Winter leisure with parents in the preparatory group. Scenario

Winter leisure with parents in the preparatory group. Scenario

Winter leisure with parents. Preparatory group for school

Scenario for winter leisure in the preparatory group “We are not afraid of frost, we have fun in winter”

Author: Tatyana Mikhailovna Zvorygina, music director of MBDOU - kindergarten No. 9, Gubakha, Perm region.
Description of the material: the material will be of interest to music directors, educators, and teachers when organizing entertainment and holidays with children of senior preschool and primary school age. Goal: through the organization of joint leisure, to promote increased interest in folk traditions and holidays, as well as strengthening friendly relationships between preschoolers and their parents. Objectives: - create a positive emotional mood in children and parents through games, dances, round dances; — develop communication skills, activity, endurance, desire to achieve success; — cultivate a respectful attitude towards participants. Children and parents enter the hall and stand in pairs with each other in a circle.

Leading. It's frosty and blizzard outside, Snow is flying from all sides. But no one will stop us from playing and having fun! Let us better rejoice, That there is so much to do in winter, Those who came to visit today, So, they managed to do a lot! An evening of songs, games, fun awaits us today, we will hold hands together, we will start a round dance!

“Oh, frost!”

Leading. To make us warmer, we will bring firewood as soon as possible. Oh, burn-burn-burn, speak, help us light the stove!

“A blizzard is blowing along the street”

So we have become warmer, which means it will be more fun! We can play together and show off our prowess! It's Christmas time now! So you can hold carols. The presenter places two fancy bags on the tables to accumulate points that teams will receive during competitive games.
Let's break up into teams, Let's go left and right! Whose team wins gets the reward! For every victory, get a candy! The participants of the game (parent + child) draw one circle (snowflake) from the tray, turn them over and divide them according to color (white or blue) into 2 teams.
Teams are asked to choose a name. Leading. So as not to get bored in winter, we will play games, sing and dance songs, and sing a little carol. In order for us to unite before carols, we need to show how you try not to let your team down. The game will help us with this

“Swap places”
Rules of the game. Participants of different teams line up in two lines facing each other at some distance. The distance between participants in ranks should be no less than the width of outstretched arms. At a signal, the participants run towards each other, trying to take someone else’s place and turn around, team to team. The team that does it faster wins.

Leading. And now each team needs to strengthen itself - build a fortress.

Game "Fortress"
Rules of the game.
Teams stand in two ranks (as in the game "Wicket"). To the music, the participants of the game scatter in different directions. When the music ends, they need to stand in the “fence” and build a fortress. The winner is the team that builds the “Fortress” faster without making a mistake in intertwining their hands. Leading. We built fortresses. Now we have to conquer these fortresses. It's time to fight in a snow fight.

Rules of the game. One team is located on one side of the hall, the other team on the other. The hall is divided in half by two “drifts” (white rollers). Each player on two teams is given a snowball (compressed lumps of white paper). On command, players begin throwing snowballs to the opponent’s side. Continue until the music ends or the bell rings. Then the snowballs are counted. Whichever team has fewer snowballs on its side wins.

Leading. We warmed up well, everyone tried very hard. The teams became friends, everyone rallied to each other. But it's time to carol. You need to know carol songs! They begin caroling on Christmastide from January 6 in the evening until Epiphany. According to a long-standing tradition, caroling requires at least 3 people. These could be both girls and boys, both aunts and uncles. The head of the carolers is Zvezdar. This is the person who goes first and carries the star. A person who had a loud, beautiful voice and knew carols better than others was always chosen to play the role of Zvezdar. Whoever sings the carol better will bring the team a point!

“Sing a carol”
Both teams sing (pronounce) carol songs.
Generous evening, good evening, Hello, hosts! Happy New Year, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas! Open the chests, serve the snouts, And also nuts for the children to have fun, The children will knock with nuts, You, the owners, will amuse you and the guests. *** We already walk, we wander along the alleys, along the back streets. They came to your yard, To you, owners, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas. Serve the pie With a wide mitten, Give us candy, So that the children will be happy! Leading. Whoever sang the best in the team is the Star, or let’s call him the captain of the team. (Teams choose a star - captain). And for Zvezdar you need to make a star. Whoever does it faster wins!

Game "Star"
Rules of the game.
Children and parents move freely around the hall to the music. As soon as the music stops, the teams gather in their composition and make a “star”, connecting their left hands in the center, and extending their right hands in the other direction to form a common large “star”. Leading. The next most senior is the Beller. This person is also an integral part of the caroling “team”. His duty is to carry a large bell and ring it to notify people that carolers are coming.

Game "Bells"
Rules of the game. Teams stand in two circles. Team captains each take a bell and stand in the center of the circle. When the music starts, the players move to the right in a circle, the captain to the left. When the music ends, the captain stops near two players standing next to him. Everyone says: “One, two, three, take my bell!” Both players run in opposite directions around the circle, run around it and must take the bell. Whoever is first is the Beller.

Leading. The third important caroler is Mekhonosha. Apparently, this man had to be strong, since he had to carry everything that the owners of the houses would throw at the carolers: candy, cookies, money, etc. They will throw it, since carolers should not take anything from their hands - the owners should put all gifts directly into the bag. We choose Mechonosha! Whoever catches the most candies in the bucket will be on his Mekhonosh team.

Game “Catch the Candy”
Rules of the game.
Players stand in two teams. The parent (father or mother) holds the bucket and stands in front of his team. Players throw candy into their buckets. How many hits - how many points each team gets at the end of this game. Leading.
Well, here we have appointed Mekhonoshi. And the bags are full of treats. We combine these and previously earned points into our bags. I ask the teams to line up. The star takes the star! The bell ringer is a bell. Mekhonosha - your own bag with caroled treats. Teams, line up! We go solemnly to our tables. It's time to count the points and name the winners! The presenter and two representatives from the team (parents) count the candies collected in bags during the games and announce the results. If there is a winner, an additional reward is given - a treat.

Leading. Did you enjoy our evening? Children. Yes! Leading. Will you come to see us here again? Children. Yes! Leading. Then everyone get up in pairs and sing about winter!

Song-dance “Russian Winter” by Olifirova

Leading. Our wonderful evening is over, goodbye everyone, see you again!

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Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad that, putting everything aside, you came to our holiday. A guest is a guest, a guest receives special honor and respect, especially since a large friendly family came to us. Children: How is the family alive today? You can't overcome all problems. And sometimes we forget that in worries and worries the main thing is to save the family. The house in which we live, The best house in the world, We carry the good memory of it in our hearts all our lives. May warmth and good light be in it for a thousand years! Presenter . You all know how useful it is to do physical exercise, how necessary it is to harden yourself, do exercises, and be outdoors, but how difficult it is sometimes to overcome yourself, get up early, do a few exercises, and douse yourself with cold water. We put everything off until later. What if you try to study together, as a family? Maybe then it will be easier?! The house we live in is a very noisy house. After doing various things in the morning, there is always a game going on in it! Dad, mom, like children, are waiting for these minutes themselves. They don't have enough time off for games, honestly. And at the holiday, friends, We can’t live without games. More passion, more laughter, Let the fun flow! Today the competition is not easy: We will reveal our talents. My family is always with me, and everything will be fine with us! Presentation of the jury Presenter . And now I will introduce you to the jury of the competition “Dad, Mom and I - a sports family” (presentation of the jury). Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. The team that completes the first task receives 3 points, the second - two, the third - one. After each stage of the competition, the jury will count points and provide information on the progress of the competition. After the last stage, the jury will announce the final results. The team with the most points based on the sum of all competitions wins. Presentation of commands Leader . And now I will introduce you to the teams “Sunshine”, “Rainbow”, “Star” Before competing, We must warm up, We stretch our arms and legs And we walk and walk Warm up “Relay race for teams” Leader. Let's start the relay race. You need agility and speed for this. A well-aimed hit, jumping and running... From the audience - applause and friendly laughter. 1 competition “Swamp” Presenter. Anyone can walk through a swamp! But how to get through without getting your feet wet? Cheerful laughter, the desire to win will help you and guarantee success! Mothers and children participate in this competition. You need to get through the swamp without getting your feet wet. Mom takes two hoops. Throws the first hoop, steps into it, throws the second hoop, steps into it, takes the first hoop, throws it forward, and so on. The team that spends less time and doesn't step on the ground wins. 2 Competition “Hoop through yourself” You need to quickly run to the hoop, “Put it on”, carefully put it on yourself and quickly join your team 3 Competition “Running as a snake” Run between the cubes “Snake”. Take a ball in the color of your team and quickly join your team 4 Competition “Who is the fastest” Three hoops, balls in hoops, running around the hoops - when the music ended, take one ball at a time. Those who didn’t get to stand in their column 5 Competition “Hit the Target” Throwing bags into hoops. Whoever has the most bags in the hoop wins. 6 Competition “Accurate, fast” Use a racket to guide the balloon forward and simply run back - pass everything to your teammate. 7 Competition “The most dexterous” Jumping through bags on two legs, crawling under the bridge. Run back to pass the baton to a friend. Additionally 1. Transfer the candy from one plate to another without using your hands - with your mouth 2. transfer the potatoes using a spoon, the other hand behind your back 3. Pass the ball back - arms straight at the top. 4. sack jumping 5. tug of war Conclusion There are no uninteresting families in the world. Their destinies are like the stories of planets: Each has something special, its own, And there are no others similar to it. – What do our children think about their families? (Children read poetry) Poems: 1. Family is mom, Family is me, Dad, grandma, My brother and sister, 2. Grandfathers, aunts - All this, friends, is repeated seven times in the word FAMILY! 3. There are many fathers and mothers in the world, Children love them with all their hearts. There are only one among them - they are dearer to me than all of them. Who are they? I will answer: MY BELOVED FAMILY!

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Many parents mistakenly believe that school readiness is the ability to read, count and write. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, school readiness is a much broader issue. In theory, a child should not be able to read, write, or even solve problems. But in practice, it turns out that it would be better for him to already be able to do all this, because otherwise, it will be difficult to keep up with the pace of learning, and he will feel uncomfortable among his “advanced” peers. In order to help the child not feel like a “black sheep” and incompetent, parents should take the process of pre-school preparation responsibly and take the time to work with the child. In our kindergarten, great attention is paid to this issue.

Goal: enriching the experience and knowledge of parents on the issue of the child’s readiness for school education through the KVN game.

Good afternoon to everyone, adults and children! Time flies inexorably forward, it seems like just recently you brought your kids, so small and helpless, to kindergarten. And today look at the children, they are already graduates, future first-graders. You and I haven’t lived long – quite a few five years. And today, to sum up the results of our joint work, we will hold a KVN game. Where you, dear parents and you guys, will show your organization, skills, abilities, or rather, your readiness for school.

Two teams “ZNAYKI” and “WHY” will participate in our game.

KVN is a game - a competition, and if so, we need a jury, strict and fair. I propose to invite our teacher, Lyubov Vasilievna, to the jury. And so, the jury has been invited, the teams are ready, we can begin.

I invite the teams to greet each other.

Team “KNOW”: (Parents) We are team “ZNAYKI”! We send greetings to our rivals! And we sincerely wish you to know the correct answer.

Team “WHY”: (Children) We are team “WHY”! We came to meet you, And we brought wit and skill with us!

The welcome went well, and the first competition of our game is called:


To speak clearly, you need to be friends with Tongue.

For children:

The parrot says to the parrot, I will parrot you, the parrot

To parents:

Tell us about your purchases. What purchases are you talking about? About shopping about shopping About my shopping.

Let's move on to the first competition of our game, it's called:

“SOUND KNOWLEDGE” The first task of the competition is to find the letters hidden on the faces and make a word from them, time is limited, the team “Why” starts, Stop the game, time is up. Word: school

Now the “Knowledge” team finds the letters and makes up their own word. Time is over. Word: vacation.

The second task of the competition is to make a proposal based on key words.

We start with the “why” command. 1. Table, orange, so, fell; 2. Umbrella, back, behind, hide, Lisa; 3. Hen, chickens, twelve, y, motley; 4. Early, blossomed, spring, bird cherry, white.

We continue the competition. Key words for the know-it-all team. 1. Zoo, striped, guys, in, zebra, see; 2. Red-breasted, village, fly, to, bullfinches; 3. Frosya, fragrant, buy, aunt, waffles. 4. Pear, on, peach, grow, pomegranate, tree.

The “SOUND KNOW” competition is over, the jury’s word. We evaluate the first task, the second task.

And now the task for the captains. Come out captains. Now we will write a mathematical dictation with you. Captains' competition - "MATHEMATICAL DICCTATION".

From a given point, three cells to the right Then one cell down Two cells to the left Two cells down Two cells to the right 4 cells down Three cells to the left 1 cell up Two cells to the right Two cells up 2 cells to the left 4 cells up.

The math competition is over. The jury's word. We evaluate all tasks. And now for everyone, both adults and children, there is a physical education break.

“MATRYOSHKA” 1. We are nesting dolls, We are nesting dolls, Let’s take a walk along the path. (Hands on a shelf. Walking, stomping step right - left.)

2. You, matryoshka, turn around, show yourself to all the guys. (Turns to the right - to the left with arms spread to the sides. Place them alternately on the heel.)

3. You tilt your head and reach her shoulder. (Tilts the head to the right - to the left.)

4. Raise your leg higher and clap and yawn. (Raise one knee at a time, hitting your hands under the knee)

5. We will straighten the back and tilt the body. (Bends forward to the right - left leg)

6. Here are the nesting dolls squatting and clapping their hands. All the nesting dolls, look, they will jump - one, two, three! (Squats with a clap in front of you).

We rested, and now the next competition is called:

Fabulous "LOTO". What is childhood without fairy tales, how many of them have been read and watched. And the first task of the competition is to guess fairy tale riddles.

(The teams solve the riddles one by one.)

1. Here is grandfather in the boat (to parents)

Sailed for firewood, But there is a small island on the water, Animals on it, Oh, the animals are in trouble! The water is rising, carrying it to the little animal... No, good grandfather will save them now. The crew will sit in the boat, and this book is about grandfather (MAZAYA).

2. In this book there are name days, (children) There were many guests there, But at these name days a villain suddenly appeared. He wanted to kill the owner, Almost killed her, But Someone cut off the head of the insidious villain

3. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp (to parents) And in this swamp someone caught it. Who said goodbye to green skin and instantly became beautiful and comely? (Princess Frog)

4. He trembled before the wolf, (to the children) He ran away from the bear, But he still got into the fox’s teeth... (KOLOBOK)

5. Oh! Oh! Oh! (to parents) There is such a commotion here! Everyone is running, rushing, jumping, They are shouting: “Where - where?” Well, someone cries bitterly from frustration and shame, But everything ends well, Everything returns to its place, Everyone forgives the guilty party, They treat them to sweet tea! (Fedorino grief)

6. The apple tree helped us, (to the children) the stove helped us. A nice blue river helped. Everyone helped us, Everyone snatched us away. We got home to mother and father. Who took my brother away? Name the book (Geese and Swans).

The next task of the competition is to guess whose advertisements are written in the newspaper:

Exchange: 1. I change the rolling pin, options are possible: for a chicken, for a goose, for a lamb (Fox) (for parents). 3. I am changing the ice hut to a bast hut. Do not offer linden (Fox) (to children.) Services: 1. I teach you to catch fish with your tail (Fox) (to parents). 5. A guest house on the edge of the forest, with three seats, invites you to take a break from the bustle of the city (Three Bears) (for children). Lost: 1. A mitten is lost, I ask those who found it to return it for a reward (Grandfather) (to parents). 2. I left my grandfather, my grandmother, don’t look for me, I’ll be with you soon (Kolobok) (for children). We took a break, let's move on to the next competition, it's called

“YOU FOR ME, I FOR YOU.” Now the teams will take turns asking each other questions hidden in such barrels of confusion.

Team “Znayka” starts. Choose a question for the “Why Check” team. Questions: * Tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage - what are they...? * How many days are there in a week? *Who wears a hat on their foot? * How many lights does the traffic light have? * A small cow is a calf, and a small dog is...? *What is the difference between a square and a rectangle?

Questions from the “Why” team for the “Znayka” team. Questions: * What can’t you build a house without? (corner) * What can’t you bake bread without? (crusts) * During the rain, under which bush was the hare sitting? (under the wet) * Where can’t you find a dry stone? (in the river) * Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no) * What is the name of the sailor dance? (Bullseye)

The questions are over, the jury speaks. Please rate the competition “You for me, I for you.”

We had a nice rest, but, unfortunately, our game came to an end.

And for you guys, we have a surprise! We give you bells, The bells are not simple - ringing and mischievous! If you call them, you will open the door to the world of knowledge. What should I say to you at parting, So that your wishes come true, And your dreams come true, So that you go through life boldly, So that you take on any task, So that you don’t go astray, So that everyone is proud of you. Build, sing and dare, And don’t forget about us!

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