Literary quiz game based on the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Literary quiz for the middle group. Tales of Chukovsky

Literary quiz “Tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky” for children of the middle group.
Goal: To teach children to emotionally and actively perceive a fairy tale. Objectives: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the literary works of K.I. Chukovsky. 2. To form an interest in works of fiction. 3.Involve children in creative activities. 4. Cultivate a love of reading, the ability to think and analyze. 5.Develop memory, thinking, creative imagination. Material for the lesson: portrait of K.I. Chukovsky;
a selection of author's books for the exhibition; Owl toy; “tree with stockings and shoes”; paper lights; wonderful bag; a selection of items for playing in a wonderful bag - telephone, coin, soap, towel, thermometer, pills, sun, knife, mug, chocolate, plate, matches, frying pan, bird, crocodile, iron; doctor's suit; fox, watchdog, hare, bunny masks; medical case; musical accompaniment. Progress of the event:
Presenter: Hello, boys and girls! Today we remember one famous writer, the author of many children's fairy tales. Look at the portrait, who recognizes it and can name it. Of course, this is Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Chukovsky was born a long time ago and at first he wrote for adults, but when his little son got sick, he cried, was capricious, it was necessary to cheer him up. Korney Ivanovich began to tell him a funny story: “Once upon a time there was a crocodile, he walked the streets...” (K.I. Chukovsky) - this was the very first book of the writer. Now look here. How many books by Chukovsky have been collected and you, of course, know them all. (Attention is drawn to the exhibition of books). An Owl (toy) “sits” near the exhibition of books. Host: -Oh, who is this? Yes, this is the wisest Owl in the world, she knows everything and can answer any question. (The phone rings) Owl: -Who's talking? Elephant? Where? From a camel? What do you need? Chocolate? Wrong! Call 125, and this is a kindergarten! (The bell rings again) Owl: -Who's talking? Who's missing? Aibolit? Of all the books? It can’t be, we don’t lose anything! Really, guys? Let's check. (They leaf through the books and find that Aibolit has disappeared) Owl: -Oh! Oh! Oh! Disappeared! These are Barmaley's tricks! You need to go in search of Aibolit in the country of Chukland. -Will you go with me in search of Aibolit? -What kind of country is this, who knows? (All the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky live in this country). - How do we get there? I know we'll fly on a magic carpet! Sit comfortably, let's set off, just hold each other, the flight is dangerous. Let's fly! (Music sounds) Host: -We've arrived!
-And what is it? There is some tree on our way, probably Barmaley is obstructing us! “The miracle tree is growing! Not a leaf on it! Not a flower on it! And the stockings and shoes are like apples!” (K.I. Chukovsky). The quiz “Fairy-Tale Characters” is being held.

(Stockings and shoes are removed from the tree, on which riddles are written on the back): 1. “Wait, don’t rush, I’ll swallow you up in an instant.
I’ll swallow it, I’ll swallow it, I won’t have mercy...” “Who is this?” From what fairy tale? (“Cockroach” by K.I. Chukovsky) 2. “I am the great Washbasin, I am the famous boss and the commander of the washcloths.” - Who is this? From what fairy tale? (“Moidodyr” K.I. Chukovsky) 3. “And I walked across the field and found some money. I went to the market and bought a samovar.” - Who am I? (“The fly is a clattering fly” by K.I. Chukovsky) 4. “Oh, poor woman, I cry and cry alone. I wish I could sit down at the table, but the table went out the door. If I could cook cabbage soup, go and look for a saucepan. And the cups and glasses were gone. Only cockroaches remained.” - Which fairy tale is the hero from? (“Fedorino’s grief” by K.I. Chukovsky) 5. “I will, I will be kinder, yes, kinder! I’ll bake pies and pretzels, pretzels for the children!” - Who is this hero? (“Barmaley” K.I. Chukovsky) 6. “He treats little children, He treats birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses... (Aibolit)” (“Aibolit” K.I. Chukovsky) 7. “Suddenly from the gateway - A terrible giant, Red-haired and mustachioed... (cockroach)" ("Cockroach" K.I. Chukovsky) 8. "The pigs meowed - meow - meow, Kitties... (grunted, oink-oink)..." What fairy tale? (“Confusion” K.I. Chukovsky) 9. “In Africa there is a robber, In Africa there is a villain, In Africa there is a terrible one... (Barmaley)” (“Barmaley” K.I. Chukovsky) 10. “The people are having fun - A fly is marrying a dashing man , daring Young... (mosquito)” (“Fly – Tsokotukha” K.I. Chukovsky) 11. “The sun walked across the sky. And it ran behind a cloud. The bunny looked out the window, It became dark for the bunny... (it was dark)..." (“The Stolen Sun" by K.I. Chukovsky) 12. “And the dishes go forward and forward Through the fields, through the swamps. And the teapot said to the iron - I can’t go any further... (I can’t)..." (“Fedorino's grief" by K.I. Chukovsky) 13. “Only suddenly, from behind a bush, from behind a blue forest, From distant fields Flies... (a sparrow) "("Cockroach" K.I. Chukovsky) 14. "And the chanterelles took matches, They went to the blue sea, They lit the blue sea..." ("Confusion" K.I. Chukovsky) (Scatter "tongues of flame" on the floor) Presenter: -Look! The sea is on fire! Let's run quickly! Blow, blow on the fire! Blow harder! Breathing exercises “Burning Sea” are being carried out. Presenter: -Wait! This is how the fire just burns! “The sea is burning with flames, A whale ran out of the sea! Hey firefighters, run! Help, help! (K.I. Chukovsky) Let's quickly gather all the lights together and put them out. (The outdoor game “Let’s Collect Lights” is being played) Presenter: -Well done, guys! But we forgot our main task. Where are we rushing to? Right! Look for Aibolit! But, I’m kind of tired! And you? Don't you want to relax a little? Children sit on chairs. The game “Wonderful Bag” is played. (Children take one item from the bag and name which fairy tale it is from: telephone, coin, soap, towel, thermometer, pills, sun, knife, mug, chocolate, plate, frying pan, bird, crocodile, iron.) Presenter : -A What kind of smile is this? (There is a large picture of a smile on the wall). -Probably not completely evil Barmaley! And also a joker! He gives us a new task: We must name what the characters in K.I. Chukovsky’s poems were happy about. 1. “The whole animal family is glad, the whole animal family is glorifying and congratulating the Daring Sparrow! Donkeys sing his glory according to the notes, Goats sweep the road with their beards...” K.I. Chukovsky (Sparrow ate a cockroach in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”) 2. “Here the Great Washbasin, the Famous Moidodyr, the Chief of Washstands and the Commander of washcloths, ran up to me, dancing, And, kissing, he said..." K.I. Chukovsky (Dirty washed himself and became a clean man in the fairy tale “Moidodyr”) 3. “The animals were happy! They laughed and sang, they flapped their ears, and stomped their feet. The geese began to shout again like a goose: Ha-ha-ha! The cats purred: Mur-mur-mur! The birds chirped: Chick-chirp! K.I. Chukovsky (All the animals began to scream in their own way in the fairy tale “Confusion”) 4. “And the saucers rejoiced: Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la! And they dance and laugh: Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la! And on a white stool and on an embroidered napkin the Samovar stands, As if the heat is burning...” K.I. Chukovsky (Fedora cleaned the dishes in the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief”) 5. “And the shark Karakula winked with her right eye And laughs and laughs, As if who was her tickles. And the little hippos grabbed their bellies and laughed and burst into tears - so that the oak trees shook.” K.I. Chukovsky (Doctor Aibolit cured all the animals in the fairy tale “Aibolit”) 6. “Sheep. Rams are beating the drums! Trumpeter Owls Trumpet! The rooks are screaming from the tower! Bats on the roof are waving handkerchiefs and dancing. And the elephant is a dandy and dances so dashingly that the ruddy moon trembled in the sky and fell head over heels on the poor elephant.” K.I. Chukovsky (The crocodile released the sun from its mouth in the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun”). Host: -Guys, I know one poem that you haven’t heard and it’s called “Joy.” (Reading a poem). The presenter and the children approach the box containing the clothes. -Guys, look! Have we really found Doctor Aibolit!? What is this? Just Aibolit's clothes. (The doctor’s clothes are put on the child, children are selected for the roles of the fox, the watchdog, the hare and the bunny, it is proposed to dramatize an excerpt from the fairy tale “Aibolit”) “Good Doctor Aibolit! He is sitting under a tree. Come to him for treatment: a cow, a wolf, a bug, a worm, and a bear! Good Doctor Aibolit will heal everyone! And the fox came to Aibolit: “Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!” And the watchdog came to Aibolit: “A chicken pecked me on the nose!” And the hare came running and shouted: “Ay, ah! My bunny got hit by a tram! My bunny, my boy, got hit by a tram! He ran along the path, And his legs were cut, And now he is sick and lame, My little bunny!” And Aibolit said: “It doesn’t matter! Give it here! I’ll sew him new legs, He’ll run along the path again.” And they brought a bunny to him, so sick and lame, and the doctor sewed on his legs, and the bunny jumped again. And with him the mother hare also went to dance. And she laughs and shouts: “Well, thank you, Aibolit!” K.I. Chukovsky. (Music turns on, everyone is having fun) Host: - It’s time for us to return, let’s invite Aibolit and the animals with us. Make yourself comfortable and don't forget to hold each other. Let's fly! (Music turns on) The presenter again leads everyone to the book exhibition. -Did you like our adventure? -Look at the books again and try to answer the questions: 1. What did the Elephant ask you to send in the fairy tale “Telephone”? (chocolate), and Crocodile? (galoshes). 2. What did Doctor Aibolit cure for the bunny? (legs), and Sharks? (teeth). 3. What did the bears ride in the fairy tale “Cockroach” (on a bicycle), and Komariki? (on a balloon). 4. What did the Cluttering Fly treat the beautiful butterfly? (jam). 5. Who dealt with the terrible giant in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (sparrow). 6. Who stole the sun in the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun”? (crocodile). 7. What were the names of the little crocodiles in the fairy tale “Moidodyr” that the dirty guy met? (Totosha and Kokosha). Presenter: - Well done! You know everything. Do you like such fairy tales? What is the name of the author of all these fairy tales? Children read poetry: 1. There is nothing in the world Better than his fairy tales. And who you will recognize, Just look at the photo. 2. We are golden guys, we are all so talented. Once we grow up a little, we’ll start writing roots. 3. We revered Korney, We became so smart. But even here we did not lag behind - we wrote the book ourselves. Host: -Look at the books our kids made at home with their moms and dads. (Looking at baby books).

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Quiz “The Life and Work of K.I. Chukovsky" (for teachers/parents)

  • March 23, 2018

International and All-Russian competitions
All-Russian master class “Use of multimedia technologies in preschool educational institutions”

Quiz “The Life and Work of K.I. Chukovsky” (for teachers/parents)

Goal: to consolidate the ideas of teachers/parents about the life and work of K.I. Chukovsky.

Description of the slides. Changes to the content of each slide occur with a click (once an answer is given, the correct answer changes color when clicked). Then the quiz host introduces the participants to the facts of K.I.’s creative path. Chukovsky. You can navigate to each slide by clicking on it.

1 slide – title page.

Slide 2 – Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is a scientist, writer, literary critic who wrote many poems and fairy tales for children. Born in St. Petersburg on March 31, 1882.

Slide 3 - Korney Chukovsky is just a pseudonym for a man who was killed as Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov. He got his surname from his mother, and his patronymic from the priest who baptized him. High growth. Long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging over the forehead, laughing light eyes and a surprisingly easy gait. This is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Slide 4 – Moments of “return to childhood”, these bursts of happiness were the main sources of inspiration for Chukovsky.

The writer experienced the most powerful surge of happiness in Petrograd on August 29, 1923. When the famous “Tsokotukha Fly” appeared to him almost entirely. Feeling like a person who could work miracles, I did not run in, but took off, as if on wings, into our empty apartment. Grabbing some dusty piece of paper, having difficulty finding a pencil, he began to write a funny poem about Mukha’s wedding, and he felt like a groom at this wedding.

Slide 5 – K. Chukovsky dedicated the wonderful fairy tale “The Miracle Tree”, written in 1924, to his little daughter Mura. This was his beloved daughter, she died at the age of 11, contracting tuberculosis. In this poem, he writes that small blue knitted shoes with pom-poms were picked for Murochka, and describes what exactly their parents took from the tree for the children.

Slide 6 – The house-museum of Korney Chukovsky is located in the holiday village of Peredelkino. This place in the Moscow region is well known not only to residents of the capital, but also to any citizen who values ​​the country’s heritage.

He got up very early. As soon as the sun rose, he immediately got to work. In spring and summer I dug in the garden or in the flower garden in front of the house, in winter I cleared the paths from the snow that had fallen overnight. After working for several hours, he went for a walk.

Slide 7 – From the memoirs of Isaac Brodsky “In the Penates”. In winter, Chukovsky was fond of ice boats and got me into this sport. Buer - a vessel (formerly), later a light boat or platform, mounted on special metal skates, designed for sliding on ice and equipped with a mast and sails.

Slide 8 - Ilya Repin was a close friend and neighbor of Chukovsky at his dacha in Peredelkino.

Slide 9 – “Bunnies on a tram...”.

Slide 10 – K. Chukovsky’s first fairy tale – “Crocodile” – written in 1916. One day Chukovsky’s little son fell ill. Korney Ivanovich took him home on the evening train, wanting to ease the baby’s suffering at least a little. I began to compose and tell him a fairy tale on the go, about Crocodile Krokodilovich.

Slide 11 – Fedora’s patronymic from the fairy tale “Fedorino Grief” Egorovna. Excerpt from a fairy tale:

“….I forgive Fedorushka and treat him to sweet tea. Eat, eat, Fedora Egorovna!”

Slide 12 - The prototype of Doctor Aibolit in the fairy tale was a doctor from Vilnius, Tsemakh Shabad (Russian colleagues called Tsemakh Yoselevich Timofey Osipovich). Korney Chukovsky met Shabad while in Vilnius in 1905.

Slide 13 – the correct answer is to Africa.

Slide 14 – “Chukokkala” – a handwritten almanac compiled by Korney Chukovsky from 1914 to 1969. The first publication took place in 1979 - but he himself did not live to see this date.

Slide 15 - Chukovsky once wrote to Marshak: “You and I could have died, but, fortunately, we have powerful friends in the world, whose name is children!” During the war, Korney Ivanovich and Samuil Yakovlevich seriously quarreled and did not communicate for almost 15 years.

Slide 16 - Bibigon is a fictional character, a tiny midget, a boy - with - a finger who says that he fell from the moon and lives at the dacha of Korney Chukovsky. The boy’s main enemy is the “huge and formidable” turkey Brundulyak.

Slide 17 – the correct answer is a turkey.

Slide 18 - A book called “From Two to Five” was published in 1958 with a circulation of 400 thousand copies and instantly sold out without a trace. In the book, the author collected hundreds of funny, unusual examples of children's word creation. In his work, he used conversations, games, songs from the lives of his children, as well as numerous readers who, at the request of Chukovsky, shared dialogues with the kids in letters.

Slide 19 – Often the characters in Chukovsky’s fairy tales are animals. And especially often – Crocodile. Do you remember in which fairy tales this character is present?

The correct answers are “Moidodyr”, “Crocodile”, “Cockroach”, “Barmaley”, “Stolen Sun”, “Telephone”.

Slide 21, 22 – list of sources.

Compiled by: Evgenia Valerievna Kovtun, teacher at MBDOU No. 6 “Svetyachok”, Gadzhievo, Murmansk region. First qualification category, 4 years of work experience.

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