Dasha was very aggressive. No one else in the entire group offends their friends with such composure as Dasha does, and here it is necessary to note the fact that Dasha herself is not offended in the group, and her antics are always forgiven.

It can be assumed that a certain attitude towards Dasha on the part of peers and adult members of the group contributed to the formation of Dasha’s idea that she is the best, the strongest and the most important in the group. The answer to the question of what causes this relationship will probably be found in the process of subsequent observations. Perhaps her self-esteem was also influenced by the fact that she is the only child in the family, and therefore the most beloved and dear.


When I came to the group, I immediately saw Dasha with a phone in her hands. She dialed the number and then began talking to her mother. Dasha asked her mother to buy her ice cream, an apple and chocolate. Mom seemed to agree.

After finishing the conversation, she threw the phone on the floor, picked up the doll and put it to her chest. To the question: “What are you doing?”, she replied: “This is my daughter. I breastfeed her." Next, Dasha said that she was alone with her mom and dad. Previously, her mother breastfed her, but now she doesn’t, because Dasha is already an adult and can be a mother herself.

Having completed her story, Dasha decided to take the doll differently, but due to Dasha’s awkward movements, her daughter fell to the floor. And, although the doll was lying on its back, Dasha decided that her daughter had injured her forehead and was bleeding. Dasha could not explain the reason for choosing this particular place for the wound, and I did not question her further. As soon as we wiped off the “blood,” Dasha put her daughter to bed, and she sat down next to her daughter’s bed and began reading a book. What she said was very similar to a poem, but the content did not correspond to the original text. It always seemed to me that Dasha was describing the pictures in the book in verse. Then she gave this book to me and asked me to read it out loud.

While reading, I deliberately took long pauses so that Dasha could recite the poems herself and, as a result, it turned out that Dasha knew all of Agnia Barto’s children’s works by heart and could recite them. This amazed me, because the other children still spoke very poorly, some could not pronounce a single word clearly.

After reading the book, Dasha suddenly noticed the phone she had thrown under her chair, took it and began calling her mother again. This time the conversation was very different from the previous one, because... Now Dasha saw that she was being watched. She asked her mother for ice cream, an apple and chocolate, and then suddenly burst into tears and in a moaning voice began to ask her mother for what she wanted. This action continued for quite a long time and as a result, my mother seemed to agree. Satisfied with herself, Dasha hung up.

I asked if she always does this when her mother refuses her something. Dasha nodded affirmatively and picked up the doll from the bed and ran away.

At this time, Katya sat on her chair and asked me to read a book to her. When Dasha saw the girl in her place, she quickly ran to us, sat on the edge of the chair next to Katya and, with a calm expression, clenched her teeth, slowly pushed the girl to the floor. She ignored my remark.

As soon as Katya left, Dasha jumped off the chair and, together with the doll, sat down at the table next to the boy who was playing with the molds. I thought that Dasha would now demonstrate her skills in matching each mold with the right hole in a circle specially made for this, but Dasha surprised me again. Instead of the actions I expected, she took a circle with holes in one hand, one of the molds in the other, and began hitting the mold with all her might with this circle. To my question about what she was doing, Dasha replied: “I chop wood and meat in order to light the stove and feed my daughter meat.” When I asked where the meat came from, she said that a cow had recently been slaughtered. “Having chopped the wood,” Dasha began feeding the “meat” to the doll.

At that time, I noticed the boy Vanya, who climbed onto a small wooden ladder nailed to the wall. I praised Vanya for not being afraid to climb so high, and then Dasha, hearing my words, threw the doll and shouted: “And I can climb even higher.” She, indeed, climbed very high, amazing me with her courage, but I did not praise her, but, on the contrary, asked her to climb back down. The procedure of climbing and jumping off the ladder did not last long. It ended immediately after Dasha found the ball and began throwing it in different directions.

Once the boy Nikita caught the ball, and Dasha, afraid that Nikita would take the ball away from her, pinched him hard on the leg. Nikita began to cry and gave Dasha the ball. I noticed similar aggression in Dasha in other situations, namely, when Dasha took a cube from a girl playing and hit her hard on the head. The teacher forced Dasha to ask the girl for forgiveness. Dasha was forced to apologize. She muttered very quietly through her teeth: “I won’t do it again.”

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The second day of observation showed that Dasha has well-developed speech, memory and the ability to imitate. Not every child in a nursery group will be able to recite a long poem by heart and expressively imagine its characters.

The need to be the center of attention manifests itself in demonstrative behavior. Ignores all obstacles and prohibitions on the way to achieving his own goals.

In addition to the aggressiveness that is often observed in Dasha’s actions, one can notice in her character such traits as self-confidence, authority, and egocentrism.


Today I observed the process of dressing children and actively participated in it. I managed to notice that Dasha knows how to dress on her own, but she really loves it when people help her.

In addition, Dasha is very restless and restless. It is very difficult for her to stay in one place for a long time, so while I was dressing the other children, she rushed around the locker room and threw the children's clothes in different directions.

Then she sat on the pipe leading from the battery and began to pretend to be a driver behind the wheel. When I noticed her, she invited me into her car, but I refused. Other guys, looking at Dasha’s game, also wanted to become drivers and sat on the pipe together with her. Dasha didn’t like this, and she pushed the uninvited guests onto the floor. I made a remark to her, but Dasha ignored it.

She got off the pipe and ran to her drawer, where she took out a bag of waffles. Dasha ate two of them herself, and offered the rest to me. I broke off a little from one waffle, thanked Dasha and invited her to treat the other guys. Dasha resisted at first, but then she still treated the children nearby. I was very pleased to see that Dasha did not take away, but gave, and at the same time was happy for others.

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The third day of observations helped to systematize the information obtained in the previous days.

Firstly, Dasha is a very active, restless, restless child.

Secondly, Dasha has a very rich imagination, which contributes to the girl’s organization of independent play activities, characterized by a variety of plots, expressiveness and emotionality of the play process itself.

And thirdly, it should be noted that even in such a rare situation for Dasha, friendly relations with peers, her desire to be the object of everyone's attention and approval is manifested.


That day I came to the kindergarten as usual, and was very surprised when I learned that the nursery group had been divided into younger groups. Once in the junior group, I saw a large number of children unfamiliar to me, running, screaming, and creating a lot of noise.

Among them, I barely found Dasha. She sat in the company of three girls from the younger group and said something to them. When I got closer, I realized that these girls had come to see Dasha, and Dasha was prescribing medications for them and treating them. I was very surprised that Dasha took a leadership position in the group of older children. Later my assumption was confirmed by the teacher. She said that Dasha, finding herself in a new group among unfamiliar children who were older than her in age, was not at a loss, but immediately joined the game and pulled the rest of the children along with her.

Seeing me, Dasha was very happy and said: “You will be my daughter, let’s go home.” Then she took me by the hand and led me to the children's corner. There Dasha sat me down at the table and started feeding me, and I watched her cook. This time Dasha amazed me with her extraordinary accuracy and consistency of actions that a housewife should perform in the process of cooking.

When the teacher called everyone for a walk, Dasha took me by the hand and said: “And now, daughter, I’ll take you for a walk, let’s get dressed.” We walked to the site together, and Dasha tried not to let go of my hand the whole way.

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The fourth day of observation provided me with an excellent opportunity to communicate with Dasha and take part in her game.

It turned out that Dasha is a sociable girl. She easily finds a common language with any person and can carry on a conversation. However, he takes the initiative in conversation only when it is necessary to draw attention to himself.

Dasha's communication skills can be explained by her extensive experience communicating with people of different ages (it should be noted that Dasha lives with her parents in a dormitory) and her desire for demonstrativeness.


Today I watched Dasha at a music lesson, in a group and on the street.

During the music lesson, Dasha was as active as she usually is in the group. While singing, she was the only one in the group who received reprimands from the teacher several times for her behavior. Dasha performed her dance movements very diligently, but it was clear that she was in a hurry and therefore did not fall in time with the music.

In the group, Dasha came up with the following game for herself. She took small animals and tried to put them in the window of a wooden house. At the same time, she kept saying the same phrase: “Hello, can I come to you?” If an animal passed through the window, it was answered from the house: “Yes, come in.” If the animal was larger than the window, it was not allowed into the house, and it said offendedly: “Well, okay, I can do without you.” When all the animals of suitable size were stuffed into the house, Dasha pulled them out and started the game all over again.

After two repetitions of the game's plot, a boy approached Dasha and took one of the animals. Seeing this, Dasha shouted at the boy with an indignant look and snatched the little animal from him. This situation repeated itself when a girl approached Dasha and offered to play together.

On this day I did not interfere in Dasha’s game, and therefore had the opportunity to distance myself from the situation. I was amazed that there were so many aggressive traits hidden in this charming little girl. No one else in the entire group hurts her peers with such composure as Dasha, who constantly offends not only girls, but also boys, and does this not by defending herself, but by deliberately attacking.

So, having played enough with the house and animals, Dasha rushed to the place where the largest number of children had gathered. They were talking about something with the teacher. Dasha joined the children and was soon left alone near the teacher. Having dispersed everyone, she was very pleased with herself. And when she noticed that she got all the attention (mine and the teacher’s), she began to make faces, act out, and perform various tricks.

As soon as the teacher left, Dasha calmed down a little and decided to draw. She took the chalk and drew a woman on the board. It was her mother. Then she drew a cat, but in a very strange way. Her body parts were not in the order they really should be. The boy standing nearby looked carefully at Dasha’s drawing and kept telling her where the cat’s body parts should be, but Dasha did not listen to him. She persistently painted the way she wanted.

As for Dasha’s behavior on the street, here I can say the following: Dasha was the first to enter the closet, took a doll and a sled and began to play daughter-mother. She carried the doll with her around the site, and instead of herself, she rolled it on the slide. Many of the guys couldn’t understand why Dasha didn’t skate by herself, but went down the steps and met her daughter at the bottom.

Remembering Dasha's past games, I can conclude that Dasha's favorite game is playing mother-daughter, and the role of mother gives her the most pleasure, of course.

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The fifth day of observations confirmed Dasha’s need to take an active position always and in everything.

The musical lesson demonstrated the girl’s unbalanced behavior, her inability and unwillingness to participate in the group’s activities.

Free activity, as opposed to group activity, showed the girl’s independence, initiative and perseverance. The choice of plots, characters, and means for implementing the game revealed the wealth of Dasha’s imagination and her organizational skills.

Etiquette in the toilet and bedroom

The most sensitive topics tend to raise the most questions and misunderstandings from kids. This is rarely discussed with them, and they have nowhere to get information from. Therefore, discuss with your child the rules of behavior in kindergarten that govern his trips to the toilet.

  1. Crowding around sinks and toilets is prohibited. If more than 6 children have already entered the room, you need to wait. If it’s completely unbearable to stand, you need to ask the teacher what to do? It will help you find a way out faster.
  2. You should always use toilet paper and flush after yourself. If there are any drops left on the seat, they should be wiped off and your hands should be washed immediately afterwards.
  3. After visiting the toilet, you should wash your hands with soap and dry them. This is a must, otherwise it’s easy to get sick.
  4. It is prohibited to splash water, climb onto radiators, or throw various objects into the toilet. You cannot draw on the walls or floor, even if you really want to.
  5. You cannot lock yourself in the toilet to play or deceive the teacher.

It is also important to remind your baby how to go to bed correctly. This ritual has its own recommendations.

  1. Before quiet time, children brush their teeth and go to the toilet for their needs.
  2. You cannot be capricious and argue with the teacher about the fact that you don’t want to sleep or are too lazy to brush your teeth. You need to listen to nannies and children's teachers.
  3. You cannot play or throw pillows in the bedroom. These activities disturb everyone and disrupt their routine.
  4. If you need to leave, it is important to do it slowly, carefully, calmly, so as not to wake up other children.
  5. Clothes must be folded in perfect order on the chair.

A daily sleep schedule is very important for children, because if it is not there, their evening activity will drive the parent crazy. Sleeping during the day calms the child and normalizes the state of his nervous system. So you need to teach your baby not to interfere with others, if he really does not want to end up in bed. We would like his problems!

Behavior on site

Going outside for preschoolers is fraught with many dangers. Outside the kindergarten, a child can get seriously injured or even get lost if he does not know the rules of behavior in kindergarten and during walks. Teach the tomboy to obey his elders and follow all the recommendations of common sense, which the little one has not yet developed.

  1. You need to go out onto the playground or into the street in pairs and formations, as the teacher said. On the way back, you need to make sure that your date is in place and that everything is okay with her.
  2. You cannot leave the playground without the accompaniment or consent of a teacher. Any attempts by strangers to talk to adults, give something, or take them outside the fence must be stopped. You need to immediately run to the teacher and tell him everything. Under no circumstances should you take candy and toys, talk, or leave with strangers.
  3. It is forbidden to run in front of swings and carousels, they can injure the child.
  4. Before starting a group game, you need to listen to the rules of conduct and follow them.
  5. You can’t run or jump too actively, otherwise you might hurt others.

Parents must also follow the rules of the game: do not pick up the child until you have agreed with the teacher.
And if you are delayed or have changed the choice of escort to your home, please inform us in advance. Even if a conflict situation arises in kindergarten, do not lose your temper in front of the children and do not force your son or daughter to blush for you. It is important to explain everything calmly. And, of course, only for adults. Do not contact other children, and certainly do not scold them.

Cultured people always come from cultured families. Whatever the kindergarten, it is the parents who are the main authorities for the child, they are the ones who bear the main responsibility for his upbringing. Don't set a bad example, and your baby will learn only good things.

Rules of behavior at school briefly

By sending their children to school, parents are confident that their children will receive the necessary amount of knowledge, emotional and psychological support. All this is possible only if the educational institution respects and knows the rules of behavior and follows them.

The school routine is known not only to students and teachers, but also to parents. How to dress a child when he should come to class, how to behave in class is the concern of parents.

Photo: UGC

In the first days after the summer holidays, many schools hand out handouts to children that contain basic rules and norms of behavior at school. Every child must follow them, otherwise school life will turn into uncontrollable chaos.

Teachers monitor the implementation of these rules, however, parents must also take part in the formation of a specific behavioral model of a schoolchild. From time to time, conduct preventive conversations, show with specific examples what a violation of the school routine can lead to.

Familiarize your child with a short list of what the school will require of him:

  • General requirements:
  1. Dress cleanly and neatly. Choose clothes and shoes that are comfortable and appropriate for the season.
  2. Wearing a sports uniform is allowed only during sports activities (physical education class, section, sports elective).
  3. Take care of your personal hygiene: cut your nails, wash your hair, etc.
  4. Walk around with a neat hairstyle. It is advisable to style long hair so that it does not interfere with writing and reading, otherwise vision and posture defects may occur.
  5. Carry a handkerchief and wet wipes with you.
  6. Place books and school supplies in your bag, school backpack, briefcase.
  7. Go home immediately after classes. Only those who attend additional classes remain in the educational institution.
  8. Plan your travel time so that you can get to class at least 10 minutes before class starts.

Photo: UGC

  • During lessons, the student should behave like this:
  1. Enter the office with the permission of the teacher or his authorized representative (prefect).
  2. Take a seat according to the seating chart. It is approved by the subject teacher or class teacher.
  3. Before the start of the lesson, prepare and place on your desk a textbook, notebooks and school supplies that will be needed.
  4. Greet the teacher by standing up. Stand up when the teacher leaves the classroom.
  5. Do not use a mobile phone or gadgets during class without the teacher’s permission.
  6. Do not leave the room during class without the teacher's permission.
  7. During class, remain quiet, listen carefully to the teacher and follow his instructions.
  8. When going to the board, take your diary with you.
  9. Do not give hints to your classmates or interrupt them while answering.
  10. Don't shout from your seat. If you know the answer to the teacher's question, raise your hand.

Photo: UGC

  • Rules of behavior at school during recess:
  1. Go to recess only with the permission of the teacher.
  2. During breaks, the attendants ventilate the classroom, prepare the board and visual aids (maps, models, dummies).
  3. Do not run through the corridors and stairs during recess, because you may injure yourself or injure other children. For active recreation, it is better to go out into the school yard.
  4. Don’t sit on the windowsills, don’t climb down the railings, don’t play with sharp objects, don’t fight, don’t throw garbage, don’t break school property.
  5. To have a snack during recess, go to the cafeteria or school cafe. Don't eat on the go or in class.
  6. When walking down the corridor, keep to the right.
  7. When leaving and entering the classroom, boys let the teacher and girls pass first.
  8. Do not enter the staff room without permission.

In addition, you should remember the general rules of behavior:

  • You can’t smoke or swear;
  • argue and negotiate with elders;
  • when talking to the teacher, keep your hands in your pocket;
  • we need to help those who require help;
  • be polite and careful.

Photo: UGC
School is a place where children not only gain knowledge, but also learn to communicate and learn about general cultural norms of behavior. They must understand that following school rules is not a stupid invention designed to oppress their personality, accustom them to stereotyped behavior, but an elementary concern for their health.

They must realize that noise in classes and lack of discipline lead to poorer learning. In addition, children are more tired psychologically and may have headaches. If someone breaks the rules of conduct during recess, they may suffer physical harm themselves or cause harm to someone else.

Children should be reminded of this regularly and demonstrate by their own example how rules help optimize activities and make them more effective.

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