Fun in the pool of the kindergarten “FUN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON THE WATER”

Holidays in the pool. Scenarios for children's entertainment on the water, page 5

Showing publications 41-50 of 338.
All sections | Holidays in the pool. Scenarios for children's entertainment on the water Scenario for a holiday on the water "Visiting a fairy tale" for the preparatory group Scenario for a holiday on the water "Visiting a fairy tale"

for children of the preparatory group Goal: To provide children with joyful emotions from active physical activity, games and creativity.
Objectives:  To promote the development of children's creative abilities in physical activity.
Thematic lesson in the pool “Ready for a vacation in Crimea” for the holiday “Day of Reunification of Crimea with Russia”

March 16 is the Day of the Reunification of Crimea with Russia. A new
holiday on the calendar and this is how we did it. Through presentations, children were introduced to the beauty of the region, paid attention to the sea and the need for the ability to float on the water . the children arrived at , they found an invitation to the air.

Summary of the entertainment “Water is a magician” in the preparatory group

Summary of the entertainment “Water is a magician” in the preparatory group

Topic: Water is always very necessary”

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about different states of water, to show the enormous importance of water for all living beings, to develop the ability to solve riddles, to create a joyful mood in children, to cultivate in children a desire to care

Equipment: 2 tables, 2 basins, balls, 5 hoops, 2 containers.

Holidays in the pool. Scenarios for children's entertainment on the water, page 10

Showing publications 91-100 of 338. All sections | Holidays in the pool. Scenarios for children's entertainment on the water

Scenario of the holiday on the water “Swimmers’ Day”. Senior preschool age Open lesson for parents Holiday on the water “Swimmers’ Day”
(senior preschool age)
Physical education instructor at the MADOOU d/s
Evstigneeva Elena Klimentyevna Objectives:  Maintain a positive emotional attitude towards swimming lessons; .

"The underwater kingdom of Neptune." Sports festival during a lesson in the pool in the senior group

At the last lesson in
the pool , it was decided to arrange sports entertainment . Parents were warned in advance to bring water pistols. The children and the teacher entered pool room

“Card index of water games for preschoolers”

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to play by the pool and put pictures of cars on a magnetic board, catching the details of the images from the pool. Children catch details and make images from them. You can ask the children riddles about the cars whose images they have drawn up.

49. Game “ The waves splash in the blue sea...”

The game is played in the summer, in hot weather, with children of any age group.


— development of visual gnosis and constructive praxis.


an inflatable pool or bath with warm water, details of planar images of various ships and sailboats made of multi-colored paper, object pictures with images of ships and sailboats.

Preliminary work

: Before the walk, the teacher lowers into the water details of flat images of ships and sailing ships, cut out of multi-colored paper, and places a magnetic board next to the pool, in the upper part of which object pictures with images of ships and sailing ships are attached.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to play by the pool and lay out images of ships and sailboats on a magnetic board, catching the details of the images from the pool. Children catch details and make images from them. The teacher can ask the children riddles.

50. Game “ Remember the Fairy Tale”

The game is played in the summer, in hot weather, with children of any age group.


- development of the skill of retelling a familiar fairy tale.


: an inflatable pool or a bathtub with warm water, flat images of characters from a fairy tale familiar to children made of wood or plastic, a typesetting canvas.

Preliminary work:

Before the walk, the teacher lowers flat images into the water and places a typesetting canvas next to the pool.

Progress of the game:

When children find figurines of fairy tale heroes in the pool during a walk, the teacher invites them to take out the figurines, place them on a typesetting canvas, remember and tell the fairy tale, or role-play it.

51. Game " Thumbelina"

The game is played in the summer, in hot weather, by the pool.


— development of natural scientific concepts.


an inflatable pool or bath with warm water, a water lily leaf or egg capsule, flower petals, pebbles, a small Thumbelina doll.

Preliminary work:

Reading a fairy tale by G.-X. Andersen "Thumbelina".

Before the walk, the teacher lowers a water lily leaf into the pool and places a small doll on it, throws flower petals and pebbles into the water.

Progress of the game:

When the children, during a walk, find a figurine of Thumbelina in the pool, the teacher organizes a conversation with them and asks why they decided that it was Thumbelina. You can invite children to selectively retell fragments of a fairy tale. Then the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that not only a water lily leaf with Thumbelina floats in the pool, but also flower petals, and at the bottom of the pool there are pebbles. At the teacher’s suggestion, the children explain why the leaf and petals do not sink and float in the water, but the pebbles drown and lie at the bottom. Then the teacher asks the children to name more objects that will not drown in water, because they are lighter than water. You can end the game by listing the objects that will sink in the pool because they are heavier than water.


Fun in the pool for the older group

"Sea fun on the water"

Goal: organize active leisure for children.

1.Continue to develop interest in swimming pool activities.

2. Contribute to the consolidation and improvement of motor skills and abilities.

3. Nurture friendly relationships, create a positive emotional mood.

1.Record a phonogram for leisure.

2.Design of the pool premises.

3. Selection of riddles.

Equipment: swimming boards; hoops 2 pcs.; tennis balls, balls, sinking toys.

Form: holiday.

Venue: swimming pool.

Characters: Neptune - the ruler of all seas and oceans, Droplet.

Guys! Today we are given the opportunity to travel to the Underwater Kingdom. And for this, guys, let’s remember how to behave in the water? (children's answers) You know the rules of behavior on the water, which means you won’t look like “Know-Nothings.”

Warm up on land.

Complex outdoor switchgear "inhabitants of the sea"

"Let's take a breath of sea air"

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. 1 – take a deep breath through your nose, rise on your toes, arms to the sides, up. 2 – exhale while pronouncing a long sound “A-A-A”, return to I.p. Repeat 3-4 times. *

I.p. – legs apart, hands down. 1 – raise your arms straight up in front of you. 2 – body tilt to the right. 3 - straighten up, arms up. 4 – I.p. * "Jellyfish".

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. 1 – spread your arms to the sides and slowly draw circles in front of you, straighten your legs, rise on your toes, pull in your stomach, stretch your neck. 2 – I.p. Repeat 6-8 times.

"Sea Horse". I.p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – lunge forward with your right foot. 2 – 3 – springy swaying. 4 – I.p. Repeat 4-5 times. * "Sea turtle". I.p. – sitting on the floor, knees raised to the stomach, arms wrapped around one another, head tilted towards the knees. 1 -2 – lift up – straight legs forward, arms to the sides, raise your head, stretch your neck. 3 – 4 – return to i.p. Repeat 4-6 times

Droplet: Once upon a time there lived a king at the bottom of the sea. He didn’t get bored doing nothing, he cleaned the crown with sand, and rocked ships. This king of all kings was neither a liar nor a braggart, the King of all seas and ships, and his name was Neptune. Guys, let's invite Neptune to visit us! Children: Neptune!

It turns out Neptune says Riddles.

Neptune: A log is floating along the river - Oh, and it is furious, Those who fall into the river will have their nose bitten off (CROCODILE).

Droplet: Runs in summer, sleeps in winter, Spring has come, ran again (RIVER). Neptune: For parents and children, All clothes are made of coins (PISCES).

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