Educational game program “Travel to different countries of the world”

Educational game program “Travel to different countries of the world”

Educational game program “Travel to different countries of the world.” Andreeva Florida Niyasullovna, teacher of the State Budgetary Institution Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "in the Krasnoselkupsky district"

Traveling to different countries of the world

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about holidays and traditions in the countries of China, Brazil and Italy. Learn to memorize historical data; consolidate the holiday repertoire; cultivate collectivism and the desire to please children with their performances; maintain the emotional mood associated with national holidays.

Progress of the event

Presenter. Good afternoon guys! Today I want to invite you on a trip to different countries. Do you like to travel? Please tell me what people travel on? Today we will go in a hot air balloon. I invite you to actively participate in it. Because for every correct answer, we will award a token. At the end of our evening, points will be counted and prizes will be awarded according to their number. But first of all, let's friends take with us what we need for the trip.

Game moment "Suitcase".

Everyone stays in a circle. The first one says: “I’m flying to a desert island and I’ll take binoculars with me.” The next person repeats the phrase, adding his item to the suitcase. The third one needs to list everything and name his option. Whoever “did not bring the suitcase” (did not remember the sequence) is eliminated from the game. Okay, guys, we took what we need when traveling.

All those present inflate the balloons and, to the music, begin to throw the balloons upward. It is necessary so that the ball does not fall down, when the music stops, we stop throwing the balls.

Presenter. Guys, we have arrived in China, and I want to introduce you to this country. (Chinese music plays)

We found ourselves in the capital of China - the city of Beijing. (Photo - Beijing presentation). This is a large modern city, there are many beautiful buildings and skyscrapers. There is such a beautiful stadium. There are also ancient buildings there. The Great Wall of China runs not far from Beijing (photo). It was built many centuries ago. The Chinese began building a wall in order to protect their country from the attack of the Huns. For a long time there was such a militant people who often attacked China, ravaged cities and villages. The Great Wall of China protected the country and stretched across China for almost 9,000 km. That's how long it is. And this is what the Chinese flag and national costume look like (photo).

Our journey continues.

Next stop "Plant"

- Children, you know that the Chinese love Panda very much. And she became the National Symbol of China. It is listed in the Red Book, so reserves are created for pandas. And the panda’s main delicacy is bamboo (photo).

- Look how tall and handsome he is.

- What do you think, is this a tree or grass?

- In fact, this is the tallest grass in the world. Pandas' favorite food - bamboo - grows so quickly that it can grow to this size in a day (shown with a tape measure 90 cm). Pandas eat huge amounts of bamboo.

Game "Dance with fans"

Presenter. But dancing with a fan is the hallmark of Chinese dance art. The fan is also used in oriental dances, for example, in Taijiquan (or “purple butterfly dance”). Skilled dancers sometimes wield their fans so daringly that you are amazed. You are given a unique opportunity to feel like real Chinese dancers.

The participant in the dance game must use a fan to hold a feather in the air, who will dance the longest.

Presenter. Everyone excelled in this competition. But you not only need to hold the feather in the air longer, but also dance.

Well, let's fly further. To the music, they begin to throw the balls up, the music stops, and the children stop throwing the balls.

We found ourselves in the country of Brazil. (Photo – presentation)

The capital of Brazil is the city of Brasilia . The most famous city in Brazil is Rio de Janeiro . In Brazil they speak Portuguese. "Ola" means hello, let's greet each other in Portuguese (Ola).

Guys, do you want to know something else about the country of Brazil ?

Brazil is a very rich country, and what is it rich with, some clues will help us find out. And the first hint:

  1. There is one extra item in this box. Find it (cones, chestnuts, pebbles, leaves in the box).

Look, there are a lot of forests in Brazil . The dense, humid equatorial evergreen forests of Brazil are called selva .

Brazil ranks first in the world in timber reserves (Photo).

  1. Guys, to continue getting acquainted with Brazil , you need to find 8 pieces of paper in the room and there will be another hint on them. On these pieces of paper the letter from the name of the longest river in the world is encrypted. Color the sheet and use the resulting letters to form a word (arrange the sheets of paper by number in ascending order).

(learn the name of the river AMAZON”)

across the entire territory of Brazil .

There is a pink dolphin here. (Photo - presentation).

Dolphins love to fish, so we will fish. One of them has the following clue.

  1. Guess the riddle

They jump through the trees deftly,

They're making faces, they're cheats!

They love to eat bananas

Who is this?


Brazil is a country of wild monkeys! About 77 species of monkeys live here.

“Let us “turn” into monkeys today. Monkeys are best at imitating and imitating something.”

  • Depict the gait of a person moving on a slippery road.
  • Sit down several times, holding your ears with your hands.
  • Portray an athlete so that others can guess the sport.
  • Jump on one leg, actively wave your arms and seriously shout: “I am a butterfly!”
  1. All the monkeys are jumping on the vines. We also have vines - these are ropes. Wrap these strings around a pencil and find out the next clue (there is a note in the box - gold).

In the first time after the discovery of Brazil , seekers of gold and precious stones flocked here.

Find 8 nuggets in the sandbox, the largest one hides a clue (foil nuggets of different sizes, nuts).

Delicious Brazil nuts grow in

  1. You need to look for a clue in the nut. But our nuts are hidden in different jars. Take the lid out of the bag, which will help you find the jar of nuts. Each nut contains an example, count it. In the nut with the smallest answer you will find a clue. (In Kinder Surprises there are examples of subtraction). The light nut contains coffee beans.

Brazil is the world leader in coffee production (photo). We are used to drinking ground coffee rather than grain coffee.

This ground coffee will show us the next clue. (On a piece of paper, write the word FOOTBALL with glue and pencil). Pour coffee onto a sheet, brush off the excess and read what happens.

  1. The most popular sport in Brazil is football . Brazilian has become the world football champion five times

We have a full box of balls, the smallest ball contains a clue (balls are of different sizes, in su-jok there is a riddle)

  1. The hero is standing in the square.

He is muscular and young.

It stands in the heat, it stands in the cold.

He was firmly rooted to the spot. (monument)

Above the city of Rio de Janeiro stands the world famous statue of Christ the Redeemer. This statue is considered a symbol not only of the city of Rio de Janeiro, but also of Brazil as a whole .

The envelopes contain a cut-out picture of this statue, collect it and find out the next clue.

  1. (Carnival)

Every year at the end of February, Brazil hosts the famous Brazilian Carnival - 4 days of non-stop fun, costume processions and dancing. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is the noisiest, brightest and most cheerful holiday on the planet.

Dance "Lambada".

This is where our acquaintance with the country of Brazil . I want to thank you in Portuguese “Ubrigada” - thank you and say “Chow” to you - bye.

We flew on. The country is Italy. (Photo - presentation). A dream country for any connoisseur of beauty. It is here that the most picturesque mountains (Apennines and Alps), the best beaches (the length of the sea coast is 8000 km) and the most beautiful cities are located.

Italy is washed by five seas, this wonderful country is an ideal vacation spot. It was in Italy that the Renaissance began, serving as a bridge from antiquity to modernity. Italy is the cradle of European culture, the birthplace of great directors, brilliant writers and unsurpassed artists. Everyone probably knows the Italian composer, the wonderful violinist Nicolo Paganini, the wonderful Italian singer Robertino Loretti, the best violin makers lived in Italy. Their names are N. Amati, A. Guarneri, A. Stradivari. They passed on the secrets of their craft only to their students. There are many cities in Italy with their famous landmarks. The capital of Italy is Rome. One of the symbols of the city is the Colosseum. Inhuman gladiatorial games have not been held here for a long time, but the number of people thirsting for the spectacle does not decrease.

Venice is a place with a dubious future, but a stunning present. A city gradually sinking under water. Venice is also home to one of the most beautiful squares in the world - St. Mark's Square. It is in Piazza San Marco that the most famous Italian carnival takes place. Venice loves noisy celebrations!

Don't forget about the excellent Italian cuisine, which, thanks to pasta and pizza, has become famous all over the world.

Game moment "Pizza"

Each player is assigned the name of an ingredient in the pizza: dough, tomato, cheese, sausage, pepper, onion, and always several “inedible” ingredients: dirt, stone, sand.

According to the leader’s count: “one-two-three,” the children must quickly stand one after another to form a pizza. In this case, it is necessary that the dough must be “down” (in the middle of the circle), and the remaining edible ingredients must fit so tightly to each other so as not to miss the inedible ones.

Leading. Italy is a land of wonder and diversity, the birthplace of fashion, modern cinema and classical art. Once you visit this country, you will want to return there again and again. Children, do you know what this is?

That's right, it's a mask. Why do people wear a mask?

Children. Masks are put on the head, on the face, so as not to recognize the person. And then he turns into the hero depicted on the mask.

The mask is an ancient human invention. Masks were invented by sorcerers and shamans to scare away “evil spirits.” Centuries passed, and people began to make masks for fun. A mask like mine is called “Venetian”. In the ancient Italian city of Venice, cheerful street processions were often held. At the holiday, people wanted to look very beautiful and look like princes and princesses. And so that their neighbors would not recognize them, they decorated their faces with masks like this. The streets of the city and the boats that sailed along the narrow water canals of Venice were decorated with burning torches and colorful lanterns. Songs and dances did not stop in the streets until the morning. Traditional musical instruments in Italy are castanets, tambourines and maracas (I am showing an exhibition of musical instruments).

I propose to organize a Carnival today! This is the name of the festival of masks and bright costumes. We choose our own mask costumes.

Introduction to Italian folk dance.

The most common dance in Italy is the Tarantella. According to one version, the dance owes its name to the southern Italian city of Taranto. The tarantella is performed at a fast tempo and is accompanied by guitar playing, tambourine strumming, and sometimes singing. Not a single holiday in Italy is complete without tarantella. Now we will listen to “Neapolitan Tarantella” by D. Rossini. We mark the strong beat by clapping our hands, imitating the blow of a tambourine.

Performing the Tarantella dance with children.

Did you like it in Italy?

And now we return back to Russia.

What countries did we visit?

What new did you learn?

Educational game program “Travel to different countries of the world”

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Tags: children creativity

Geography game “Along the Routes of Great Discoveries”

Explanatory note to the geographical game “Along the Routes of Great Discoveries”

The upbringing of children and youth in modern Russian society is carried out in conditions of economic and political reform and becomes the main social and government priority. The age of students is the most important moment in the formation of a personality; it is the most receptive; it is at this age that a person’s worldview and critical attitude towards reality and towards oneself are formed. Materials about the life and activities of travelers and researchers arouse schoolchildren’s interest in the subject of geography, contribute to the activation of their cognitive activity, the formation of the need for reading additional literature, and the formation of a civic position. In addition, students need to develop civic personality traits: patriotism, citizenship, civic duty, discipline, independence, initiative, tolerance. Children think concretely. Visual images created by paintings are easily remembered during an emotional story and remain in memory for a long time. The content of the paintings used in the presentation reflects the most important, interesting event that took place in the traveler’s activities, his character, goals and courage shown. But the main thing is that students manage to create an image, a “portrait” of the traveler himself and connect the picture with the map. An essay competition on previously proposed topics has been added to the game. 2012 marks the 100th anniversary of the death of the English expedition that conquered the South Pole, led by Robert Scott, whose name has remained in the history of mankind as a symbol of courage and devotion to duty.

Playing with pictures about travelers and explorers helps develop students' will, perseverance, determination, perseverance, hard work, resourcefulness and intelligence. During the game, the student expresses himself, experiences positive emotions and situations of success. The game helps to increase the intellectual development of students and motivation for learning activities. This game can be used when studying topics about the Great Geographical Discoveries in geography lessons in primary school, as well as in the additional education system. The game is feasible even for weak students. Moreover, a weak student can become the first in the game: resourcefulness and intelligence here turn out to be more important than knowledge of the subject. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of passion and joy, a sense of feasible tasks - all this allows children to overcome shyness and has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes. Scenario for the geographical game “On the Routes of Great Discoveries”

Purpose of the game: Increasing motivation to study the subject of geography. Objectives: 1. Improve information culture. 2. Create for students an image, a “portrait” of the traveler himself and connect the picture with the map. 3. To promote the development of will, perseverance, determination, perseverance, hard work, resourcefulness and intelligence in students. 4. Develop the ability to work in a group, discuss problems collectively, and choose an answer. 5. Improve mental skills in limited time. 6. Develop creativity. Equipment: - exhibition of books dedicated to travelers and sailors; — student essays about travelers and sailors; - boats made by students; — multimedia projector, screen, computer; - a physical map of the world with the travel routes of F. Magellan and I.F. indicated by arrows of different colors. Kruzenshtern, 2 boats that serve as tokens for moving along the routes. - naval collars, caps.

Rules of the game: 1. Two teams participate in the game. If the answer is correct, the team moves along the chosen route, moving the boat according to the arrows. 2. Evaluation criteria. The first and seventh rounds are scored on a 5-point system, the fifth round - 3 points if the answer is given on the first attempt, 2 - on the second, 1 - on the third. In other competitions, one point is awarded for the correct answer.

Presentation of the jury members (consisting of students and teachers).

Knowledge about the earth has accumulated over many millennia. Caravans of merchants and ships of seafarers went beyond the horizon towards the unknown. For weeks, months, years the ships sailed into the unknown. Only the ocean and the sky all around! And here, finally, is the earth! Sometimes it’s a huge continent. Through the work of brave sailors, travelers and scientists, a picture of the modern world was gradually created. Round one. All hands on deck!

Come up with the name of the ship on which the teams will sail around the world, the team’s motto. Distribute roles on the ship: commander, navigator, pilot, etc. All team members put on naval collars, blue caps, and take places behind the playing field. The captain of each team announces the name of the ship and introduces his team. The team says the motto.

Round two. Choosing a route.

To find out which route the team will take to circumnavigate the world, you need to make up a word in 1 minute from the available letters written on the cards.

m a g e l l a n


Round three. Captains competition.

What dangers might both teams encounter during the long voyage?
The captains of the ships respond quickly; there is no time to think about the answers. They name the words one by one. (Tsunami, iceberg, coral reefs, storm, stranding, meeting with pirates, etc.) Round four.
Portrait of a navigator or traveler. Team members select the qualities necessary for a sailor or traveler, written down on pieces of paper, and rank them by importance. (Courage, hard work, perseverance, will, courage, cowardice, meanness, observation, attention, humanism, accuracy, rudeness, rudeness, cruelty, decency, respect, anger, perseverance, foresight, optimism, despondency, uncertainty, pessimism, responsibility, sympathy , heroism, sensitivity, endurance...)

Round five. Around the world

And life is also beautiful because you can travel. Each team will have to answer the question presented on the slide. The emotional perception of the issue will be enhanced by a painting, portrait or drawing depicted on the slide. If the answer is correct, the team moves along the chosen route, moving the boat according to the arrows. 1. Which island N.N. Miklouho-Maclay went to study the Papuans? 1. Greenland 2. New Guinea 3. Cuba 2. Which country was the property of which Christopher Columbus declared open land? 1. Portugal 2. Spain 3. France 3. Which navigator was accused of appropriating the glory of the discoverer of a new continent? 1. Amerigo Vespucci 2. Christopher Columbus 3. James Cook 4. What did I.I. Shishkin name his painting? 1. Pine forest 2. Light coniferous taiga 3. Ship grove 5. What did the captain of the corvette “Vityaz” give? N.N. Miklouho-Maclay 1. Ax 2. Revolver 3. Binoculars 6. What did the inhabitants of New Guinea call N.N. Miklouho-Maclay? 1. White man 2. Strange man 3. Man from the Moon 7. Which of the researchers shown in the picture visited the North and South Poles? 1. Robert Peary 2. Roald Amundsen 3. Robert Scott 8. How many trips around the world did James Cook make? 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 9. What is the name of the Aleut boat? 1. Kayak 2. Canoe 3. Pirogue 10. What does the name of the ship “Fram”, built by Nansen, a Norwegian polar explorer, mean? 1. “Forward” 2. “Norway” 3. “Arctic” 11. Name Christopher Columbus’s favorite ship 1. “Nina” 2. “Santa Maria” 3. “Pinta” 12. What is the name of the strait between the islands of Sakhalin and Hokkaido, discovered by a shipwrecked expedition? 1. Magellan 2. Drake 3. La Perouse 13. Africans called this waterfall “noisy smoke,” but what did David Livingston call it? 1. Niagara 2. Victoria 3. Angel 14. In what year did Robert Peary reach the North Pole? 1. 1909 2. 1911 3. 1912 15. What feeling did the participants of Robert Scott’s English expedition experience? 1. Severe fatigue 2. Sadness and melancholy 3. Severe disappointment 16. What desert of Central Asia was discovered by N.M. Przhevalsky? 1. Gobi 2. Kalahari 3. Atacama 17. Why did the people of Africa fall in love with David Livingston? 1. He told interesting stories 2. He hated slavery 3. Helped study Africa 18. In what year did F, F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev discovered Antarctica? 1. 1820 2. 1920 3. 1720 19. Afanasy Nikitin sailed across the three seas. What are their names? 1. Baltic, Caspian, Black 2. Arabian, Black, Azov 3. Caspian, Arabian, Black

20. What news made Ferdinand Magellan very happy? 1. A strait was found 2. Food arrived 3. An island was discovered 21. On which islands did Ferdinand Magellan die? 1. Japanese 2. Philippine 3. Canary 22. What was the name of the ship that returned from the first circumnavigation of the world, led by Elcano? 1. “Trinidad” 2. “San Antonio” 3. “Victoria” 23. What was the name of the boat built by Vitus Bering during the first Kamchatka expedition? 1. “St. Paul” 2. “St. Peter” 3. “St. Gabriel” 24. What prevented Russian sailors from approaching the shores of Antarctica? 1. Fog 2. Ice 3. Fear 25. What gift from I.F. Kruzenshtern did the Polynesians really like? 1. Mirror 2. Fabric 3. Officer’s saber 26. What did Semyon Dezhnev want to get at the mouth of the Anadyr River? 1. Fish 2. Walrus tusks 3. Fur 27. The coast of which island did Christopher Columbus mistake for the shores of Asia? 1. New Guinea 2. Madagascar 3. Cuba 28. What device did Marco Polo tell the Europeans about that allowed ships to keep the right course? 1. Compass 2. Astrolabe 3. Navigator 29. When was the first circumnavigation of the world by Russian navigators? 1. 1903-1906 2. 1803-1806 3. 1703-1706 30. Which ship is called the grandfather of the Russian fleet? 1. “Peter’s Boat” I 2. “Aurora” 3. “Varyag” 31. Expedition, which navigator could see the volcanoes of Kamchatka? 1. Ferdinand Magellan 2. Vitus Bering 3. Vasco da Gama 32. Why did Ferdinand Magellan name the archipelago Tierra del Fuego? 1. He loved to look at the fire 2. The lights were burning on the island 3. He wanted to sit by the fire

Round six. “Returning from distant wanderings...”

— competition of poems, essays about travelers (homework) “Knowledge and travel are inseparable from each other.” K. Paustovsky Each team member reads lines from an essay on previously proposed topics: “My favorite traveler” “Which traveler’s expedition would you like to take part in?” “Which traveler is worthy of emulation?” “Which researcher’s image is most attractive to you?”

Round seven. Origami.

Each team member makes a boat out of paper and receives as a gift the lyrics of a song that sounds: Little boy Made a little boat from a notebook sheet...” Power lines (Love this song.)

At the end of the game, the jury sums up the results, rewards the winning team, and treats the game participants to “sea pebbles.”

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