10 tips for parents to improve their child’s physical health

How to maintain health and longevity.

Currently, medical science guarantees that each of us can live at least 80 years and almost never get sick. Doctors have learned to prevent myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke, maintain health in patients with diabetes and other chronic diseases, cure malignant tumors detected in the early stages, and prevent the development of infectious diseases.

However, to do this, we ourselves must actively participate in maintaining and strengthening our health. Normal blood pressure, low blood fat, stopping smoking, limiting alcohol, regular preventive examinations for early detection of precancerous diseases, timely vaccinations against infectious diseases - this is the main “secret” of maintaining health today. We believe that all of us, citizens of Russia, need to be attentive to our health.

Human health is a priceless gift of nature, which is given to him as a gift at birth. But man is made in an amazing way: he does not value what is given to him for free. Carelessly squandering the health he inherited, he comes to his senses only when he has nothing to pay for the pleasure of living on. Maintaining health is the most important task for us.

Nowadays, where there are a lot of exhaust fumes, industrial waste, low-quality medications, nervous tension, stress due to the fast pace of life, and other negative factors, it is very difficult to maintain excellent health for many years.

To maintain health, a whole range of measures is required that will support the body and help prevent premature aging of cells and internal organs. And first of all, maintaining health depends on lifestyle and type of activity.

To do this, you need to completely give up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs and other bad habits. Smoking negatively affects the lungs and the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Alcohol affects most of a person’s internal organs, which has also been discussed quite a lot. We are not even talking about drugs at all, since it is impossible to imagine that a person who takes narcotic substances even thinks about maintaining his health.

Secondly, maintaining health depends on physical activity. Most modern people lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not exercise at all, while often complaining of various health problems. Excessive exercise can lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, it is better to choose a lifestyle that will help you always be in excellent physical shape and increase the body’s resistance to diseases and environmental influences.

The nature of your diet also affects your health. Our body requires every day the necessary amount of nutrients, macro and microelements, minerals, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates and proteins in order to cope with daily stress and the normal functioning of all our organs. At the same time, any body requires proper and good nutrition, regardless of where a person works and what kind of lifestyle he leads, since energy is spent both during physical activity and mental work.

Environmental factors also influence health maintenance. Therefore, in order to reduce their negative impact, it is necessary to travel outside the city as often as possible, breathe clean, fresh country air, eat only natural products if possible, and purchase housing away from industries that pollute the environment.

Maintaining health is an urgent task for any person. To carry it out, you need to pay maximum attention, never ignoring the body’s alarm signals and doing everything possible to help the body cope with daily stress and negative factors. It’s scary to think that in our time, in exchange for health, a person acquires bad habits: smoking, drinking, overeating, lying on the couch for hours in front of the TV, etc. But there is a way out of this vicious circle, and it is known and universal to everyone: “Life is movement. What doesn’t move, doesn’t work, doesn’t strain, dies.” And if you want to live a full and interesting life for many years, you need to: Firstly, move more, secondly, think about what we eat and what we drink, and thirdly, have a positive attitude towards the world around us. We can list for a long time ways to live a healthy life in order to maintain health, but nothing will change unless we ourselves want to be like that. According to Eastern healers, illness originates in the depths of our mind, and only then is realized on the material level.

Therefore, keep your thoughts pure and positive for a long, healthy life. Currently, to our great regret, a person must fight for his health. Because we have broken connections with the outside world. Environmental problems are very acute on earth. Our food is not capable of filling the human body with all nutrients; in addition, it contains many components that are harmful to health, which leads to a weakened immune system and the birth of sick people. So, let's take the first steps towards health.

You can improve and enhance your health by creating a specific schedule for working on yourself. We are ready to provide you with such assistance in our Health Centers, which, by the way, you should visit in order to check your health status and receive the necessary recommendations from specialists on health promotion. Not everyone can immediately take a drastic approach to improving their health.

In this case, you can start implementing the program gradually, for example, start with morning exercises, and then supplement it with jogging. Then we can work on the fight against excess weight. The goal should be achieved not by extraordinary measures (complete fasting or exhausting sitting in the steam room), but again by gradual reductions in the diet of carbohydrates, fats, and the exclusion of alcohol. Do not allow young people to drink alcohol, do not decorate the table with bottles, refuse to drink.

Our health is in our own hands. We must understand that only healthy people can survive in the modern world, so we must take care of the most valuable thing we have. Fight for your health and preserve it in all available ways.

Secrets of longevity.

• A balanced, healthy diet is the key to success. Eat in such a way as to relieve your cells, eat in moderation - not too much, but not too little. If you are overweight, reduce your usual amount of food by a third. Eat in a way that takes into account your individual characteristics, but the diet should be age-appropriate.

• At the age of 30, if you regularly include liver and nuts in your menu, the first wrinkles will appear later. People over 40 years old benefit from beta-carotene, which is abundant in carrots. After 50 years, calcium is needed, it is good for bones, and magnesium is necessary for the heart, eat dairy products, hard cheeses, drink tea and coffee.

• To maintain your health, you need to properly organize your workplace, you should monitor your posture, to avoid osteochondrosis, do not sit at the computer for more than 5 - 6 hours a day.

• Sex is the fountain of youth. Doctors believe that people who regularly have sex look 14 years younger, because when making love, the body produces endorphins - “happiness hormones”. Regular sex helps strengthen the immune system, but you should not forget about safety measures. • A conscious goal in life will help you live a long time. Nature needs an active person; you should not passively go with the flow, do not allow yourself to be manipulated. People with high self-esteem are less likely to suffer from stress and are less susceptible to various infections.

• Life is motion. Play sports, because even 8 minutes of physical activity a day prolongs your life. Walking strengthens the heart and blood vessels. During physical exercise, growth hormones are released, the production of which decreases after 30 years. Do exercises, fitness, dancing. On vacation, try to lead an active lifestyle - skiing, swimming.

• The temperature in the bedroom during sleep will help prolong youth and longevity - it should not be higher than 18 degrees. This temperature regime is optimal for metabolism, because metabolism depends on the ambient temperature. In general, scientists have found that centenarians tend to have lower body temperatures.

• Try to get enough sleep, because during sleep the body rests, blood pressure normalizes, and healing processes accelerate. During sleep, the brain processes information. If you wake up rested and alert in the morning, it means that your body has rested during sleep.

• Don’t keep negative emotions inside, don’t treat yourself negatively; according to the results of international testing, negative emotions can lead to various diseases, including cancer.

• The secret of longevity is active brain function. Don't forget to train your brain. Solve various crossword puzzles, try to count in your head, not on a calculator. Learn foreign languages. By forcing your brain to work, you will slow down the age-related degradation of mental abilities.

• Give up bad habits - smoking and alcohol. A glass of good red wine is allowed; it contains antioxidants that are beneficial for the cardiovascular system and prevent cancer and other diseases.

• Toughen up. Seasoned people are not susceptible to allergies and colds. Start your morning with a contrast shower; it will not only invigorate you, but it is an excellent hardening procedure. Strengthen your immune system, walk in the fresh air more often, ventilate the room. The food we eat will also help maintain health and longevity and prolong youth. Just replace some products with others.

• Replace red meat with white. White meat is easier to digest, low in fat, but high in protein. White meat contains a lot of selenium and B vitamins.

• Replace sugar with honey. Honey strengthens the immune system. Honey contains many antioxidants, which are anti-aging agents. Honey also prevents age-related changes in the brain.

• Replace sausages, frankfurters, and sausages with white meat or fish. Fish is rich in polyunsaturated healthy fats. Sausages and sausages contain unhealthy fats and other additives. Polyunsaturated fatty acids lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of developing blood clots and tumors. Nicotinic acid contained in fish protects against Alzheimer's disease and prevents memory loss.

• Replace milk with fermented milk products and cottage cheese. There is a hypothesis that toxins formed in the intestines and then entering the bloodstream poison the body and cause aging. Populate your intestines with beneficial lactic acid bacteria, drink kefir, yogurt, and biokefir. Eat low-fat cottage cheese to prevent osteoporosis. Cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, a building material for bones.

• Try not adding enough salt to your food, as salt increases blood pressure and retains water in the body. Replace salt with spices and herbs.

• Replace bread made from premium flour and buns with bran bread and multigrain bread. Bran contains a lot of B vitamins, and the dietary fiber of such bread binds and removes toxins, excess cholesterol and bile acids from the body. Pasta should also be eaten from durum flour. Baking can only lead to excess weight.

• Replace butter with vegetable oil. Vegetable oil lowers cholesterol levels and contains a lot of vitamin E. Butter, on the contrary, can increase cholesterol and contains harmful fats. Buy vegetable oil without chemical purification.

Galina Nabiulina,

chief freelance specialist

Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan Region for Medical Prevention

Instructions for organizing the protection of life and health of pupils during their stay in a preschool educational institution

1. General requirements

1.1. These Instructions for organizing the protection of life and health of pupils during their stay in a preschool educational organization have been developed in accordance with Art. 30, 37, 41 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” and Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2008 No. 03-1423 “Methodological recommendations for participation in the creation of a unified system for ensuring the security of educational institutions of the Russian Federation » taking into account the requirements:

  • SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 “Hygienic standards and requirements for ensuring the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors to humans”;
  • SanPiN 2.3/2.4.3590-20 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of public catering for the population”;
  • SP 2.4.3648-20 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations of education and training, recreation and health improvement of children and youth.”

1.2. A preschool educational institution is responsible in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the life and health of students and pupils (Article 28, paragraph 7 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

1.3. All teaching staff, without exception, bear personal responsibility for protecting the life and health of children during the educational process.

1.4. The rules set out in this manual are mandatory for all employees of the preschool educational institution.

2. Safety requirements for the building and territory of the preschool educational institution

2.1. Preschool organizations must have their own area for children to walk (separately for each group). The play area includes group playgrounds, individual for each group. Green spaces are used to separate group sites from each other, as well as to separate them from the economic zone. On the territory of group playgrounds, a shady canopy with an area of ​​at least 1 m per child, but not less than 20 m, sandboxes, as well as other devices for games are installed.

2.2. The land plot of a preschool educational institution must have a fence made of materials that have certain characteristics: be safe, do not contain toxic substances, withstand high humidity, exposure to sunlight, not heat up at high temperatures, be resistant to chemicals and fire, look aesthetically pleasing from the inside and outside. outside.

2.3. The layout of the premises of the preschool educational institution should ensure the possibility of creating isolated premises for each children's group (hereinafter referred to as the group cell) - a dressing room, a group room, a bedroom, a buffet, a toilet combined with a washroom, the availability, if necessary, of additional premises for activities with children (music room, gym hall, speech therapist's office, rooms for other additional classes), as well as other premises (rooms for medical care, catering unit, rooms for washing clothes) and premises for service and domestic purposes.

2.4. Group cells are located no higher than the third floor. Group cells for children under 3 years old are located on the 1st floor.

2.5. When the number of preschool students is more than 120 people, a separate room for music classes and a separate room for physical education classes are provided.

2.6. Premises for the permanent stay of children for air disinfection are equipped with air disinfection devices. Floors in group rooms located on the ground floor must be insulated or heated.

2.7. When a preschool educational institution is located in a separate building, group cells for infants and young children must have an independent entrance to the playground.

2.8. In the dressing room for infants and young children up to one year of age, a place is allocated for parents to undress and for mothers to feed infants.

2.9. To store outerwear, changing rooms in group cells are equipped with wardrobes for children's outerwear with individual compartments, shelves for hats, and hooks. Each individual cell is labeled. The number of individual cells must correspond to the listed number of children in the group.

2.10. Toilets of preschool organizations and organizations are divided into a washroom area and a sanitary facilities area. The washroom area contains children's washbasins and a shower tray. In the sanitary facilities area there are toilets, which are provided with individual seats for each child. Water is supplied to washbasins for children through a mixer.

2.11. Toilets for young children are equipped in one room. It contains washbasins for children, a sink and toilet (in a separate cabin) for staff, a cabinet (rack) with cells for storing individual pots and a drain for their treatment, a children's bath (for toddlers) or a shower tray, as well as a utility closet. Individual potties are marked according to the total number of children.

2.12. Hangers for children's towels (separately for hands and feet) are installed in the wash area, the number of which must correspond to the total number of children.

2.13. Entrance doors must be equipped with a bell, have a lock at a height inaccessible to children and must be closed at all times.

2.14. In preschool educational institutions, porches should have high railings with straight vertical and frequently spaced slats.

2.15. All opening windows must open inward, be secured with a hook, and have no external bars.

2.16. Springs and blocks should not be allowed in the doors. Doors must have automatic closers.

2.17. Enclosing devices of heating devices must be made of materials that are harmless to the health of children. Fences made of particle boards are not allowed.

2.18. The holes in the kindergarten area must be filled in; Garbage bins must be kept locked. There should be no objects on the site that are dangerous to the life and health of children (not planed boards, boxes with protruding nails, pieces of electrical wire, broken glass, dishes, syringes, etc.). It is necessary to systematically check whether there are dead trees on the site of the preschool institution, and to prevent protruding branches of plants on the site.

2.19. It is prohibited to drive nails at the height of children, or to use buttons or sharp objects. Flower pots with indoor plants should not be placed at a height higher than children's height, or on window sills.

2.20. Technical inspections of buildings must be systematic (inspection of plaster, ceilings, strength of beams, floors, stairs, window frames, ventilation, electrical fittings). Portraits, pictures, cabinets, shelves, mirrors, fire extinguishers, cabinets for play building materials, hangers, cabinets for clothes and towels must be firmly attached to the wall, floor. It is necessary to strictly observe the labeling of furniture, dishes, and rags.

3. Compliance with safety requirements by preschool staff

3.1. The main responsibility of a teacher is to protect the life and health of children. When conducting classes and other types of teaching activities, the teacher must know and perform:

  • these instructions for organizing the protection of life and health of pupils during their stay in a preschool educational institution;
  • sanitary standards and rules for maintaining the premises of a preschool educational institution;
  • instructions on fire safety measures in the building and on the territory of the preschool educational institution;
  • traffic rules (know and study with children the rules of behavior on the street, on playgrounds, in the flower garden in order to prevent child injuries);
  • instructions for providing first aid to victims.

3.2. During the replacement of a teacher (short-term or long-term), teachers and kindergarten employees are required to take on the functions of protecting the life and health of children, rescuing and evacuating them if necessary.

3.3. The teacher is strictly prohibited from leaving children unattended. If it is necessary to leave the children for a certain period, the teacher is obliged to warn the junior teacher where and how long he needs to leave the group and ask him to leave his work for a while to look after the children.

3.4. The teacher must know the health status and health group of each child, and build his work taking into account his individual abilities, capabilities, and health.

3.5. The appearance of the teacher should be a role model for children and parents.

3.6. Parents and other persons who, on their behalf, bring a child to kindergarten must hand the child over to the teacher or the kindergarten employee who receives the children that day. In the evening, the child must be handed over to the parents, persons on the list of those who have the right to pick up the child from the preschool educational institution, or agree in advance on those persons whom they trust to pick up the child from the kindergarten.

3.7. The daily morning reception of children is carried out by teachers and (or) a medical worker, who must interview parents about the state of health of the children, as well as conduct non-contact thermometry. Sick children, as well as children suspected of having an infectious disease, are not allowed to visit.

3.8. It is prohibited to allow unknown persons into the territory of the kindergarten without presenting a document identifying the visitor and his right to visit the institution.

3.9. Every day before starting work, the teacher must inspect the group room, toilet, washroom, bedroom, reception room, and pantry. Immediately inform the head of the household or the head of the preschool educational institution about any malfunctions of furniture, equipment or premises.

3.10. Before accepting children into a group, teachers walk around their area and all the premises of the group; if dangerous objects (glass, bottles, sticks, etc.) are found, the teacher must remove them from the territory immediately; children are not allowed to be admitted to an unchecked room or area. If traumatic buildings, phenomena (ice, cracked wood), furniture or equipment that the teacher cannot remove independently are discovered, measures must be taken to prevent children from accessing the traumatic place or equipment, and this place should be fenced off.

3.11. The teacher is obliged to keep his place clean and provide free access to all entrances.

3.12. The teacher must work with parents to ensure that they control the presence of sharp objects, matches, and medicines in their children’s pockets.

3.13. The teacher must close the external doors after receiving children.

3.14. At the beginning of the working day, the head of the preschool educational institution and the caretaker carry out a technical inspection of all premises and territory of the kindergarten, study the three-stage control notebook, and take measures to eliminate traumatic situations. They bring to the attention of educators the possibility of using the premises, equipment or area to work with children.

3.15. Other employees working in separate rooms or offices (clerk, music director, junior teachers, office cleaner, laundry operator, additional education teacher, building and construction repair worker, janitor) inspect the workplaces and offices assigned to them, premises, territory. If a breakdown or malfunction is detected, measures are immediately taken to ensure the safety of children.

3.16. The cook and storekeeper check all the equipment and premises of the catering unit, pantry, and vegetable storage before the working day.

3.17. The catering department employees ensure that unauthorized persons do not enter the catering department.

3.18. All breakdowns and malfunctions are immediately reported to the caretaker. The caretaker immediately takes measures to eliminate breakdowns, malfunctions, etc.

3.19. The caretaker needs to systematically monitor the serviceability of the water supply, sewerage, heating, transoms, vents, and doors.

3.20. The caretaker monitors the timely pruning of trees in the areas; clean the area from broken glass, branches, twigs, roots, promptly repair equipment in the areas, physical education equipment must be stable. There should be no objects dangerous for children in the areas (unplaned boards, protruding nails, pieces of electrical wire).

4. Safety requirements when children are in a group and on the walking area

4.1. When pupils are in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to protect children from exposure to the following dangerous and harmful factors:

  • incorrect selection of children's furniture, as this can lead to poor posture, curvature of the spine, and the development of myopia;
  • insufficient lighting and ill-conceived placement of “book corners”, corners for board games, corners for visual arts can lead to impaired visual acuity in children;
  • the presence in the group of extraneous prolonged noise, loud music, loud speech, etc. while in the group can cause impairment of hearing acuity;
  • faulty electrical equipment, TSO in group rooms and other premises, which can lead to electric shock to children, fire caused by a short circuit;
  • improper storage and use of piercing, cutting small objects, use of equipment and furniture in poor condition or with defects can cause various injuries;
  • improper storage and use of medicines and disinfectants, which can lead to poisoning;
  • Failure by children to comply with the rules of safe behavior when moving from a group to a sports hall, music room or other premises of a kindergarten, especially when going up or down stairs, is the cause of various injuries in children.

4.2. Prohibited

  • keep in places accessible to children: nails, needles, buttons, blades, scissors, small objects, medicines and disinfectants;
  • use in a group: electrical appliances, kettles, electric boilers, irons, etc.;
  • take children to the catering unit to receive food, instruct them to take out garbage and waste to a common container, trust children to wash floors and dishes;
  • send children on any errands without supervision;
  • take children to procedures and classes without the knowledge of the teacher;
  • bring to the group solutions or liquids whose vapors are hazardous to health; medicines, tablets;
  • be in a group wearing outerwear and outer shoes.

4.3. Scissors for working with children should have blunt ends. Children can use them only under the guidance and supervision of a teacher.

4.4. Electrical wiring must be insulated and electrical appliances must be inaccessible to children.

4.5. The covering of tables and chairs must be free from defects and damage, and be made of materials that are resistant to moisture, detergents and disinfectants.

4.6. Teachers and assistant teachers are provided with sanitary clothing at the rate of at least 2 sets per person. The assistant teacher must additionally have: an apron, cap or scarf to wear while serving food, an apron for washing dishes and a separate robe for cleaning the premises.

4.7. The teacher must require parents to ensure that their children's shoes have a closed heel. Children are prohibited from wearing slippers, slippers, or shoes that cannot be wet-treated. The teacher must ensure that shoes are neat, clean and always fastened.

4.8. Using needles, knitting needles, hooks and scissors (from the middle group) in class, teach each child to use these items and work under the supervision of an adult.

4.9. It is necessary for educators to strictly monitor children’s games and pranks, which can lead to injury.

4.10. Catering requirements:

  • Food should be served from the kitchen at a time when there are no children in the corridors or on the stairs;
  • while serving food, do not allow children to play near the dining tables;
  • It is prohibited to bring boiling water into group rooms;
  • the temperature of hot food when served should not exceed 70 °C;
  • During meals, it is necessary to ensure that students use cutlery correctly;
  • to avoid injury, tableware and teaware should not have cracks or chips;
  • It is prohibited to bring food from home to the kindergarten to treat children.

4.11. At the site, the teacher must constantly be with the children: conduct observation, outdoor games, physical exercises, games at the request of the children and other pedagogical work. The teacher ensures the safety of each child in the group. Teaches children the rules of safe behavior, provides insurance for children when children perform difficult or dangerous or complex exercises: climbing stairs, climbing and sliding down mountains, running, jumping, swinging on swings, skating on ice paths, etc. The teacher does not allow children to be present without his presence behind verandas, bushes, walls of buildings, etc.

4.12. Teachers remove children's clothes carefully, slowly (especially with narrow sleeves and necklines), trying not to cause pain or discomfort to the child.

4.13. It is necessary to ensure that children do not eat any mushrooms, berries, grass, or leaves. The teacher must ensure that children do not bring chewing gum, do not put foreign objects in their mouths (design parts, seeds from berries and fruits, buttons, etc.), ensure that children do not have anything in their mouths during classes, games, movement and sleep.

4.14. Physical training equipment in the gym, on the physical training ground and all small forms in walking areas must meet safety requirements. Report any malfunctions to the facility manager in a timely manner.

4.15. Before allowing children to use any equipment or apparatus, the teacher must check its stability, strength and safety for the life and health of children. When performing physical exercises during physical education events (classes, leisure, holidays, etc.), the teacher is obliged to ensure the safety and insurance of children during classes.

4.16. It is not allowed for children to independently perform exercises on stairs, ice paths, slides, swings, etc., without direct presence and insurance. All equipment in the children's area for children's games and activities must strictly comply with SanPiN and safety requirements.

4.17. When going on an excursion or a walk along the street, the teacher is obliged to comply with the “Instructions for protecting the life and health of pupils on exercise areas, during targeted walks and excursions, and work in the garden, in the flower garden.”

4.18. It is necessary to clear the snow and ice from the paths and areas and sprinkle them with sand. Skating on your feet on ice slides is not permitted. The roofs of all buildings on the sites must be promptly cleared of snow; Do not allow the formation of hanging blocks of snow and icicles along the edges of the roofs.

4.19. Organize careful monitoring to ensure that children do not leave the site. In case of unauthorized departure, immediately inform the head of the preschool educational institution, send an employee to search for him, inform the police and parents.

5. Compliance with safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1. The institution must strictly observe the basic provisions of the Federal Law “On Fire Safety”. Each employee of the institution is required to know and follow fire safety rules, be able to use a fire extinguisher and know the evacuation plan for children in case of fire.

5.2. The preschool educational institution must have floor plans for evacuation in case of fire, a warning system, addresses and telephone numbers of the institution’s administration, fire department, ambulance and other emergency services.

5.3. The teacher is required to have the children's addresses, information about the parents' place of work, and contact numbers of parents and close relatives.

5.4. Kindergarten staff must be prepared to provide first aid in case of a child’s sudden illness or accident.

5.5. In the event of an emergency, it is necessary to take measures, immediately provide first aid to the victim, inform the head of the preschool educational institution, and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical facility.

5.6. Employees should not start work if they feel unwell or suddenly become ill.

5.7. In the event of a malfunction of electrical appliances (extraneous noise, sparking and burning smell), immediately disconnect the electrical appliance from the power supply and notify the caretaker or the head of the preschool educational institution; continue work only after the problem has been eliminated.

5.8. If a fire occurs, immediately notify the person responsible for fire safety, the head of the preschool educational institution and the nearest fire department, and begin evacuating the students in accordance with the evacuation plan.

5.9. If you receive an injury, immediately seek medical help from a medical office and report this to the head of the preschool educational institution.

6. Compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

6.1. Preschool employees are required to constantly monitor the temperature, air humidity, natural and artificial lighting in the rooms where children are located.

6.2. In playrooms, bedrooms of group cells, classrooms and living spaces, natural side, top or two-sided lighting is provided. Artificial light levels for preschool children in group (play) rooms are at least 400 lux.

6.3. All sources of artificial lighting must be kept in good condition and free of traces of contamination. It is not allowed to use different types of lamps in the same room, as well as lamps with different light emissions.

6.4. Lighting devices must have a light-diffusing design: in rooms intended for physical education and sports - protective, in catering areas, showers and in the laundry - dust- and moisture-proof.

6.5. The glazing of the windows is made of solid glass. Cracks and other damage to the integrity of the glass are not allowed. Window glass is cleaned as it becomes dirty.

6.6. When using electronic learning tools (ELT) with the demonstration of educational films, programs or other information, measures must be taken to prevent uneven lighting and glare on the screen.

6.7. The total duration of night sleep for preschool children is 12 hours for children under 3 years old and 11 hours for 4-7 years old. The duration of daytime sleep is 3 hours for children under 3 years old and 2.5 hours for 4-7 years old.

6.8. It is not recommended to conduct active emotional games before going to bed. Children with difficulty falling asleep and light sleepers are recommended to be put down first and raised last. In mixed-age groups, older children are raised earlier after sleep.

6.9. When children sleep, the presence of a teacher (or his assistant) in the bedroom is mandatory. It is not allowed to keep children in bed who woke up shortly before the end of sleep; it is also unacceptable to prohibit children from leaving bed to go to the toilet.

6.10. In order to preserve and strengthen the health of children in preschool educational institutions, outdoor walks are held. The daily duration of walking for children under 7 years of age is at least 3 hours a day. When the air temperature is below minus 15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk for children is reduced. The total volume of physical activity is at least 1 hour per day. Morning exercises 10 minutes.

6.11. To ensure a high health-improving effect of walking, the teacher must:

  • do not allow an unreasonable reduction in the time children spend in the fresh air;
  • ensure sufficiently high physical activity of preschool children during walks, provided that children are dressed rationally, comply with methodological requirements and methods of organizing and conducting walks in the fresh air (observation, outdoor games with a group, with a subgroup, work, individual work, independent activities of children according to their interests ).

6.12. In hot weather, to avoid overheating, kindergarten students should wear light hats. Sunbathing is done only as prescribed by a doctor and under the supervision of medical personnel.

6.13. The educational process in a preschool institution must correspond to the programs and technologies of training and education, methods and organization of the educational process, and the age and psychophysiological capabilities of children. Programs, methods and regimes of education and training regarding hygienic requirements are allowed for use if there is a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on their compliance with sanitary rules.

6.14. Classes for preschool children must be conducted in accordance with the parameters indicated in the table:

Age Duration of daily total educational load, no more than: Duration of classes, no more: Duration of breaks between classes, not less
1.5 - 3 years20 minutes10 min 10 min
34 years30 min15 minutes
45 years40 min20 minutes
5 - 6 years50 minutes or 75 minutes when organizing 1 lesson after an afternoon nap25 min
6 - 7 years90 min30 min

6.15. In groups for children over 5 years old, the use of electronic learning tools (interactive whiteboards, computers, tablets, laptops) is allowed. The duration of use of the ESO is indicated in the table:

Electronic learning tools Total per day

no more

At the lesson,

no more

interactive board20 minutes7 min
Interactive panel10 min5 minutes
Personal computer (6-7 years)20 minutes15 minutes
Laptop (6-7 years)20 minutes15 minutes
Tablet10 min10 min

6.16. The minimum diagonal of the ESD should be for a personal computer and laptop monitor - at least 39.6 cm, for a tablet - 26.6 cm, for an interactive whiteboard - at least 165.1 cm. The use of monitors based on cathode ray tubes in educational organizations is not allowed .

6.17. Classes using ESP are not conducted in age groups under 5 years.

6.18. Toys used during walks are stored separately from toys used in the group, in specially designated areas.

6.19. Each child must have an individual comb, towel, napkin, bedding, and toothbrush.

6.20. Storage and preparation of food must be carried out in full compliance with SanPiN 2.3/2.4.3590-20 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of public catering.”

6.21. In order to avoid stomach diseases and food poisoning, the head of the preschool educational institution, medical staff and cook are required to monitor the quality of the products supplied to the kitchen on a daily basis. It is mandatory for the head of the kindergarten and medical staff to test food daily before serving it to children, with the results noted in a notebook specially designed for this purpose.

6.22. Persons with signs of infectious diseases are not allowed into preschool educational institutions. If persons with signs of infectious diseases are identified while they are in a preschool educational institution, measures must be taken to limit or exclude their contact with other persons by placing them in premises for medical care or other premises, except for auxiliary ones, until the arrival of legal representatives (parents or guardians) , before transfer to a medical organization or until the ambulance arrives.

6.23. After an illness, children are allowed to visit if they have a medical report (medical certificate).

6.24. In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious and non-infectious diseases and food poisoning, preschool educational institutions carry out:

  • control over the sanitary condition and maintenance of one’s own territory and all facilities, over compliance with personal hygiene rules by persons located in them;
  • organizing preventive and anti-epidemic measures and monitoring their implementation;
  • work on organizing and carrying out measures for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization, anti-tick (acaricidal) treatments and monitoring their implementation;
  • examinations of children to identify infectious diseases (including head lice) upon admission to preschool educational institutions, as well as in cases established by legislation in the field of health protection;
  • organizing preventive examinations of pupils and carrying out preventive vaccinations.

6.25. In order to prevent contagious helminthiasis (enterobiasis and hymenolepiasis), preschool educational institutions organize and implement measures to prevent the transmission of the pathogen and improve the sources of invasion:

  • all identified infested cases are registered in the journal for infectious diseases;
  • when registering cases of contagious helminthiases, sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures are carried out within 3 calendar days after the end of treatment;
  • in the presence of a swimming pool, in order to prevent parasitic diseases, laboratory control of the water quality in the swimming pool bath is carried out and simultaneous sampling of swabs from environmental objects is carried out for parasitological indicators.

Text of the book “Protecting the health of children in preschool institutions. Toolkit"

Tatyana Leonidovna Bogina Protecting the health of children in preschool institutions. Toolkit

From the author

In the last decade, our country has observed negative trends in the dynamics of health indicators of preschool children.
In this manual, different aspects of raising and educating a child in interconnection are considered primarily from the point of view of the possibility of implementing health-saving teaching methods, developing sustainable performance in preschoolers and preventing fatigue in the process of life. The organization of children’s life activity in a preschool educational institution involves not only the implementation of all sections of pedagogical work - training, organization of recreation, independent and group games, various forms of motor activity of children - but also the implementation, in close contact of the teacher with medical staff, of purposeful activities that provide conditions for the formation health of preschool children. Along with other sections, the “Origins” program presents data on the protection and promotion of children’s health, improvement of their physical development, as well as instructions on the use of a set of pedagogical technologies that contribute to the amplification of children’s activities. It is important that during the period of stay in a preschool institution the child strengthens, grows, and successfully masters a variety of skills, abilities, knowledge and the ability to perceive and learn. Modern kindergarten has changed significantly. New building designs have appeared, and their internal layout has changed. Many preschool buildings are built with swimming pools, with two halls - for music and for gymnastics classes; the area of ​​playrooms and bedrooms increased (VSN - 49-86. - M., 1988). There have also been changes in the content of the work of preschool institutions: they now have specialists in various disciplines - a swimming instructor, a physical education teacher, teachers who additionally engage children in arts activities, foreign languages, dancing, etc. More attention from the team of teachers and medical workers began to pay attention to organizing the physical activity of children, strengthening their health, in particular, using modern medical equipment; as well as the formation of independence skills, the development of personal qualities and higher mental functions that ensure the productive activity of children, success in learning and the development of abilities.

To effectively solve the diverse tasks of the education program, including the basic preschool child development program “Istoki,” it is necessary, first of all, for the daily care of the entire team of preschool employees about the health, physical and mental well-being of the child. Modern preschool institutions are distinguished by a certain variety of living conditions for children, the level and content of the educational process, and work schedules (daytime stay for children, short-term stay, 24-hour stay, etc.). In addition, preschool institutions use various child care and education programs developed in recent years. An analysis of the content of some programs showed that most often they differ from each other in the form of organizing children's education, the conditions that ensure their physical activity, and the types of health-improving and hardening activities implemented.

Basic program for the development of a preschool child (2002), developed by a team of employees named after. AB Zaporozhets under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences L.A. Paramonova, meets modern requirements and standards of education and child development. Along with other sections, the “Origins” program presents material containing data on the protection and promotion of children’s health, improving their physical development and providing for the use of a set of pedagogical technologies that contribute to the amplification of child development. Currently, a number of methodological manuals and monographs have been published, prepared by the Center’s staff, which should ensure the improvement of the education system and development of preschool children in the process of implementing the basic program.

This manual provides information about the hygiene of organizing the life of children in a preschool institution and the requirements for the conditions of their stay in the children's community. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of an individually differentiated approach to the child, taking into account his psychophysical development and health status. Thus, the cardinal task of the proposed material is to consider the most pressing problems of the daily life of children in a preschool educational institution today.

The author expresses gratitude to S.I. Kozlova and E.I. Mironenko - the head and methodologist of preschool educational institution No. 523 of the educational institution of the South-Western Administrative District (experimental site), on the basis of which studies were carried out on the implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation and health work with weakened children, the performance of children was studied with mental and physical stress, their physical fitness was monitored during the school year, a questionnaire survey of parents, and psychological and pedagogical observations were carried out.

Health status of children in preschool institutions

According to the World Health Organization, human health is complete physical, mental and social well-being in the absence of disease. Such well-being, in turn, is ensured by a complex of external and internal factors. The latter are characterized, in particular, by the characteristics of the morphofunctional and psychological development of the child. One of the main signs of health is the body’s ability to reliably adapt to environmental conditions and the ability to carry out full-fledged activities in different environments. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, children’s health is based on four main criteria:

– level of physiological systems of the body;

– level of physical development and its harmony;

– the degree of resistance of the body to harmful factors;

– absence of diseases at the time of examination.

The process of development of a child’s body is a process of qualitative and quantitative changes that lead to a new, higher level of organization of all physiological systems of the body. It includes three main interrelated factors: growth, differentiation of organs and tissues, and morphogenesis.

The child’s body differs from the adult’s body in a number of ways:

– incompleteness of the morphofunctional development of all physiological systems;

– continuity of processes of growth, development and differentiation of organs and tissues;

– less resistance to environmental factors;

– a high degree of reactivity of the body to external influences;

– unevenness of the process of growth and development in different age periods;

– heterochronicity (different periods) of maturation of various functional systems, organs and tissues.

The listed features of the child’s body determine age periods in the child’s life that are considered critical and key. This is the first year of life, 3-4 years, 6-7 years. During these periods of life, the child’s body is the most sensitive and vulnerable, as it reacts particularly sharply to external, including adverse environmental influences (M.V. Antropova, N.V. Dubrovinskaya, L.K. Semenova, D.A. Farber and etc.).

Some scientists believe that 50% of a person’s health in general is determined by their lifestyle, which in turn includes three categories:

– quality of life, characterized by the degree of comfort and satisfaction of needs;

– standard of living, a combination of satisfying material, cultural and spiritual needs;

- a lifestyle that depends on the behavioral characteristics of the individual.

In modern society, a priority for health must be created, which is formed in the minds of people starting from preschool age (O. O. Filippova). At the same time, living conditions in modern society, especially in big cities, have become significantly less comfortable. This is due to many reasons - first of all, the downside of scientific and technological development, urbanization of populated areas, environmental deterioration, increased harmful effects of industrial waste on human health, etc. All this cannot but have a negative impact on the health of adults and children. Research has shown that over the past 10 years, the number of preschool children with health problems has doubled, and the number of preschoolers who do not have such disabilities has decreased three times (V. R. Kuchma, M. I. Stepanova) . A particularly high incidence of illness in children, often turning into chronic diseases, is observed in preschool institutions located near industrial zones - there it is 1.5-2 times higher than in areas with a relatively clean air environment; In rural preschoolers, the incidence rate is, as a rule, 2-2.5 times lower than in urban ones.

Preserving and strengthening the health of children raised in preschool institutions, in addition to external influences, is determined by a number of conditions, among which the main ones are:

– implementation of health-saving pedagogical technologies in all sections of educational work;

– the use of modern progressive teaching methods and techniques that help reduce the number and duration of educational classes;

– an individual approach to the child in accordance with his level of development, biological and psychological age;

– adherence to a rational daily routine, providing a change of varied activities and rest;

– creating conditions to satisfy children’s biological need for movement;

– the presence in the preschool institution of highly qualified specialists in physical education, swimming training, etc.;

– implementation of a system of measures to improve the health of weakened children;

– implementation of various forms of systematic work with parents and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children based on hygienic education and training.

The effectiveness of the measures used to protect the physical and mental health and prevent fatigue of children depends primarily on how correctly the teacher organizes the children’s activities and rest during the day, regulates their relationships in the team, and knows how to organize play. The well-known domestic teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that “caring for the health of children is the most important work of an educator,” and “...the concern for strengthening the health of the child should be at the head of pedagogical activities, penetrating all educational work.”

Among the conditions listed above, the most important is to ensure an individual approach to the child, which must be implemented when organizing all types of work of the teacher with children. This approach is necessary primarily because children of the same calendar age in the preschool period, as a rule, differ significantly in a number of psychophysiological indicators, in rates of growth and development. These differences are most pronounced in early preschool age, but they persist in the future. At the stages of childhood and adolescence, individual differences between children manifest themselves in the level of biological and psychological maturity of the body, in physical and intellectual development, and in the formation of higher mental functions. These differences are largely due to different periods of maturation of higher nervous activity, as well as a complex of internal and external factors associated with both the level of health, hereditary factors, and living and upbringing conditions. The presence of individual differences between children of the same age affects their ability to perceive, ability to work, and manage their behavior.

Research results show that among preschool children, whose level of performance, determined using the method of dosed tasks (correction test), by the end of the school year, sharply decreased: more than half of the children had deviations in health or delays in age-related development. It has been revealed that children with health problems have a lower level of stress-adaptive capabilities of the body. This affects their productivity during the school year.

The teacher must know all the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations, especially in relation to those children who have identified health problems. The implementation of these assignments also requires the direct participation of the teacher.

Observations have shown that medical measures alone cannot achieve effective results in improving the health of children. In particular, Professor V.A. Doskin believes that the share of health procedures in improving the psychophysical status of children of early and early preschool age is approximately 20% of all implemented impacts. A number of studies emphasize that in the overall complex of medical and pedagogical influences to improve children’s health, the level of educational work and social and living conditions are priorities.

The dynamics of the main indicators of the child’s health and development (monitoring) allows for the timely identification of children in need of rehabilitation. The results of in-depth medical examinations showed that a significant proportion of children attending preschool institutions have various health conditions and delays in physical or mental development. Depending on the nature of the deviations in the health status of children, they are assigned to one of five health groups (Research Institute of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health). In this case, both health indicators at the time of examination and anamnestic data are taken into account. The first health group includes children who do not have abnormalities in organs and physiological systems, characterized by a normal level of development. Children who have functional disorders of individual organs or systems, who are weakened, and who are often ill, make up the second group. The third group includes children who have chronic diseases in the compensation stage; the fourth category includes children with chronic diseases in the stage of subcompensation, that is, not full compensation, when the diseases often worsen. Children classified in the fifth group, as a rule, do not attend general preschool institutions.

In recent years, according to numerous studies, the number of children in the second health group has increased significantly and ranges from 60 to 90 percent or more in preschool institutions. In this regard, early diagnosis is of particular importance, making it possible to detect a disease in a child at the initial stage of development and begin his recovery as early as possible.

Rehabilitation of children of the second health group should combine special measures with general strengthening effects, physical therapy and be comprehensive. An important role in the successful use of correctional and health-improving means of promoting children’s health belongs to the creation of a favorable environment for their stay in a preschool institution. The implementation of a complex of all pedagogical influences should not only not cause any harm to the child, but, on the contrary, contain at its core a component that has a healing orientation. The creation of favorable hygienic and pedagogical conditions, combined with the implementation of health-improving measures, should help ensure that in many children of the second health group, existing disorders in the psychophysical status are eliminated within a relatively short period of time.

Research has established that the majority of children in the second group have combinations of various abnormalities in different organs and functional systems. This not only complicates the teacher’s work with such children, but also complicates the process of their rehabilitation. It is especially difficult to choose the most appropriate means and methods of hardening for them, and to regulate intellectual and physical activity that goes beyond the requirements common to most children. Therefore, in relation to weakened and often ill children with concomitant pathology, any prescriptions and recommendations regarding their education and upbringing are agreed with the doctor. This helps the teacher, in close contact with the doctor of the preschool institution, to use the techniques and methods of pedagogical influence that are most adequate to the physiological capabilities of the child’s body and to implement the most effective ways for each child to harden the body in everyday life. Thus, the entire arsenal of pedagogical and health-improving influences in relation to children of the second health group should be aimed primarily at increasing the body’s adaptation to the conditions of being in a group of peers, resistance to fatigue and improving mental performance, which largely determines many areas of child development.

Depending on age, the picture of the most common diseases in children changes: in children under three years of age, the first place is occupied by diathesis, bronchitis, rickets, malnutrition, anemia; in second place is dental pathology; further – diseases of the ENT organs: adenoids, tonsillitis, otitis, neurotic reactions, hydrocephalus. In children from 3 to 7 years old, diseases of the digestive system (closely related to dental caries) are most often observed; diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, nasopharynx, diseases of the musculoskeletal, nervous system and sensory organs; skin and allergic diseases. With age, the number of children with varying degrees of visual and musculoskeletal impairment increases. So-called myopia (myopia) is observed in 7-year-old children twice as often as in 3-year-old children. In children 2-4 years old, developed diseases are much less common than functional disorders, which manifest themselves in a decrease in the body's resistance to diseases, mainly associated with imperfections in the functions of thermoregulation and the immune system. These are frequent, repeated diseases of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and parainfluenza diseases (L.V. Veremkovich, T.Ya. Chertok, etc.).

Children of preschool age who have developmental disorders or deviations in their psychoneurological status, as a rule, get sick more often than others. These diseases further reduce their weakened immunity and increase their susceptibility to recurrent illnesses. All this complicates the learning process for children and impairs their ability to assimilate knowledge, both due to absenteeism (irregular visits to preschool) and low performance. Studies of the performance of children of different health levels conducted in a preschool institution revealed that among preschoolers of the second health group, performance indicators from the beginning to the end of the year, as well as throughout the week, decreased more significantly than in children with relatively mild forms of health problems , and healthy children (by 25-30% and 10-12%, respectively, relative to the initial level).

In this regard, it is necessary to pay constant attention to weakened children who have reduced performance in classes, ensuring that the level of their physiological capabilities gradually reaches the level of cognitive development of most children. This approach consists, first of all, of providing children with close contact with a teacher who helps them complete tasks in class and provides support and attention. If children get tired quickly during educational activities, they can be allowed to be distracted; in some cases, it is advisable to exempt the child from the third lesson in the senior and preparatory groups. Help and support from the teacher should be provided to weakened children in organizing all types of activities and recreation: in the process of independent motor activity, play, daytime sleep, eating, etc.

The listed set of measures is one of the factors in the implementation of the so-called gentle regime, which is needed by weakened children, children with unfavorable adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten, newly admitted to a preschool institution, children who came to the group after a long absence due to illness or family circumstances, after summer holiday. Often, older preschoolers with poor health need to be transferred to the regimen of the previous age group for some time. All children who are recommended to have a gentle regimen should sleep longer during the day; they need to limit the amount of mental, physical and emotional stress. A gentle regime for this group of children is created for a period of one to three weeks, depending on the state of health and the dynamics of their health. Particular attention is paid to the nature of children's clothing both indoors and outdoors.

Limitations on the intensity of physical activity in motor classes should only provide for a gradual increase in its volume as the functional capabilities of the body improve and the child’s health improves. Children should not be completely deprived of physical education. It is important to limit only the children’s performance of complex exercises and to increase the rest intervals between physical exercises. Weak and frequently ill children may be allowed to engage in physical activity without sports uniform during the period of implementation of the gentle regime; during classes, teach them proper nasal breathing using special exercises; recommend performing elements of breathing exercises at home with the help of parents.

Particular attention should be paid to children with combined pathology in all types of activities and recreation. In winter, when the air temperature is from 10 to 15°C, the walk is shortened for them - they go to the group earlier than others and play there under the supervision of an assistant teacher. As their well-being improves and the incidence of illness decreases, the duration of the walk for them gradually increases to the total for the entire group.

When hardening frequently ill and weakened children and convalescents, a higher water temperature is used, both initial and final (by about 2-4 degrees); The decrease in water temperature during the hardening process is carried out over a longer period of time (up to 12-20 days in agreement with the doctor). All hardening procedures are carried out under the supervision of medical personnel - a doctor or nurse, who constantly monitor the dynamics of the children’s well-being, their body’s reaction to hardening influences, and the general psycho-emotional state.

When organizing meals, a gentle regime should include the possibility of providing the child with a choice of certain dishes for some time (within certain limits). For example, if he has an unfavorite dish, you can replace it with something else of equal nutritional value, etc. It is advisable to seat children with increased nervous excitability separately during meals.

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