Musical entertainment according to traffic rules “Visiting a traffic light”

Fun according to traffic rules in the younger group in a playful way

Summary of entertainment on traffic rules in the junior group “Traffic rules are worthy of respect!”

This event will be useful for educators, music directors, during holidays, leisure and entertainment with children of primary preschool age.
Purpose: To create a joyful mood in children, to clarify children’s knowledge about various types of transport, about traffic lights. Objectives: To introduce children to basic traffic rules; Expand children's vocabulary. Develop speed, attention, dexterity in the game, improve coordination of movements. Equipment: cars, road signs, traffic lights, illustrations depicting various types of transport, design of an exhibition of drawings.

Progress of entertainment:
Educator. Hello guys! Now I will read a poem to you, and you listen carefully and tell me what it says? There is a road in the way of the guys, there is a lot of transport. There is no traffic light nearby, the road sign will give advice. We need to go a little forward, Where the Zebra is on the way. “Pedestrian crossing” – You can move forward. Educator. What is the poem talking about? Children. About transport, about traffic lights, about pedestrian crossings. Educator. Guys, tell me, is it possible to play on the road or run along it? Children. No, you can't, Educator. Right! You can’t run onto the road and run along it, Educator. Let’s play a game with you. The game
is being played: “To your flags”

The players are divided into three groups.
Each group stands in a circle, in the center of which there is a player with a colored (red, yellow, green) flag. At the first signal from the leader (clap your hands), everyone except the players with flags scatter around the court. At the second signal, the children stop, squat down and close their eyes, and the players with flags move to other places. At the command of the presenter “To your flags!” children open their eyes and run to the flags of their color, trying to be the first to line up in a circle. Those who are the first to line up in an even circle and stand holding hands win. Educator. Children, what cars do you know? Name it? Children. Trucks, cars. Educator. Right! Let's repeat it again and say: what - trucks, they transport heavy loads (bricks, firewood); and people use cars to go to work and travel. Educator. Guys, tell me, what does the car have? What parts does it consist of? Name it? Children. The car has a cabin, wheels, and a steering wheel . Educator. Let’s play a game with you.
A didactic game “Name the car” is being held.
Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize and name cars, develop visual memory, thinking Material: pictures of cars (car, truck, bus, ambulance, fire, police) Progress of the game Before the children Pictures of cars are laid out, and the teacher offers to name them. The child names the car, shows it, the other children show with signs whether they agree or not . Teacher. Cars drive along the road quickly, but carefully.
Do you know who helps cars drive properly? This is a traffic light. It regulates the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the road. A pedestrian must remember: There are traffic signals - Obey them without argument! The red light tells us: -Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed! Yellow warning light: Wait for the signal to move Green light has opened the road The guys can cross! A song about a traffic light is being sung.
Educator. Children, who else helps drivers on the road? Children. Road signs.
A didactic game is being played: “Make a road sign like this.”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about road signs; develop the ability to create a whole from parts; develop thinking. Material: cut-out pictures depicting road signs, illustrations of road signs Game progress: Children assemble a whole image based on a model from cut-out pictures. Educator. Well done boys. Our event has come to an end. Let's remember what we talked about today? Did you like our entertainment? (Children's answers) Educator. To avoid accidents. It is necessary to strictly observe the traffic rules and norms of behavior. You will remember, friends. On the road we are not allowed to run, jump and skip and play football with a ball. And don't think in vain. Which is not dangerous at all. Learn little by little how to cross the road.

We recommend watching:

Scenario of entertainment on traffic rules for children of the 1st junior group. Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the 1st junior group. Traffic light Summary of GCD on traffic rules for preschoolers of the 2nd junior group Didactic game “Traffic light” for children 3-4 years old

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