Tales about vegetables materials (preparatory group)

Poems about radishes for children



What kind of ostriches are these? They grew up in the garden in the summer. Above the ground there are only one Leaves - the tails are visible. Red radishes are clever, they hid their heads in the ground.

Author: Rukosueva G.

*** - Hey, radish! Jump into the bowl! - No, I won’t jump! Don't want! The kids didn’t wash their hands. As soon as they do, I’ll drop by!

Author: Avdeenko K.



There is a large harvest of radishes in Anfisa's garden. And the neighbors are all tearing radishes for salad.

Author: Darnina I.


Radishes, straight from the ridge, Washed under the tap, All glistening in droplets of water On a woven towel. And how delicious it looks - Well, it teases the appetite!

Author: Sibirev V.



A radish with a white tail has browned its side, and sister Raiska has collected a large bunch from the garden bed for us.

Author: Dovzhenko N.


Look at the radish, the pink head is down, there is a green bunch at the top, it is not high, just on the side.

Author: Review I.



We watered the radishes, and everyone was waiting for them to grow. With sour cream, very tasty, with the addition of cabbage!

Author: Yudina T.



What kind of ostriches are these? They grew up in the garden in the summer. Above the ground there are only one Leaves - the tails are visible. Red radishes are clever, they hid their heads in the ground.

Author: Rukosueva G.


There are no more beautiful radishes in our garden. How juicy, red, round, Don’t look how small it is.

The turnip was also a success, lit up like a yellow sun. Well, is the onion really bad, an old man in a hundred clothes?

Author: Nishcheva N.

Poems about tomatoes for children


Shine on satin skin. Stop! There is a traffic light in the garden! This is a shining bright red juicy ripe tomato.

Author: Nemenko E.


This bright red fruit just begs to be put into our mouths. It's soft and juicy inside, call it a tomato.

Author: Masley N.



Tomato, aka Tomato, is no longer happy with anything, He blushed with fear: Lest someone eat him!

Author: Lyzlova V.


Cheerful tomato

Why did they pick me and call me a tomato? What kind of jokes, what kind of nonsense? I am a happy tomato!

Author: Alferova A.


Garden tomato - Like a traffic light. If it is green in the garden, stomp past, guys! It turns yellow - wait, don’t tear it yet. If it turns red, don’t yawn, Stop, don’t walk any further! Turn off the traffic light, Eat a sweet tomato!

Author: Ranneva E.


I am a tomato, or a tomato, I am rich in vitamins, I am not terrible in appearance: I am round and red, Everyone will be very happy to put me in a salad.

Author: Zhukovskaya E.


What kind of sir is this here?! Large red tomato! He played hide and seek with me, I found him in the garden.

He approached quietly from behind, I parted the bush lightly, He didn’t have time to hide - I ate it in the salad!

Author: Poletaeva A.

Poems about cucumbers for children



I am long and green, Sometimes fresh, sometimes salty, I grow in the garden, I am loved by all the people, That’s how great I am, I’m called a cucumber.

Author: Zhukovskaya E.


What did the woman pickle? Maybe baby crocodile? The crocodiles dived, deftly arched their backs. Or are there some Very Strange Frogs in the tub? They swam in the water, were silent, only their tails stuck out. Did you guess it? Well done! There were cucumbers in the tub.

Author: Rukosueva G.



In the garden, a cucumber, like a lazy little man, sleeps in the garden all day and yawns and snores.

Author: Bakhrushina S.


How similar they are, You can recognize them by their clothes. They are twin brothers. The cucumbers are turning green!

Author: Sibirtsev V.

***Green cucumber

Green cucumber - Big, big sly: Sits in his garden, Plays hide and seek with people.

Author: Bezladnov V.


The long-awaited firstborn, a cucumber appeared. With a flower on his nose, Little Frog lay down in the dew.

Covered in green pimples, like I did when I was cold... I warmed it in my palms, and then took it to my grandmother.

Author: Snezhny I.


A cucumber grows in a garden bed, So everything will be fine, The harvest will soon be harvested, If you want, pick it.

You ask him a question: “What did the cucumber grow for?” And you will get the answer: - For salad and vinaigrette.

Author: Borina M.

The therapeutic effect of fairy tales

Incredibly, fairy tales have a therapeutic effect. A fairy tale about vegetables for children can be no worse than one where the main characters are people. This way, the child can quickly get acquainted and “make friends” with new vegetables. If he refuses to eat certain foods, then an interesting fairy tale about vegetables will help change his attitude towards them. Reading or listening to fairy tales, you are involuntarily transported to the world of magic and fantasy, dreams and daydreams. In this amazing world, anything can happen. Animals and birds can talk, houses can be made of candy, people can travel through time, fly, etc. The world of fairy tales is always kind and beautiful. That's why not only children, but also adults like them so much.

Poems about potatoes for children


I won’t leave a single crumb from the crumbly potatoes. I’m very happy with the potatoes, they look good. And also, look, she has a wide mouth.

Author: Mezhins P.


I would never have guessed Before this, I myself would have - Potatoes are not put at the table, They are put in pits. Without darkness and dampness She cannot grow!

Author: Mullin M.


Dig up the bed a little, and look, there are potatoes living there. One potato, two and three... Take it all into the bucket.

Author: Golubenko E.



Dig up the bed a little, and look, there are potatoes living there. One potato, two and three... Take it all into the bucket.

Author: Golubenko E.


I didn’t pretend to help my dad dig potatoes: Half a bucket is my valuable contribution, Not potatoes - just a treasure!

Author: Sibirtsev V.



I think from vegetables, the best of all is potatoes, without it you can’t cook cabbage soup, you can’t eat okroshka.

Author: Gromova L.


Tubers grow underground, they are waiting for ripening. Everyone is feeding their "profile". That plant is a potato.

Author: Talyzin V.


I am the most beloved on any table, And in my honor it’s time to give fireworks! After all, your mother will prepare a hundred different dishes for you from potatoes in the kitchen!

Author: Polak F.


We eat these tubers - Sometimes we sit by the fire, We bake in the coals a little, so that the potatoes don’t burn.

Author: Talyzin V.

Poems about cabbage for children


Elegant cabbage

On a hot day and on a cool day, Cabbage wants to be elegant. She stands on a large leg and holds all her clothes in her arms.

Author: Grinev G.


The garden, the field are empty - The hare is sad, very sad. The bunny remembers summer, the bunny quietly hums: “Oh, how delicious

Cabbage leaves!..” And all night long the hare dreams of a vegetable garden. There are countless sweet stumps in the beds.”

Author: Vasiliev G.


I don’t like my stomach to be empty, so I eat cabbage! Without a doubt, this vegetable is a help for digestion!

Author: Gromova L.



Look, the cabbage in the garden is all dressed up in fashion! A hundred outfits, that's too much! There is a stump under the leaves!

Author: Sibirtsev V.

*** Tied her head, Are you sick, cabbage? Are you cold in summer too? Are you wrapped up, cabbage? — I wear a turban to protect myself from the sun. I don't need heat at all.

Author: Tangrikuliev K.


If you are found in cabbage, You have no reason to be sad, Because then you will be provided with food.

Author: Ivoilova A.


Lady - cabbage

This lady is a cabbage. She wrapped the leaves in a ball. “It will be very tasty with cranberries” - That’s what the chef told us.

Author: Dovzhenko N.


We started skipping and tearing cabbage stalks. Only on top of the stalk there were too many leaves. Let's take the cabbage to mom - The leaves will turn into cabbage rolls.

Author: Golubenko E.

Poems about carrots for children


The girl cleverly hid, She’s comfortable in the ground. The scythe reveals a cheat, We pull a carrot from the ground!

Author: Sibirtsev V.


Like a grandmother’s garden, a very sweet vegetable has grown. Let’s do a training session to see who can gnaw a carrot the fastest.

Author: Gromova L.


Carrot said with dignity: “I have a lot of merit!” I have a special vitamin – essential carotene.

So that my skin is velvet, so that blindness does not let me down, I will always remain valuable, everyone needs me, believe me!

Author: Anishina N.


We have grown carrots. Red-haired, like a cheat. Hidden in the cellar, Just a braid on a hillock.

Go to that cellar. And pull the braid. After all, she is a carrot! Full of vitamins.

Author: Mikhaleva M.

*** Carrot

Carrots are dozing underground. What is she dreaming of there? Let's threaten, frowning - Show yourself, girl!

Author: Fink I.


I am a carrot, or a carrot, make a salad out of me, put it in borscht, and in soup, from peas and from cereals,

Add it wherever you want and eat it raw. Sweet and juicy, I am very loved by everyone.

Author: Zhukovskaya E.


The carrot grew delicious, a very long head, orange color, sunny summer.

The tail sticks out above the ground and says to the guys: Show some skill, get out the carrots.

Tasty and sweet, but don’t eat it on the sly. Wash it very thoroughly, everything will be fine.

Author: Borina M.


Carrot has a red nose

The carrot has a red nose, a juicy, tasty, sweet fruit. And the green lush tail decorates the garden.

Author: Dovzhenko N.

Poems about turnips for children



The yellow ball has grown into the ground, with only a green tail on top. Holds onto the bed tightly Round vegetable. It's a turnip!

Author: Savelyeva


Turnip is not a simple vegetable, but it is a little bitter. And as a doctor he is golden - He treats the throats of children

It also helps adults and bears fruit in the fall. An inconspicuous root vegetable, Which, like a doctor, grows with us.



The turnip has grown, It’s ripe and delicious, It’s tasty and glorious, And even more so for us.

Author: Review I.


I sit like a mouse in a hole, with a green tail in the yard. To pull everything out, you need to try really hard. After all, it’s not for nothing that Grandfather, Grandmother, cat, granddaughter, Mouse and dog Bug pulled me together for half a day! This fabulous turnip holds onto the ground tightly.

Author: Emelyanova O.

*** Turnip

She fed everyone, young and old. Today, too, on the table - look, honest people always take off their caps, When we sing a turnip song.

Author: Review I.

Poems about beets for children


All the guys know beets. This vegetable is very bright. The beets will color the borscht red so that it doesn't look faded.

The dish will be so beautiful, and delicious, everyone will be amazed. If you eat borscht, you will be cheerful and not skinny.

There are a lot of vitamins in it, we will heal well. We'll prepare a salad, you'll be happy, of course.

Let's prepare the vinaigrette. The beets send us their greetings.

Author: Borina M.


The beets began to cry, They got wet to the roots: - I, guys, am not a beet, I, guys, am not a beet, I, guys, are a beet.

Author: Sinyavsky P.



Beets are a delicious red and burgundy root vegetable. Eat in salad all year round to become healthy.

Author: Dovzhenko N.


Look, as if in disarray, the beets crawled out of the garden bed: In the middle, on the sides, in the farthest corners!

She put her back up and sticks out halfway, Hiding herself above the ground with dark red foliage...

Without it, in the winter there is no borscht, no vinaigrette, no salads, no caviar - For adults and children!

Author: Grudanov E.



There are a lot of vitamins in beets. Beets are a champion in this. Buy in stores I offer it in your diet.

Author: Dovzhenko N.

Poems about pumpkin for children


Our pumpkin

Our pumpkin has grown fat, its sides are swelling. By September it turned gilded and became the color of copper.

Author: Dovzhenko N.


The pumpkin has ripened in the fall, and is still lying idle. Let's bring her home, We'll cook porridge with her in winter. Let's prepare pumpkin for future use. Let's drink healthy juice.



The pumpkin-pumpkin has grown up, Mom brought the pumpkin; Dad-dad - warm the water! Cook the pumpkin quickly.

Author: Avdeenko K.

*** Pumpkin

A pumpkin grew in a garden bed - Don't pick it up, guys! If it's a berry, then it's probably for an elephant!

Author: Maskaeva R.

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