Thematic weeks in the junior group “Hello Summer”

Recommendations for parents on the theme of the week “Hello Summer!”

Let's tell the child about summer. Start with the signs of summer: it’s hot in summer, the sun shines stronger (you can put your palms up and bask them in the sun), it’s warm outside, what color is the grass outside, ask your child, at this age he should already know and distinguish the primary colors. Pay attention to the child, what kind of green grass has grown in the clearing, look at the flowers, tell the child what they are called. Perhaps you will see insects in the clearing, tell your child about them. On the street you can meet a beautiful butterfly (you can see its beautiful wings, how gracefully it flies), a ladybug with an unusual outfit and these black dots indicate how old the ladybug is; watch the ant dragging a small stick that is larger than it.

Invite your child to look at the tree, ask what appears on the branches. That's right, leaves, but do you know what color they are? (green). Draw leaves on the tree with your child, and invite the child to find a green pencil in the glass. Show your child how to draw leaves, what shape they should be, pay attention to whether the child is holding the pencil correctly in his hand.

Author: Bortnik Lyudmila Valerievna Position: teacher Place of work: MADOU kindergarten No. 56 of a combined type Location: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

Plan-project of educational activities in the early age group for the summer period Plan - project of educational activities in the group Month: June Group: 2nd early age group Full name teacher responsible for the development: Konovalova T.M. Topic of the week: “Child in the world of people”

Implementation period: 06/01/2021- 06/04/2021 Goal: create conditions for successful…

Summary of a drawing lesson in the younger group of early age “We draw summer”

SYNOPSIS The guys are part of the group. Surprise moment Educator: Guys, a Guest came to us today. There is a brightly decorated Tassel. And her name is Magic Brush! Let's say hello to our guest. Children: Hello! Educator: Look how elegant she is! This is because she...

Summary of the event in the junior group “Hello, red summer”

Goal: Organize festive leisure time and evoke positive emotions.


  1. Encourage children to play together.
  2. Enrich children's understanding of the world around them.
  3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Progress of the lesson

First clearing

The first day of summer is just around the corner! And I’ll tell you not jokingly: Even the sun is shining brighter today And the clouds are floating more cheerfully across the sky!

Both people and birds are so happy about summer, Every animal, bug, and insect is happy about the silent fish in the pond, Happy is the birch tree and happy is the daisy.

Let's sing, have fun, and play. Let's celebrate our favorite summer!

Let's quickly go to the first clearing. Who's there under the bush? There was a little one lurking, in a soft gray fur coat - Well, of course a little bunny.

Hello guys, have you seen a wolf here? I barely got away from him. Well, the bush grew here and hid me. You know that bunnies don't have a house, they live under a bush. Do you know what the houses of wild animals are called? The bear has (den), the fox has (hole), the wolf has (den), the beaver has (hut). You are so smart. Let’s play and dance “Show yourself, little gray bunny...”.

Second clearing

But in the second clearing there is a top, but what are these guys - why did he put on a doctor’s robe?

Hello, who are you? You must be bunnies! Then you are bear cubs! Maybe you are piglets! What about you guys? And I am a forest orderly - Wolf. Now I don’t offend anyone, but quite the opposite - I care about the health of forest inhabitants. So I ran after the bunny, I wanted to give him some vitamins, but he ran away. Do you like cleanliness? Are your hands clean? Are your ears clean? Are your teeth clean? Well then, I’ll teach you how to do exercises so that you are healthy and strong. Fun exercise to the music “The giraffe has spots...”.

Third clearing

Here the third clearing meets us, and there the fox is waiting.

Oh, how good you are! Oh, how beautiful you are! I’ll check you now to see how attentive you are. (game with hoops)

In my clearing, many friends gathered. You frolic and play, don't run far,

And when the tambourine sings, he will call you to the house. Red, blue, yellow house - Remember which one you live in.

Planning health activities in the summer for a nursery group





for the summer wellness period


create conditions conducive to the health of the child’s body in the summer.


1. Ensure the protection of the life and health of children.

2. Implement a system of measures aimed at the improvement and physical development of pupils, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

3. Carry out pedagogical education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

Explanatory note.

Preschoolers' stay in the fresh air in the summer strengthens and hardens the child's body and has a positive effect on their all-round development.

The main task of adults is to satisfy as fully as possible the growing body’s need for rest, creative activity and movement. A clearly planned system of entertainment, educational and health-improving activities will help ensure the necessary level of physical and mental development of children.

Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk, run and jump to their heart's content. It is during this period that they spend a lot of time outdoors. And it is very important to organize the life of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content, so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives will delight children for a long time.

The success of summer health work with preschoolers is largely determined by how competently and timely the entire staff of the preschool institution prepared for it.

At the final pedagogical council in May, the teaching staff was familiarized with the main tasks in the areas of work of the MDOU in the summer (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard):

Social and communicative development:

— cultivate a humanistic orientation of behavior, develop social feelings, emotional responsiveness;

- formulate rules for safe behavior at home, in nature, on the street;

— introduce the rules of safe behavior;

- ensure wider inclusion in real labor relations with adults and peers through the fulfillment of labor assignments in the flower garden and vegetable garden;

— develop social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships in children.

  1. Cognitive development:

- to form a sustainable interest in the surrounding world (living and inanimate nature, man and all spheres of his activity);

— to cultivate in children interest, attention and a friendly attitude towards others.

  1. Speech development:

— promote the establishment of dialogical communication between children in joint games;

- continue to introduce children to highly artistic literature, the formation of a stock of artistic impressions, and the development of expressive speech.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development:

- continue to develop children’s ability for visual activity, imagination, and creativity;

- to form a stock of musical impressions in children, to use them in different types of activities.

5. Physical development:

— continue to work on improving health, developing motor abilities and qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, flexibility);

— to form in children the need for daily physical activity;

— introduce ways to improve health available to preschool children.

Classes are not held during the summer. Sports and outdoor games, sports festivals, excursions, etc. will be organized, and the duration of walks will also be increased (in accordance with SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance, equipment and operating hours of preschool educational institutions, clause 2.12. 14). Any types of children's activities (play, work, artistic creativity, etc.) will be organized outdoors. All this brings preschoolers a lot of joy, improves their emotional state, and promotes mental activity.

Scheme of health-improving and preventive measures

for the summer

Events Features of the organization
Air baths daily, during morning and evening walks; sleep with fresh air
Sunbathing with a headdress
Foot therapy, barefoot walking

(on the floor of the veranda, on sand, grass, earth)

in dry weather, on morning and evening walks, starting from 5 minutes, gradually increasing the walking time to 60-90 minutes
"Health Path" daily, after daytime sleep for 5-7 minutes.
Hand washing with self-massage, finger exercises daily
Games with water and sand daily, during morning and evening walks
Pouring and washing feet and hands in a warm shower every day, after a morning walk
Morning exercises daily, outdoors or under cover
Awakening gymnastics daily, as children wake up
Outdoor games with physical exercises daily, during morning and evening walks, in subgroups or individually, taking into account the motor activity of children.
Individual work on movement development daily at 1 and 2 noon, during morning and evening walks
Walks and hikes around the territory of the kindergarten

(junior, middle group) and for

limits (senior, preparatory)

Once every two weeks, during the time allocated for physical education classes, games and exercises organized by the teacher

junior group: duration 20 - 30 minutes;

medium group - 30-40 minutes; senior, prepared gr.: distance 3-4.5 km; duration - 2 hours - 2.5 hours (break of at least 1 hour).

Juices, fruits, vegetables, dairy products second breakfast in the open air (at 10 o’clock)



2-3 times a day during morning exercises, walks, after sleep
Physical education classes 3 times a week, taking into account physical activity
Independent motor activity daily, together with the teacher and under the guidance of the teacher indoors and outdoors
Physical education 1 time per week


Week, topic Educational area
Cognitive development Speech development Physical development Artistic and aesthetic development Social and communicative development
01.06. — 06/03/16

"Sunny Week"

— Conversation with games and entertainment “What do we know about summer?”

— Poems about summer, sun;

-Experimental experiment. activity: “When the water is warmer” (heating surrounding objects during the day and evening), “Water in a vessel” (heating water by the rays of the sun), “Shadow” (examining and comparing the size of shadows from objects at different times of the day);

— Conversation “The Road to Kindergarten” - knowledge about the environment, development of self-awareness;

— Summer riddles;

— Compilation of the story “The Beginning of Summer.”

-Sports entertainment “The sun has risen”

- Outdoor games: “Sunshine” (alternating scattered running with formation in two columns: boys and girls facing each other), “Sun and Shadow” (scattered running, formation in a column behind the teacher); "Burners with a scarf"

-Breathing exercise “Draw a sun” (as you exhale, draw a sun with a flow of air)

-Relay races: “Sunny coins (competition with carrying yellow circles); “I’m walking around the sun” (driving the ball with one hand, if you lose the ball - a fine)

— Drawing on the asphalt “Sunny day”;

— Modeling “In a sunny clearing” (team work from plasticine and natural materials);

— Musical games: “Sun and Rain” (M. Rauchwerger), “Sun” (E. Makshantseva)

- Exercise “What is my name” (children say their name - full, short, affectionate, most favorite)

— Plastic sketch “Sun” (“Tender names made me feel warm, like the sun. Now we will all become rays of the sun and warm each other”);

— Create conditions for role-playing games: “Kindergarten”, “Family”, “Gas Station”;

— Labor assignments in the flower garden, vegetable garden (watering, loosening, weed removal);

Group events
Drawing objects on the sand.

Topic: “Pictures on the sand

Learning poems and nursery rhymes.

Reading “Mustachioed Tabby” Marshak, “Rock Hen and 10 Ducklings” Marshak

P/I “Sunshine and Rain” - teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other, teach them to act on the teacher’s signal Drawing

“The sun is shining through the window.”

Holiday "Children's Day".

Looking at plants.

Conversation "Hello summer."

Final event:

Asphalt drawing competition “Red Summer!” responsible: group teachers



Safety Week

“We learned the traffic rules and became more careful on the road!”

— About the rules of the road “We’ll tell the cat a little about the rules”;

— Watching the cars, talking about what was taken away.

— Examination of posters on road safety, reading poems on this topic

-Memorizing poems about traffic rules;

— Reading the fairy tale by G. Yurmin “The Curious Mouse”

— Sports evening of entertainment “The best pedestrian” - rules of behavior for children on the street;

-Outdoor games: “Pedestrian crossing the street”, “Colored cars”

-Applique “Traffic light”;

— Drawing “Cars”;

— Construction of “Road signs”;

— Conversation “Who came up with the rules of conduct and why?” — rules of behavior in society;

— Create conditions for role-playing games: “Builders”, “Shop”, “We are traveling”

— Labor assignments in the flower garden, vegetable garden (watering, loosening, weed removal);

Group events
Conversation about traffic rules. D/i “Yellow, red, green” D/i "Behind the Wheel". Goal: expanding vocabulary, getting to know transport Drawing "Traffic light"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the colors of traffic lights, to form an idea of ​​the purpose of each color.”

Role-playing game


Final event:

Intellectual relay race “Funny traffic light”

Responsible: PE instructor, music director.



"Out there on unknown paths"

— Conversation “Fairy-tale little people”; — Telling Russian folk tales to children;

— Poetic minutes “Little poems for little people”;

— Didactic game “Making a Fairy Tale” - a modification of the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”;

-Listening to Russian folk tales and songs.

— Games: “Treasure Hunt” (various objects and coins are hidden in the sand), “Princess Nesmeyana” (children sit in a circle, the leader tries to make them laugh), “Grandfather beat him, but didn’t break him” (driving the ball with one hand), “Kingdom of the Crooked” mirrors" (opposite movements);

— Posture exercises: “Aladdin” (sitting with your arms and legs crossed), “Invisible Hat” (walking with a bag on your head)

— Drawing “My favorite fairy-tale hero”;

— Drawing “Flower City” (drawing with colored chalk on the asphalt);

— Manual labor “Furniture for gnomes” (waste material).

— Game “Ball in Hand” (the teacher throws the ball to each child, asking questions: “What do you love most?”, “What are you most afraid of,” etc.)

— Create conditions for role-playing games: “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Family”

— Labor assignments in the flower garden, vegetable garden (watering, loosening, weed removal);

Group events
Excursion around the territory of the preschool educational institution “How beautiful in summer” -

develop observation and aesthetic perception of the surrounding nature;

- develop curiosity, cognitive activity; - cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

D/i “Which fairy tale am I from?”

Learn to identify which fairy tale the character is from.

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks"

- develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, practice running in different directions


Preparing a template for drawing
“The palm is the sun”
- continue to develop the ability to work in a group;

— continue to learn how to draw with paralon, using the blotting method;

- cultivate accuracy in working with paints

Game “Feed the doll lunch”

" Goal: to teach how to name and consistently perform actions

Final event:

Joint viewing and discussion of Russian folk tales

Responsible: group teachers



"Very important conversation"

- Examination of illustrations depicting children playing;

— Conversation “What is friendship?”, “What are friends for”

— Memorization of Ya. Akim’s poem “Apple”;

- Reading poems and stories about friendship;

— Reading fiction: “Teremok” (Ushinsky’s model), “Toys” (Barto), “Song of Friends” (Mikhalkov), “The Bremen Town Musicians” (Br. Grimm), “Tsvetik - seven-colored flower” (V. Kataev)

- outdoor games “Kind words”, “Who can name the most polite words” (with a ball), “Pass the letter”, “Hopscotch”, “Mousetrap”, “Traps”;

- breathing exercises.

— Drawing “My best friend”

— Handmade “Gift for a friend” (waste and natural materials)

— Sketch “Say good things about a friend”

— Game “Find a friend”

— Create conditions for role-playing games: “Steamboat”, “Kindergarten”, “Shop”

— Games and exercises for the development of the emotional, moral sphere and communication skills in children

— Labor assignments in the flower garden, vegetable garden (watering, loosening, weed removal);

Group events
Water games

1. Invite the children to make boats and float them in the water. Repeat nursery rhymes about boats and water. (The boat floats, floats, the golden boat. The boat is lucky, the boat is carrying gifts for you and me.) Questions about the game are asked.

Reading poems and nursery rhymes D/I “The doll does exercises”

— To familiarize children with interconnected, sequential stories to instill in them a positive attitude towards physical exercise and hygiene procedures. Develop children’s ability to answer the teacher’s questions; promote the development of observation skills

Drawing “Gift for a friend” Guess who called?"

- education of auditory attention

Final event:

Children's drawings competition on asphalt "My Friends"

Responsible: group teachers

Work with personnel.

Events date Responsible
1. -Study recommendations for conducting summer recreational work with children in preschool educational institutions

-Consultation for teachers: “Subject developmental environment in preschool educational institutions”

-Consultation: “Drinking regime of children. Assisting teachers in conducting hardening activities"

-Instruction: “Protecting the life and health of children when organizing summer holidays, games, hikes”

01.06-03.06.16 Team

Deputy Head of Internal Affairs


Klimova L.V.


Working with parents.

Events date Responsible
3. -Involving parents in repairs

-Consultation: “How to properly dress a child in the summer”

— Sanbulletin: “Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases”







Progress of the lesson:

Greeting game “Our smart heads”

Our smart heads will think a lot, cleverly. The ears will listen, the mouth will speak clearly. Hands will clap, Feet will stomp. Our backs straighten, we smile at each other.

Reading a poem – Train “Gifts of Summer”

It’s like a train is rushing through the summer, All tickets are sold out - The summer train is coming to us Through the fields and through the forests. The locomotive hums loudly - a gray hare sits in it. He is not a clown, not an artist - He is a big-eared driver!

Drawing "Summer Train"

- Draw sleepers with a black pencil - short vertical stripes and smoke from the chimney of the locomotive - curls.

Number one, I know for sure, There is a flower car on the train! “The way to autumn is long!” - The cornflower tells everyone. And the field bluebell nods its head, And the sunflower looks into the distance - He watches the sun! He may be small, but he still looks like the sun!

Didactic game “Pick the center of a flower”

- Choose a center for each flower that is exactly the same color as the petals.

Handmade “Sunflower”

- Let's make a sunflower like a real one: cover the middle with black plasticine, and put the seeds on top of the black plasticine.

And in carriage number two Not flowers or grass - The berries in it are noble, Very fragrant. Strawberries and raspberries Escaped from the basket - They don’t want to perish And end up in our jam!

Didactic game “Pies with strawberries”

- There are pies in front of you. Show the biggest pie, the medium one, the smallest one. Now you need to put the filling in the pies - strawberries. Just be careful, put the largest berries in the largest pie, medium berries in the middle pie, and small berries in the small pie.

Car number three has only vegetables inside! The carrot says: “Guys, there’s no better garden than ours!” Cucumber and tomato immediately got into an argument with her.

Didactic game “Place vegetables and fruits in boxes”

— Place vegetables and fruits in boxes of suitable shape.

Modeling “Cucumber and Tomato Salad”

Children sculpt a cucumber from green plasticine by straight rolling, and tomatoes from red plasticine by circular rolling. Then the fashioned vegetables are cut into pieces and placed on a plate. Sprinkle the top with herbs - a green napkin torn into small pieces.

And in the fourth, ripe fruits are coming to our gardens! The apple scares the pear that everyone wants to eat it. The pear is very timid, and the plum laughs at it.

Didactic game “Count the fruits in the vases”

- Count the fruits in the vases and label them with numbers.

Drawing with Apple Tree stamps

— Dip the stamps into paint and leave imprints on the wood.

Drawing with paints “Apple pouring”

- Look at this apple. One side of it is yellow and the other is red. Let's draw exactly the same apple with yellow and red barrels.

Dynamic pause “This is what it is, our summer”

Children, to the song of the same name, take rugs, lie on their stomachs, wave their legs, then their arms, turn over on their sides, then onto their backs, raise their legs and arms. They stand up, run in all directions with circular movements of their arms in front of their chest - “swim”.

And in the fifth mushroom car they go to the summer forest of honey mushrooms. And they dream of taking a stump for a day before everyone else. The porcini mushroom asked the fox: “Where do you grow, sister?” “I grow among the grass, In other words, in the same place as you!”

Didactic game “Pick mushroom caps”

- Choose a cap that fits the size of each mushroom. and place a leaf on top of the cap. And plant snails underneath the mushrooms.

Bas-relief sculpture “Poisonous fly agaric mushroom”

— Make white dots from plasticine for the poisonous fly agaric mushroom.

Didactic exercise “Find a mushroom that is different from the others”

- Show me a mushroom that is not like all the other mushrooms.

Exercise “Hang mushrooms to dry”

Children hang the “mushrooms” on a string using clothespins.

From dusk to dawn The train rushes through the summer. The train sings a song and gives out gifts!

Application "Summer Train"

- There is a big-eared driver sitting in the locomotive - stick a hare on the locomotive. In the first carriage there is a flower, in the second - a berry, in the third - a cucumber, in the fourth - a pear, and in the fifth - a mushroom.

Modeling “On the seashore”

Children tear off pieces of plasticine, stick them to the background picture and place them on top, pressing flat shells and pieces of glass ground with sea water.

Summary of a game lesson for children of the 1st junior, nursery group of a kindergarten, topic: “Summer”

Lesson author: Belousova Oksana Yaroslavovna


Expand children's knowledge about summer. Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic. Form stable ideas about size, quantity, color, geometric shapes. Continue to teach children to indicate the number of objects with a number, to determine the position of an object in space. Practice sculptural and bas-relief modeling, gluing, finger painting, stamps and pencils. Develop the ability to repeat movements after the teacher. Develop thinking, motor skills, visual and auditory concentration, coordination of movements.


Black pencils, a blank picture depicting a train on rails without sleepers, adhesive pencils, colored silhouette pictures of “flower”, “strawberry”, “pear”, “cucumber”, “mushroom”, “hare”. A background picture depicting flowers of different colors, with plastic plugs in the middle of the same colors. Blank picture “sunflower”, black plasticine, sunflower seeds. Cardboard “pies” - triangles made of cardboard of different sizes folded in half, “strawberries” of different sizes. Colored silhouette pictures of vegetables and fruits, a background picture with drawn boxes in the form of geometric shapes. Finger paints in yellow and red, blank picture “apple”. Stamps “apple”, red gouache, blank pictures “apple tree”. Clothespins, rope, colored silhouette pictures of mushrooms. White plasticine, blank picture “fly agaric” without white spots on the cap. A picture depicting four mushrooms, three of which are identical, and one is different from the others. A background picture depicting mushroom legs of different sizes, mushroom caps, leaves, and snails cut out from colored cardboard of a suitable size. Flat shells, pieces of glass, glue, blank picture “On the seashore”. A background picture depicting three bears of different sizes, inflatable rings cut out of colored cardboard corresponding to the size of the bears. A container with sand in which various pebbles are buried. Audio recording: “This is what it is like – our summer!”

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