Options for individual plans for speech therapy sessions
How to create an individual curriculum It is compiled by school staff. The main principle when compiling: include
Russian folk riddles about dishes and utensils (household items)
Riddles for children about objects and a house with answers If a river comes running through a pipe
Modern methods and technologies of teaching and diagnostics in preschool educational institutions
Modern methods and technologies of teaching and diagnostics in preschool educational institutions Doctor of Psychological Sciences,
Project in the second early age group. Theatrical activities in kindergarten
New Year's puppet theater (For children of the second younger group) E. Makshantseva First published in the magazine
Research work in the senior group “How to grow crystals”
Date of publication: 04/13/2020 Position: teacher Educational institution: Locality: Republic of Sakha Yakutia Tomponsky district
Thematic planning of educational activities in an early age group
Calendar planning for an early age group Game - activity with didactic material Topic: “Tower of
Journey to the land of interesting games: a project for children of senior preschool age
Journey to the land of interesting games: a project for children of senior preschool age Rizyapova I.I., Khabibullina
Using the fairytale therapy method in working with preschool children
Using the fairytale therapy method in working with preschool children In the morning, waking up and getting ready for
Project in the second junior group “Pets”
Progress of the lesson. - Look - this is a clearing, green grass grows on it. A chicken came to
Planning game activities in the senior group
Role-playing games in the senior group: a card index with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Participating in games with
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