Requirements for the design of a methodological office of a preschool educational institution.


Work experience related to the topic (kindergarten, your city, other cities, foreign countries).

Literature on the topic (you can give a list with a brief annotation or provide a card index).

Visual material related to this issue, a list of equipment, drawings, diagrams, samples of crafts, etc.

The variety of changing material under different headings, colorful, methodically well-designed, involuntarily attracts the attention of teachers. It is necessary to provide for the possibility that the teacher will take this material into a group for discussion with other educators, and sometimes use it in work with children. Therefore, the requirements for this material will be the following:

  • Placed on one sheet if possible;
  • Must be printed;
  • Attractively decorated;
  • The content is briefly and clearly stated;
  • The design must ensure long-term use.

It is important not only to select and place the material correctly, but also to take it into account and analyze it. For this purpose, a journal for issuing teaching aids (of a free form, kept by a senior educator) is used. Educators must freely navigate the contents of the materials, and, if necessary, independently select aids in preparation for classes, leisure activities, and conversations in the process of self-education.

To organize an area for using Internet resources, the teaching room must be provided with a desktop computer or laptop with Internet access. Teachers, in their free time from work, can take advantage of this opportunity to improve their professional skills and broadcast their teaching experience.

The senior educator must skillfully use every opportunity to work purposefully with teachers.

The senior educator studies the recommendations developed by higher organizations , and based on these provisions, as well as based on an analysis of the work of his team, develops his own reminders, recommendations, and information for educators.

The office should also contain material on working with parents, which may include questions for parents, tasks for observing various manifestations of the child, interesting crossword puzzles related to parenting problems, and statements from their children. All this helps to establish feedback between parents and educators, to prepare for consultations and business games for parents.

Visual material stored in the teaching room organized accordingly . It is necessary to create a certain system in the distribution of visual material. All visual material, as well as the book stock, must be strictly taken into account.

Exhibitions are organized in . They can be permanent or episodic.

Cabinet equipment

The methodological office has a room in which the teaching and methodological activities of the team are carried out, as well as methodological and reference literature.

The office is equipped with:

  • — bookcases that contain regulatory and instructional documents, methodological and children's fiction, didactic materials, and audiovisual aids.
  • — desks, chairs, for organizing and conducting teacher councils, seminars, methodological associations and other forms of work.
  • - computer
  • - scanner
  • - Printer

Methodological support

• Information and analytical department. Materials on certification, advanced training, comprehensive assessment of teaching activities. Monitoring and analyzing the state of the educational process, its quality. Assessing the effectiveness of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.

• Department of software and methodological support. Educational programs implemented in preschool educational institutions; alternative educational programs; thematic planning according to the program “From childhood to adolescence”; methodological literature on psychology;

• Department of artistic and aesthetic development. Methodological literature, lesson notes, consultations on artistic activities, design, manual labor; Information about artists, reproductions of paintings; Information and samples on folk art, folk toys;

• Department of Physical Development. Methodological literature and development of notes, consultations on physical education and children's health; literature on valeology, encyclopedias (physical education, anatomy, human structure). This department contains literature, methodological developments, workbooks, and video materials for working with children on life safety.

• Fiction department. Collections and individual works of children's and fiction literature; Scientific and methodological magazines, booklets.

• Department of social and personal development. Methodological literature, development of notes, consultations on familiarization with the native land, the Republic of Khakassia. Literature for the implementation of the national-regional component in preschool educational institutions (fiction, teaching aids, visual and illustrative material).

• Department of cognitive and speech development. Methodological literature, development of notes, consultations; Children's encyclopedias, visual and illustrative material.

• Department for work with parents. Information on general problems of raising children, preparing children for school, and protecting the rights of the child. These are: normative documents, methodological literature, developments of consultations, conversations, visual and illustrative material related to these topics. Materials on protecting the rights of the child.

Purpose of the methodological office of the preschool educational institution

The creation of a methodological classroom in a preschool educational institution is a necessary condition for its functioning. It is focused on:

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  1. Organization of educational work focused on the comprehensive harmonious development of the personality of each preschooler, regardless of his potential capabilities and developmental characteristics, the implementation of the educational and educational needs of children, patriotic, intellectual and moral education, as well as the creation of conditions for the free development of the personality of each preschooler;
  2. Adapting the activities of preschool teachers to current social needs, focusing on fulfilling social orders and meeting the needs of all students;
  3. Timely and fruitful transfer of information to teachers in the field of advanced pedagogical experience, modern methods and technologies for organizing the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions;
  4. Organization of interaction with the methodological service of compulsory medical insurance and its divisions, other social institutions interested in the educational work of preschool educational institutions, parents of pupils, cultural and art institutions;
  5. Organization of a holistic goal-oriented pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

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