Drawing pets preparatory group

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group. Topic Pets - Drawing a cow.

Topic: “Pet” GCD goal: To consolidate and expand children’s ideas about domestic animals, about the features of their appearance. Continue to develop the ability to think through a compositional picture.

Goal: to introduce children to the life of cats and dogs, to consolidate knowledge about domestic animals; to develop cognitive activity; to cultivate a humane attitude towards animals, a sense of responsibility for those whom they care about.

Goal: Formation of sustainable interest in visual arts. Objectives: Educational: 1. To foster interest in animals of cold countries. Educational: 1. Teach children to use their own.

Synopsis of a lexical and grammatical lesson at a speech center in a preparatory group. Topic: “Pets.” Goals: Correctional and educational: - clarify and expand the active layer.

Summary of educational activities on speech development in the preparatory group. Topic: "Pets." Journey into the fairy tale “How the puppy learned who was most important.”

1. Find out what names of domestic animals and birds our child knows. Look at pictures depicting domestic animals and birds. 2 Explain that these are domestic animals and birds because.


Class notes

Author's full nameTitle of the abstract
Shtyrkhunova T.N."Dolphin" (graphic drawing)
Educational objectives: learn to draw a dolphin in motion, designate circles on the water and splashes using an eraser. Developmental tasks: expand your understanding of graphics, consolidate knowledge about marine mammals. Educational tasks: cultivate interest and respect for animals. Demo material: mnemonic diagrams - a story about a dolphin, a brush in a girl’s outfit, a pencil in a boy’s outfit. Handout: sheets of white paper according to the number of children, soft graphite pencils, erasers. Progress of the lesson: The lesson begins with a riddle about a pencil and a brush:
  • · On a large and white leaf, Dancing on one leg. Quickly, fun, skillfully, He drew a cat (pencil)
  • · What kind of animal is this? Walks up and down? He stained his nose with paint, his long wooden tail (brush)

These tools came to the children to resolve their dispute. The brush claims that it is the most necessary - it is friendly with paints, and has a beautiful squirrel tail. The pencil helps the artist to draw pictures in gray tones. It is also very necessary, it can have different shades of gray.

The pencil invites preschoolers to draw a dolphin. But first, children must talk about it, based on mnemonic diagrams with the following content:

  • A dolphin is an animal, not a fish.
  • They breathe with lungs, not gills.
  • Dolphins are the most intelligent of all animals.
  • They are friendly and peaceful.
  • Dolphin food: fish and small sea creatures.
  • They live in large flocks and take care of each other.
  • Dolphins rescue their wounded comrades.

Dolphins give birth to their children and feed them with milk. Dolphins communicate with each other by whistling.

Finger gymnastics “Sea Animals” is carried out. Children are invited to depict a dolphin bending over in a jump. The teacher shows drawing techniques, applying shades with a pencil, and how to highlight circles and splashes on water using an eraser. Independent work of preschoolers. Analysis of finished works. The guys come up with names for the dolphins (for example, Beauty, Jumper, Veselchak, etc.).

Pshenkina Yu.A."Polar Bear and Northern Lights" (drawing with wax crayons) At the beginning of the lesson, the bear cub Umka appears, who has lost his friend and hopes for the help of the guys. They promise to draw him friends. Riddle about the Northern Lights.
  • What kind of miracles are these:
  • · The skies are on fire!
  • Oh, the flames are burning
  • · Above the sparkling ice!
  • · Who lit the wonderful fire,
  • · Golden bonfire of heaven,
  • · There is no one behind the cloud.
  • · This is light pouring from the sky.

The teacher explains to the children what kind of natural phenomenon this is and how beautiful it is. Multi-colored stripes shimmer in the dark sky, giving a reflection to the white snow - it seems to be trembling. Guys, let's help Umka and draw him friends - polar bears. But first we will play with you. A physical education session is being held

  • Three bears were walking home.
  • Dad was big, big.
  • Mom is a little shorter.
  • Well, my son is just a little baby.
  • He was very small
  • He walked around with rattles.

The teacher explains the principle of drawing a polar bear: the body is made up of geometric shapes (ovals of different sizes). Independent activity of preschoolers.

Shakhova L.V."Giraffe" (drawing with watercolors and wax crayons)
The teacher invites the children to go to hot Africa, where there is never winter. Children are offered riddles about African animals. What follows is the teacher's story about the giraffe. This is a very kind and beautiful animal. He is the tallest animal in the world. The long neck helps the giraffe reach the tallest trees - acacias. And thanks to his excellent vision, he always notices predators in time. Beautiful spotted coloring provides excellent camouflage in the shade of trees. The teacher asks the children to carefully examine the giraffe, and then describe its appearance in detail (calls on several children). This animal has a small head with horns and large ears. The front legs of a giraffe are thinner and longer than the hind legs. Reading the poem “Giraffe” by B. Zakhoder. Finger gymnastics on the theme of African animals:
  • The kids went for a walk, And their mothers went to catch up, The giraffes ran, The turtles walked, And the zebras galloped and fell at the end of the path.

Practical activities for children. The teacher first clarifies why it is better to place the sheet of paper vertically. The outline is drawn with a simple pencil, then the spots are marked with wax crayons, and then the animal’s skin is painted with watercolors. Watercolor does not stick to wax - the spots remain bright.

When the animal is drawn, the teacher invites the children to complement the composition with a suitable background (any materials can be used).

At the end of the lesson, children talk about their giraffes.

Minaeva T.V."Fairytale Horse" Conversation on the topic: what a fairytale horse might look like, how it differs from ordinary horses. Reading an excerpt from A. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”
  • Suddenly the horse neighed at midnight... Our guard stood up, looked under his mitten and saw a mare. That mare was all white, like winter snow, her mane was golden, curled into chalk rings...” “…..The horses neighed and snored, Their eyes burned like a yacht; The rings were curled in chalk, The tail flowed golden, And the diamond hooves were studded with large pearls. Lovely to watch! If only the king could sit on them...”

Looking at a picture of a running horse. Her body shape is discussed, how her legs, neck, and head are positioned. The teacher explains the basic principles of drawing a horse: how best to position the base, in which direction the mane and tail will develop, how the animal will hold its head and neck (emphasizes that the horse is a freedom-loving animal and has a proud posture). The teacher emphasizes that children can choose absolutely any color of paint and actively use gold and silver gouache. It’s good to depict how the grass sways under the horse’s feet. This will make the drawing more dynamic. You can add stars and a month to the sky if you wish. At the end of the lesson, the merits of each composition are discussed.

Progress of the lesson.

the group this morning and I read it, do you want to know what was written in it? So my brother and sister, Tanya and Vanya, wrote it to us; they are going to go to the village to visit their grandparents. In the village, grandparents have pets . But Tanya and Vanya's friends had never been to the village and had never seen domestic animals . They ask Tanya and Vanya to bring them photographs of their pets . Tanya and Vanya ask you to help them take photographs.

— Do you want to please Tanya and Vanya’s friends and bring a photo album with photos of pets ?

-Can you do this? But there is one problem: we don’t have a camera. What do you think we can replace photography with? Yes, we just need to draw pets . Who has pets at home , raise your hand? Tell us about them?

(Children talk about their pets )

You and I know that there are
animals that live not in the house itself but on the street, does anyone have such animals ? It’s very good that you all know what kind of pets . And now we will play and once again remember what kind of pets there are and what they look like . We stand in a circle. I will show you cards with a picture of a pet and you must tell how the house votes. animals .For example: To my question: “How does a cow scream?”
You must answer:

Well, we're ready, let's begin. (showing 6-7 cards)

Well done guys played very well, now let's sit down and get to work. You will do the work yourself, each of you will choose which animal you want and start drawing . the outline of the animal with a simple pencil, and paint over it with a sponge and brush . You and I have already painted with a sponge technique ; by dabbing, we carefully do not pick up a lot of paint. We draw the eyes and nose, as well as the mouth and other small parts with a thin brush. Let's get to work. During the lesson I help those children who need help.

Guys, what wonderful drawings you have turned out, like real photographs. I think we helped Tanya and Vanya, and you? What did they ask for? Were you able to help them? You all did a great job, when our works dry, we will put them in an envelope and send them to the address that Tanya and Vanya wrote to us.

Lesson summary using non-traditional drawing techniques. Palm drawing Teamwork. “Come out, sunshine, show yourself, sunshine.” Goal: Learn to create an image of the sun using unconventional techniques. GCD summary for drawing using non-traditional techniques in the preparatory group "Owl" GCD summary for artistic and aesthetic development (drawing using non-traditional techniques) in the preparatory group. Tasks:. Summary of a lesson in fine arts using non-traditional drawing techniques in the second junior group “Meeting with Kolobok” Summary of a lesson in visual arts using non-traditional drawing techniques in the second junior group. Topic: » Meeting. Summary of a drawing lesson using non-traditional techniques in the middle group “Fluffy Kitten” Summary of a drawing lesson using non-traditional techniques (poking with a hard semi-dry brush along the contour + marker). Topic: “Fluffy. GCD drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques (junior group 1) “Ryaba Hen” Lesson summary “Ryaba Hen”, using non-traditional drawing techniques and materials. (1st junior group). Goal: Teach children to draw.

ECD in the senior group “Flowers for the Fairy” using the non-traditional drawing technique “knotted batik” Topic: “Flowers for the Fairy” Integration of educational areas: OO “Cognition” OO “Artistic Creativity”; NGO "Socialization". Purpose: • To consolidate.

Drawing using non-traditional “Horse” technique Goal: teach how to draw a horse using non-traditional drawing techniques. Objectives: 1. develop graphic skills and creativity;. Drawing using non-traditional techniques “Christmas tree” Goal: to teach how to draw a Christmas tree using non-traditional drawing techniques. Objectives: 1. develop graphic skills and creativity;. Drawing using the non-traditional technique “Starling” Goal: to teach how to draw a starling using non-traditional drawing techniques. Objectives: 1. develop graphic skills and creativity;.


Specifics of drawing animals in the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions

Children aged 6–7 years are good at depicting objects not only from life, but also from imagination and memory. They can draw a ceramic figurine of an animal that is in front of their eyes, but they can also remember what their pet looks like or an animal they saw at the zoo and convey it in an artistic image. In addition, pupils of the preparatory group depict animals that they have never seen, but know about them only from the teacher’s story or from cartoons (for example, a polar bear, a whale or a giraffe).

At this age, children have well-developed powers of observation. Preschoolers are good at noticing the characteristic features of objects and are able to convey this through drawing. If in the middle and senior groups the teacher pointed out the similarities and differences between different animals (or led children to this using direct questions), then students in the preparatory group can draw conclusions on their own (for example, understand how a squirrel differs from other animals).

Knowing that in general all animals are similar to each other, and some are very similar, children use this property in the process of visual activity. For example, if a child has learned to draw a kitten, then it will not be difficult for him to depict a tiger, lion, leopard, or panther. The main thing is to understand for yourself the key feature of each of these animals: the tiger is striped, the panther is black, the lion has a large fluffy mane, unlike a cat, all these wild animals have a long powerful tail (and the lion also has a cute tassel).

The task of the teacher in the preparatory group is to give a general analysis of the body structure of the animal that the children will have to draw. For example, an oval body, a round head, long ears, a long tail, a neck, a trunk, etc. It is good to demonstrate to the children toys that are simple in shape and structure. They can be ceramic, soft, rubber - most importantly, realistic.

Soft toy

Ceramic figurine

Plastic toy

The teacher invites preschoolers to mentally break the object into its component parts, compare them with geometric shapes and depict them sequentially, without forgetting about proportions. This is the so-called algorithmic drawing scheme. After repeated execution of each scheme, the drawing skill gradually reaches automaticity. For example, the body of a cat is a large circle, a smaller circle is drawn inside it - the head, two small triangles on the head - the ears. Draw the muzzle: the eyes are two small dots, the nose is a bolder dot. We draw antennae in the form of horizontal lines. Let's complete the look with paws in the form of ovals and a tail of any shape. Note that after such a schematic drawing, the extra lines are erased, and the drawing is colored by the child.

Drawing algorithm

Using a similar scheme (using a base of geometric shapes) you can draw a wide variety of animals. For example, a horse also has an oval body, but its head is no longer round (like a cat’s), but oval. We connect the head and body with a long beautiful neck. The horse's legs are long, thicker at the top, and ending in hooves at the bottom. We complement the image with a beautiful tail, mane and small ears. Note that according to the specified algorithm, a child can easily draw a cow and a deer (do not forget about the horns of different shapes). After the children have developed the skill of drawing a horse, you can offer them the fantasy theme “Fairytale Horse”: it can have wings, a horn on its forehead (unicorn) and the most unexpected coloring.

Materials used and base

In the preparatory group, preschoolers work with a wide range of materials. In addition to the usual gouaches, watercolors, and colored pencils, you can offer the children sanguine, charcoal pencil, dry and greasy pastels, and gel pens.

Charcoal pencil drawing

Creating an expressive image is often facilitated by combining different materials in one drawing, for example, watercolors and felt-tip pens. For example, when creating the composition “Polar Bear and Northern Lights,” the animal can be drawn in gouache, and the colorful sky can be decorated with wax crayons.

Interesting works are obtained in the graphic genre - when the composition is drawn only with a simple graphite pencil.

Graphic drawing

When working with paints, the basis of the drawing - a sheet of A4 paper - is tinted by the teacher into the appropriate background (note that in the senior preschool level, children themselves can do this work on the eve of the drawing lesson). The color of the tone is determined by the theme of the composition: if these are animals of Africa, then it will be sandy, if the inhabitants of the middle zone will be greenish. The background can be combined: half of the sheet (sky) is blue.

Animalistic themes can also be presented in collective compositions. In this case, the teacher prepares the appropriate basis. It can be of an unusual shape, for example, in the form of the African continent with its deserts and rivers, if children have to depict animals from hot countries. Other options are the nature of the Arctic (for drawing animals of the north) or Australia.

Drawing techniques and techniques that should be used when drawing animals in the preparatory group

In the preparatory group, preschoolers practice all previously mastered drawing techniques. Thus, fluency with a pencil is improved. When drawing long lines, the child uses his entire hand, but when drawing small details, only his fingers work.

When drawing an animal, it is important to convey the smoothness of the lines of its body, the rhythmic arrangement of spots or stripes on the skin, and the uniformity of the painted surface. Children should watch for a smooth transition from one shade to another (this depends on adjusting the pressure on the pencil). Dark areas are covered with more dense shading; when coloring light areas, light pressure is used.

Children improve their painting techniques: small elements are indicated with the tip of the brush, large parts of the animal’s body and long lines are drawn with the entire pile.

To realistically convey the color of an animal, preschoolers must have a full understanding of the variety of colors and master the techniques of mixing them to obtain the desired shades.

As for plot compositions, children aged 6–7 years improve their ability to harmoniously place them on a sheet of paper. They draw animals that are far away smaller and blurrier. The animals in the foreground are depicted large, drawn in detail, and have more contrast.

The outline of animals in the preparatory group, as a rule, is drawn with a simple pencil (so that the image can be corrected) with a slight movement of the hand. Moreover, if the guys draw a figurine of a ceramic animal from life (quite simple in shape), then the outline will be continuous (there is no need to draw the silhouette of each part of the body separately).

Additional types of visual activities used when drawing animals in the preparatory group, the relevance of an individual approach

A composition in the animalistic genre will become more interesting if you include applicative and plasticine details. So, a crocodile whose body is a glued green birch leaf with its characteristic jagged edges looks very original.

Drawing with applique elements

Drawing (printing) with applique elements

With the help of additional types of visual activities, you can also depict the northern lights when depicting polar bears with paints. These can be elements of plasticine (smeared pieces of plasticine of different colors) or an application made from strips of colored paper, or even better, shiny foil.

With the help of such techniques, you can successfully implement an individual approach to a drawing lesson: offer such work to children who quickly and efficiently complete the task and have an increased interest in visual activities.

Summary of drawing lesson “My favorite animal. Pets"

Yulia Sukhanova

Summary of drawing lesson “My favorite animal. Pets"

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

"My favorite animal "

• Learn to expressively convey images of domestic animals (body shape, location and shape of body parts, their size, proportions)

based on the diagram

• Choose an animal of your choice

• Strengthen technical skills and drawing (mixing colors to obtain the desired shade)

• Develop imaginative perception and imagination

• Learn to talk about your drawings and the drawings of your comrades

Materials and tools: illustrations on the topic Animals

thin and thick brushes, gouache paints, animal , color mixing schemes, palettes, jars of water, napkins for drying brushes, a printed album.
Preliminary work: excursion to the zoo, looking at illustrations, cartoons on the topic Animals of the World

Drawing animals with wax crayons , felt-tip pens, sculpting animals , reading poems, stories, writing stories about animals .

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