"Dramateshka" is the largest archive of children's plays in RuNet

"Dramateshka" is the largest archive of children's plays in RuNet

Characters of Pippi Annika Tommy Horse Mr. Nilsson, little monkey Gentleman on the lawn 1st policeman 2nd policeman 3rd policeman Pippi's father - captain Efroim Sailors, crew of the "Jumper" Other boys and girls. 1 Pippi comes ashore from the ship "Poprygunya". There is a monkey on her shoulder and a suitcase full of gold coins in her hands. The sailors lined up on the deck, saying goodbye to Pippi. Pippi. Goodbye guys! I won't get lost! (The ship sets sail. Pippi stops at the entrance to an abandoned villa, corrects the sign on which the name of the house: “Chicken”. She feeds the monkey with cookie crumbs from the pocket of a short dress made of blue and red scraps.) Pippi. My dad is the black king! Not every girl can boast of such an amazing dad. When dad builds a boat, he will come for me, and I will become a black princess. He bought this old house many years ago in order to live here with me someday. But after dad disappeared at sea, I decided to wait here for his return. 2 (During a morning walk on the sidewalk, Pippi meets Tommy and Annika, neat, diligent neighbor children. Pippi first passes by, but then returns, walking backwards. The children look with curiosity at an unfamiliar girl with a real monkey on her shoulder.) Tommy. Why are you backing away like a cancer? Pippi. Why am I sticking out like a lobster? It's like we live in a free country, right? Can't every person walk as he pleases? And in general, if you want to know, everyone walks like this in Egypt, and it doesn’t surprise anyone at all. Tommy. He'll be lying! (Pippi thinks.) Pippi. Right. I'm lying. Annika. A complete lie! Pippi. (Pogruznev.) Yeah, a complete lie. But sometimes I start to forget what happened and what didn’t happen. And how can you demand that a little girl whose mother is an angel in heaven and whose father is a black king on an island in the ocean always tells only the truth? Besides, in the entire Belgian Congo there is not a person who would say even one truthful word! They lie there from seven in the morning until sunset! So, if I accidentally lie, you shouldn’t be angry with me. I lived in this very Belgian Congo for a very long time. But we can still make friends! Tommy. Still would! Tommy! Annika. Annika! Pippi. Peppilotta-Victualina-Rolgardina Efroimovna Longchuk. But you can simply call me Pippi! Why don't you, for example, come and have breakfast with me now? Tommy. Indeed! Annika. That's great! Let's go quickly! Pippi. But first I must introduce you to Mr. Nilsson! (The monkey takes off his hat and bows politely. All three go up to the terrace. There is a horse standing there chewing oats, his head in a soup bowl.) Tommy. Listen, why is your horse standing on the terrace? Pippi. You see, in the kitchen she would only get in the way. And there is too much furniture in the living room. Annika. Do you live here all alone? Pippi. Of course not! There are three of us living: Mr. Nilsson, the horse and me. Annika. And you have neither a father nor a mother? Pippi. Well, yes! Tommy. Who tells you, “It’s time to go to bed?” Pippi. I'm telling myself. First, in a very gentle voice: “Pippi, go to bed.” And if I don’t obey, then I repeat it strictly. When this doesn’t help, I feel really bad about myself. It's clear? Tommy. Maybe it's not so bad... Annika. What are you doing? Pippi. If I say that I clean a pipe, you still won’t believe me. Of course, I'm baking flatbreads. (Pippi took a rolling pin and began to roll out the dough right on the floor.) Pippi. I don’t think it’s worth tackling the dough. If you are going to bake less than half a thousand cakes. All. (Closes the oven door.) Tommy. What are we going to do now? Pippi. What are you going to do, I don't know. I won't mess around. I’m a dealer... And a dealer doesn’t have a single free minute. Annika. Who are you? Pippi. Dillector! This is the one who always puts everything in order. After all, an abyss of all sorts of different things are scattered on the earth. Someone must keep order. This is what a dealer does! Annika. The abyss of what things? Pippi. Yes, very different! Gold bars, dead rats, little nuts! Look how lucky we are. We need to hurry up. (Pippi rushes along the street, Tommy and Annika do not take their eyes off her.) I remember how I decided to restore order in the jungle on the island of Borneo. And do you know what I found in the very thicket where no man had gone before? You know what?.. A real artificial leg, and a completely new one at that. I gave it to a one-legged old man! Annika. Is it true that you can take everything you find for yourself? Pippi. Well, yes, everything that lies on the ground. (An elderly gentleman is sleeping on the lawn.) Here! Look! He's lying on the ground and we found him! Let's take him! Tommy. No, Pippi, what are you... You can’t take him away... and what would we do with him? Pippi. Yes, it can be useful for many things. You can put him in a rabbit cage and feed him dandelion leaves... Well, if you don’t want to take him, fine, let him lie there. It’s just a shame that other dealers will come and pick up this guy. (Three policemen appear, see him sleeping on the ground, check his documents, take him away. One of the policemen pays attention to Pippi.) 1st policeman. A rumor spread throughout the city that the girl lived completely alone in an abandoned villa. This cannot continue like this. All children should have someone to raise them. Pippi. Oh! More than anything in the world, I love police officers! (2nd policeman returns.) 2nd policeman. Are you the same girl who settled in this villa? Pippi. But no. I am a wizened old lady and I live on the third floor in a mansion on the other side of the city. 1st policeman. Stop fooling around. Good people decided to give you a place in an orphanage. Pippi. And I already live in an orphanage. I am a child and this is my home. So this is an orphanage. 2nd policeman. Oh, sweet girl, you don't understand this. You must go to a real orphanage where you will be raised. Pippi. Can you take a horse with you to that orphanage? 1st policeman. Of course not! Pippi. That's what I thought. Let others go to an orphanage, I'm not going there! 2nd policeman. But you have to learn different things! For example, the multiplication table! Pippi. For nine whole years I have been doing just fine without this table of respect, which means I will continue to live without it. 1st policeman. Well, imagine, you grow up big, and suddenly someone asks you what the name of the capital of Portugal is, and you cannot answer. 2nd policeman. And you won't be ashamed? Pippi. Perhaps it will be, and I won’t fall asleep for a long time that evening. But I will soon be consoled, because I will remember - I was in Lisbon with my dad. 1st policeman. You are ordered to go to the orphanage and there is no more talk! (Grabs Pippi by the hand. Pippi breaks free and lightly slaps the policeman on the back.) Pippi. Bash-bash! You're welcome! (Climbs onto the roof of the house) What fun it is to play bashi! How nice of you to come and play with me! (the police find a ladder and climb up it to the roof.) Be brave! Be brave! (When the police are at the top, Pippi jumps off and removes the ladder.) 2nd policeman. Stairs! Put up the ladder immediately! 1st policeman. I won’t talk to you like that yet! Pippi. Why are you so angry? We're playing! Why be so angry! 2nd policeman. Listen, girl, be kind and put the ladder back! Pippi. With pleasure! (He returns the stairs.) And then we can have some coffee if you want! (The policemen go down and grab Pippi.) 1st policeman. Now you're caught, you bad girl! Pippi. I'm not playing with you anymore. I don't mess with those who cheat! (Pippi grabs both policemen by the belts and drags them out into the street.) Just a minute! (He returns to them and treats them to flatbreads.) Please try it. True, they were a little burnt, but that doesn’t matter! (The policemen run away. Pippi takes out the horse and the coffee pot and invites Tommy and Annika to drink coffee. The horse chews cakes.) Pippi. And yet, these were some fake policemen - they were chatting something about the orphanage, about the table of respect, Lisbon... Annika. Tell me, will you always live here? Tommy. Well, not always, of course, but at least until you grow up and become a pirate? Pippi. Nobody knows this. I don't think my dad decided to stay on his island with the blacks. I am sure that as soon as he makes the boat, he will come for me... Please cover me well. Yes, tuck the blanket in for me... Tommy. Listen, Pippi, why do you have such huge shoes? Pippi. Clearly for convenience. (Pippi goes to sleep with her head on the blanket and her feet on the pillow.) In Guatemala, absolutely everyone sleeps this way. So much more convenient. Do you really fall asleep without a lullaby? For example, I definitely have to sing a lullaby to myself, otherwise my eyes won’t close. (Some strange sounds are heard from under the blanket - it’s Pippi singing a lullaby to herself. Tommy and Annika tiptoe towards the exit.) 3 Pippi. Papa Ephraim! Papa Ephraim! (Pippi throws herself on the neck of a fat guy with a red mustache in a blue sailor's uniform. Tommy and Annika are watching what is happening through the bars of the fence.) Papa Ephraim! How you have grown! Tommy. This is her dad... Captain. Baby! Peppilotta - Viktualina - Rolgardina Efroimovna Longstocking! Are you as strong as you were? Pippi. Much stronger! Captain. Let's measure ourselves without leaving our seats! (After an intense struggle on the hands, the captain began to win a little. Pippi pulls out his hand.) Pippi. When I turn ten years old, I will definitely defeat you, Papa Ephroim! Captain. I think so too! Pippi. Dear dad, I forgot to introduce you! Tommy! Annika! Its my father! His Majesty Ephraim Longstocking! Isn’t it true, dad, you’re a black king? Captain. Yes, that's right, I am the king of the island called Veselia. Pippi. I always knew that you didn't drown! Tommy. Uncle, why aren’t you in Negro clothes? Captain. I have them here in my bag. Pippi. Put them on! Put them on! I want to see my father dressed as a king! (The captain dresses up in a skirt made of palm leaves, takes a spear, a shield, and decorates his legs with gold bracelets.) Annika. Just like in the theater! Captain. Usombusor-garbage-filibusor! Tommy. Oh! He speaks Negro! What does this mean, Uncle Efroim? Captain. This means: “Tremble, my enemies!” when I pulled a palm tree out of the ground with my bare hands, the islanders chose me as their king. So I began to live: in the mornings I ruled the island, and in the afternoons I made a boat. Then I announced to the islanders that I would leave them for a while, but would certainly return and bring with me the princess, whose name was Peppilotta. I headed straight for Surabaya, the inhabitants of the island shouted after me: “Come back quickly, fat king!” And who do you think I met on the road? My wonderful old schooner “Poprygunyu”. And so we sailed here for you, Pippi! Pippi. Now let's have a party! Captain. I'm glad you didn't break up with Mr. Nilsson! Pippi. I have other pets too! (He brings the horse into the kitchen. The captain takes out a real Negro drum, sits on the floor and begins to beat the drum.) Captain. Negro music! (Pippi and her father start dancing.) Pippi. Now the floor will collapse under us! Captain. Doesn't matter! I haven't had so much fun since you and I kicked out drunken sailors from a tavern in Singapore! (The captain falls to the floor.) Pippi, my child, are you as good at lying as before? Pippi. When I have time, dad. Captain. I usually lie to my subjects on Saturdays as a reward for working hard throughout the week. Pippi. And I walk around the house alone - alone and lying to myself... Captain. Don’t be upset, daughter, lie to your heart’s content! Tommy. When will you hit the road? Captain. The Jumper weighs anchor early in the morning. Pippi. But today I'm throwing a farewell feast! Everyone who wants to say goodbye to me. Welcome! Welcome to my humble home! (The captain beat a Negro drum, Pippi's house was filled with boys, girls, sailors from the schooner "Poprygunya".) Pippi. Music! Music! (Children dance, sailors play the harmonica, sing songs.) Pippi. The holiday will end with fireworks! (Shots ring out, firecrackers explode, confit falls, sparks fly.) Captain. And now forward to “Poprygunya”! (The sailors and captain go up to the deck, a loud whistle is heard.) Pippi. Goodbye, dear, wrecked villa “Chicken”! There are no fleas in it and in general it was wonderful to live there! (Tommy and Annika are silent) Pippi. If there are a lot of fleas in my hut, I will start training them. And I will call the two most faithful and sweetest fleas “Tommy” and “Annika”. And they will sleep in bed with me... (Tommy and Annika do not answer.) What has gotten into you? Better try saying “Have a nice trip, dear Pippi, and thank you for the time we spent together!” Tommy. (Mumbling.) Bon voyage, dear Pippi, and thank you for the time we spent together... Captain. Pippi! Get on board, it's time! Pippi. I'm coming, I'm coming, captain! (Annika sobs.) Pippi. Goodbye Annika, goodbye! Do not Cry! Don't be afraid, I won't disappear! (Annika grabs Pippi by the neck, a plaintive moan is heard.) Tommy. Don't cry, you're embarrassed in front of people. Pippi (Waving from the deck) Don't be afraid! I won't get lost! (Boys and girls shout from the shore: “Long live Pippi Longstocking!” Captain. Raise the gangway! Pippi. No, Papa Ephraim! That’s not good! I don’t agree! Put the ladder back! Captain. What do you disagree with, my daughter? Pippi. I don’t agree that anyone in this world should cry because of me and feel unhappy. And, in any case, I don’t agree that it would be Tommy and Annika. I will stay to live in the villa “Chicken” ". "Captain. You can do as you want. You have always done this. Pippi. Yes, that’s right, I have always done this. (Pippi and the captain hug each other.) and in general, Papa Ephroim, don’t you think it’s better for the child live at home, rather than surf the seas and oceans and live in a black hut? Captain. You are right, as always, my daughter! (Pippi hugs the sailors goodbye, grabs a horse and carries it down the ladder.) Captain. Pippi! I'm afraid you have There are few gold coins left! Here you go! (Throws a brand new suitcase full of money into the water. Pippi dives for the suitcase. Comes ashore.) Tommy. Are you... are you staying? Pippi. It’s as if... (Wrings out her braids, pours water out of her shoes.) I decided that it is absolutely necessary for children that life should go according to a routine, and most importantly, that they should establish this order themselves!

The main thing is to keep the preparation secret. Apart from vague mentions that Pippi Longstocking herself was invited to the birthday party and offers to read the book again, there are no more details or hints. To the point that Anyusha fell asleep on the eve of her birthday in a room that gave no indication of Pippi’s presence. And I woke up in the morning... On the nursery door there is a huge note in marker, with a lot of mistakes, as Pippi usually writes: “Announcement Saturday is the day of lies!” (by the way, it was just Saturday). Grandma couldn’t stand it: “Well, is that really possible, because now the children will write with mistakes!” And the children had a lot of fun, reading the note over and over again. Well, definitely, this is Pippi’s doing! In Astrid Lindgren's story, everything was exactly like this. There is another sign on the other door: “Anya and Makar should come to Pippi for a feast in Zaftra Posli Abeda. Any clothes." And then the fun began. Have you ever tried to walk around the house in size forty shoes at the age of eight, and even backwards? It’s a bit difficult... But this is Peppin’s size, if you remember her famous shoes, to which she attached green pompoms on special occasions. And Peppin’s way of moving along the street: “We seem to live in a free country, and everyone can walk as they want.” We didn't have any pom-poms, but boots - please! After walking around the house in them, we went to the kitchen to bake pancakes according to Peppa’s special recipe. If you are a supporter of realism in everything, you can, of course, bake real pancakes right there. But we like to play and imagine more, so we had cardboard pancakes, but we had to throw them in a real frying pan, so that they would turn over in flight and plop onto the frying pan on the other side. By the way, it’s not so easy to bake such pancakes, try it yourself!

All this time, Pepina’s horse, as expected, “had the honor of standing in the corner and chewing cookies and sugar.” And suddenly, in the middle of the feast, she suddenly started dancing.

And then we built Peppa's schooner, the Jumper: first we drew it blindly on a piece of paper, and then built it from chairs, a mop, ropes and a diaper. It turned out to be a great boat! On it we went with Pippi to the country of Merry, where we happily played with the native children with pebbles and saved them from a shark.

And then evening came quietly, and it was time to drink tea with chocolates that grew on Peppa’s tree the previous Thursday, and grandma’s cake, in which eight candles shone.

And now we are thinking about who to invite to our birthday party next time - Emil from Lenneberga or Tom Sawyer? You won't get bored with them either.

Elena Litvyak Photo by the author

Dramatization of “Pippi Longstocking” material (grade 5) on the topic

Dear children, and dear adults!

It's hard to imagine that there are children who grew up and became adults without even knowing about the existence of Pippi Longstocking!

Let me ask, why Pippi? After all, this girl is Pippi!

In fact, for at least two generations of children and adults in our country they have become accustomed to calling the amazing, cheerful red-haired girl in different stockings, the heroine of Astrid Lindgren’s story, exactly that – “Pippi.” However, the writer calls her “Pippi,” yes, because this name was invented by Astrid Lindgren’s little daughter, Karin, when she asked her to tell her about Pippi Longstocking.

This year on November 14 marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of this famous writer and we thought this was a great occasion to restore justice.

Pippi. Hello, hello! - Pippi yelled, waving her huge hat. — Did I manage to reproduce? Pippi, without waiting to be invited, rushed to an empty bench.

Freken. Welcome to school, little Pippi! I hope you enjoy it here and learn a lot.

Pippi. Yeah, I'm hoping I'll have Christmas break, that's why I came here. Justice first!

Freken. If you tell me your full name first, I will enroll you in school.

Pippi. My name is Pippilotta Viktualia Rulgardina Krusmunta Ephraimsdotter Longstocking. I am the daughter of Captain Ephraim Longstocking, who used to be the thunder of the seas, and now is the Negro king. As a matter of fact, Pippi is my diminutive name, since dad thought that the name Pippilotta was very long to pronounce.

Freken. That's it, well then we'll call you Pippi too. Well, what if we now test your knowledge a little? You're a big girl and you probably already know something. Maybe we can start with arithmetic? Well, Pippi, can you tell me what 7 plus 5 is?

Pippi. (surprised and dissatisfied) No, if you don’t know this yourself, don’t think that I’m going to tell you!

All the children looked at Pippi in horror.

Freken. Pippi, you can’t answer like that at school. You can’t say “you” to the maid, you must address her: “miss”

Pippi. Forgive me, please, I didn't know that. I won't say that anymore.

Freken. I would like to hope not, then I will tell you that 7 plus 5 will be 12.

Pippi. Wow, you know it yourself, why are you asking me then? Oh, what a fool I am, because I said “you” to you again. Sorry.

Freken. Well, Pippi, what do you think 8 plus 4 is?

Pippi. Approximately 67

Freken. Of course not, 8 plus 4 is 12.

Pippi. Eh, no, my dear old lady, things won’t work that way. “You yourself just recently said that 7 plus 5 will be 12. No matter what it is, there should be order even in school.” And in general, if you are so vealishly delighted with all this nonsense, why don’t you put yourself in a corner and count? Why don't you leave us alone so we can play tag? No, come on, now I’m saying “you” again! But can't you forgive me just this last time? And I’ll try to keep this in my memory better.

Freken. I will do so. Now, Pippi, look at how the other children answer. Tommy, can you answer this question for me: if Lisa has 7 apples and Axel has 9, how many apples do they have together?

Pippi. Yes, yes, tell me, Tommy, and at the same time you can answer me this question: if Lisa has a stomach ache, and Axel has an even worse stomach ache, who is to blame for this and where did they go wrong?

Freken. (tried to pretend that she didn’t hear anything), Well, Annika, here’s an example for you: Gustav was on an excursion with his school friends. He had 1 crown and when he returned home he had 7 ore left. How much money did he spend?

Pippi. Why is this still necessary? Better tell me why he squandered the money like that, and did he buy lemonade with it, and did he wash his ears thoroughly before leaving home?

Freken. Well, Pippi, maybe you'll like reading better. (The Miss took out the next picture, which depicted a snake). Look at this picture and the letter in front of it, the letter is called “z”.

Pippi. Speaking of snakes, I will never forget the giant snake I once fought with in India. Believe it or not, it was such a terrible snake! Fourteen meters long and as furious as a bumblebee. And every day he ate five Indians, and for dessert two small children. And once he crawled to me and wanted to eat me for dessert, he had already wrapped himself around me - crash-x-x... But “he who laughs last laughs,” I said, and then I hit him in the head - boom, - and then he when he hisses - yay-yyyy... And then I give it to him again - boom... And he died right there. This is how it turns out, this is the letter “z”, it’s simply amazing!

Freken. - What if instead of reading we sing a little song! - she suggested.

All the children rose and stood at their desks, all except Pippi, who was still lying on the floor.

Pippi. You sing, and I’ll rest a little. Too much learning is harmful. The heaviest thug will get sick from it.

Freken. Pippi, you are crossing all boundaries!

Pippi. Well, okay, but I’ll sing what I want! (sings a song to the soundtrack of the Yard Wizards - Pippi Longstocking)

Freken. Children, go to the schoolyard, get some fresh air, and I’ll talk to Pippi a little alone.

Pippi. You know what I think, miss, it was damn fun to come here and see how you are doing here. But I don’t think I’m very eager to go to this school again. I'll figure it out somehow with the Christmas holidays. There are too many apples, snakes, and all sorts of things here! U

I just felt dizzy. I hope, miss, you won’t be too upset about this?

Freken. Of course, I was upset, and most of all because you, Pippi, don’t even want to try to behave properly.

Pippi. - Did I behave badly? So there you have it, I didn’t know it myself! You see, miss, when your mother is an angel, and your father is a black king, and you have sailed the seas all your life, then how do you know how to behave at school among all these apples and kites?

Freken. I understand and am no longer upset. You know, Pippi, maybe you can go back to school when you're a little older.

Pippi. It seems to me that you are damn kind, miss. Goodbye!

(Pippi ran away, and the children ran into the classroom.)

Tommy. Miss, do you think Pippi will return to school?

Freken. I don’t know, maybe you can never be sure of anything when it comes to Pippi. Come on, guys, let's continue our lesson in the school garden.

I am a red-haired girl in long stockings, My home, Don't laugh! "Chicken" villa! Funny shoes, but with heels, Freckles, braids - I’m very beautiful! Everywhere I carry a suitcase with me, worn out from years of wandering around the world. Let someone think that there is just rubbish there, Which for some reason rings like a coin.

Do you want me to do a somersault for you on the fly? And I’ll do the splits right there. Please note that I am a very fashionable person, by the way, I am Pippi! I think it's cool!

Game program for birthdays “Peppilotta’s Adventure”

Kabanova Natalya

Game program for birthdays “Peppilotta’s Adventure”

Peppilotta's Adventure.

( Pippi enters the group with her back, enthusiastically examining her bag, then notices the children)

Pippi : what are you doing visiting me? (looks around)

So, wait, I didn’t understand anything! Did you come to me, or did I come to you?

Children: you came to us!

Pippi : I definitely remember how I cleaned my room, and then... well, okay, are we going to figure it out or play?

Children: play!

Pippi : That’s what I think too! (leans towards the bag for props)

. Oh, how are we going to play if we don’t know each other... Well, I hope you at least recognize me?

Children: yeah, nooo.

Peppy : (indignantly)

how is it not?
I'm Pippi with a long sock (pointing to the leg warmers)
But how can I recognize and remember you all... I have a good, great idea, what a great guy I am! (takes out a hat)
1) Game “The hat is invisible”

Pippi : (shows the hat to the children)

Do you know what this is?

Children: cowboy hat, cap...

Pippi : (showing the SILENCE sign, calls everyone as close as possible, speaks in a whisper)

Thisoooo.... An invisible hat! And now it will help me get to know you!

RULES: when the music starts playing, you must run and dance around the entire area, as soon as the music stops playing, you freeze and close your eyes, just don’t peek! Then I put this invisibility hat on someone, and then you have to tell me his name! Well, what shall we try?

Children: yeahhhh.

Pippi : Yes, there are so many of you at once and you won’t remember, well, I think this won’t stop us from having fun further, right, guys?

Children: Yeah.

2) Game “Find the right color”

Pippi : oh, how you have so many things here... So colorful, big, small... Come on, let me test your attentiveness! Yes, and I’ll get used to it faster this way. Now I will tell you the color, and you must quickly find it in this room and touch it with your hand. Do you understand everything?

Children: yeah.

Pippi : Well, let’s check now.

RULES: I name the colors, and then I start saying: show a large object, a small one, a square one, then the colors again.

3) Game “BREEZE”

Pippi : how attentive you are! Found everything! But can you show me your strength? Who is your strongest here? (chooses two strong boys)

Now you need to recruit guys for your teams. (dialing)

Come on, show me your muscles! Yes, strong rivals. (I take out 2 balloons)

. And balloons will help us. One for a team called…., and the second team….

RULES: as soon as the music turns on, you must roll this ball, without using your arms and legs, to this place and come back. Your task is to get to your place as quickly as possible. (turn on music)


Pippi : Soooo, now let's complicate the task. The commands remain the same, but now your task is to get to this place and keep the ball in the air.

Shall we try? And so, we are waiting for the music!

Pippi : (takes out 2 large balls, and now let's check how you can cope with such balls!

The kids start trying, but I quickly stop them. What are you talking about, this is for another game.


Pippi : First, you need to stand in pairs. You must squeeze these balls between those parts of the body that I will name. For example, I say, you turn your back and squeeze it between your back like this. As soon as the music stops, I can tell you to take it with your stomachs, and you need to run further as the music starts.

Do you remember everything?

Children: yeah.

Peppy : Then let's go! (music starts)

5) Game "ANIMALS"

Pippi : Yeah, I don’t even have to compete with you. So I tested your attentiveness, I also know your strength, these are difficult guys. But how well do you understand, for example... in animals? Do you know what...a bear looks like? -Yes. Then picture it. Well, not bad. Now I will give you cards with animals drawn on them. Your task is to find your match. But you shouldn’t talk at the same time. You can show this animal, portray it, say its sounds... Whoever finds his mate faster is a great guy.

Well, let's start!


Pippi : let's dance now! And we will not dance with the whole body, but only with one part. For example: I say dance with the head, this means we freeze, but only our head dances. Got it? Now let's get to the music. (arms, stomach, heel, head, legs, butt, left arm and left leg, head and right leg, etc.)

Pippi : Oh, guys, how much time has already passed. I didn't even notice. Everyone has probably already lost me! By the way, I recently heard that it’s someone’s birthday today ! Well, quickly admit it - from whom? ...Why were you silent? It turned out somehow inconvenient, I came without a gift... But wait (I left for chocolates, I have small gifts for you, and since you are our birthday girl, help distribute them!

(distributing chocolates)

. Well, why are you delaying me again, did you at least enjoy being with me?

Children: yeah, nooo.

Pippi : (embarrassed)

Well, that's enough, that's enough, stop it! I liked you too, I hope to see you again. Bye-bye!

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