Card index of walks in the middle group on the topic “Winter”. Part 1

Labor activity during a winter walk.

“The place and significance of labor on a winter walk.”


Work is of great importance in raising children. One of the types of work activity in kindergarten is work on a winter walk.

The desire to participate in work activities is cultivated from the younger group. The teacher brings out shovels and brooms, and offers to clear the snow from the paths together with the teacher and spread it with a broom. You can suggest making a small slide for dolls to ride on. The children, together with the teacher, carry snow on a sled, pat it down with a shovel, and with the help of the teacher make a small slide. Sliding dolls down a hill on a toy sled will bring great joy to children. On warm days, the teacher organizes snow modeling, gives molds and shovels. Children will learn that snow can be sculpted. We need to show how to roll small balls and make a snowman, how to make snowballs. With the help of a teacher, the kids feed the birds.

Children in the middle group can take a more active part in clearing the area of ​​snow. The teacher teaches them how to shovel snow on the paths. Children load the sleds and carry the snow under the trees and bushes, dumping them into piles for play. On the site, with the help of a teacher, they feed the birds.

In the older group, the range of work responsibilities expands even further, children are accustomed to more complex forms of activity. In older groups, labor should occupy a significant place during the walk. Children can actively participate in the construction of complex buildings (snow bank, slide, ice path, snow house), as well as in clearing the area of ​​snow and decorating it. Children should be taught some techniques for working with snow: rolling a snowball, cutting bricks from compacted snow with a shovel, making simple buildings out of them, raking snow with a shovel, sweeping it with a broom. It would be good if cleaning the area becomes a permanent responsibility for the children. To do this, you need to establish a sequence. After a snowfall, you can organize a collective cleaning of the area from snow: some children shovel the snow, others take it away on sleds, and someone sweeps it away with a broom. Children can participate in the preparation of colored ice floes: put colored snow in metal molds and tip them over. Children, under the guidance of a teacher, use ice flakes to decorate snow beds, buildings, etc. In the process of work, the teacher draws children's attention to the properties of snow in different weather: children learn that in warm weather snow molds well, but in severe frost it crumbles.

After a snowstorm, draw the children’s attention to the snow cover, talk about its importance in the life of plants in winter, therefore, when cleaning the area, the children take it to the trees and shrubs. The teacher teaches them to hill up trees and make high snow mounds around them, which better protects the roots from frost. This provides more moisture in the spring and protects the trees from sunburn. Children learn that too much snow can damage a tree. After heavy snowfalls, under the weight of the snow, the branches may break, so the snow must be shaken off the branches, i.e. During labor on a winter walk, an active cognitive process takes place.

Children of older groups already feed the birds themselves, without the help of a teacher. When feeding wintering birds, children's ideas about these birds, their habits, and nutrition are clarified. Children observe which birds come regularly, which ones rarely, and which ones they like to feed more. If the birds are not fed, they will peck the buds of fruit trees and, instead of doing good, will cause harm.

In the process of working while walking, children, under the guidance of a teacher, master a number of skills, learn to compare and generalize observations, understanding some of the dependencies between them. Children develop curiosity and observation. The ability to think independently. In work, the formation of the moral aspects of the individual is of greatest importance. In work, they learn to kindly negotiate with each other about the distribution of responsibilities and equipment, and learn to help each other if someone is tired or cannot cope. A sense of responsibility for the assigned work is fostered, a desire to persistently achieve results, and bring the matter to the end. The desire to take up work of one’s own free will develops, and not just at the suggestion of the teacher, and respect for work is cultivated.

During work, the child faces stress, especially during a winter walk when clearing snow. The teacher must ensure that there is no overload. Overload causes children to quickly become tired, which is why they develop a negative attitude towards work or refuse to complete it. Rapid breathing, sweating, redness of the face are signs of overload, so the teacher must stop the child and offer him another, calm type of activity.

Winter work brings children a lot of joy, promotes health, helps expand their understanding of the properties of snow and ice, and fosters a love of nature.

Card index of walks. December


1 Card file of walks December Walk 1 Observation “How to recognize spruce.” Show the children the spruce, explain how it differs from the birch (green, prickly), and draw attention to the beauty of the spruce. (Cycle of observations - see S. N. Nikolaeva, “Young Ecologist”) D / game “Who is attentive?” - develop hearing acuity, the ability to perceive verbal instructions regardless of the strength of the voice with which it is pronounced. P/ game “Catch-up dashes” - learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of a friend. Work. Collect dry twigs and use them to carry out work assignments. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Roll the ball down the slide” 2) “Build houses” (cubes). Walk 2 Observation “What has changed on the street?” - form basic ideas about winter changes in nature, develop speech, and the ability to answer questions. P/game “Little White Bunny Sitting” - teach children to listen to the text and perform movements according to the text. D/ game “Where did they call?” - develop the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, and navigate in space. Work. “Let’s sweep on the veranda” - involve children in carrying out simple tasks. Individual work. 1) I/ ex. "Knock down the pins." 2) D/exercise “Who is missing?” (toys). Walk 3 Observation of snowfall to form ideas about winter weather phenomena, expand children's horizons, activate vocabulary: “snow”, “snowflakes”, “winter”, “cold”. P/ game “Run to me” - train children to run in the indicated direction. D/ game “Loud - Quiet” - develop the ability to change the strength of your voice: speak loudly, then quietly. Work. We collect toys at the end of the walk and teach everyone to work together. Individual work. 1) I/exe. "Catch the ball." 2) Repeat the verse. M. Poznanskaya “It’s snowing.” Walk 4 Labor. Hanging feeders will instill a desire to work together with the teacher. Bird watching, feeding birds to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. P/ game “Sparrows and a car” - teach how to perform movements on a signal. D/game “What’s in the bag?” — learn to determine by touch which grains are in the bag.

2 Individual work. 1) Nursery rhyme “Big feet”. 2) D/exercise "One is many." Walk 5 Watching a cat involve in observing domestic animals, fostering a desire to take care of them. P/game “Sparrows and the Cat” - teach to act on a signal. D/game “Errands” - continue to develop the ability to understand the speech of an adult, learn to carry out simple errands, learn to navigate in space. Work. “Let’s sweep on the veranda” - involve children in carrying out simple tasks. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Around the sled” 2) D/u “Who is screaming?” (house. alive) Walk 6 Observation “What does the spruce tree have?” formation of ideas about the structure of spruce (trunk, branches), similar to a pyramid P/ game “Sparrows and a car” - learn to perform movements on a signal. D/ game “One Many” - teach to distinguish the number of objects. Work. Collecting toys - teach how to collect toys yourself after a walk. Individual work. 1) I/exe. "Catch a snowflake." 2) D/exercise “Who is missing?” (house. alive). Walk 7 Observation “How does snow become water?” - show that snow melts in warmth and becomes water, there is garbage in it, it is dirty (pick up snow in a bucket and bring it to the group). P/ game “Snowflakes and Fluffs” - teach children to perform movements according to the text. D/ game “Where did they call?” - develop the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, and navigate in space. Work. Collecting branches in a pile, clearing paths of snow, instilling a desire to work. Individual work. 1) I/exe. "Roll the ball down the slide." 2) “Build houses” (cubes). Walk 8 Observing the clothes of passers-by. Why do people dress so warmly? continue to form children's idea that it is cold in winter. P/ game “The little white bunny is sitting” - continue to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content: clap their hands, jump on the spot, etc. D/ game “Errands” - continue to teach how to carry out simple errands. Work. “Let’s sweep on the veranda” - involve in carrying out simple tasks.

3 Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Step over the stick” (bring plumes). 2) Repeat the verse. N. Sakonskaya “Where is my finger?” Walk 9 Bird watching. Cultivate interest in the world around you, cultivate a desire to help birds in winter. P/game “Sparrows and the Cat” - teach to act on a signal. D/ game “Big Little” - learn to arrange cars by size. Work. Feeding birds instills a desire to care for birds. Individual work. 1) Walking along a winding path. 2) D/exercise “Who is screaming?” (birds). Walk 10 Observe the games of older preschoolers to reinforce the rules of behavior during a walk. P/ game “Funny bunnies” - exercise running, jumping, develop dexterity. D/ game “Hide the Ball” - to develop children’s skills in understanding sentences. Work. Sweep the path and teach how to work together with older preschoolers. Individual work. 1) I/ ex. "Knock down the pins." 2) Katya doll riding on a sled. Walk 11 Observation “Let’s help the Christmas tree - it’s alive” - cultivate a caring attitude towards trees using the example of the spruce: shake off the snow from the branches, dig in the roots with snow. P/ game “Run to me” - train children to run in the indicated direction. D/ game “Call it kindly” - teach how to form nouns with diminutive suffixes. Work. Raking snow into a pile in preparation for making snow buildings. Individual work. 1) Walking along a winding path. 2) D/exercise "Big small". Walk 12 Observation on the topic: “Winter is cold” - form coherent ideas about winter. P/ game “Santa Claus” - to instill in children the ability to perform characteristic movements (bunny, bear, fox, birds). D/ game “Yes and no” - to reinforce the rules of conduct while walking in winter. Work. Sprinkling sand on paths will foster a desire to help adults.

4 Individual work. 1) I/exe. "Roll the ball down the slide." 2) Repetition of poems for the New Year holiday. Walk 13 Watching the snow. Form ideas about the properties of snow (white, fluffy, loose, cold). P/ game “Snowflakes and Fluffs” - teach children to perform movements according to the text. D/ game “One Many” - teach to distinguish the number of objects. Work. Help clear the paths of snow and support the desire of children to help adults. Individual work. 1) Walking on a snow bank. 2) Sleighing toys. Walk 14 Observation “What happens to water in the cold?” introduce children to the natural phenomenon of ice (making colored ice floes). P/ game “Funny bunnies” - exercise running, jumping, develop dexterity. D/ game “Show me who I’ll name” - teach children to find, show and name the names of their peers. Cultivate friendliness, develop sociability and good relationships with others. Work. Collect snow in a pile to build a slide and involve in carrying out assignments. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Around the sled” 2) D/exercise. "Big small". Walk 15 Observation “Comparison of a live and toy Christmas tree” - show the difference between a live spruce and an artificial Christmas tree. P/ game “On the Christmas tree” - teach children to perform characteristic movements of animals. D/ game “Errands” - continue to teach how to carry out simple errands. Work. Let's decorate the buildings with colored ice flakes to foster a desire to decorate your site. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Step over the stick” (bring plumes). 2) Remember the poem by E. Ilyina “Our Christmas tree is tall” Walk 1 January Observing trees in winter attire, teach to notice the beautiful things around, consolidate ideas about winter. P/ game “Bunny and Fox” - teach children to perform movements according to the text.

5 D/game “Who called?” - develop auditory perception, teach to recognize peers by voice. Work. “Building a slide for Katya’s doll” - teach how to carry out work assignments. Individual work. 1) Walking on a snow bank. 2) D/exercise "One is many." Walk 2 Observation “How are passers-by dressed?” - continue to form ideas about winter, consolidate the names of winter clothing items in the dictionary. P/ game “On the Christmas tree” - teach children to imitate the characteristic movements of animals. D/game “Big and Small” - teach how to build houses for a mouse and a bear. Work. Raking snow with shovels (for a large slide) learn to work together. Individual work. 1) Jumping “From circle to circle.” 2) Rolling the Katya doll down the slide. Walk 3 Observing the work of a janitor in winter to develop knowledge about the work of adults; develop respect for their work. P/ game “Red, yellow, green” - teach to run without bumping, to act on a signal. D/ game “Where is the kitten?” (toy) to develop children’s ability to navigate in space. Work. Sprinkling sand on paths will foster a desire to help adults. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Knock down the pins with a snowball.” 2) D/exercise “Who is screaming?” (house. alive). Walk 4 Observation “Who flies to the site and to the feeder?” learn to notice birds in your immediate environment; teach to highlight their actions (jumping, pecking, fluttering, flying away). P/game “Crows” - to develop children’s auditory attention and the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem. D/ game “Call it kindly” - continue to teach how to form nouns with diminutive suffixes. Work. We build a slide and a snowman to cultivate a desire to participate in joint work. Individual work.1) I/exe. "Around the sled." 2) Sleighing toys. Walk 5 Observation of snow - continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow (cold, white, crumbly, crunchy). P/ game “Let’s run away from the bear” - learn to perform actions according to the text of the verse - “Like snow on a hill, snow.”

6 D/game “Find the red balls” - teach to distinguish colors (from the proposed 4 main colors). Work. Clearing paths of snow, making colored ice floes. Individual work. 1) I/ ex. “Bring the cubes.” 2) Learning the couplet: “One step, two steps there’s a snowball under your foot.” Walk 6 Observation “Frosty sunny day” - develop interest in the environment, form ideas about winter. The game “Santa Claus” is to instill in children the ability to perform the characteristic movements of animals. D/ game “On our site” - teach how to navigate your site. Work. We decorate the buildings with colored pieces of ice to instill a desire to decorate the territory of the kindergarten. Individual work. 1) I/exe. "Catch a snowflake." 2) Rolling the Katya doll down the slide. Walk 7 Watching snowfall. To teach to notice the beauty of natural phenomena, to form ideas about the properties of snow; snow melts on the palm of your hand. P/ game “Bunny and Fox” - teach children to perform movements according to the text. D/game “How many objects?” - form the concept of “one many.” Work. Clearing the path to the gazebo from snow, feeding the birds. Individual work. 1) I/ ex. “Bring the cubes.” 2) D/exercise “Who is screaming?” (birds). Walk 8 Observation “What kind of sparrows? What kind of crows? - teach to distinguish birds by size and color (sparrows fly in a flock and land on a feeder; a crow flies alone and does not sit on a feeder). P/game “Crows” - to develop children’s auditory attention and the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem. D/ game “Who called?” - develop auditory perception, teach to recognize peers by voice. Work. Building tunnels for toys will foster the ability to work together. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Knock down the pins with a snowball.” 2) Learn the simple saying “Oh - oh - oh - the bunny is cold in winter.” Walk 9 Observation “Icicles on the roofs” - introduce children to natural phenomena, explain that walking under roofs is dangerous if there are icicles hanging from the roofs. P/ game “Shaggy Dog” - teach how to move around the site, quickly respond to a signal.

7 D / game “On our site” - teach children to navigate the kindergarten site, name familiar objects, and run errands. Work. Pour food into bird feeders to foster a caring attitude towards birds. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Step over the obstacle” 2) D/exercise. “Who is missing?” (toys) Walk 10 Observation of trees to form ideas about trees, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. P/game “Sparrows and a car” - teach how to act on a signal. D/ game “Find the yellow balls” - learn to distinguish a given color. Work. Clearing paths of snow instills a desire to work. Individual work. 1) I/exe. "Around the sled." 2) D/exercise "Big small". Walk 11 Observation of snow Continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow: cold, white, fluffy, non-sticky, crumbly. P/game “Red, Yellow, Green” - teach how to run without bumping into each other, and act on a signal. D/game “One - Many” - teach to distinguish the number of objects. Work. Feeding birds on the site, building snow towers. Individual work. Remember the nursery rhyme “Big feet walked along the road.” Walk 12 Observing the weather to consolidate knowledge about winter, about the characteristics of winter weather. P/ game “Shaggy Dog” - teach how to move around the site, quickly respond to a signal. D/ game “Who called?” - develop auditory perception, teach to recognize peers by voice. Work. We carry snow in buckets to the flowerbed to cultivate the desire to participate in joint work; explain that in the spring the snow on the flowerbed will melt, moisten the ground, and this is useful for the growth of flowers. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Along the corridor” (made of cubes). 2) Rolling the Katya doll along the tracks. Walk 13 Observing the sky to develop children's cognitive activity, speech, and broaden their horizons. P/game “Birds, one!” Birds, two! - exercise children in performing movements.

8 D/game “Call it affectionately” - continue to teach how to form nouns with diminutive suffixes. Work. Clearing the gazebo of snow and running errands. Individual work. 1) I/ ex. “Bring the cubes.” 2) Learn the proverb “The sleigh goes down the hill on its own.” Walk 14 Bird watching to develop a desire to care for birds. P/ game “Sparrows and a car” - teach how to act on a signal. D/ game “Yes and no” - to reinforce the rules of conduct while walking in winter. Work. Feeding birds, clearing snow from paths. Individual work. Repetition of E. Ilyina’s poem “Our Christmas tree is tall” Walk 15 Observing weather changes continues to form an idea of ​​winter. P/ game “Let’s run away from the bear” - learn to perform actions according to the text of the verse - “Like snow on a hill, snow.” D/ game “Recognize by voice” - develop auditory attention. Work. Building tunnels for toys will foster the ability to work together. Individual work. 1) Throwing snowballs at a distance. 2) D/exercise "One is many." Walk 1 February Observation “How does snow become water?” - remember what happens to snow when it’s warm (it melts, becomes water, it’s dirty; collect snow in a bucket and bring it to the group). P/ game “Funny bunnies” - exercise running, jumping, develop dexterity. D/ game “Snow Town” - teach how to choose a home for small and large toys. Work. Let's sweep the path - teach how to carry out the simplest instructions. Individual work. Repeating the nursery rhyme “Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo.” Walk 2 Excursion around the kindergarten site: examination of buildings made by older children; to promote the development of relationships between children and older preschoolers, to introduce basic norms and rules of relationships; enrich children's vocabulary.

9 P / game “Let’s run away from the bear” - learn to perform actions according to the text of the poem “Like snow, snow on a hill.” D/ game “Help the bunny get home” - teach how to choose a narrow path for the bunny (the bear walks along the wide one). Work. We will clear the path of snow and feed the birds. Individual work. 1) I/exe. "Catch a snowflake." 2) I/ex. "Build houses." Walk 3 Observation “Footprints in the snow” - learn to identify footprints: children, adults, animals and birds. P/ game “Mice dance in a round dance” - introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games, practice performing movements according to the text of the nursery rhyme. D/game “One - Many” - teach to distinguish the number of objects. Work. “Building a house out of snow” - develop children’s desire to build out of snow. Individual work. 1) I/ ex. "Get over the obstacle." 2) Sleighing toys. Walk 4 Observation “What happens to water in the cold?” continue to introduce children to the natural phenomenon of ice (making colored ice floes). P/ game “Bunny” - teach to perform imitating actions according to the text. D/ game “Repeat after me” - to develop skills of correct sound pronunciation. Work. Feeding birds to foster a caring attitude towards birds. Individual work.1) I/exe. “Along the corridor” (made of cubes). 2) Repeat the saying “Oh - oh - oh - the bunny is cold in winter.” Walk 5 Observing the wind to introduce children to accessible natural phenomena, develop the ability to answer questions: “Why do tree branches sway? How does the wind blow? How do the trees sway? P/game “Birds, one!” Birds, two! - exercise children in performing movements. D / game “A lot is not enough” - learn to determine the amount of snow in a bucket. Work. Building a house out of snow fosters a desire to build buildings out of snow. Individual work. 1) Throwing snowballs. 2) D/exercise “Who is missing?” (toys) Walk 6 Observe the games of older children to continue to introduce relationships between people.

10 P/ game “Train” - learn to coordinate your movements with the movements of your comrades. D/ game “Who can do what?” - intensify the use of verbs in speech (a dog can bark, run, bite; a sparrow can jump, fly, tweet, etc.) Labor. Let's sweep the veranda, clear the paths and cultivate the desire to work. Individual work. Repeat the nursery rhyme “Big feet walked along the road.” Walk 7 Observation of a birch admire the birch, tell that in winter it rests, because it is very cold, there is little sun to expand children’s ideas about objects of living nature. P/ game “Funny bunnies” - exercise running, jumping, develop dexterity. D/game “Which one?” Which?" - intensify the use of adjectives in speech. Work. Let's clear the paths of snow and cultivate the desire to work together. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Around the sled” 2) I/ ex. "Quiet loud." Walk 8 Observing the weather of the day, talking about the questions: “Is it warm or cold outside? Is it snowing? Is the wind blowing? Is the sun shining? - develop the ability to answer questions. P/ game “Mice dance in a round dance” - introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games, practice performing movements according to the text of the nursery rhyme. D/ game “One Many” - teach to distinguish the number of objects. Work. Let's sweep the path and involve you in carrying out assignments. Individual work 1) I/exe. “Knock down the pins with a snowball.” 2) Ex. “Who is screaming?” (house. alive) Walk 9 Observation “Birds in winter” - cultivate a desire to take care of birds, develop the ability to answer questions. P/ game “Birds in Nests” - teach to act on a signal, run without bumping. D/ game “Find blue and green balls” - teach to distinguish a given color. Work. Feeding birds to foster a caring attitude towards birds. Individual work. 1) I/exe. "Let's jump like bunnies." 2) D/exercise "One is many." Walk 10 Observing icicles: draw children's attention to icicles, reflect on why they appeared and attract children to observe natural phenomena.

11 P/ game “Cars” - reinforce the rules of the road (go on green, stop on red). D / game “Short and long icicles” - teach children to distinguish icicles by length. Work. Collect dry twigs and use them to carry out work assignments. Individual work.1) I/exe. “Along a narrow path” (drawn in the snow). 2) Repeat the proverb “The sleigh goes down the hill on its own.” Walk 11 Observing the buildings on the kindergarten site, draw the children’s attention to the fact that the snow buildings have melted, think about why they are melting. P/ game “Bunny” - teach to perform imitating actions according to the text. D/game “Big Little” - teach how to choose a home for a bear and a mouse. (Draw houses in advance on the snow.) Labor. We carry snow in buckets to the flowerbed to instill in children the desire to participate in joint work, to explain that in the spring the snow on the flowerbed will melt, moisten the ground, and this is useful for the growth of flowers. Individual work. 1) Throwing snowballs. 2) D/exercise “Who is screaming?” (birds). Walk 12 Observing the work of a janitor, involve adults in observing the work, enrich speech with verbs. P/ game "Train" - learn to coordinate your movements with the movements of your comrades. D/ game “Find the green balls” - teach to distinguish a given color. Work. Clearing paths and feeding birds encourages children's desire to help adults. Individual work. Repeat the saying “Oh - oh - oh - the bunny is cold in winter.” Walk 13 Watching the snow. Experimentation: “Snow does not melt on a mitten, but it does on your palm” - continue to consolidate ideas about the properties of snow. P/ game “Birds in Nests” - teach to act on a signal, run without bumping. D/ game “Repeat after me” - to develop skills of correct sound pronunciation.

12 Labor. Let's clear the table of snow and run errands. Individual work. 1) I/exe. “Along a narrow path” (painted in the snow with colored paints). 2) Sleighing toys. Walk 14 Observation of transport continues to introduce children to types of transport: a car, a truck, a tractor, a snowplow, etc.; introduce basic traffic rules: cars drive on the roadway, pedestrians walk on the sidewalk. You need to cross the road only with adults, in a strictly designated place. P/game “Cars” - reinforce the rules of the road (go on green, stop on red). D/game “Bring an object of the same color” - strengthen the ability to distinguish colors. Work. Let's clear the snow around the gazebo and cultivate a desire to work together. Individual work.1) and/exercise. “Around the sled” 2) I/ ex. "Quiet loud." Walk 15 Observing the weather of the day, continue to familiarize children with the features of winter weather, and activate vocabulary on the topic. P/ game “Funny bunnies” - exercise running, jumping, develop dexterity. D / game “A lot is not enough” - learn to determine the amount of snow in a bucket. Work. Feeding birds, clearing paths of snow instills a desire to work. Individual work. 1) I/etc. "Hit the hole." 2) I/ex. "Build houses"

Entertainment for middle-aged children “Journey to the Winter Forest”

"Walk in the Winter Forest"


Program content Objectives: Educational
To consolidate ideas about the characteristic signs of winter, about the state of living and inanimate nature, broaden the horizons of children, stimulate cognitive interest.
Develop communication skills, dialogical speech.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature
Vocabulary work:
light, joyful, snowy, fluffy, winter.
Preliminary work:
conversation about the signs of winter, looking at illustrations.
Materials and equipment:
illustrations of winter landscapes, reference diagrams of winter signs, models for generalizing external signs, living conditions of a hare, educational game “animals”, snowflakes, a hoop (lined with tinsel), snowballs.
laptop, musical compositions. Methodology
Stages Contents Note
Introductory part Educator:
- Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky, Hello, free breeze, Hello, little white snow! Hello, kids: girls and boys, Hello, I’ll tell you a riddle! - It's getting cold. The water turned into ice. The long-eared gray bunny turned into a white bunny. The bear stopped roaring: The bear fell into hibernation in the forest. Who can say, who knows, When this happens? Children:
In winter - That's right, in winter. Here I am, Winter Winter, I have come to visit you. And I brought snow with me. A teacher in a winter suit enters the group (establishing emotional contact). Main part - Now I will share with you particles of snow

- Let's stand in a circle and turn into snowflakes. And we’ll spin around as if we were light, fluffy, weightless. Educator:

- Guys, have you heard what a beautiful, magical, wonderful melody sounded just now, but how else can you say about it?
What is she like? Children:
Winter, snowy
That's right, and it's also light and joyful - Guys, sit down in your seats.
What joys does winter bring you? What do you like to do in winter? Children:
Walk, build a snowman, sledding.
- And now I invite you to the winter forest.
And this magical cloud will help us get there. Educator:
Let's all stand around our cloud together and go into the winter forest, and this magic wand will help us transport ourselves to a forest clearing.
Let's fly Teacher:
- Here we are in a forest clearing.
- Sit down in the clearing Guys, tell me what happens in nature in winter?
What changed? I have these magical pictures that will help you. Educator:
- Does snow fall in winter?
What do we see in this picture? What happens in nature? Children:
it’s snowing
- The rivers are covered with ice.
What happened to the river in this picture? - The sun is shining, but it does not warm. What kind of sun do we have in winter? The sun is shining, but the snow is not melting, why? Educator:
The sun doesn’t heat as much as in summer and that’s why the snow doesn’t melt in winter - Trees without leaves.
There are fewer birds. Educator:
Birds fly to warm countries for the winter, and arrive only when winter recedes and the snow melts
- What good fellows you are!
You know so much about winter. Now put the snowflakes in a magic box and let's see what happens to them. One, two, three - look, our snowflakes have turned into snowballs. Let's collect them all into one big snowdrift Educator:
Well done, look at what a beautiful snow-white snowdrift we have, and now we need to sit down at the tables. Guess the riddle, who was hiding under the tree?
- In summer, a gray fur coat, and in winter, white. He wears a timid little jumper....... Children: hare Teacher:
- Now let’s tell you about the hare, and the pictures will help us.
-Where does the hare live? And Seryozha will choose the right picture and show the children - What does a hare look like? -What does it eat? — How does it adapt to winter? DIDACTIC GAME “BEASTS” Educator:
- Now we will play a game.
What forest animals do you know? (children's answers) - Pick up only the animal of the forest. And show it to me How did you guess that this animal lives in the forest? Educator:
Well done, the guys all completed the task. I hand out snowflakes. The children stand in a circle and spin around. The audio recording “Silver snowflakes” plays. I listen to all the children’s answers. On the carpet lies a cloud cut out of whatman paper. Children stand around it. I wave a magic wand, music sounds. Children sit on the carpet.
I talk with the children. I show the children one by one pictures for the correct answers. I give snowflakes. I quietly change the boxes. In the box there is cotton wool in the form of snowballs. Children take turns putting snowballs (cotton wool) into one large snowdrift. Children sit at the tables. Make a riddle. Show me a toy - a hare. Children go out and show the desired picture. I conduct a didactic game. On the table, each child has 2 pictures: one of a forest animal, one of a domestic one. The children are prompted to answer by the image of an animal and the forest around it. Final part. Educator:
This is where our journey ends. Let’s stand around the cloud again and find ourselves in kindergarten
- Today, we visited the winter forest, remembered what happens in winter, talked about the bunny and helped the forest inhabitants.
- For me Zimushka - it’s time for winter to leave. As a parting gift, I will give you snowflakes. So that you do not forget winter and remember its signs. I summarize the lesson
I give snowflakes to the children Children stand around the cloud and return to the group

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