Weekly calendar plan on the topic “Tools” for preschool educational institutions

Weekly calendar plan on the topic “Tools” for preschool educational institutions

Topic: “Tools and tools”



1. Conversation with children on the topic “What do my parents do?”; continue to teach to answer with a complete answer.

2. Individual work on speech development. Objectives: to train children in selecting action words. Enrich children's vocabulary.

3. Household work: cleaning the group room. Objectives: to teach how to organize joint work, to form responsibility for fulfilling work assignments.

4. Canteen duty. Objectives: to cultivate responsibility, conscientiousness, and develop teamwork skills.

5. Game situation “Handkerchief”. Objectives: teach children to monitor the condition of their nose and mouth, and use a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing.

GCD. 1. Speech therapy

2. H.E.R. Modeling "Tools"

Software tasks:

expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the types and purposes of tools and their parts; consolidate sculpting techniques by rolling out the palms in a circular motion; improving the technique of sculpting by smearing; developing the ability to complete an image by drawing details of mixing plasticine colors; continue to teach how to convey the shape of the main part and other parts, their proportions, pose, characteristic features of the depicted objects; treat the surface of the mold with finger movements and a stack; continue to develop the ability to convey characteristic human movements, create expressive images, and develop the ability to act independently; develop verbal and logical thinking, speech skills of children: the ability to compose sentences, cultivate independence; teach to actively and creatively use previously learned methods of depiction in modeling; develop communication skills (the ability to interact with peers, listen to the opinions of friends)


plasticine, boards, napkins, pictures depicting a seamstress, a carpenter, working in the garden, pictures with materials: fabric, boards, loops, pictures depicting finished products: a dress with a collar, a shelf, grown vegetables, sets of cards depicting tools: sewing, carpentry, gardening, hairdressing or toy tools.

Vocabulary work:

canvas, measure, weed, carpentry.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - riddles about tools, children's stories about how to use these tools, name a profession, physical exercise, showing a sample, reminding of modeling techniques, p/g, independent and ind. work, result.

3. H.E.R. Musical


1. Observing the work of adults: a janitor is cleaning the street. Objectives: invite children to observe the work of a janitor and talk about its importance. Organize the provision of all possible assistance to him.

2. Outdoor games “Cat and Mice”, “Crucian Carp and Pike”. Objectives: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.

3. Labor: cleaning up garbage in a group area. Goal: develop hard work.

4. Individual work on movement development. Objectives: develop the skills of throwing a ball at a target.

5. Didactic game “Live Week”. Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the sequence of days of the week.

6. Sports game football. Objectives: teach children to play together and act as one team. Promote the development of accuracy, coordination of movements, determination, courage.


1. Reading G. Yurshin’s story “The Curious Little Mouse.” Objectives: to teach children to listen to the reader, understand the content of what they read, answer questions about the content, evaluate the actions of the characters.

2. Game-experimentation “Tricks of Inertia” (the possibility of practical use of inertia in everyday life).

3. Didactic game “What’s mixed up.” Objectives: consolidate ordinal counting skills, develop visual perception, memory, attention.

4. Role-playing games “Builders”, “Firemen”. Objectives: to improve children’s ability to unite in a game, distribute roles, and perform game actions in accordance with the game plan.


1. Observation in nature: birds build nests. Goal: invite children to tell what they know about the adaptation of birds to natural conditions.

2. Outdoor game “Traps”. Objectives: to develop in children the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, act on a signal, develop coordination of movements, and dexterity.



1. Conversation on the topic “Tools for people of different professions.” Objectives: introduce children to tools, their purpose, types. Examination of photographic illustrations depicting instruments.

2. Articulation gymnastics “Puffing up our cheeks”, “Spatula”, “Fence”. Objectives: to train the articulatory apparatus of children.

3. Class duty. Objectives: teach children to perform the duties of a duty officer, instill responsibility.

4. Independent activity of children in the theater corner. Objectives: to develop children's independence, initiative, and creative abilities.

5. Formation of a culture of behavior. Objectives: discuss with children why people say hello to each other, form the habit of saying hello to parents and teachers, and saying goodbye when going home.

GCD 1. Speech therapy

P.R. FEMP " Ruler"
Program content

: continue to learn how to independently compose and solve problems on addition and subtraction within 10, exercise the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square, develop the ability to measure the length of objects using a conventional measure, develop attention, memory, and logical thinking.


cards with numbers 8 and 10, 3 hoops, a set of circles, triangles, squares of different sizes (large and small) and colors (red, blue, yellow), 2 cards depicting problem models, hourglasses at intervals of 1 and 3 minutes, chips, 2 pictures of nesting dolls that differ from each other, checkered notebooks, 2 sets of cards with numbers and arithmetic symbols, pencils.


length of the segment.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - children are divided into 2 teams, d/i “Find the differences”, exercise “Make up a problem for friends”, exercise “Draw and measure lines”, figure relay race (Dyenesha blocks), summing up, awarding teams.

Physical education No. 55 II
day H.E.R. Drawing "Tools" Program tasks:

expand children’s understanding of different types of tools, their use in work by people of different professions, teach children to guess riddles, form adjectives from nouns, expand their vocabulary, develop children’s memory, logical thinking, coherent speech, instill in children a respectful attitude towards the work of adults .

Materials for the lesson:

presentation on the topic “Tools”, d/i “Who needs what?”, colored crayons, album sheets, toy instruments.

Vocabulary work:

pliers, glass cutter, sharpener, gardening, medical.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - riddles about tools, watching a presentation, physical exercises, d/i “Who needs what for work?”, game “Finish the sentence”, reminder of drawing techniques, partial ind. demonstration of the drawing method, p/g, independent and ind. work, d/i “What’s extra?”, result.


1. Observing the weather. Objectives: to strengthen children’s ability to independently determine the weather, name its main characteristics: cloudiness, temperature, precipitation, wind.

2. Outdoor games “Interceptors”, “Sly Fox”. Objectives: teach children to follow the rules of the game, play the roles of players and driver-trap. Increase children's physical activity.

3. Labor: clearing the area of ​​branches. Goal: to consolidate the ability to work together and provide all possible assistance.

4. Individual work on movement development. Objectives: improve walking technique (walking with an extended step).

5. Outdoor game “Cold - Hot”. Objectives: to achieve the correct technique in previously mastered types of walking.

6. Health jog around the territory of the kindergarten. Objectives: teach children to correctly perform basic movements when running, maintain posture, coordinate the movements of arms and legs, breathe rhythmically through the nose.


1. Reading and discussion of L. Panteleev’s story “The Big Wash.” Objectives: to develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste, to develop literary speech.

2. Work in the sensory education corner. Objectives: to consolidate children’s ability to perceive the various properties of objects using different senses, compare and classify them.

3. Didactic game “Long, Wide”. Objectives: to consolidate the ability to compare the length and width of objects using a conventional measure. Improve design skills.

4. Independent gaming activity: board games. Objectives: teach children to choose a game based on their interests, select partners for the game, and independently select a place to play.


1. Stargazing. Objectives: invite children to look at the starry sky, tell them that many centuries ago people came up with the idea of ​​combining stars into constellations. Tell children about the constellations of the zodiac, show the Big Dipper.

2. Outdoor game “We are funny guys.” Objectives: to develop the ability to act on a signal, to train children in running. Develop attention, coordination of movements, agility and endurance.



1. Conversation “Why can’t you play with sharp objects?” Objectives: to teach to follow safety rules in case of discovering an unfamiliar object, to reinforce the rules for handling sharp objects.

2. Canteen duty. Objectives: to promote the improvement of children’s table setting skills, to teach them to independently perform the duties of an attendant from start to finish.

3. Finger gymnastics “Friendship”, “Sharpening a knife”. Objectives: to develop fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to switch from one movement to another, synchrony and sequence of movements.

4. Didactic game “When does this happen?” Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about the seasons, to train them in coherent speech.

5. Games with building materials. Objectives: to develop children’s ability to independently select construction kit parts for the construction of the necessary building. Develop imagination and fantasy.

GCD. 1. Speech therapy

2. S.K.R OBZh
Working tools
Program tasks:

consolidation and generalization of knowledge about working tools and their purpose, introducing children to safety precautions when working with tools, developing moral and ethical standards of behavior at the table, during labor operations with tools,

continue to cultivate interest in work;

Vocabulary work:

chisel, wrench, file, pliers


a broken chair, a toolbox, a Dunno doll.

Methodical techniques:

surprise moment - Dunno, examination of tools, explanation of its purpose, names, p/g, d/i “What are they made of?”, physical exercise “Saw and Axe”, game “True or False”, drawing up rules for the safe use of tools, summary.

3. H.E.R. Musical


1. Observation: change in day length. Objectives: invite children, based on the results of observations, to draw a conclusion about the change in the path of the sun across the sky, the change in the length of the day.

2. Outdoor games “Counter dashes”, “Who’s next?” Objectives: learn to run, holding each other, listen to the teacher’s signal.

3. Labor: cleaning branches on the site.

4. Individual work on PHYS. Objectives: practice running, completing a task to improve the ability to navigate in space.

5. Play activities based on children's interests. Objectives: to develop children’s independence, activity, and to develop the ability to spend their leisure time interestingly and usefully.

6. Role-playing game “Car Show”. Objectives: to form sociocultural competencies.


1. Reading poems by S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, “Bad History”. Objectives: to instill an interest in fiction.

2. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: form the habit of washing hands before eating; continue to improve the culture of food: eat carefully, quietly, make requests, give thanks.

3. Games - dramatizations based on the contents of the stories of J. Rodari “Cipollino” and others. Objectives: to teach children to dramatize dialogues, to use various means of expression to convey the character and emotions of the characters in the stories.

4. Individual work on FEMP: didactic game “Do the same amount.” Objectives: exercise children in counting from 1 to 10, teach counting movements, and reproduce them according to a given number. Develop the ability to distribute attention.

5. Drawing “Tool Set” - and cutting along the contour. Objectives: consolidate the ability to cut out instruments from paper, develop fine motor skills


1. Observing the weather. Objectives: teach children to independently talk about the state of the weather, choose the necessary symbols, write descriptions using figurative expressions.

2. Outdoor games “Cat and Mice”, “Planes”. Objectives: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.

3. Independent motor activity. Objectives: teach children to organize games independently, find activities of interest for themselves and their friends.



1. Conversation about the profession of “potter”; consolidate knowledge about this profession and the name of the tools he needs for work.

2. Laying out counting sticks along the contour of the instruments. Objectives: learn to think about and plan practical actions, reason, justify your idea.

3. Class duty. Objectives: teach children to prepare the necessary materials in accordance with the topic of the lesson.

4. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills. Objectives: teach children to cover their mouths with a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing, and to use a handkerchief correctly.

5. Play activities based on children's interests. Objectives: to develop children’s independence, activity, and to develop the ability to spend their leisure time interestingly and usefully.

GCD 1. Speech therapy

2. P.R. FEMP

"Solving Examples"

Program content

: continue to learn how to independently compose and solve addition problems within 10, practice the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square, develop the ability to consistently name the days of the week, months and seasons, develop attention, memory, and logical thinking.


pictures of the seasons, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, checkered notebooks with a picture of a number line, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, “Light the lamp” pictures, colored pencils, 2-3 sets of cards with numbers from 1 to 7.


lollipops, askew, rolls.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - exercise “All Year Round”, d/i “Collect a Picture”, exercise “Number Line”, exercise “Light the Lamp”, exercise “Live Week”, work in notebooks, summary.

3. H.E.R. Drawing “Musical instrument - balalaika”

Program content:

expand children's ideas about musical instruments through the means of visual arts, introduce the Russian folk musical instrument balalaika: with its features, structure and sound, consolidate the ability to draw a sketch of a balalaika as shown by the teacher, improve visual technique (choose art materials in accordance with the task and the implementation by design), improve the technical skills of painting with a brush (paint with the tip of the brush or the entire bristle, move freely in different directions), promote the development of cognitive and creative abilities, improve children’s speech, the ability to freely express their thoughts; promote the development of cognitive and creative abilities, develop creative abilities, emotional responsiveness, develop observation, fine motor skills, a sense of shape, color, proportions, cultivate interest in fine arts, cultivate a love of music and respect for musical instruments, cultivate independence, initiative, accuracy, ability to get things done to the end.

Vocabulary work:

activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Musical Instruments”.


laptop; presentation “Types of musical instruments”; picture of a Russian folk instrument - balalaika, album sheet (for each child), simple pencil, eraser, gouache, colored pencils, wax crayons, brush No. 3.7.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - the game "Greeting", a conversation with children about musical instruments, watching a presentation, a riddle about the balalaika, examining the instrument, a teacher's story, a physical lesson, showing how to draw, p/g, independent and ind. children's work, listening to a balalaika concert, the result.

Physical education in games on a walk No. 28


1. Observation of the linden tree. Objectives: to form ideas about linden in the spring, about how changes occur in connection with the season.

2. Outdoor games “Two Frosts”, “Entertainers”. Objectives: learn to perform characteristic movements according to the content of the game; develop agility and speed.

3. Labor: sweeping the veranda. Goal: to teach how to use a broom correctly.

4. Individual work on movement development. Objectives: teach jumping on one (right, left) leg.

5. Didactic game “Count - don’t be mistaken!” Objectives: teach children to reproduce the order of numbers in the natural series, practice forward and backward counting.

6. Independent play activities of children. Objectives: to teach children to independently find something to do, to unite in groups for joint games, to take into account the interests of other children.

7. Sports game “Band Hockey”. Objectives: introduce children to the main participants in the game (forward, goalkeeper, defender); teach how to make passes to a playing partner.


1. Reading the poem “Wolf” by Sasha Cherny. Objectives: to introduce children to fiction, to enrich children’s vocabulary.

2. Work in the book corner: an overview of modern children's magazines. Objectives: to introduce children to modern children's periodicals, to develop the need for reading magazines and interest in them.

3. Didactic game “What’s extra?” Objectives: to train children in the use of nouns with prepositions; learn to reason logically and find what is superfluous among a group of objects, and give reasons for your choice.

4. Role-playing games “Car repair shop”, “Barber shop”. Objectives: to teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partners, to observe role-playing actions and relationships in the game.


1. Bird watching: crow. Objectives: invite children to describe the bird, imitate its voice, observe the habits of the bird in the spring season. Tell children about the life of birds.

2. Outdoor game “Baba Yaga”. Objectives: remind children of the rules of the game, teach them to play the role of a driver-catcher, develop reaction speed, and develop the ability to react to the actions of their comrades.



1. Conversation on the topic “Good mood.” Objectives: to develop health-saving competencies in children: a positive attitude towards their health, knowledge of methods of physical self-improvement.

2. Didactic game “Wonderful Bag”, topic “Tools”. Objectives: to teach children to use the ability to recognize and correctly name tools and their characteristics to solve a game problem.

3. Self-care: “Locker room” exercise. Objectives: teach children to undress carefully and quickly, observing the correct sequence, and maintain order in their clothes.

4. Canteen duty. Objectives: To contribute to the improvement of skills related to the duties of the duty officer. Involve children in serving the second course and clearing dishes from tables.

5. Role-playing games “Orchestra”, “Supermarket”. Objectives: to improve and expand children’s play ideas and skills, to encourage the desire to organize role-playing games.

GCD 1. Speech therapy

2. H.E.R.
Application “Tools”
Program tasks:

create conditions for consolidating and generalizing knowledge about working tools and their purpose, consolidating the ability to cut a strip folded in half (several times) to obtain a symmetrical shape, figures of the same size; consolidate the ability to cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, develop in children creative imagination, attention, observation, and the ability to draw logical conclusions; develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the work of the entire team, cultivate a sense of goodwill, responsibility and cooperation; to form a positive attitude of children towards the teacher and towards each other.


Whatman paper, colored paper of different formats and colors, scissors, glue, napkins for work, toy tools: hacksaw, hammer, rake, screwdriver, pliers, thimble, suitcase for tools, letter.

Vocabulary work:

self-tapping screw, chisel, thimble.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - a letter from a carpenter, a reminder of the rules for working with tools, a teacher’s story about unfamiliar tools, a game “True or False”, a physical exercise “Hammer”, examination of tools, demonstration of a method of action, independent and ind. work, result.

Ecology "Tools". Software tasks:

systematize children's ideas about tools, expand children's ideas about what tools are needed for, develop visual perception and attention, memory, thinking, articulation and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, developing cooperation skills and a friendly attitude towards each other.


a doll from the film “The Fixies” Nolik, a song from the film “The Fixies” - “Cog”, cards with pictures “Tools”, colored pencils.

Vocabulary work:

vice, bolt, drill, tape measure.

Methodical techniques:

org. moment - poem “I need such things”, d/i “Confusion. Tools" and riddles, the game "which one? Which one?”, physical exercise to the song from the cartoon “Fixies” - “Cog”, d/i “Compare”, exercise “Worker, construction worker, musical”, summary.

day F.R. Physical education No. 56. Walk

1. Observation of objects in the surrounding reality. Objectives: invite children to pay attention to young linden leaves and spruce needles, teach them to understand the laws of nature.

2. Outdoor games “Shepherd and flock”, “Day - night”. Objectives: to teach children to monitor the coordination of movements of the arms and legs, to maintain posture when running. Cultivate courage and self-confidence.

3. Labor: cleaning branches on the site. Goal: to cultivate hard work.

4. Outdoor game “Don’t get caught.” Objectives: to train children in jumping over a line, to teach how to perform jumps technically, and to maintain correct posture. Develop agility and reaction speed.

5. Didactic game “Find a toy.” Objectives: to develop in children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features.

6. Sports game bandy. Objectives: teach children how to dribble a ball with a stick, avoid obstacles, and make passes to a partner. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, cultivate endurance.


1. Reading chapters from A. Volkov’s book “The Wizard of the Emerald City.” Objectives: to introduce children to the fairy tale, to arouse interest and a desire to listen to the fairy tale further.

2. Didactic game “Who will find more?” Objectives: to train children in memorizing, distinguishing and naming geometric shapes. Develop visual perception, imagination, learn to use the names of figures in various speech constructions.

3. Printed board games of children's choice. Objectives: to develop observation, attention, the ability to notice similarities and differences in objects, to activate the vocabulary.

4. Drawing along the strokes and cutting out along the contour of “Musical Instruments”.


1. Observing the weather. Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about natural phenomena united by the concept of “weather.” Invite children to characterize today's weather, compose a collective story using the concepts of dry, windy, sunny, cloudy.

2. Outdoor game “Geese-swans”. Objectives: invite children to tell the rules of the game, explain how the players should act. Develop attention, dexterity, coordination of movements.

3. Independent activity of children. Objectives: fostering independence, encouraging initiative and friendly relationships.

Preparing to start work

Before the construction of a facility, resources should be provided for a stable construction process. This includes recruiting personnel, purchasing materials and equipment. It is also necessary to choose a construction method, determine the sequence of work and the time for their completion. After this, it is necessary to take into account such points as the complexity of the drawings, the location of the site, and possible administration restrictions.

Design of the graphic part of the plan

In most cases, when preparing a schedule, a beam diagram is used.
The time period is drawn in the form of a beam: days and weeks - horizontally, segments of the construction of the structure - vertically. When reflecting a specific task, such as building a tunnel, it is better to use a path-time diagram. The horizontal axis is the travel axis, the vertical axis is the time axis. The diagram helps track construction progress and time between groups of work.

Another type of graphical representation of a plan is a network plan. A time axis is drawn, and segments of work time are marked on it: the earliest and latest times are called the “critical path.”

How to calculate work completion time?

The calendar plan must take into account the intersection of work when individual activities coincide in time. To correctly calculate the construction time, you need to divide the structure into sections. The list of works should be divided into separate steps in which elements will be manufactured, volumes and resource consumption will be taken into account. The construction time of each element will depend on the length of the shift and the number of workers. The construction time of the entire structure is the sum of the deadlines for completing all the work.

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