Short-term project for the senior group. Project theme: “My hometown”

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Pedagogical project “My small homeland”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Combined type kindergarten No. 411 of the Samara city district

Completed by: Bogomolova Natalya Aleksandrovna Teacher, MBDOU kindergarten No. 411 Samara, 2022

For Russia our city is a particle, but for us it is our parental home. And we are glad that we can be proud of the Small Motherland where we live.

Civil patriotic education today is one of the most important links in the system of educational work. Of great importance for the cognitive, social, personal and moral development of preschool children is familiarity with their native country, hometown, the history of their native land, and its attractions.

Parents have insufficient knowledge about their region, do not pay attention to this problem, consider it unimportant, children do not have sufficient information about their hometown.

Project participants: children of senior preschool age, preschool teachers, parents.

Implementation period: September – May

Project type: long-term

Features of the project:

  • by the nature of the product: educational and research, informational
  • by number of children: group
  • by nature of contact: open
  • by knowledge profile: interdisciplinary

Implementation conditions: interest of children and parents

Relevance of the project.

Huge changes have occurred in our country in recent years. This concerns moral values, attitudes towards the events of our history. People's attitudes towards their Motherland have also changed: now they talk about it mostly negatively. However, the difficulties of the transition period are not the reason for the suspension of patriotic education.

No matter how society changes, instilling in the younger generation love for their country, their small homeland, and pride in it is necessary under any system.

“Small Motherland” is, first of all, the child’s family, home, kindergarten, the nature that surrounds him, memorable places of his hometown and village, famous people.

A preschooler must first of all recognize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then as a citizen of Russia, and only then as an inhabitant of planet Earth.

Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, for children of senior preschool age, the direction of civic-patriotic education is included in the educational area “Cognitive Development” . The older preschooler should be focused on: patriotism, social solidarity.

Novelty of the project.

The project will help preschool teachers:

  • in realizing the highest priority direction in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is the natural “entry” of children into the surrounding society, accessible to their age characteristics
  • in determining the goals and objectives of the harmonious introduction of a child into the world around him, primarily through the prism of national culture, life and traditions of his people
  • in understanding the importance of the preschool period of life, since the education of the best moral and spiritual qualities of a child’s personality (love for family, kindergarten, native land) begins from the time when he only learns to see, hear and understand the world around him.


It is necessary to cultivate in a child a love for his home, family, and kindergarten from the first years of life. The child must understand that having his own home is a great blessing. All good things begin with the home and mother - the keeper of the hearth.

Expected results:

  • children can know and name their place of residence, some enterprises of their hometown and village, city symbols, attractions, flora and fauna
  • children can give their home address, feel love and affection for their home, family, kindergarten, and go to kindergarten with pleasure
  • children can know and name the place of work of their parents and grandparents, the significance of their work, feel pride and respect for the work of adults, show attention and respect to WWII veterans, the elderly, and provide all possible assistance to them.

The goal of the project: to expand children’s knowledge about their native land, to continue to introduce them to their hometown, its historical past and present, and to cultivate love for their small homeland.

Project objectives:

  • introduce children to the historical past of Samara, their native village
  • expand children's understanding of the diversity and uniqueness of the nature of the Samara region
  • deepen knowledge about the features of the city’s architecture, Samara’s affiliation with the space industry, Samara’s capabilities as a large industrial city
  • introduce them to the enterprises that exist in the village and where their parents work
  • cultivate love for home, family, kindergarten, city
  • promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in family and kindergarten settings.

Stages of work on the project

Stage 1 – preparatory

  2. https://www
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Project “My Favorite City” (preparatory group)

Goal: - encourage children to speak out; — test children’s knowledge of city

, your home address.

2. Cognitive - research. Drawing up a map of the street where our kindergarten is located.

2) Independent activity of children. Looking at a map - city

(check the boxes for the most interesting places
in the city
, places where the children have already been).

3) GCD. Design “The area in which our kindergarten is located”


Goals: - expand and clarify children’s ideas about the area in which their kindergarten is located; – learn to work collectively, discuss details of work; - develop imagination.


1) Role-playing game “Streets of my hometown

Goal: - to help children divide the group
into supposed streets with different play centers organized on them
(hospital, store, pharmacy, police, post office, kindergarten)

- develop free communication with adults and children during the game

2) D/i “Lay down a monument”


The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities


1. Children’s story about interesting places in the city

, where they have already visited.

2. CHHL. Reading poems about your hometown


2) Independent activity of children. Looking at books and photographs.

3) GCD. Cognition: “The history of the emergence of our native city


Goals: - consolidate children’s knowledge about their hometown

— introduce the history of the city and its founder
; - cultivate interest in the history of their native land.


1) Educational - research “Compilation of the Red Data Book of the native land”


Purpose: - storytelling, showing illustrations of animals living in our area.

2) Conversation: “What interesting things did you see and remember when visiting the museum?”

3) Drawing on the theme “Animals of our native land”


4) Work with parents: offer to find information about the number of streets in the city

and whose names the streets are named after.

Day 5

The first half of the day

1) Group/subgroup activities


Compiling and guessing riddles on the topic “My favorite places in my city


2) Independent activity of children.

Cognitive - research. Looking at illustrations of industrial facilities in our city



1) Educational fairy tale. Goal: - listening to fairy tales and memorizing small genres of oral - folk art from the collection “In a Certain Kingdom”


2) Productive. Making the album “My City


3) D/i “Guess where I am”


Project result


Knowledge gained during the project

, helped to increase the importance of patriotic education of children and the formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers.
Parents and educators were convinced of how relevant the topic of studying one’s hometown is
The project
interested children and adults, united parents and children in raising future citizens of their
city and country

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