Sports entertainment "Small Winter Olympic Games"

Sports entertainment "Small Winter Olympic Games"


“Pole, skis, fast running. The snow glistens under the bright sun.

We hit the targets accurately. The sport is called BIATHLON.

5th Biathlon Relay

(2 teams on skis. Run to the basket, take the ball, throw it into the second basket, standing 2.5 m further. If you throw the ball, then go back immediately, if you miss, go through the penalty circle. Teams of 4 people participate.)

6th Relay “Ski Racing”

"(Seven people from a team are participating, the skis are felt boots. You need to run to the stand and back in one felt boot and pass the baton to another participant. You can take part in the relay for fans.)

7th Relay

“Olympic Rings” (5 people per team participate. You need to put the Olympic symbol from hoops on the floor in the correct order)

2nd VED:

And now the jury will have to sum up the results of the Small Olympic Games. Meanwhile, children, let’s solve riddles about sports:

Two metal brothers, how they grew together with their boots, wanted to go for a ride, Top! — onto the ice and off we went. Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy! What are the brothers' names? … skates.

I put two wooden arrows on my feet. I wanted to go down the mountain, but I fell head over heels. That was a laugh, From that dump: They are on me, And on top of the sticks! ( Skis


There, in armor, everyone is on the ice platform, Fighting, grappling in a sharp fight. The fans shout: “Hit harder!” Believe me, this is not a fight, but... hockey.

One hit with the racket - the shuttlecock flies over the net. Although Seryozha hit hard, Volanchik hit the net. Anton won today. What were they playing? In... badminton.

Vanechka came out onto the ice and hit the goal with a puck. Is Vanyushka hitting the puck with a stick? No! Not with a stick. This is... a stick.

Remove the snowball from the playground, fill the skating rink with water, my friend. And on these winter days, wear skates instead of felt boots. Hit the puck if you want to play! Drive her! Where? At... the gate.

The field has two halves, and baskets hang along the edges. Either a ball flies over the field, or it gallops between people. Everyone hits him and the ball is angry, and they play basketball with him .

Everyone hits the ball with their feet, kicks it, like hammering a nail into a goal, everyone shouts with joy: “Goal!” The ball game is called... football.

My little Anton saw how they played badminton. The athletes each have a racket. What was flying above the net? Not an eagle or a cormorant! It's with feathers... shuttlecock.

In winter, the floor on the site is cold and smooth. But the hockey players are happy with the slippery, smooth, clean floor. The one who will hit himself with a bump is the one who suddenly plops down on... the ice.


All participants are great! They showed a sporting character, a will to win, demonstrated their skills in various sports, and most importantly, showed a sense of camaraderie in team sports, received a charge of vivacity and good mood. After all, the Olympic Games, even though they are small, are always a holiday.

Sports festival “Olympic STARTS” for students in grades 6-7.

Scriptwriter: Kukanchikov V.S.

Goals and objectives:

  • Popularization of physical education and sports among students.
  • Promotion of various sports among schoolchildren.
  • Formation of knowledge in the field of the history of physical culture and the Olympic movement, about their positive impact on strengthening peace and friendship between peoples.
  • Promoting health and attracting students to systematic physical education classes.

Competition participants: 10 students of grades 6-7 (5 boys, 5 girls)

Venue: sports hall.

Time: 10.00

Date: __ February 2014

Event plan:

  1. Opening of the “Olympic Starts” holiday.
  2. Near-sports games.
  3. Test.
  4. Final Olympic relay.
  5. Summing up and awards.
  6. Final flash mob “Man Live”.

“Oh, sports! You are the world! Pierre de Coubertin Progress of the event.
Team members enter the hall to the anthem of the XXII Winter Olympic Games (Nikolai Arutyunov and Karen Kavaleryan “The Games that we deserve together with you...”).

Presenter 1: - We invite participants to build a team. We welcome the teams of our “Olympic Starts”, who today will show their sports training in a fair fight.

Introducing the team of ___________ school:

1.______________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ______________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ____________________ 7. ______________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ______________________ 10. ____________________ Team coach:_______________________________________

Presenter 2:

— Introducing the team of ____________ school:

1.______________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ______________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ____________________ 7. ______________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ______________________ 10. ____________________ Team coach:_______________________________________

Presenter 1: - Commands attention. Be equal. Attention.

The presenter goes to report to the chief judge of the competition.

— Dear ____________________, the participating teams for the opening of the Olympic Starts sports games have been built.

The main judge of the competition greets the participants. Participants are greeted by official guests. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Fanfare sounds.

Presenter 2: - The Olympic starts, which are being held today at _________ school, are declared open!

Fanfare sounds.

Presenter 1: - There is a sports festival in our hall. We gathered all the guys.

Presenter 2: - Everyone wants to participate in the Olympic Games.

Presenter 1: -The holiday is joyful and beautiful. It couldn't have been better and still isn't.

Presenter 2: -And from all the children to the happy Olympics - a helmet...

Presenters: -...hello!

Presenter 1: - The desire to win will definitely help the best to be among the winners. There are many magnificent present and, I think, future athletes here who defend and will defend the honor of their schools at sports competitions. May today be a successful day for you!

Presenter 2: - We have gathered here today to make a trip to the country of Olympia. After all, very soon the 22nd Winter Olympic Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games will start in Sochi, Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation.

Presenter 1: - The entire sports army of planet Earth will participate in the festival of strength, courage, harmony and youth. And we are proud that Russia has been given the great honor of hosting this significant sporting event.”

Presenter 2: - From their very inception, the Olympic Games brought peace and unity to the people. Today we will hold our Olympic starts. Let's start with the Oath of the Young Olympians on behalf of all participants in the games, about fair fight in accordance with the rules and principles of sport and the Olympic spirit.

Presenter 1: - The text of the oath is read by _____________________, a student of ___ grade, an active participant in the sports life of ____________ school, our district and our region.

Student: - On behalf of all athletes (participants in the Olympic starts), I promise that we will participate in these Olympic starts, respecting and abiding by the rules by which they are held, in a true sportsmanship spirit, for the glory of sport and for the honor of our teams. We swear!

All: We swear! We swear! We swear!

The video “Towards the Olympic Games” is shown


Video text: “We are people of extremes. We earn hard in the north and spend easily in the south. We drive off-road as well as on roads. Even New Year can be old for us. When we take places, it’s for everyone, and when we win, it’s for a long time. We believe in ourselves so much that we make others believe in us. We usually don’t succeed: this will be a great Olympics. Olympics for the whole country. Everyone's Olympics. Go".

Presenter 2: - Well, let's go.

Presenter 1: - And we begin.

I ask the participants of the first competition to take their places on the starting line. Free participants take places on the benches.

Presenter 2: - But before we start, let’s introduce our judges: ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Presenter 1: - And so the first “Figure Skating” competition. Figure skating as a sport is one of the most important and most beautiful sports. But in our competition, participants will not skate, but will roll gymnastic hoops. Five participants from 6th grade are participating. Teams start simultaneously. The task of the competitive relay race: one by one, the participants lift the gymnastic hoops lying in the game corridor and roll (in a zigzag), bypassing the other hoops lying, to the end of the game corridor (diagram of the game corridor in the appendix). At the out line, they take a hoop and place it on a special mat, so that after all five participants pass, the Olympic symbols in the form of five rings are laid out on the mat. Line judges record errors for which one point is awarded. One point is 10 seconds added to the team’s running time. Penalty points can be awarded: for leaving the playing corridor, not rolling the hoop, stepping into the area of ​​the lying hoop, starting without passing the baton.

Presenter 2: - And so we got acquainted with the conditions. Are the teams ready?.. Are the line judges ready?.. Attention! Start!

The “Figure Skating” competition is taking place

Presenter 1:

— Let’s applaud the participants of the first competition, and especially the obvious leaders, but let’s not rush, we’ll find out the result a little later.

Presenter 2:

— We invite participants of the second competition to the starting line. Namely five 7th grade students.

Presenter 1:

— One of the new Olympic sports with an ancient history is curling. And we called our second competition “Curling-Lehnstuhl”. “Lenstuhl” translated from German means “chair”. Our roller chair will serve as a projectile, i.e. replaces the stone that participants push in curling. 4 participants stand on the line and take turns “throwing” the “projectile”. The projectile must stop on the target. The judge records the result from 0 to 3 points for each “throw” of the participant. We play one end. Participants perform one throw each. The fifth participant is on the out line and returns the chair to the participants after the judge has recorded the result.

Presenter 2:

- And so we got acquainted with the conditions. Are the teams ready?.. Are the line judges ready?.. Attention! Go!

The competition "Curling-Lehnstuhl" is taking place

(diagram of the play corridor in the appendix).

Presenter 2:

— Two competitions of our Olympic starts took place. And I think, while our assistants are preparing the site for the third competition, the judges give the floor.

The results of the first two competitions are announced by the chief judge of the competition.

Presenter 1:

— We continue our Olympic starts. And we again invite 6th grade students to the start. The third competition is associated with the most courageous and most team sport - hockey. The participants of each team are two on one side of the playing corridor and three on the other. The task of the participants in our competition is to take turns using a stick (in a zigzag), going around the lying hoops, without leaving the playing corridor, and “scoring” a goal from the opposite side into an improvised goal. After the goal is hit, the next participant introduces the ball into the playing area and drives it with a stick in the opposite direction and performs the same actions as the first participant. In order to avoid penalty time, participants must hold the stick correctly with both hands, do not go beyond the boundaries of the playing corridor with the ball, and score a goal. The game is played until all five participants change their playing places.

Presenter 2:

- And so we got acquainted with the conditions. Are the teams ready?.. Are the line judges ready?.. Attention! March!

The “Hockey Relay” competition is taking place

(diagram of the play corridor in the appendix).

Presenter 1: - Olympic starts continue. And we invite 7th grade students to the playground and play corridors. The fourth competition is dedicated to the most important winter sport - cross-country skiing, and is called “Ski Racing”. The essence of the competition is simple. One participant stands on the out line, the other participants alternately deliver skis and poles from the start line and pass the baton. The first participant puts on the received equipment properly and, when he receives the second ski pole, starts towards the team and finishes behind the start line.

Presenter 2: - And so we got acquainted with the conditions. Are the teams ready?.. Are the line judges ready?.. Attention! Start!

The Ski Race competition is taking place

(diagram of the play corridor in the appendix).

Presenter 1: - Applause to the participants. And we hurry on and move on to the theoretical competition “Olympic Expert”. Now the linesmen will provide you with computers. The participants’ task is to answer test tasks using the “My Test” program. The scores received by the participants will count toward the teams. In case of equal results between teams, the team that spent the least time will be recognized as the best. And so the participants have computers. Go.

The “Olympic Expert” competition is taking place.

The presentation “Olympic Lesson” is shown on the screen for the audience.

Presenter 2: - We have come to the final competition of Olympic starts. And while our assistants are preparing the site, the judges give the floor.

The results of 3,4,5 competitions and the overall result are announced by the chief judge of the competition.

Presenter 1: - Ovation to the participants. And we take places at the start of the “big Olympic relay”, where all 10 participants of our teams will take part. In the relay race, the participants will remind us of various winter sports.

  • The first participant (“skater”) roller skates outside the playing corridor, from the start to the out line, goes around the signal cone and returns back from the other side of his playing corridor, passing the baton to the second participant.
  • The second and third participants, imitating acceleration in a bobsled, roll a chair, repeating the route of the first participant.
  • The fourth participant (“bandy player”) uses a stick inside the playing corridor to dribble the ball, as the participants did in the second competition, takes the ball beyond the out line and returns to the start line with the stick and passes the baton to the next participant.
  • The fifth participant (“skater”) on roller skates repeats the path of the first participant and passes the baton.
  • The sixth participant (“snowboarder”) skateboards behind the playing corridor to the signal cone and, taking the skateboard in his hands, returns from the other side of the playing corridor and passes the baton.
  • The seventh participant (“mogul”) overcomes the playing area from the first hoop to the next hoop and so on until the last, then runs around the signal cone behind the out line and returns back behind the playing corridor and passes the baton.
  • The eighth participant (“hockey player with a puck”), using a stick inside the playing corridor, carries the puck as the fourth participant in the competition and takes it beyond the out line and returns to the starting line with the stick and passes the baton to the next participant.
  • The ninth participant (“luger”) rolls while lying on a skateboard, pushing off with his hands, to the signal cone. He returns back with a skateboard in his hands and passes the baton to the last participant.
  • The tenth participant, with a “torch” in his hand, runs inside the playing corridor, going around the lying gymnastic hoops, runs around the signal cone and directly returns to the team.

The “Great Olympic Relay” takes place

Presenter 1: - In Ancient Greece, during the Olympic Games, a “sacred world” was declared obligatory for all Greeks. At this time there was no military activity, and the roads in Olympia were safe. The winners of the competition, the Olympians, were awarded a wreath of olive branches and enjoyed honor and respect in Greece.

Presenter 2: - I ask the participants of our Olympic starts to line up and listen to the verdict of the jury (panel of judges) on the result of today's competition (the winner is determined by the minimum sum of places in all competitions).

Teams are being built. The final results are announced by the chief judge of the competition. Rewarding participants.

Presenter 1: - In sports, as in life, everything flows, everything changes. Some champions replace others, new competitions replace old ones. Sport is not only about records, it is, first of all, a launching pad to a land of health, vigor and good mood. In conclusion, we invite all participants and all fans to take part in the flash mob and repeat simple movements after the volunteers.

Flash mob.

Presenter 1: Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm, for your ringing laughter, for the fire of competition that ensured success. Now the moment of farewell has come, our speech will be brief. We tell you - goodbye, happy new meetings!

The final composition plays.

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