Graduation of the first junior group “And today we have a holiday - joyful, cheerful. Goodbye, nurseries! Hello, kindergarten!

Graduation in kindergarten, as a rule, consists of several traditional blocks, which can be interchanged. These blocks have historically developed and include the main content of graduation in kindergarten, which, of course, cannot be done without.


  • introduction;
  • memories of how today's graduates began their kindergarten journey;
  • congratulations to graduates with kids;
  • “passing the baton” from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades;
  • checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school;
  • children's gratitude to their teachers and all teaching and service staff of the kindergarten;
  • gratitude from parents;
  • parting words from kindergarten staff to graduates.

What no kindergarten graduation is complete without is poetry. Poems will create the appropriate mood for graduation in kindergarten: where necessary - funny (for example, when talking about the childhood of graduates), where necessary - lyrical (when talking about how graduates do not want to part with kindergarten). Poems will make graduation in kindergarten even more vivid, emotional, and will help both children and parents remember it for a long time, preserving memories of kindergarten for a long time.

It is important to correctly place the emphasis in the use of poetry in order to build the correct emotional outline of a kindergarten graduation: somewhere to laugh with the children and parents, and somewhere to be sad, so that both children, parents, and teachers can feel the full importance of this a wonderful part of life’s journey – preschool education.

In essence, these poems can become a ready-made script if you add prose connectives to them - the words of the presenter.

Author's poems. The author is Natalya PRISHCHEPENOK, methodologist of the Moscow Regional Educational Institution of Children and Youth Children's Education Center "TsRTYU of the city of Kirov."

Block "Introduction"


The sun is shining in the window, and the birds are singing. They probably already know about the holiday too! The birds have flown in and are sitting and looking out the window at us, as if there is a movie about our kindergarten right now! It’s as if we were on the screen We’ll watch our entire journey, My friend, never forget your kindergarten, Beloved! Today we will remember how we came here, how weeks and years flew by like birds. We will say goodbye, friends, After all, it’s time for us to go to school! Childhood passes, And, alas, the game is over!..


Oh, has this day really come? The last holiday, Graduation, found us after all!.. Well, maybe we should still wait and not let them go? After all, how will we live without them - I still don’t understand... At the age of three they appeared here And they were good, So smart already, Even though they were kids. They knew how to eat and drink themselves, and they also knew how to sleep. And how to read and how to count, we were able to find out here. Now they know how to draw, read and sing songs, and so they know how to eat quickly, so that they can make it in time for lunch! How you have grown right here, Before our eyes. No wonder here they are, eyes, Look - everyone is in tears!.. Today is your Graduation Day, You have grown up, friends! And no matter how much we want to, we cannot leave you. We are sending you on your way now, We will pack your luggage, But everyone will know for sure that he is OUR graduate!

Graduation from the first junior group


Children enter the hall to cheerful music and sit on chairs.

Presenter: Dear guests, today we have a special holiday. Our children finish their stay in the nursery group and move on to kindergarten.

- We gathered in the hall today for a holiday at this hour.

_ Look how beautiful our kids are these days!

_We are starting the fun, opening the holiday with dancing!

_Louder music, play, invite everyone to dance.

Pair dance “My friend and I will take a walk” (sit down)

Presenter: During their stay in the nursery group, all the children grew up and learned a lot.

_After all, we didn’t sit idle:

_They taught poems and sang songs.

(Children recite poems: Dasha, Egor, Denis)

Host: How much fun we have here! How good we are here! What's a holiday without gifts? Very necessary, very bright!

Now I’ll hurry up and bring a gift! (brings a gift box, opens it)

_Yes, here is a surprise for us: magic handkerchiefs. How cute are the handkerchiefs! Let's dance with them from the heart!

Dance with handkerchiefs. (sit down)

Host: I have a riddle in stock for the children. Guess it quickly, guys!

_ A long ear, a ball of fluff. Jumps deftly

loves carrots? Who is this? (bunny)

Host: Guys, do you want to play with the bunny?

Musical game “Bunny, walk around...”

Host: Guys, what does the bunny like to eat? (carrot). Shows a basket with carrots.

“Oh, I scattered it.” Now we’ll go and collect carrots.

Game "Collect the carrots" (

take their seats)

Host: We played so well and we were a little tired. Now we’ll rest and read poetry for the guests.

(Vasilisa, Stas, Lera, Andrey)

Host: The sun is getting warmer and warmer, everyone is enjoying the sun: birds, insects, and plants.

Are you guys happy about the sun? (yes) Let's invite the sun to come to us for a holiday. (name)

(music sounds, the sun comes in)

Sunny: I am always glad to have guests, good little friends.

I give my warmth to everyone, so that everything sings and blooms.

Presenter: Hello, sunshine. We are very glad to see you.

We even learned a song for you. Do you want to listen?

Song "Sunny"

"(sit down)

Sunny: How friendly and skillful you all are! I didn’t come to you alone, I took my friends with me. I won’t tell you who, but I’ll tell you the riddle. What bird is not afraid of people, does not fly high and shouts “ko-ko-ko” (shows) And who is the chicken’s child? This is yellow. . . . . chicken (shows)

Presenter: In May the sun laughs, all the people have fun

And the little guys stood up in a round dance!

Dance "The chicken went out for a walk"

Presenter: Today is a good day, everyone is having fun. They dance, clap their hands, and we don’t lag behind. Everyone go out for a walk, we will continue the holiday.

Block “Memories of the first steps of graduates”


I was three years old. My mother told me, since I myself didn’t know about it, that starting Monday I’ll go to kindergarten and I’ll find true friends there! At first I held on to my mother for a long time, Then I somehow broke away from her, And crying and roaring, I entered the group! And there... I found a lot of toys there! Our teachers were also there! There are probably no more beautiful teachers! Can we take you to school with us? And we will take our nanny! She comforted us simply wonderfully, When we cried, she sang songs to us, And the dissatisfied kids instantly became calm! What if we accidentally get a bad grade at school? No one can comfort us better than a nurse! We don’t know yet how we will live without you, we don’t imagine, we don’t understand! Can we take some toys with us? And, if possible, also pillows? What if I feel sleepy at school? Can I take my bed with me? How we don’t want to part with our beloved kindergarten! School is probably good, but I really want to go to kindergarten!


When we brought the children here for the first time in their lives, we were so worried at the door, but the children instantly got used to it! At first, the mother did not want to let the son go, And soon the mother could not find the son - He was so busy playing with his beloved teacher! You have always been like this, caring and attentive! Like our miracle babies

We've grown up over the years! Recently we just came to the kindergarten, And then we went to school... We don’t know how it will be there, But we thank you for giving everything to the children, Perhaps, like family!

Garden prom clothes.

Every child on this day wants to be the most beautiful. The choice today is huge. Delightful dresses and beautiful costumes will transform every child.

The main thing is to be comfortable. Please take this into account, because the baby will have to wear smart clothes throughout the prom, and if they are not comfortable, the child will be nervous. It wouldn't hurt to have a change of dress, trousers, T-shirt or sweater. After the formal part, the child can be changed.

Block “Congratulations to graduates with kids”


Oh, how big you are! You're almost up to the ceiling! And no hand will rise to call you kids.

They carried you on a sled and carried you in your arms, and now you stand firmly on your own two feet!

We want to be big like you, to become big as quickly as possible, to live like you, not on the first floor, but on the top floor!

We promise that we will replace you with dignity, friends, because without you, that is, without the elders, it’s impossible to go to kindergarten!

We promise that we will not break toys here. And we will never offend each other here.

In a quiet hour we will sleep quietly and finish the whole lunch, and we will be able to study at school at four and five!

Very soon we will grow up, we will go to school too!

Block “Passing the baton” from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades"

We pass our baton to you! We will tell you in words and sing you a song!

In kindergarten, gain useful knowledge so that you can enter school without delay.

We will find out everything at school, then we will tell you. We hope you will be able to handle the program!

Keep all the toys, don’t break them, just in case, keep them for us.

What if we get bored there and want to play? It’s a difficult thing to get A’s!

We’ll run to the kindergarten, To the expensive cars, To the dolls and teddy bears, To our loved ones and relatives!

Let's go back for a minute, We are in golden childhood, Good and bright, And so kind!

Graduates sing a song about toys to the tune of “Tired toys are sleeping...”.

1. Funny toys are waiting, Books are waiting, Well, when will the kids come to them again?

Let the lessons end, Let their feet bring them to the kindergarten, To play Here again.

2. Kids, you stay here without us, We will go to study in first grade.

Well, you live together, You still need to grow up, So that they can take you to first grade!

Block “Checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school”


There is so much knowledge on the planet! You can’t even count them all at once! We will now check how you read, how you write and how you count! At school you need to know the numbers firmly in order to understand your grades!

The presenter reads the quatrain, the children answer in chorus according to the meaning “Yes” or “No” or the word that fits the meaning. The presenter confuses the children by offering them the “wrong” rhymes.

Poem-game “Marks”

The school has a mark of five. Will we receive it? Are we always happy about it? (Yes!)

Get deuces more often and don’t be discouraged. This is not a secret at all. Is this the right advice? (No!)

If a deuce is not a problem, Is it just nonsense? (No!)

Does knowledge give us light? (Yes!) And a good rating in our world would be four. Is mom happy and proud? (Yes!)

Better than a two, a three is considered. And I’ll give you guys some advice: After all, better grades (There are!)

You should not be lazy at school, Always study well, Always be an excellent student? (Yes!)

Well done! I think you will be very good students!

Riddles with choral answers in school subjects

We want to write numbers - We take them in a box... (notebook).

We want to write letters - Let’s take them in stripes... (notebook).

The lesson is given to us to read, learn to sing or count. In class we are not given a minute to look... (out the window).

I want to draw a huge house. I’m taking a big one... (album).

I draw simply, without a pointer. Help me with the drawing... (paints).

There is a cool lesson at school: There, like hares, jump and gallop We jump and gallop And chase... (ball).

This is not literature, This is ours... (physical education).

And beloved, we will certainly have... (change).

In kindergarten, I was not used to receiving grades... (in my diary).

What is behind your shoulders? Mom can't even lift it! It weighs eight kilograms. That’s how much they ask us! I take it this way and that, This is my school... (backpack).

It contains pens and pencils, take them out and know, write. And although it is very small, We really need it... (pencil case).

To know a lot, to be able to read, and to understand a lot, girls and boys, of course, need... (a book).

You can get a D, but not get an A, If you don’t learn in the time you need... (lesson).

We go to school to study, We work at our desks, We won’t go with you, If it’s... (a day off).

You really need chalk in your hand, When you go out... (to the blackboard).

There are old boards, and there are... (interactive).

They are cool to learn from, and they need... (a computer).

In order to know the subject well, we will study at... (excellent)!

Festive table at graduation.

All children love sweets, fruits and pizza! You can make beautiful canapés from fruits and vegetables. Typically, graduation takes place in May, when it is warm outside, so it is better not to buy cakes and pastries. There is nowhere to store a large amount of such food, and while the children are performing, the sweets may spoil.

You can buy cookies and biscuits, they are stored at room temperature. It is better to choose juices, tea, mineral water as drinks, depending on the preferences and health of the children. Pizza can be ordered an hour before tea time. Sandwiches with cheese and boiled smoked sausage may not be amiss.

This menu is quite acceptable and loved by almost all children. Knowing their child’s preferences, parents should definitely discuss all the points in advance so that there are no unpleasant situations later.

Remember, this graduation party is for CHILDREN, not their parents. Therefore, everything should be focused only on kids!

Block “Gratitude from Parents”

There is definitely no kindergarten like this anywhere else. You and I will not be lost On land and even in water!

How kind you have always been with our kids! You drew with them with paints, pencils,

You sang songs with them, You danced dances, With you, so cheerful, They were never bored!

We will part with you soon... We will miss you very much. Those who have not been here in the kindergarten may not understand us...

Only we will tell them how great it was for us! Children really, really love their second mothers!

You really were real Moms to them: So good, kind, Talented, brilliant!

You taught them a lot: to play together and be friends, and to become big, and in general to live correctly!

We'll be parting soon. The kids will go to school. But they always find their way to kindergarten!

So don’t be sad, they will come running to you again, because they know that teachers are always waiting in kindergarten!

Kindergarten graduation program.

It is very important to think through the organization of this event. Often, parents want to entertain their children on their own, without the help of professional animators. And this in most cases leads to problems.

No matter how much imagination a parent has, it will be problematic for him to amuse and entertain the children for two hours. In addition, not all parents have acting skills and the ability to communicate with children. But the children should not only find it interesting and exciting, they should remember this bright event for the rest of their lives.

To avoid such problems, we recommend using the experience of professional people. In addition, their programs have already been developed, debugged, and the presence of new faces always intrigues the kids. If the program does not completely satisfy parents, then it can be adjusted.

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