The best family competitions for your family - examples of the best competitions are given with step-by-step instructions for conducting them

Home Family Games and competitions

Many began to think about how to diversify their weekdays and have fun with their loved ones. Previously, it was customary to hold competitions only at some festive celebrations. Basically, they used the same games, in which a couple of people participated, and the rest clapped for them, thereby cheering and supporting them.

But not so long ago, a tradition emerged of organizing family competitions, in which either a couple of people or a maximum number of people can participate, so you are not limited in any way in holding them. If you have a large family, you can keep each of its members busy with an exciting game. Such competitions help raise morale, unite your family, and also bring you closer to your children and grandchildren, because during them, it’s as if you speak one language that everyone understands. Moreover, there is a role in such a game for every family member, regardless of gender and age. Agree, this is a significant plus for a fun and exciting time with your loved ones.

If you are planning a trip out of town or staying at home, you can hold competitions in any place convenient for you and your family. There are many games, both outdoors and indoors. Also, while on vacation, you can choose from the list below any competitions you like.

You are also not limited in the tools for holding family games, since, without having special tools at hand, you can still choose a competition that is suitable specifically for your family. Likewise, on store shelves you can find a colorful variety of both board games and large-scale ones.

You can gather your family and invite friends, neighbors, or even play with new acquaintances, because during the game people become closer. One common gaming spirit is developed, so even without unnecessary words you will easily understand each other. Most often, in this way, scientific experiments are carried out to help determine the ability of people to understand each other - the relationship and interaction are tested.

Outdoor competitions

It is best to hold competitions in the fresh air in parks, away from the roadway, so that children are saturated with the right pure oxygen. Then their sleep will be stronger, and the body will receive a lot of benefits.

In the fresh air, especially in summer, you can play absolutely any games, involving the whole family. Everyone has their own role that suits them.


This competition is for those who love active recreation with family. To conduct this, go out into the fresh air, where there is a park or garden. The presence of trees or any plantings is desirable.


  • Select the game leader.
  • He must shout - one, two, three, run to the pine tree. Or you can choose a different chant. Depends on what plants are near you.
  • The presenter watches the participants in the game, and when they almost overtake the pine tree, he changes their direction. Let's say he screams - one, two, three, run to the river.
  • The one who doesn’t get his bearings with the other participants loses.
  • The winner will be the one who reaches the end.


We need as many people as possible. You can gather several families or invite friends.


  • Choose a presenter.
  • Line up behind each other.
  • Grab the waist of the person in front.

The presenter says:

  • The caterpillar is standing.
  • The caterpillar is sleeping.
  • Caterpillar in the gym.
  • The caterpillar is happy.

All players must play together and complete tasks. The point is that the last person in the tail should stop them.


Old, but beloved and familiar to everyone, the game will delight your children.


  • Choose a game, you can do this by tossing a coin - heads or tails.
  • Then the tag must catch up with any of the participants and stain.
  • Whoever is stained becomes the next stain.
  • Play until you get bored or tired.

Watchman Hunter

To play this game, it is best to gather as many people as possible.


  • Take chalk and draw a circle, about 2 meters in diameter. The chosen guard gets inside.
  • Then choose a hunter. It is best to choose someone who is a good runner.
  • Next, the hunter catches animals that must run away from him.
  • If he stains one of them, he stands in a circle with the guard.
  • The beast can only be freed if another beast touches it.
  • You can play until you get tired.


To conduct the competition you need to take the ball.


  • Form a circle so that the distance between those standing is about 2 meters.
  • Choose a leader and place him in the middle of the circle.
  • Throw the ball between each other in a circle so that the leader cannot catch it.
  • If the leader catches, then the one from whom he caught the ball goes to the middle.


For this game you will need an equal number of balls.


  • Take and inflate the balloons.
  • Blindfold the players.
  • Participants in the game must burst the balloons with their feet.
  • Whoever bursts the most balloons wins.


For this game you need straws, straws and glasses.


  • Place two glasses in front of each player.
  • One should contain water. The other one is empty.
  • Use a straw to pour water from one glass to another.
  • Whoever finishes first wins.
  • You can come up with a prize for the winner yourself.

The face of a loved one

For this game you need clothes.


  • Put mittens on the participants of the game.
  • Blindfold your eyes with scarves.
  • Then those who are not blindfolded get up from the table and approach the one wearing mittens.
  • The player must feel his face and guess who is standing in front of him.

Family board games

Board game phenomenon

Today, board games are becoming increasingly popular. Both children and adults love them, and they are especially good for playing with the family. What is the secret of the growing popularity of modern board games? After all, it would seem that in the 21st century the computer and computer games should outweigh completely and unconditionally, but...

The popularity of board games lies in the organization of the process itself:

  • board games (at least most of them) are designed for two or more participants, which means that the game becomes a means of communication, experiencing vivid emotions and excitement without destructive consequences;
  • board games can bring both children and adults together at the same table; this is one of the few forms of leisure that contributes to the unification and cohesion of the family;
  • Board games are absolutely universal in terms of time and location. It depends only on the desire of the players whether they will play on a rug by the fireplace or in a cafe, whether this will happen early in the morning or late at night;
  • board games contain techniques that promote the development of certain skills: logic and abstract thinking, the art of communication and concentration.

All these qualities of board games allow us to talk about them as a therapeutic tool, accessible and low-cost.

Modern board games for the whole family

Our propensity to play is probably in our genes, although we probably don't think about it as children. Much more important is the excitement and excitement with which we immerse ourselves in the world drawn on a sheet of cardboard.

At the same time, modern board games for children and adults are more diverse and often more complex than their predecessors. A wide selection of board games allows everyone to find a board game to suit their taste.

  • Economic games allow you to launch a strategic struggle for territories and resources. The most popular game in this segment for many years has been the well-known game “Monopoly”.
  • War games are games with military strategies, where the struggle can unfold at the level of countries and even planets. Boys really like these types of games. And the undoubted leader here is the game “Bakugan”.
  • Adventure games (collection games) – the main task is to reach a certain point on the playing field or send you on a search (collection) of given objects, as, for example, in “Elfenland” or “Crazy Maze”.
  • Detective games require players to determine the exact picture of the crime. The most successful game of this genre is “Mafia”, which today is mastering television screens and club spaces.
  • Classic board games have undoubtedly not lost their popularity to this day. Checkers, chess, dominoes are games for all times.

The game has become part of the modern socio-cultural sphere, moving with the times, creating new types and types every year. So-called Cross-media games have already appeared - hybrids of modern media technologies and board games. In addition to well-known attributes (cubes, field, etc.), they can use a multimedia disk or mobile phone. This class of games includes SMS chess, where the game situation is displayed using a regular chessboard, and the game process itself is implemented by exchanging moves via SMS. The video game “Atmosfear” is built on the same principle, which comes with a special DVD disc. Players move chips around the playing field on the table, and receive instructions and tasks from the TV screen; feedback is provided by the DVD player remote control. But this is just the beginning...

Competitions on the road

Conduct these competitions without distracting the driver. And if you travel by train or bus, then you can interact with all passengers.

You can play whenever it suits you.

Quickly eating ice cream

If you are on the road and the drive is very long, you can stop at any gas station, or if you want to rest for five minutes, then be sure to check out the nearest store. Buy ice cream for each family member. Ice cream must be in a waffle cup. Also take a pack of tissues. This competition for quickly eating ice cream will allow the driver to relax and amuse passengers.


  • At the same time, unpack each of your ice creams.
  • Hand out a few napkins to each player as they can get pretty messy.
  • Start using. The point is to eat the ice cream from the bottom, that is, from the bottom of the cup.
  • Whoever eats it faster is the winner. You can congratulate him.

Serious game

This competition does not require any improvised means.


  • The point is for each player to come up with their own unique word.
  • Then each player takes turns asking any question he sees fit.
  • Players must answer with the word they thought at the beginning of the game.
  • Whoever stays serious until the end and doesn’t laugh can be congratulated on his victory.

Sample questions:

  • Who's outside the window? Pumpkin.
  • Who loves roller skating? Pumpkin.
  • Who snores at night? Pumpkin.


For this game you only need to have a good imagination.


  • Choose a beginner.
  • He names any word that comes to his mind.
  • Then, in turn, each player names the next word with which the previous one is associated.
  • You can play until you get bored.


The essence of the game is the good idea of ​​wishing each other what they want.


  • Participants in this game take turns wishing the person sitting to their right what they think the person sitting next to them wants.
  • The one who stumbles is out of the game.
  • The one who reaches the victorious end wins.



  • Choose whoever starts first.
  • The first participant names any city.
  • Then, in turn, everyone names another city, which begins with the last letter, of the previous one.

Games for adults and children with words

There are a huge number of word games that the whole family can play. Here are just two of them: “Cablegram” and “Find and Name.”


This game is notable for the fact that it does not require a specially equipped place; the road on the way home or the house itself will do. All you need is a pencil and paper.

The rules of the game are simple: any word or name is written in a column (preferably it consists of five or more letters). And then this word “turns” into an abbreviation, that is, an encrypted sentence.


C – the most

B – delicious

E – food

T – aunts

A – Alena

And SVETA for: “Aunt Alena’s most delicious food.”

There can be many decryption options. Parents can choose for themselves: to compose them together or organize a competition for the best proposal. The main thing is that it has meaning, although humor, hyperbole and fantasy are welcome.

During this family game, participants train their skills in working with words and letters, and their verbal ability to compose coherent phrases.

"Find and name"

There is no limit on the number of players to participate. You can play anywhere and anytime.

Goal: find in a room (store, house, clinic, etc.) objects with the selected letter. You can choose a letter like this: Katya’s letter (that is, “K,” or dad’s letter, or someone else’s). You can name the words one by one.

As in the previous game, in the process the skills of understanding letters and words are trained, and attention is developed.

Competitions at sea

You can bring other vacationers with you to make it more fun.

By going to the sea, you can have fun with your family.


For this game you only need chalk.


  • Draw a line, then thirty to forty meters later draw another line.
  • All players stand behind one of the lines.
  • At the signal, move in the direction of the other line, but under no circumstances run.
  • The leader makes sure that the step does not turn into running.
  • The first one to cross the other line wins.

Game of strength

For this game, take chalk.


  • Draw a circle with chalk.
  • Divide into two teams.
  • One becomes a circle inside, and the other outside.
  • The players stand facing each other.
  • At the start, each player must pull or pull each other over the line.
  • The game is divided into 4 rounds of 1 minute each.
  • Those who leave the circle or enter are eliminated.
  • The team that draws the most players wins.

Axis rotation

For this game, divide into teams.


  • Stand behind each other.
  • You will get two columns with players.
  • At the start, the first one rotates around its axis.
  • Then the one standing behind him joins him and they repeat the turn together, and so one player at a time joins them.
  • The team that wins will be the one in which the whole team turns around the axis together before everyone else.



  • Line up in two teams.
  • Place flags twenty meters ahead of each team.
  • Start moving towards the flag at the signal from the leader.
  • When you reach the flag, touch it and go back, touch the next player on your team and pass the baton to him.
  • The team that finishes the relay faster will win.



  • Stand at a distance of a meter from each other.
  • Close your feet.
  • Raise your arms to chest level.
  • The opponents strike one by one on the opponent's palms.
  • Dodge the blows.
  • Whoever does not maintain balance loses.

Competitions on weekday evenings

Liven up your evenings with fun games.

Memory game

In this game you need as many items as possible.


  • Collect as many items as possible. They can be absolutely anything.
  • Place the items on the table.
  • Choose one presenter.
  • The presenter stands near the table, the rest of the participants turn away.
  • The presenter takes one of the things.
  • Participants turn around and have to guess which object has disappeared.
  • Whoever guesses the fastest becomes the next leader.
  • You can play until you get bored.


For this game you will need cards. Buy one deck. Both two people and two teams can play.


  • Shuffle the deck of cards thoroughly.
  • Deal two players or two teams an equal number of cards.
  • Next, place the two resulting decks face down next to the players.
  • At the same time, remove the map and show what is shown there.
  • If the same cards fall out. For example, queen - queen, players must shout “Woof”. Whoever shouts out the fastest wins the round.
  • The winner takes this deck of cards.
  • The winner is the one who has the entire deck in his hands.

Quick reaction game

Take a couple of sheets of paper.


  • Cut sheets of paper into cards.
  • On each card, write a body part: ear, arm, leg, chest, nose, and so on.
  • The cards are then placed in a box and mixed thoroughly.
  • Each player on the team takes out one card and takes turns saying the word that he took out.
  • All players must quickly touch this part of the body, first with one hand, then with the other.
  • There are no winners in this game as it is aimed at general fun.


Take sheets of paper. Cut them into small cards.


On each card, the participants in the game must write any animal they like so that the neighbor does not see what is written on the player sitting next to them. Then everyone sticks this card on their neighbor's forehead. You must guess what is written on your forehead. To do this, ask questions that will help you guess the written animal.

Examples of questions:

  • Is it running?
  • Is it crawling?
  • Is it croaking?
  • Singing?

You should only answer “yes” or “no”. The one who guesses the answer wins.


You will need markers or pencils, as well as sheets of paper.


  • Give participants an equal number of markers and a sheet of paper.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Each participant must draw their dream with their eyes closed.
  • After completion, everyone opens their eyes and it is necessary to guess what is drawn on the canvas of each participant.
  • Whoever guesses the most pictures wins.


You need to take a sheet of paper and a pen.


  • Write your kindest wishes on a piece of paper.
  • Hide this note.
  • Then the guests must take turns guessing who has the note.
  • The host answers guests’ questions only with “yes” or “no.”
  • Whoever guesses correctly wins.

The role of family games in child development

A child understands the world through play. The game develops, educates, teaches. In the process of play activities, the child learns the rules and manners of behavior that he will need to cope with life's difficulties. Children may enjoy playing alone, but they also usually enjoy playing with others.

While a child plays alone, he conducts a kind of internal dialogue, and playing with other children, as well as with parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers or friends represents communication, exchange of information and experience. It is important that the child has the opportunity for both.

In the process of playing together, opinions and knowledge are transmitted, behavior patterns are developed and skills are trained. Try to have your child play with other children, and also find time to play together.

In most cases, play with young children consists of simple actions, usually repeated frequently, accompanied by a standard set of words. Small children really like it. The older the child, the more he understands, and the more complex his play actions become.

In joint games, children play different roles, which reflect the child's daily experiences and own views. Problems are discussed, beliefs are formulated, and explanatory work takes place. During the game, rules and values ​​are transmitted that are useful in other situations.

The best cooperative indoor games occur spontaneously and occur without formal instruction or direction. However, some family games for children and adults are presented below. Try them out at your next celebration. Perhaps these family fun activities will suit you and your household best.

Competitions for family holidays

If you or your family are not in the mood, then games are a great way to lift it.

Game of speed

Prepare ten bananas, a chair, four long sticks, two more bowls.


  • Divide into 2 teams.
  • Place bananas on the chair.
  • Place two bowls at a certain distance for each of the two teams.
  • Participants pick up sticks. Two teams stand near a chair with bananas.
  • It is necessary, as quickly as possible, to transfer all the bananas into bowls using sticks.
  • The team that gets the most bananas into the bowl wins.


The essence of the game is to remember the best moments of the past year.


  • All family members gather at the festive table.
  • Everyone says their best memory of the past year.
  • Whoever falters becomes a loser.
  • Continue until the main winner.


For a birthday, it is best to hold this competition and all participants must certainly be involved in it. You need to purchase paper and rope.


  • Give each participant in the game a sheet of paper.
  • Give markers or pencils.
  • Everyone should draw the picture that they want to wish the birthday person.
  • The birthday boy shouldn't peek.
  • Then a rope is attached, and sheets with drawn gifts are attached to it.
  • The birthday boy's eyes are closed and he must choose a gift. Whatever he chooses will appear to him in the new year.
  • Then he opens his eyes, looks at the gift and must guess who drew it.
  • If he guesses right, then this person gives him this gift.


For this game you need two puzzle boxes with the same number of pieces.


  • Divide into two equal teams.
  • Lay out the puzzles.
  • At the same time, start collecting puzzles.
  • The team that collects the fastest will win.
  • As an incentive, there may be a surprise in store for the winners.


For this competition you need varnishes of different colors and brushes.


  • Select participants.
  • Distribute equal numbers of polishes and brushes.
  • Have everyone start painting their nails at the same time.
  • Then stop them after a certain amount of time - say ten minutes.
  • And give them their shoes. They must wear shoes so as not to damage the manicure done.
  • Whoever copes with this task and the manicure remains intact is the winner.

New Year's competition

During the New Year holidays, you can please yourself and your loved ones with wonderful competitions.


  • Choose a presenter.
  • The presenter places any prize under the Christmas tree.
  • Two players must wear felt boots. The sizes must be large.
  • In these shoes, the players should run around the Christmas tree.
  • Whoever runs faster wins.
  • The prize goes to the winner.


For this game you need a bowl and flour with one candy.


  • Place flour in a bowl.
  • Place the candy in the bottom of the bowl.
  • The players must get the candy without using their hands.
  • Whoever gets it first is the winner.


For this game, take pens and sheets of paper.


  • Give participants ten minutes to think about which calendar would be funnier.
  • Then draw what comes to your mind. The bolder the better.
  • Calendar example:
  • January is tooth-shaking. August is a roaster. And so on.

Then all participants in the game read out their versions of the invented calendars. Whoever has the funniest answer gets a prize.

Relay race

For this game you need a full plate with tangerines and one empty, two spoons.


  • Divide into 2 teams.
  • Place one plate in one part of the room, another in another.
  • Using a spoon, transfer the tangerines to an empty plate.
  • Whose team completes the task faster, that team wins.


For this task, take large sheets of paper or, if you have them, whatman paper. Prepare a medium-sized cardboard and cut out two circles in it, large enough for your hands to fit inside.


  • Choose two players.
  • Give them some cardboard to stick their hands into.
  • Next, attach the Whatman paper to an easel or wall, and give them a task, for example: draw a snowman.
  • Participants begin drawing on command. And they finish on command.
  • Then they remove the cardboard and see who did it better.
  • Whose drawing is more beautiful wins.

Snow Maiden

This competition is best held during the New Year. For this you need any available means.


  • Choose two girls.
  • Then they must be dressed up on command with all available means.
  • Whoever makes the most beautiful Snow Maiden will win.

Creative family leisure

Creative games for the whole family include “Gifts from Santa Claus”, “If I were a King”, “Magic Melody”.

"Gifts from Santa Claus"

“Gifts of Santa Claus” (wizard, fairy, etc.) is a variant of another well-known game “Snowball”. It has different variations and this is one of them. In this case, the basis of the plot is the giving of gifts.


  1. The order of players can be determined by drawing lots or counting.
  2. The first participant says a phrase, the second repeats it and adds his own, the third repeats the previous two and ends with his own.
  3. The game continues until the first mistake.


Mom: Santa Claus gave me (here is the name of a specific gift) a ball.

Child: Santa Claus gave my mother a ball, and he gave me roller skates.

Dad: Santa Claus gave Mom a ball. He gave Sasha skates. And he gave me a bag of health.

The game trains memory and speech skills in reconstructing text. And the opportunity to present the most unusual, and even fantastic gifts, develops the imagination well.

"If I were a king"

It is necessary to organize this game action in a well-known room.

  1. Determine which items from which room(s) can be used. For example, from the kitchen and bedroom or only from the nursery.
  2. Agree that the end of the game means that used items are returned to their permanent places.
  3. Division into teams can be done in various ways. For example, if there are two children in a family, then one team may have a father and a child, and the other may have a mother and a child. In other situations, mom is against the child and dad, or dad is against the child and mom. Here parents and children can show their imagination and form teams in different ways.
  4. The team that starts first is determined by lot. The beginning is this: “If I were a captain (a king, an astronaut - you can call a profession or a fairy-tale hero), then I would have a cap, a sword, a map, a compass and a pipe (five items that can be attributed to the chosen character are called).
  5. The second team is given up to five minutes to search for the named things in the selected room. Moreover, you need to quickly find a replacement for exotic items that do not exist in a simple home. For example, an umbrella can turn into a sword, a map can be drawn in a notebook, a couple of bows can be attached to a beret to make a cap, and so on.
  6. The team that gave the task evaluates the result. Then they change.

This game for the whole family will be a good exercise in imagination and creative rethinking.

"Magic Melody"

Another version of the game for home, it is more creative and, to some extent, even experimental. It can arouse interest in a person of any age.

  1. Glasses or glasses are required (it is better if it is a set of identical items) in an amount of six to twelve pieces. You can replace them with glass bottles or jars.
  2. The vessels are filled unevenly with water.
  3. To produce sound, that is, tapping on a glass (glass, jar, bottle), you can use a suitable stick (even a drum stick, if available).
  4. And then the experiment begins: changing the water level to produce different sounds.
  5. The actual creative stage will be an attempt to play some kind of melody on a “created” musical instrument.
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