Theater club at school: program, plan, description and reviews


Graduality, versatility and creativity are not a complete list of features that the theater group at school has. The program focuses on the diversified development of children’s personalities, their individuality and uniqueness. The club plan is drawn up taking into account the psychological characteristics of the development of schoolchildren in different age groups.

Traditionally, the program provides for the use of gaming and theatrical forms of activity, which are aimed at using different types of children's creativity. The theater club at school has one more feature. What is important here is not the final result, i.e. the performance itself, but the preparation process - rehearsals, moments of over-fulfillment and experience. It is in the process of working on a specific role and image that children’s personal qualities, their symbolic thinking, emotions develop, and specific roles of a social nature are learned.

How to choose the right script for a school theater?

So, after two or three months of stable classes, children remain in the circle who are interested in further classes, self-development, and they are ready for real rehearsals. Also, during this period of time, the teacher will become familiar with the potential of each member of the school troupe. It's time to choose a script.

The most important thing that the leader must remember is that the play for the theater group is chosen in such a way that every child gets a role in it with words, and there are no children left who will play silent people in the crowd.

Naturally, the choice of play must be justified and correct. Small children will not be able to participate in the production of classics, for example by Dostoevsky. They need something simpler, for example, the fairy tale “Cat House”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, and others. Children in the middle age group can already cope well with longer and more complex fairy tales, such as “The Frog Princess” and “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” It will be interesting for high school students to stage classic works.

The script for the theater group must correspond to the event. For example, to participate in a talent competition, you need to choose positive and humorous ones, because people like to laugh. But such productions are not suitable, for example, for Victory Day; a calmer and more soulful performance is needed here.

The distribution of roles should also be carefully considered. Of course, you need to start from the wishes of the child himself, but also take into account the following point: give the children roles that are vastly different from their own character (a tomboy should try to embody the image of a calm and reasonable character, and a modest child should try to play the role of the main character or villain).


Certain goals and hypotheses are an integral part of the characteristics of the theater club at school. The program is built taking into account the following tasks:

  • Introduction to the concept of theater, as well as its different types.
  • Mastering various types of creativity. The whole process is carried out in stages.
  • Improving artistic skills.
  • Modeling behavioral situations within the framework of an established task.

Thanks to this, the circle is aimed at two aspects at once: educational and educational. The first involves completing tasks aimed at developing intelligence, emotions, as well as a variety of communication skills in children. The second aspect is responsible for the development of artistry and specific stage performance skills.

Attracting clients. Promotional Events

Good advertising is one of the important conditions for the success of a beginning acting school. Since this organization is designed for children and teenagers, it is necessary to disseminate information in nearby kindergartens and schools, and place advertisements in neighboring residential buildings.

The opening of an acting school will not be possible without advertising on the Internet. You can also post relevant information on thematic forums dedicated to child development and creativity. To promote your school faster, you can seek the help of advertising specialists who, for a fee, will develop a competent strategy.

Theater studio for children

Ways to work with children

A theater group is a collection of various activities aimed at achieving certain goals. The process is carried out in several directions:

  • Theater game. Teaches the child to navigate in a given space, independently build dialogues on specific topics, develop attention, memory, imaginative thinking and a general interest in art.
  • Rhythmoplasty. Contains games and exercises of a rhythmic, poetic and musical nature. This direction provides children with a natural need for movement.
  • Technique and culture of speech. It contains different types of activities that allow you to develop breathing and reveal additional capabilities of the speech apparatus. For this purpose, songs, tongue twisters, different levels of intonation, etc. are used.
  • Basic theatrical culture. Children have the opportunity to get acquainted with the basic terms and concepts of theatrical art. They gain knowledge regarding the basics of acting, as well as learn the rules of spectator culture.
  • Getting to know specific plays, stories, fairy tales, etc. This allows not only to develop skills in acting with imaginary objects, but also contributes to the overall intellectual development of the child.

The complexity and simultaneous use of these areas is an undeniable advantage that the theater group has. Planning plays a very important role here, since the effectiveness of the entire process will depend on it.

Theater is not just for actors

You should not think that there is nothing to do in the theater for those who do not see themselves on stage in the future. Theatrical art improves intelligence, trains memory and concentration. Numerous studies have shown that children who once took part in theatrical productions become harmonious individuals in the future. The world around them and people are perceived by them in a variety of manifestations. Creative individuals are distinguished by tolerance. All these qualities will be useful for modern children.

The main goal of drama club leaders is to provide children with the opportunity to:

As multimillion-dollar surveys have shown, no matter what field of activity is preferred in the future, one thing is clear - theatrical experience is never forgotten and only helps in mastering a particular profession.

The theater is a unique place, captivating with its special atmosphere and immersing you in a completely different world, distinguished by its era, costumes, and behavior of the people who lived at that time.

Theater gives you a chance to liberate yourself in the company of other people, get rid of existing complexes, and reveal hidden abilities and talents. In addition, a person studies the rules of eloquence, improves his diction and masters a secret technique, which consists in the ability to attract and interest listeners.

Working in a team helps you easily understand colleagues, get rid of difficulties that arise when communicating with other people, and find your place in a new environment.


Planning tasks

To ensure maximum effectiveness, special attention must be paid to the preparation procedure. The theater club plan provides for the solution of the following tasks:

  • Developing sensitivity.
  • Improving memory, observation, attention, thinking and reaction speed.
  • Develop more independence.
  • Improving the natural creative abilities of a particular child.
  • Developing the ability to control your own body.
  • Activation of associative type thinking.
  • Expanding children's general knowledge.
  • Teaching naturalness on stage.
  • Strengthening children's understanding of theater, its types, etc.
  • Expanding a child's vocabulary.
  • Improving myological and dialogic speech.

In addition, the theater group also helps to foster respect for work, the formation of ideas about honesty, justice, kindness, etc.

Child's skills and abilities

In the process of rehearsals and theatrical play activities, children develop the following skills:

  • Be able to move in a given rhythm, as well as voluntarily compress or unclench certain muscle groups.
  • Be able to improvise in any situation.
  • Good command of your speech apparatus.
  • Quickly compose a monologue or dialogue with a partner.
  • Be able to create a specific image or character.

In addition, children learn to work in pairs and teams, as well as resolve various conflict situations.

Opening an acting school: basic steps

The first thing you need to do to open an acting school for children and teenagers is to choose a suitable organizational and legal form: LLC or individual entrepreneur. The first option is less risky for the owner’s capital, since in the event of financial failure his personal funds will not be affected. An individual entrepreneur risks his own funds.

An individual entrepreneur can carry out his activities under a simplified taxation system, which makes it possible to save time and money for the company owner. As for the method of accepting payments for training, this organizational form allows the use of both cash and non-cash payments. Installing terminals for cashless payments greatly simplifies the processes of accepting payments, as well as accounting for profits.

To avoid unnecessary problems with licensing the activities of an acting school, you should not declare it as an educational institution. In this case, obtaining a license will not be required.

What influences the choice of a theater group?

To achieve maximum results for your child, you need to choose a theater group taking into account the following factors:

  • Teachers' experience. Only experienced teachers with appropriate education can help each child.
  • Discovery and a humane approach to productions. During the game, the child should feel comfortable and safe.
  • Duration of training. The result of the process directly depends on how much time is allocated for preparation and rehearsals. It is optimal to do the work three times a week.
  • Having a convenient schedule is also important. Classes should be held in convenient locations and in small groups. This will allow you to devote the maximum amount of time to each child.

The theater club is an excellent option for extracurricular activities. Reviews claim that such activities develop the child’s personality, allow him to try on unusual roles, and give him new skills. Rehearsals and preparation for performances teach children communication, the ability to work in groups and pairs, improvise and be natural in any situation.

Common mistakes of a circle leader

Very often, a production ends up with incorrectly chosen musical accompaniment, or it occurs too often during the performance. It is worth remembering that the music should emphasize the main points, the genre should correspond to the chosen theme of the performance.

There are times when the director chose the wrong piece. In this case, children simply will not be able to perform the role well, play feelings and sensations with which they are not familiar, or generally understand the meaning of the production.

It is necessary to exclude complex sentences and incomprehensible words from the script; children simply will not be able to remember them. Replace with figures of speech that are more understandable and accessible to children’s knowledge.

It happens that the material is completely unsuitable for the audience.

Often, teachers, in order to improve acting skills and introduce a kind of humor into the performance, give male roles to girls, and boys get female characters. Only high school students can cope with such a task, and not all of them.

For the junior theater group, as we have already said, it is worth selecting scripts for children's fairy tales. But they should not be what they are used to seeing. It is necessary to make adjustments to the images of the heroes, for example, to make them more modern.

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