Leisure activity “We welcome guests” in the senior group lesson plan (senior group)

Guests - greeting in verse

*** I am sincerely grateful to my guests for their wishes, for their warm words, I am happy and real about our meeting, Although I am a little dizzy. I have, I think, a lot, Family, work and friends, Whom I met recently, But I already understood - nothing more true. In work, in life, in relationships, In doing everyday things, I will be grateful to all of you, Who are faithful in life, honest, courageous. And for the rest - so much Health, life and mind are enough, After all, everyone pays with something in life, Let's raise a glass - let's drink to the bottom!

*** To beautiful people, in the full sense of the word, I sincerely pay tribute to my soul For our meeting again soon I raised my glass and drank in one gulp.

*** I am extremely grateful to you for your simplicity and kindness, Although I already know you a lot, And I love you all like a man. May good luck accompany you In the family, and in life, and in work, May it be this way and not otherwise, May you win in the struggle of life.

*** For our friendship, inspiration, joyful enthusiasm for communication, for cheerful laughter to oblivion, for our sincere conversation. For faith in life and faith in a friend, Who is strong, honest, brave, Saving you from sadness and illness, Laughed, drank with all his might and sang. Here's to you, dear guests!

*** Everyone has their own environment in life, In it you feel strength, honor, respect, Support in life in business and in everything, In it is what we call hope in life. May fortune and luck help you, my guests, to move through life faster. And find the one who was once lost in your life as soon as possible.

*** There are people who always sow good things, They were lucky in life, they were unlucky. They give away the warmth of their hearts and don’t take even a little in return. They are modest, ordinary, not noticeable, they don’t waste words and don’t just say that. Their life is complicated and also not comfortable, but they still give more, dare and create. In them you feel firmness, faithful support and strength, readiness to be there everywhere - in adversity, in the grief that has come and in the coming trouble. Such people against our gray background, Alas, can be counted on one hand. They deserve a fair share, respect, and their place is always among people. So may God grant them health and inspiration and a long life for themselves and for people.

Comic lotteries for guests in verse

Every guest is pleased to go home with a small gift. A comic lottery will help you quickly distribute prepared surprises. To do this, all tasks are numbered and the corresponding numbers are assigned to the lottery ticket. You can use apples and tangerines for the game. The guest pulls his number out of the hat (box), and the presenter reads out his comic task and presents the prize.

You came across a rose that does not wither in the cold. I ask you to save her in order to lure her mistress. (rose)

Every housewife needs to fry, cook and cook in the kitchen. Just do not add too much salt. (salt)

You got a citrus worth a million. Get a wonderful lemon. (lemon)

Guests comic poems

The tone of the holiday, of course, is set by the owner or mistress of the house. The whole atmosphere of the holiday depends on them.


*** Passionately awaiting the feast Preparing the table for you, friends, Dressing the last salad The morning dishes clink. I put on a new shirt, I polished my shoes until they shine, I put a hat on my cloudy head, I greet guests like an actor. The table is prepared - a feast for the eyes Caviar, fish and balyk For tea, I have saved cookies And the barbecue is ready on the fires. Let's drink to good luck, To the fact that everyone will be richer, wiser, more beautiful, more fun. Fill Ivanovich (Petrovich) as soon as possible.

*** Visit us more often and write to us friends. Through the virtual bridge I invite you to visit.

*** Meeting with guests is pleasant, And reeks of a new feeling, If you lived honestly, it is not disgusting, Your heart beats joyfully when you meet. Meeting with everyone... who is happy - you can see, Who only maintains decency, Who sees you for the first time..., doesn’t know, Someone is stubbornly silent. A meeting is always new feelings, A meeting is learning something again, A meeting is always incomparable with separation, You want to meet again, again.

*** Our everyday life is more gray and filled with melancholy, hourly care and human vanity. Everyday life rushes like wheels along the wide pavement, It seemed to them that there was no wear and tear in a short and earthly life. The house is filled with fun by Guests with a friendly crowd. They add color to life and charge with warmth.

*** In everything there is decency and friendship, Then - all the rest of the vanity, We really need our friendship, And without it, life wouldn’t be the same. Let the quiet, warm wind of this friendship blow the sails of life with hope. We need to live... it’s not evening yet And life is amazingly good. May God take troubles away from us, And life brings only victories For business, friendship and soul, Friends, so that they are good.

*** I set the table, I met the guests, I seated them, poured food, and greeted them. Let's drink standing to the guests, Pour the glass full. Let it be the way you want, And what is only for you. Look forward confidently, It’s not evening yet... and not yet... The family is always happy, Let it be in your every day. Today everyone needs this so much, To be confident in themselves. And let always, in everything and nearby As in unforgotten years, Only those who are welcome, To whom the soul is drawn, go. May the sky be clear and peaceful Always above your head. Life is interesting, necessary, long and combined with fate.

Poems about guests

*** I dedicate the poems to my guests, so that they know this for sure: You are people of great soul and this is why you are good for me. May God always send you good luck and may failures be avoided, may you be healthy and as you grow older, people appreciate you as always.

*** The guests in a noisy crowd sat down together at my table. I listen with all my skin, with all my soul. After all, we walk through life side by side. The heights of life were not taken lightly. It took a lot of work and a spirit of creation, for which people honor. These years have confirmed Us on the path of life. These years have hardened us to achieve victory.

*** Guests have gathered in our house today! And the table is already decorated, And all the dreams have gone astray. They are generous, desirable, and joyful, bright. It’s great that we are all here today.

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