“Invisibility - air” (experiments) summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group (4-5 years old)

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    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, kindergarten of general developmental type No. 11 “Firefly” of the Municipal Entity Timashevsky District (MBDOU d/s No. 11) was opened in 1966.

    If there is an island of love, joy, and happiness on Earth, then this is MBDOU d/s No. 11 “Firefly”. Our preschool educational institution is a living organism that breathes, feels, and rejoices. We try to penetrate every child's heart, instill in it joy, love, kindness. Preschool educational institutions are parents. They are the main assistants in our work and we are very grateful to them for this. Preschool educational institutions are employees. The most hardworking, creative people who can do everything, who care about everything with their souls, who love children. A preschool is a big family. And like any friendly family, we have our own traditions. If you want your baby to feel comfortable, to develop in accordance with his capabilities and abilities, come to us at the Firefly kindergarten.

    The preschool educational institution operates in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. A license was issued for the right to carry out educational activities under educational programs dated March 12, 2013 No. 05353. The preschool educational institution has a license to carry out medical activities dated December 5, 2012 No. LO-23-01-005240.

    The preschool educational institution ensures a high level of development of preschool children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics. Contributes to the preservation of physical and mental health, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, social and moral development, emotional comfort of the child and his socialization.

    The preschool educational institution works according to the “Basic general educational program of preschool education.”

    In addition to the basic forms, teachers use new methods, technologies, and partial programs in their work:

    • “Education of ecological culture among preschool children” (S.N. Nikolaeva)
    • “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children” (R.B. Sterkina,)

  • “Our home is nature” (N.A. Ryzhova).
  • “Theater – creativity – children” (N.F. Sorokina)
  • TRIZ technology by G. Altshuler.
  • Technologies O.S. Ushakova on speech development

    • protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;
    • ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child;
    • introducing children to universal human values;
    • interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.


    • protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of children
    • artistic and aesthetic education of children;
    • interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

    The teachers will make sure that your child becomes independent, sociable, active, inquisitive, learns to think, develops his creative abilities, joins the world of art, and learns to create his own artistic creations; musical director L.E. Chernyavskaya will reveal the talents of your baby and he will become a real little artist; work on moral and patriotic education is carried out, skills and abilities in visual arts are improved, taking into account the age characteristics of children. Work is underway on environmental education in all groups, there is an environmental classroom “Ladybug” in which senior students conduct experiments and experiments, based on the developments of the programs “Young Ecologist” by S.N. Nikolaeva and “Our Home is Nature” by N.A. Ryzhova. Children develop a conscious attitude towards natural phenomena, towards themselves and their health. At the preschool educational institution a complex of health-improving and educational activities is carried out, the basis of which is motor activity, these are: physical education classes; physical education and health work during the day (morning exercises, physical education minutes, outdoor games and physical exercises, hardening activities, gymnastics after sleep, “health paths”); active recreation (physical education and holidays, health days, vacations); health services: phytoncidotherapy.

    We provide additional development of children’s individual abilities in the “Bell” - vocal circle.

    Pedagogical principles of the team:

    We raise friendly, cheerful and resourceful people. We warm you with affection, warmth, care. We develop healthy, strong, dexterous people. We sow reasonable, good, eternal things.

    Every child in our garden is a clear star. And this star shines brighter because she knows that she is loved and valued, knows that she will not be abandoned, but will be helped to achieve perfection.

    Dear mothers and fathers, grandparents!

    We are glad to welcome you to our website!

    Why did we open our website on the Internet?

    In order to tell more about the preschool institution, which has become a second home for us, about the kind and creative employees who give a piece of their soul and warmth to our dear students, as well as about the children themselves, whose upbringing and education we consider the most important activity. We strive to ensure that the preschool educational institution is for everyone who visits it a home in which comfort, coziness and kindness reign, where music and sonorous children's laughter are heard, a home to which they come with joy.

    On this website you can get all the necessary information about the life of our kindergarten.

    You can find out information about how we live. We will talk about past events and significant dates. You can look at our photo album and learn from us some experience in conducting classes and consultations.

    • In the “Guest Book” section you can contact us and leave wishes and comments on the work of the preschool educational institution in general, as well as get acquainted with the opinions of other parents;
    • The “Kindergarten Events” and “News” sections contain notes of classes and events conducted by our teachers;
    • The “Garden Tour” section contains photographic materials of the territory of the preschool educational institution, interesting events held in the preschool educational institution, etc.;
    • In the “Information for Parents” section you will find a lot of interesting things: games, poems, songs, riddles and much more;
    • In the “Recommendations from Experts” section you can find consultations for educators and parents.

    We hope that our site will be useful to both parents of pupils of our preschool educational institution and many others. If you have questions regarding MBDOU d/s 11, you can ask them to our email address.

    We are waiting for you at:

    Krasnodar region, Timashevsk microdistrict. Sugar factory 8.

    tel./fax: 8 (86130) 5-35-77

    Sincerely, Head of MBDOU d/s No. 11 Avramenko Tatyana Andreevna

    Project activities in the senior group “Invisible Air”


    "Air is invisible"

    in the senior group

    Project participants

    : children of the older group, teachers, parents.

    Duration of project activity: short-term.

    Educational activities: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

    Project topic:

    "Air is invisible"


    At this age, it is difficult to teach children the concept of air, so we decided not to overwhelm the child with the burden of our knowledge, but to create conditions for jointly finding answers to the questions “what is it?”, “how?”, “why?”


    to form children’s ideas about air and its properties through search and research activities.

    Based on this, the following tasks were formed:

    - contribute to enriching and consolidating children’s knowledge about the properties of air, expanding children’s understanding of the importance of air in the life of humans, animals, and plants;

    — teach children to conduct basic experiments with air; explore its properties, establish connections, changes;

    - introduce environmental problems of air;

    — develop children’s cooperation skills through involvement in various activities with children and adults;

    — cultivate a culture of communication, intensify the speech activity of children;

    - develop cognitive activity, creativity, imagination, thinking, fantasy, communication skills.


    — A.K. Bondarenko “Didactic games in kindergarten”;

    — directory of the senior teacher of a preschool institution;

    - Internet resources

    Expected result:

    — determination of the project topic;

    — familiarizing children and parents with the goals and objectives of the project;

    — drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project;

    — selection of material;

    -selection of didactic and methodological material for the project.

    Project implementation:

    1. GCD:

    Speech development and literacy:

    Learning the poems “Every day I blow into a balloon...”, “Poplar fluff”.


    Watching cartoons "Fixies"


    "Storm in a Teacup", "A Way to Detect Air, Air is Invisible", "Catch the Air"


    "Paper Fan"


    “Magic drawing” (unconventional method - inflating the spot).

    2. Consideration of different books of different types and genres.

    3. Conversation: “What is air”, “The importance of air for the life and growth of living organisms”, “Noses are needed not only for beauty.”

    4. Plot-role-playing game: “Barbershop”; "Family"; "We are explorers."

    5. Speech game: “Yes - yes - yes, no - no - no”

    6. Didactic game: “Which way does the wind blow?”; “Recognize by smell”; “Collect a picture.”

    7. Reading: fairy tale “Southern Breeze”; V. M. Garshin. Fairy tale “The frog is a traveler; V. Kataev “Flower - seven-flowered.”

    Interaction with parents:

    — Design of the “Experimenting at home” section in the parent’s corner

    — Consultation “How to organize experimental activities at home”

    Final stage:

    — exhibition of drawings “Blotography”;

    Conclusion and effectiveness of work on the project:

    Children formed ideas about air and its properties through search and research activities.

    Reporting form:

    Photo report on the topic “Air is invisible.”

    Research work. Topic: Air is invisible.


    1 Scientific research work Topic: Air is invisible. Completed by: Pavel Igorevich Melnikov, 1st grade student, Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Omutinskaya Secondary School 1st p. Omutinsky, Tyumen region, Russia. Head: Fatyushina Lyubov Pavlovna, primary school teacher of the highest category of the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Omutinskaya Secondary School 1 p. Omutinsky, Tyumen region, Russia. S. Omutinskoye 2016

    2 2 Contents: Introduction. 3 pages Chapter 1. Study of the properties of air 4 pages Chapter 2. Making a model of a balloon. 7 pp. Conclusion. 8 pp. Literature. 9 pp. Appendix.

    3 3 Introduction. There is one ocean in the world, the largest. Every day, every hour, every minute, without noticing it, we “swim” in this ocean. And passers-by on the street, and cats, and dogs, and pigeons, and even cars “swim” in this ocean. This ocean is not salty and there is not even water in it. This is the air that surrounds us everywhere. Air is a natural mixture of gases that forms the earth's atmosphere. Air is necessary for the normal existence of living organisms on Earth. Oxygen contained in the air is necessary for living organisms to breathe. The purpose of the work is to study the properties of air. To achieve this goal, we solved the following tasks: 1. Air detection; 2. Study the color of the air; 3. Study the taste of air; 4. Study the smell of the air; 5. Study air movement. Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, observation, comparison, generalization, modeling. The work is of an applied research nature. Having studied the properties of air, we simulated a balloon. Object of study: air; Subject of research: properties of air. Hypothesis: warm air rises to the top.

    4 4 Chapter 1. Study of the properties of air. 1.1 Air detection. Let's take an ordinary glass, turn it upside down, and try to lower it into the water. It doesn’t work because something is resisting the water. Now tilt the glass immersed in water. We will see an air bubble, after which the glass will fill with water. Thus we proved that air exists. It fills the glass and resists the water. After the air has left the glass, it is easily immersed in water and the water fills the glass completely. Experiment 1: Air Detection. 1.2 Studying the color of air. Now that we know that there is air in the glass, let's try to determine its color. Dip the colored strips into a glass of air. The stripes do not change color, therefore the air has no color. + Experiment 2: Determining the color of the air.

    5 5 1.3 Studying the taste of air. We define taste with our tongue. The human tongue contains receptors that perceive taste. We are able to distinguish between sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Appendix I. Let's try to lick the air by sticking out our tongue. Then compare it with other products: chocolate is sweet, lemon is sour, air is tasteless. Thus, we come to the conclusion that the air is tasteless. Experiment 3: Determining the taste of air. 1.4 Studying the smell of air. We detect smells using our nose. First, we took a deep breath to smell the air. We don't feel it. Peeled the orange and smelled the orange. We smelled the perfume and felt a pleasant smell. But the air is odorless. Experiment 4: Determining the smell of air.

    6 6 1.5 Study of air movement. A lit candle was brought to the slightly open door. At the top, the candle flame is directed out of the room, and at the bottom, on the contrary, into the room. In winter, we see that steam comes out of the open door, which always rises to the top. There is also steam above a hot kettle or pan, and it also rushes upward. This means that warm air is lighter and rises. Experiment 5: Study of air movement. Having proven that warm air is lighter than cold air and rushes upward, we wondered whether air can lift objects with it. I remembered that on our birthday we launched a heavenly heart into the sky. This heart was made of light material and when we set fire to a special tablet soaked in flammable material, it rose into the sky. I also saw the cartoon Fixies. There Papus and Masya rose in a hot air balloon to fix the chandelier. Later, my dad told me that such balloons actually exist and people can fly on them. Appendix II. So I decided to model my own hot air balloon.

    7 7 Chapter 2. Making a model of a balloon. To begin with, my dad and I drew a diagram. We then modeled the frame using aluminum wire, since aluminum is strong and lightweight at the same time. Even airplane parts are made from aluminum to make it light and maneuverable. Making a balloon frame. Then we chose a lightweight and durable fabric and covered the frame with it. Having established that warm air can rise and lift light objects. We decided that the air could be heated with a candle. We secured the candle with wire and installed a basket below for passengers. Completed model of a hot air balloon. My balloon is only a model of a real balloon and will not be able to fly into the air. But in the future I plan to make the necessary calculations and make a real flying ball that can lift into the air, well, if not me, then at least Papus and Masya (the cartoon characters Fixies).

    8 8 Conclusion. 1. Air takes up space. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless, so we can smell flowers and delicious foods. Smells also warn us from troubles. 2. Warm air rises to the top. People learned to use this property of air back in the 17th century, when they invented the hot air balloon. 3. Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed.

    9 9 Literature. 1. Ashikov V. Semitsvetik - a program of cultural and environmental education for preschoolers // Preschool education N 2. - S Vinogradova N. F. Children, adults and the world around / Vinogradova N. F. - M.: Education, p. SOUNB; EF; Cipher ; Copyright sign B493; Inv. EF SOUNB number; EF; Inv. number EF 3. Kindergarten - the standard of environmental culture // Bulletin of environmental education in Russia N 2. - S Ivanova G. On the organization of work on environmental education // Preschool education N 7. - S Kameneva L. A. Methods of introducing children to nature in kindergarten: textbook. manual for pedagogical schools / Kameneva L. A. M.: Education, p. Sverdlovsk OUNB; EF; Code 74.1; Author's sign M545; Inv. number EF 6. Korzun A.V. Environmental education using TRIZ pedagogy // Child in kindergarten No. 4. - S. Manevtsova L. A child learns the world of nature // Preschool education N. 8. - S. Pavlova L. Yu. Environmental education: practical activities of children // Child in kindergarten No. 1. - S. Ryzhova N. A. Invisible air. Ecology program. image. doshk. / Ryzhova N. A. - M.: Linka-Press, p. SOUNB; KH; Inv. number KH 10. Stikhina L. Green sails: environmental leisure for children // Preschool education N 3. - C

    10 10 APPENDIX I. Taste buds of the tongue. Figure 1. Areas of the human tongue responsible for the perception of taste. Figure 2. Magnified view of taste buds.

    11 11 APPENDIX II. Balloons. Figure 3. Antique engraving of a hot air balloon.

    12 12 Figure 4. Modern hot air balloon. Figure 5. Balloon with tourists.

    13 13 APPENDIX III. Study of air properties. 3.1 Instructional card for studying the properties of air “color”. Procedure: 1. Take colored strips and lower them into a glass of air. 2. Has the color of the stripes changed? 3. Draw a conclusion. Air color: Air 3.2 Instructional card for studying the “taste” properties of air. Procedure: 1. Try the chocolate, determine the taste 2. Try the lemon, determine the taste 3. Taste the air, determine the taste Compare the taste of the air with other products. 4. Draw a conclusion. Taste of air: Air

    14 Instructional card for studying the “smell” properties of air. Procedure: 1. Take a deep breath. Does the air have a smell? 2. Peel the orange. Did you smell it? 3. Smell the perfume? Did you smell it? 4. Draw a conclusion. Scent of air: Air

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