Methodological development and requirements for it

Summary of a methodological event for preschool teachers on the topic “Business game”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten "GOLDEN KEY" of the urban settlement "Workers' Village Vanino" of the municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory

A methodological event is an organizational and activity game as part of advanced training for teaching staff on the issue of “Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education” through the internal training system.

Business game summary

“Innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions.

Pros and cons"

Goal: to stimulate the activity of preschool teachers on the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of our preschool institution, to increase the competence of teachers in this area.

Preliminary work:

  • Expert's choice
  • Creating a Clip
  • Independent formation of creative teams by teachers, selection of a team moderator.
  • Creation of presentations by teachers based on work experience in the use of innovative technologies.
  • Creating a presentation for a senior teacher on the topic “Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions”
  • Preparation of certificates for participation in a business game

Methods and techniques:

  • psychological (comfort of the environment, psychological compatibility of team members, motivation for the role of the game and the content of activities to achieve it, respect for the individual and his ideas, encouragement of individual actions, reflection, etc.);
  • organizational (clarity of regulations, preparedness of the playing field, specific distribution and observance of roles, choice of tempo of the game adequate to the capabilities of the players, etc.);
  • didactic (competence of players, visibility of the results of collective mental activity).


Projector, laptops, photographs, clippings from old newspapers, magazines, postcards, etc., cards with pedagogical situations, vessels from whatman paper for reflection, round chips - “Coins”.

Venue: MBDOU d/s “Golden Key”, Vanino village

Progress of the methodological event

Introductory part

Senior teacher:

Goal setting - message

The dynamics of development of modern society poses new and more complex challenges for the education system. The project “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” indicates the need to modernize the preschool education system. Today, when there is a search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool institutions, the status of the teacher and his educational functions are also changing. There is a demand for a teacher who is able to build work with children on the basis of progressive programs and technologies, and modern educational approaches. He must be the creator of the pedagogical process, have flexible thinking, skillfully use innovations, making them the main mechanism in working with preschoolers.

A specially organized methodological service in our preschool educational institution is designed to help educators with personal and professional development. Therefore, one of the goals of my activities in today’s business game is to develop a system for improving the qualifications of teaching staff through active forms of methodological work. To achieve this goal, I identified the following tasks:


- identify the initial level of knowledge, pedagogical abilities and skills of each teacher (Exercise association, presentation of work experience in the use of innovative technologies - each creative group);

— create an educational environment for the realization of a teacher as a professional; to realize his creative potential (analysis of pedagogical situations, Brainstorming task for teachers, ICT)

— carry out reflection on the educational movement (summarizing).

Senior teacher

: Dear teachers, now determine the main goal of your activities within the framework of this methodological event.

Senior teacher

: In order to tune in to the pace of the business game, watch a video clip where children occupy the central place
. (watch the clip)
Why is it about children, but the theme of our business game is completely different. Because in our teaching activities we do everything for the sake of children and their development.

Senior teacher:


Slide 2. Today, the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the work of preschool educational institutions requires us to switch to introducing innovations into the education system. The development of preschool education and the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies.

Slide 3 Read from slide

Slide 4 What is innovation? Innovation is innovation. Innovation (innovation) is a complex process of creation, dissemination, implementation and use of a new practical tool, method, concept, etc. - innovations to meet human needs.

Slide 5 read from the screen + The purpose of using innovations in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is to create conditions for innovative processes in preschool educational institutions, the use by teachers of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in professional activities.

The goal (Game innovative technologies) is to increase the importance of organizing games in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

The goal (Health-saving technologies in the educational process) is to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the importance of human physical and mental health; develop the ability to protect and strengthen your health.

The goal (Technology for creating a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution) is to create and improve a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution.

The goal (Project and research activities of preschool children) is the formation in preschoolers of a scientific-cognitive, practical-active, emotional-moral attitude to reality.

ICT means the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for children to communicate and increase their cognitive activity.

Slide 6 – read from screen

Senior teacher


Exercise association - the participants of the game are passed a ball in a circle and called associations to the phrase - innovative technologies.

The main part is a business game

In the game, participants will be assessed by an expert (Sokolova O.A. - head of the preschool educational institution).

Head of preschool educational institution

: During the business game, the main unit of measurement for the teacher’s experience will be a “Coin” (round chip), which you will receive if you complete tasks correctly.

Senior teacher:

The business game involves enriching teachers’ experience in using innovative technologies in working with children.

The game participants are divided into 3 teams (homework).

Business game plan:

1. Presentation

: (presented by group moderators) “From experience in the application of innovative technologies” (Time 5 minutes) Clearly indicate the name of the innovative technology; its purpose and objectives (direction); pros and cons of this technology. What do you see as the prospects for using this technology in working with preschoolers? AND ALL!

2. Pedagogical situations

Senior teacher: The family plays an important role in the upbringing and development of preschoolers. What a family carries within itself cannot be noticed by anything. In a family, a child must see that he is cared for, loved, and his opinion is taken into account. The work of teachers with families is of particular importance. How competently we build interaction with parents depends on the well-being of children. I suggest you play out situations encountered in everyday practice, where the reason is parents’ rejection of innovative technologies used by the teacher and solve them by offering possible solutions. You have 3 minutes to prepare.

(Pedagogical situations are given. Teachers must find the optimal way out of a specific situation and act it out, taking on different roles: teacher, parent, child)

1st situation.

The teacher asks parents and their children to develop the project “Dolls of our grandmothers.” One mother refuses, citing incompetence, lack of time and even lack of materials. Your actions?

2nd situation.

The teacher implements the technology of museum education and development of preschool children. An excursion to the museum is organized for children. The mother of one boy is worried about the safety and health of the child during a trip to the museum, and doubts the need for this event. I’m even ready to refuse my child’s participation in it. Your actions?

2nd situation.

After successfully introducing the gaming technology “Cuisinaire’s Sticks” into the work of her group, the teacher at the parent meeting recommended that parents use her experience at home. A child from her group asked his mother to buy him a set of play equipment to play at home. The mother refused the child, arguing: “Why do you need such difficulties, let’s buy a simple construction set, it’s the same thing.”

TASK for teachers “Brain attack”
Senior teacher:

Offer your innovative technology and prove the importance of your idea, which you can implement in your teaching activities at a preschool educational institution.

Task for teachers “Brain attack”

Teachers are invited to create a collage of one technology and present it. To help teachers, ICT tools (laptops with Internet access) are offered to obtain additional information in real time about any technology.

Collages are made from various materials: photographs, clippings of old newspapers, magazines, postcards, etc. The main idea of ​​a collage is to tell about a certain system, diversity. To help you - whatman paper, glue, old color magazines and time - 7 minutes.

4. Reflection, summing up: two vessels from whatman paper

Senior teacher:

At the end of the game, discuss the following questions:

• Who felt comfortable throughout the game? (attach stickers that say what teachers would like to transfer into their practical activities from what they learned and heard today)

• Who had difficulties, what exactly? (attach stickers that describe the difficulties that arose during the business game, what exactly are the teachers experiencing difficulties)

The main question for teachers: “Are you FOR or AGAINST the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions?” »

Senior teacher: Then count the collected coins - points. Thus, teachers develop a “methodological piggy bank”. Some have more, some have less, but the wealth of communication and accumulation of teaching experience cannot be compared with anything.

6. The jury sums up the results of the business game and presents certificates.

Conclusion - conclusions

Senior teacher: Pedagogy, like any other science, is subject to numerous changes and development. This is due, first of all, to the fact that society has more and more new demands on teachers.

The consequence of constant development and improvement of pedagogical methods has become innovative technologies, i.e. technologies, thanks to which the integrative process of new ideas in education occurs.

However, the introduction of such technologies is associated with a number of difficulties (financial resources, conservatism of some officials in the educational sphere, insufficient development of technologies). In addition, despite the obvious need for innovation, it should still be implemented with caution. Otherwise, careless innovation activities can lead to a crisis in the educational system.

And yet, it is important to understand that pedagogical innovations are an integral part of the development of pedagogy and they are necessary to improve the education system.

Developed by: senior teacher Zhironkina O.V.

Business game as a form of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

Definition 1
Methodological work in a preschool educational institution is an educational activity aimed at teachers mastering methods and techniques for organizing the educational process in a preschool institution and using them in their practice.

This type of activity is aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of educational services provided by preschool educational institutions. It is associated with the use of measures for the development of each educator, improving his professional skills, expanding and deepening his experience.

The methodological work of preschool educational institutions is based on the use of various methods and means that involve the teacher in active work and the use of a creative approach in their activities.

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Active methods of methodological work contribute to the creative development of the teacher and the creative direction of his teaching and educational work in preschool educational institutions. They expand the professional skills of a teacher and help overcome passivity in the work of a teacher.

One of the active methods of methodological work is a business game.

Definition 2

A business game is a way of simulating the educational process and its individual aspects, during which the basics of management activities and the organization of educational work are mastered.

Business games allow you to create an image, a model of the educational process of a preschool educational institution and develop effective directions for its implementation, taking into account specific conditions, resource support, and teacher capabilities.

A business game helps:

  • Forming the teacher’s experience of activity, which can be used in the real educational process of a preschool educational institution.
  • Development of skills for resolving problematic educational situations.
  • Developing an active position in the educational process.
  • Self-training and self-development for teachers, increasing their professionalism.
  • Decision-making in various circumstances and areas of educational work of preschool educational institutions.

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The business game is carried out with preschool teachers on the basis of drawing up a summary of its implementation. It represents a plan for conducting a business game.

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