Literary festival based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky "Visiting Grandfather Korney"

Entertainment “Journey through the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky”

Senior group

Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of Chukovsky’s fairy tales. Maintain children's interest in familiar literary works. Improve dialogic speech and intonation expressiveness.

Characters: presenter, Fedora.

Preliminary work: reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky, learning passages, acting out sketches.

Equipment: Chukovsky's books, envelope, koloshi, chocolate, black box, various dishes, 2 telephones.

Progress of entertainment

- Do you guys like to travel? Today we will take you on a journey through fairy tales, which you can guess from the illustrations you see.

(The teacher shows illustrations from books, children guess and name fairy tales)

-Who wrote these fairy tales? (children K.I. Chukovsky) (Portraits of various writers are laid out on the table, find a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky. The teacher puts a portrait of the writer on a stand)

“And now let’s set off on a steam locomotive based on fairy tales.” (to the music “We are going” we hit the road)

Stop 1: here we are. Look at some envelope here, now we’ll find out who it’s from.

(In the envelope there is a piece of paper with an illustration with an excerpt from the fairy tale “Moidodyr” and here there are also objects from which you need to select objects for the fairy tale “Moidodyr” (The game is played “Collect the necessary things for Moidodyr”) - well done, you completed the task, let's go further to way, we're going by train.

Stop 2: look - black box, let's see what's inside. (Inside there are galoshes, chocolate, Chukovsky’s book “Telephone”) - Let’s remember an excerpt from the fairy tale “Telephone”; the children act out the excerpt. Well done, now let's go.

Stop 3: oh, where have we ended up? What fairy tale? There are bandaged animals here, they are probably sick and need help. What can we do? Look at the notes they each have, you need to answer the question and then they will all be healthy.

Questions: 1 name the words that Aibolit repeated while heading to Africa? (Limpopo) 2 What medicine did Aibolit cure hippos with? (Chocolate) 3 What bird did Aibolit fly to Africa on? (eagle) 4 Who brought the telegram to Aibolit? (Shokal) 5 How many days and nights did Aibolit treat animals? (10 days and nights) 6 What hurt the poor grasshopper? (Shoulder) 7 What is another name for a hippopotamus in a fairy tale? (Hippopotamus) From which Chukovsky fairy tale did the animals come to us? That's right "Doctor Aibolit" Let's please our guests and read excerpts from this fairy tale. Well done, let's say goodbye and move on to the next fairy tale.

Stop 4: we arrived. Fedora appears and cries. I would have sat down at the table, but the table went out the door. Oh, woe, woe to me Fedora.” Guys, who is this? (Fedora) Guys, Fedora won’t understand why all the dishes ran away from her, let’s remind her. Oh, my poor orphans, my irons and frying pans! (Fedora cries) Guys, do you feel sorry for Fedora? How can we help her? Fedora: and you guess my riddles. Riddles about dishes. Fedora: Well done guys, you guessed right. Where are the dishes? Presenter: I think I see the dishes are hiding here, and now we will look for them.

(children look for dishes around the hall and bring them to Fedora.

Oh thank you, the kids helped, now I’ll treat you to tea from the samovar and you’ll help me prepare it.

(they perform the samovar song)

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