Business card of the participant of the regional pedagogical festival-competition “I am an educator” Lyudmila Viktorovna Bazhenova, teacher of the Skazka Medical Educational Institution of the Sladkovsky municipal level

Profession: junior assistant teacher

Project on the topic: “Profession - junior assistant teacher”

Prepared by 9th grade students: Daria Savrukhina, Kristina Astapova supervisor: labor education teacher Perminova O.P.

GKOU SO "Verkhnesinyachikha boarding school".

Project goal: improvement of general labor skills for further choice of profession and sustainable professional interests in work through the organization of project activities.


1.Summarize ideas and knowledge about the professional activities of a junior assistant teacher in a preschool institution through observations, excursions, and conversations.

2. Improve the ability to apply acquired knowledge and professional work skills in specially organized work activities.

3.Develop communication skills in a real situation of labor interaction.

4. Cultivate stable professional interests in work and a conscious attitude towards choosing a profession.

Relevance of this project

The profession of “Junior assistant teacher” is very relevant these days. To master the skills required for a given profession, you need to become more familiar with it. Understand what qualities a representative of this profession should have. That's why we future graduates became interested in this profession.


Within the framework of this project it is planned:

  • passing a medical examination to obtain a health certificate and permission to practice;
  • conducting observations, research, studying the duties of an assistant teacher;
  • practical work in a preschool institution;
  • conversations with service personnel of preschool educational institutions regarding the performance of their work duties;
  • drawing up a report of the work performed.

Expected Result

  • Implement the acquired skills and knowledge in MEP lessons through practical exercises in preschool educational institutions.
  • Broaden your horizons about the profession of junior assistant teacher.
  • Improve communication skills in the workforce.
  • After graduating from school, we will be able to choose a profession in demand in our area and thus not fall into the ranks of the unemployed.

Profession "Junior assistant teacher"

The decision to become a professional nanny for those who are ready to devote themselves to children can be very successful, since a good nanny will never be left without work and her work will always be adequately paid.

The important thing is that, when choosing such a profession, you have an extremely clear idea of ​​what awaits you. And if difficulties do not frighten us, and we are confident that we can cope, then it is quite possible that we will find our calling in the nanny profession

In practice, we learned that the junior teacher helps the teacher monitor the correct and healthy nutrition of children and the organization of their sleep. The responsibilities of an assistant teacher, in other words, a junior teacher, include providing assistance in the educational process.


In practice, we acquired the skill of working as a junior assistant teacher - this all equates to the first step into a future profession.

Competition “Our Junior Teacher”

Marina Balakhonova

Competition “Our Junior Teacher”

On May 5, kindergarten No. 16 “Thumbelina” in the city of Kondopoga hosted the “Our Junior Teacher” competition.


Goal: to improve work to create conditions for the exchange of experience among junior staff of preschool educational institutions.

Objectives: increasing the level of professional skill and creative approach to one’s work; stimulating the work of junior preschool teachers in matters of educating preschoolers.

Preliminary work: participants’ homework (business card, table setting, special clothes).

Progress of the competition.

Introductory part:

a phonogram sounds, the presenter (Deputy Director Tatyana Anatolyevna Pisarenko) makes a solemn speech: “Good afternoon, dear employees and colleagues! Dear, dear junior teachers! Truly independent, talented, selfless people work in our kindergarten! The work of a junior teacher is almost invisible to parents. Many mothers and fathers do not see these kind and affectionate eyes that meet their children every day, do not hear how their children share their secrets with these wise women, do not know how motherly they teach the children to be wise and orderly - to make their beds , monitor your appearance and much more. Throughout the day, the junior teacher is close to the children, lives the entire group life, and knows about all the little things of a child’s life. Well, which of the parents knows about all this, who does not doubt the enormous role of junior educators in the lives of their children, is, of course, very grateful to THEM for their activities for the benefit of preschool children. To confirm the need for junior educators, today we are holding a competition “Junior Educator!”

Jury's presentation:

Chairman: Director - Balakhonova V.P.; members of the jury: senior methodologist - E. V. Fedorova, senior med. sister - Mosiychuk N.V., music. head - Panyukova I. A., caretaker - Gladkikh L. A.

Presentation of the competition participants:

1. Balakhonova Nadezhda Borisovna, Jr. teacher of the middle group “Fidgets” (building No. 2) - “she knows how to be interesting for the kids all the time, and knows how to accept them as they are.”

2. Orlova Valentina Nikolaevna, Jr. teacher (building No. 3) - “she is the one who knows how to see the uniqueness of each child, to realize that his life and his soul are in your hands.”

3. Zhidetskaya Yulia Nikolaevna, Jr. teacher 1 ml. groups (building No. 1)

“She knows how to be invisible when the kids are busy with their own business, and indispensable when they need help and support.”

4. Dolmatova Olga Vyacheslavovna - Jr. teacher of the preparatory group “Kapitoshka” (building No. 3) - “she is the one who does everything to make the kids in kindergarten feel cozy and comfortable.”

5. Merkulova Marina Gennadievna, Jr. teacher 2 ml. group (building No. 1) - “she is the one who rejoices at how our preschool children are growing.”

1 competition - “Business card”

, where the participants had to tell about themselves “as much as possible, as interestingly as possible, as emotionally as possible.”

Everyone coped with this task brilliantly! The participants represented themselves in poetry, and N.B. Balakhonova even composed a fairy tale about her life.

2nd competition - “Clothing fashion show!”

(participants presented the junior teacher’s overalls with comments on their use in work).

“Universal” robe (Zhidetskaya Yu. N.)

Spring-summer version of workwear (Dolmatova O. V.)

Balakhonova N.B. presented the version “Thumbelina” (with the same name of the preschool educational institution).

Winter version of workwear (Orlova V.N.).

Their teachers, junior staff, kitchen workers, etc. came to cheer for the participants. Entire support groups were organized, with posters, horns, etc.

While the participants were preparing for the 3rd competition, Tatyana Anatolyevna played the game “Shifters” with the audience.

Based on Russian folk tales: “Palace” - “Teremok”, “Square” - “Kolobok”, “Cockerel - Ryabushok” - “Hen - Ryaba”, “Hen - Silver Paw” - “Cockerel - Golden Comb”, “Paper Cow” " - "Straw Bull", "Dog Without a Hat" - "Puss in Boots";

Based on films and proverbs: “Vasily Ivanovich remains at work” - “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”, “Sad girls” - “Happy guys”, “Don’t be afraid of the bicycle” - “Beware of the car”, “With laziness you can’t put a bird in the sea - “You can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.”

3rd competition “Table Setting”

. (this is a creative competition, you need to set the table in accordance with your personal ideas about setting the children's table). And here the participants showed their creativity and imagination.

Serving for dinner (Zhidetskaya Yu. N.)

“Winter” table setting (Orlova V.N.)

Table setting in the “Thumbelina” style (N. B. Balakhonova).

4th competition “Attention - SES”

. Participants were asked to answer questions whose answers required knowledge of SanPin. (The competition was held by senior nurse Zakharova Yulia Fedorovna.

4th competition “Children don’t let you get bored!”

. The competition participants offered various games that can engage children.

While the jury was choosing the winner, Suleiman appeared in the hall, who found himself in such a wonderful “harem” that he even found it difficult to choose a companion!

Summing up the results of the competition.

The jury unanimously chose N.B. Balakhonova as the winner of the competition.

The remaining participants were divided into categories:

“The most talented” - Orlova V.N.

“The most charming” - Merkulova M. G.

“The most charming” - Dolmatova O. V.

“The most resourceful” - Zhidetskaya Yu. N.

The winner and participants of the competition were presented with memorable gifts. The event ended with a festive tea party!

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